緑濃い 葉にクチナシは 咲いたけど Among dense green leaves / The gardenias have bloomed / but …

The site repairs are finally complete. From now on, I will occasionally send out a “Whimsical Haiku” whenever I feel like it. I apologize that most of the haikus are poorly written, but I hope you will continue to enjoy them.

The pure white flowers of the gardenia, which herald the arrival of the rainy season, have long since bloomed, but the rainy season has yet to be announced in the Kansai region. According to the forecast, it should start on June 6, but today the sun is shining brightly, making it feel like midsummer. Gardenias are plants with a long history, and from fibers excavated from the Shimonoike burial mound in Nara Prefecture, gardenia pigments have been detected. Since then, gardenia has been used as a dye pigment in Japan. Even today, it is used as a coloring material for New Year’s dishes like chestnut kinton, and instant ramen. The traditional Japanese gardenia has six petals in a single layer, but recently, many double-petaled varieties have been circulating. The single-petaled gardenia has a strong fragrance and bears orange-red fruit in the autumn. This fruit is used as a yellow dye and in Chinese medicine as “sanshishi.” On the other hand, the double-petaled gardenia, called “Ooyae kuchinashi,” is primarily ornamental and, although the flowers are magnificent, it does not bear fruit. Additionally, gardenia is called one of the “three fragrant flowers,” along with spring’s daphne and autumn’s fragrant olive. Its fragrance is celebrated in Tetsuya Watari’s hit song “Kuchinashi no Hana.”

