猛暑避け ハマヒルガオが 花咲かせ Avoiding the scorching heat / The hamahirugao / Blooms its flowers

As if to escape the rainy season and summer, hamahirugao are blooming on the sandy beaches. In Japan, this perennial plant grows on sandy beaches across the country, except for the Ogasawara Islands, and is distributed across Asia, Europe, the Pacific islands, Australia, and the American Pacific coast. Occasionally, they can also be seen on the shores of lakes and rivers. Near “Niono-hama” in Lake Biwa, Otsu City, there are pink flowers spreading across the area, offering a refreshing view.
The stems of the hamahirugao lie on the sand and can climb up if they touch other objects. The leaves, which have long stalks, grow alternately and are thick, glossy, and round or broadly circular. Around May, before the rainy season, it blooms with pale pink flowers that have long stalks. The flowers are funnel-shaped with a diameter of 4-5 cm, and the strong underground stems extend long under the sand, often seen on sandy beaches near breakwaters in coastal parks.
Hamahirugao belong to the same family as morning glories. As their name suggests, they bloom during the day and wilt by evening. Additionally, the underground stems connect the flowers, which is a characteristic feature and the origin of the flower language “bond.”

梅雨と夏を避けるかの様にハマヒルガオが砂浜に花を咲かせています。日本では、小笠原を除く日本全土の海岸の砂地に生える多年草で、アジア、ヨーロッパ、太平洋諸島オーストラリア、アメリカ太平洋岸にまで分布しています。時には湖や川の岸でもみられます。大津市浜大津の琵琶湖「におの浜」にある「第1なぎさ公園」付近にはピンクの花が一面に広がり、爽やかな景色が楽しめます。ハマヒルガオノ茎は砂の上に横たわり、他のものに触れれば巻きついて上ることもあります。長い柄がある葉は互い違いにつき、円形または幅の広い円形で厚く光沢があります。梅雨前の5月ごろ、長い柄がある淡紅色の花を咲かせます。花は直径4~5㎝のろうと型で、強い地下茎を砂の中に長く伸ばし、海浜公園の突堤付近の砂浜などでもよく見かけます。ハマヒルガオは、アサガオと同じ仲間ですが、名前のとおり日中に花を咲かせ、夕方にはしぼんでしまいます。 また、地下に茎を伸ばし、花同士がつながっているのが特徴で、「絆」という花言葉の由来にもなっています。