風吹けば 命広がる タンポポよ When the wind blows / Life spreads out wide / Oh, dandelion

The sound of the word “tanpopo” (dandelion) is pleasant, isn’t it? There are various theories about the origin of the name “tanpopo,” but until the Edo period, it was called “tsuzumi-gusa” (drum grass). From there, it is believed that the name “tanpopo” derived from the “pon-pon” sound of drumming. There are two types of dandelions: the native Japanese dandelion, which has existed in Japan since ancient times, and the Western dandelion, which was introduced from abroad after the Meiji period. There are several varieties of Western dandelions, and similarly, there are Japanese dandelions named after various regions, such as Ezo dandelion, Kanto dandelion, Tokai dandelion, and Kansai dandelion, each with slightly different characteristics. The Western dandelion is said to have been brought in by a teacher from Sapporo Agricultural School during the Hokkaido development period as a salad ingredient, and it subsequently became wild. Initially, it was only found in Hokkaido, but Dr. Tomitaro Makino, who saw this dandelion, named it the Western dandelion, predicting that it would eventually spread throughout Japan. Today, a hundred years later, as predicted, Western dandelions have spread across Japan and seem to have overtaken the native Japanese dandelions. However, the Japanese dandelions have tenaciously survived, and now there is a situation where both Japanese and Western dandelions coexist.
By the way, did you know about dandelion coffee? When the roots of dandelions are ground into powder and roasted, it becomes a drink very similar to coffee. It is caffeine-free and rich in dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins essential for life activities, making it recommended for those who want to avoid caffeine.
