蛍火に うつせみ見るや 儚夢 In the fireflies’ glow / When we look at this world  /  It seems like a fleeting dream

Every time I see the fireflies flitting through the pitch-black darkness, I’m reminded of will-o’-the-wisp I once saw. Back then, we didn’t have air conditioning like we do now, so after dinner, we’d go outside to enjoy the cool of the evening. Neighbors would gather on a small wooden bench, about the size of a tatami mat, fanning themselves with hand-held fans, chatting, playing shogi, or setting off fireworks. One summer night like that, as some of us sat chatting as usual, one person pointed beyond the wooden fence and exclaimed, ‘Look, there’s a will-o’-the-wisp!’ We all looked in surprise at the direction indicated, just in time to see a ball of light like a firefly vanish into thin air. Since it was in town, we knew there shouldn’t be fireflies around, and I remember everyone froze for a moment, huddling together. I heard the next day or so that the master of the house beyond the fence had passed away, and from then on, we moved the bench a little away from that house. Whether it truly was will-o’-the-wisp or perhaps someone’s pet firefly had escaped, I couldn’t say for sure upon reflection. Stories of will-o’-the-wisp have been told in Japan since the Manyoshu era and are spoken of throughout the world, so perhaps there’s some phenomenon like that. Phosphine, which can attach to human or animal bones, is a colorless, foul-smelling, flammable gas at room temperature, and it can spontaneously ignite in the presence of oxygen in the air at room temperature, so perhaps it’s some such substance that was wafting through the air.
