水中花 醒ケ井の宿 中山道 A water flower blooms / A traveler’s rest at Samegai / On the ancient Nakasendo

Samegai-juku, the 61st post town on the Nakasendo, is an old and new popular spot, known for its picturesque streetscape, the murmuring of the Jizo River, and the delicate flowers of the plum blossoms in the water. The Nakasendo is one of the five main routes established during the Edo period, connecting Nihonbashi in Edo (Tokyo) and Sanjo Ohashi in Kyoto through an inland route. Compared to the Tokaido, which runs along the Pacific coast, the Nakasendo is about 40 kilometers longer and passes through relatively steep mountainous terrain. However, the accommodations were cheaper, and the regulations by the Edo shogunate were more relaxed, resulting in traffic comparable to that on the Tokaido.
Samegai, where Samegai-juku was located, has long been a key transportation hub, and it is also mentioned in the Kojiki that this place, called “Isamei no Shimizu” (the healing spring), is where Yamato Takeru (Prince Ousu) healed his wounds after being defeated by the god of Mount Ibuki. The temperature of the clear stream water remains around 14 degrees Celsius throughout the year. The Baikamo flower blossoms, which grow along the bottom of the stream and crawl along with the flow, can reach lengths of about 50 centimeters and bloom white flowers resembling plum blossoms, about 1 to 1.5 centimeters in size, from early summer to late summer. The sight of these underwater flowers, the Baikamo flower, in Samegai-juku, near the end of a roughly two-week journey, must have left a particularly strong impression on travelers.

中山道61番目の宿場町である醒井宿(さめがいのしゅく)の風情ある街並みと地蔵川のせせらぎ、そして可憐な梅花藻もある醒井は古くて新しい人気のスポットです。中山道は江戸時代に整備された五街道の1つで、江戸の日本橋と京都の三条大橋を結ぶ内陸経由で結ぶ街道です。太平洋沿岸経由の東海道に比べて、距離は40 kmほど長く、比較的険しい山道が多かったわけですが、宿賃も安く、江戸幕府の取り締まりも緩やかだったので、東海道に負けないくらい往来は激しかった様です。

蓬莱の 湖面遥けく 夏の夢 Mount Penglai / The distant surface of the lake / A summer dream


The summer scenery viewed from Mount Horai, which stands majestically on the western shore of Lake Biwa, is both grand and evokes various thoughts as a primeval landscape. The origin of the name “Lake Biwa” is said to be first recorded in a book left by Kousou, a scholar monk from Mount Hiei, in the early 16th century. It is believed that he observed the lake spreading out below daily and imagined its shape resembling the musical instrument “biwa” (a type of lute). Given that it was a time when aerial views were not possible, this shows an astonishing level of insight.
Lake Biwa, which occupies one-sixth of the area of Shiga Prefecture, is of course a freshwater lake, but ancient people probably thought it was a sea and called it “淡海” (Awumi, meaning freshwater sea), which later became the origin of the name “Omi”. Emperor Tenji opened the capital of Otsu because of the presence of this lake. After the Yamato court suffered a major defeat at the Battle of Baekgang while supporting its ally Baekje, it relocated the capital from Asuka to Otsu to prepare for potential invasions from Tang and Silla. Otsu seemed attractive because it was protected by Mount Hiei to the west and had an easy escape route via Lake Biwa to the east. However, the capital only existed in Otsu for five years and five months.
The relocation of the capital originally displeased the aristocracy, and after Emperor Tenji’s death in 671, a succession struggle known as the Jinshin War broke out in 672 between Emperor Tenji’s son, Prince Otomo, and his brother, Prince Oama. Prince Oama emerged victorious, ascended the throne as Emperor Tenmu, and moved the capital back to Asuka, constructing the Asuka Kiyomihara Palace. Later, Oda Nobunaga built Azuchi Castle on the shore of Lake Biwa, boasting the tallest wooden structure in Japan at the time, commanding control over the land. However, following the Incident at Honnoji, it too was destroyed just six years later.


一輪なら ホテイアオイも 愛らしい Water hyacinth is adorable / When you see just one flower / And fragile and fair.

Because it blooms with flowers resembling hyacinths, in its native regions of North and South America, it is also called the “Water Hyacinth.” It is generally believed that it was introduced to Japan as an ornamental plant during the Meiji era. However, there is an 1855 work by the Edo-period artist Utagawa Kunisada depicting water hyacinths along with goldfish and beautiful women, suggesting it may have arrived in Japan earlier. In Japan, the plant was named “Hotei Aoi” because its round, swollen petioles were likened to the belly of Hotei (a god of fortune), and its leaves resembled those of the mallow (aoi) plant.
The water hyacinth was discovered in Brazil in the 17th century. Because of its beautiful flowers, it was introduced to various parts of the world as an ornamental plant from the 19th century to the early 20th century. In the latter half of the 20th century, when rivers worldwide became polluted with industrial and domestic wastewater, the water hyacinth’s ability to absorb nitrogen and phosphorus was noted, leading to attempts to use it for water purification. However, the water hyacinth proliferated explosively, covering rivers and ponds, and in South America and Africa, it interfered with ship navigation and hydropower generation by dams, becoming known as one of the world’s ten worst invasive weeds, feared as the “blue devil.”
In Japan, too, there have been instances of explosive proliferation in rivers and ponds over the past four or five years, which has drawn significant attention. On the other hand, leveraging the water hyacinth’s rapid growth, various overseas regions have started to commercialize it by weaving its stems into recycled paper, furniture, lampshades, baskets, bags, ropes, and even using it as livestock feed. Furthermore, research is being conducted into its use as a source of biofuels like methane gas, raising expectations for its future applications.


真夏日も 朝顔と簾 過ごした日 Summer’s sweltering heat / Eased by morning glories’ grace /  A day spent beneath the bamboo screen.

Today is another midsummer day with temperatures reaching 34 degrees Celsius. This weather has been continuing for several days now, so it’s safe to say the rainy season has ended. However, according to the latest forecast from the Japan Meteorological Association, the end of the rainy season in the Kansai region is expected to be around Monday, July 22nd, which is later than usual. It seems that on Sunday, the 21st, the rainy season front will stagnate near the coast of the Sea of Japan. Although widespread rain is not expected, there will be many clouds, and there might be sudden showers or thunderstorms here and there. From Monday, the 22nd, the front will move north to the northern part of the Sea of Japan, and the Pacific high-pressure system will cover the Kansai region, bringing summer skies. But, for all intents and purposes, the rainy season is already over. School summer vacation starts tomorrow. NHK’s radio calisthenics will also start its summer tour from tomorrow. Even at this age, I still remember the school summer vacations and the morning radio calisthenics. Back then, there were no air conditioners like today, and we had to make do with electric fans or hand fans to cope with the heat. The wind coming through the bamboo screens felt cool, and the sound of wind chimes made it feel even cooler. I guess the temperature wasn’t as high back then as it is now. Heatstroke was unheard of. After the morning radio calisthenics, we would clean the neighborhood streets. I remember a house where morning glories bloomed all over the eaves’ bamboo screens. I clearly remember that scene, and I also remember drawing it in my summer diary when I got home.

今日も気温34度の真夏日です。数日前からこういう天気が続いていて、もう梅雨明けだといってもいいのですが、日本気象協会が発表した最新の梅雨明け予想によると、関西は7月22日(月)ごろで、平年より遅くなる見通しだというのです。なんでも、21日(日)にかけて、梅雨前線が日本海の沿岸付近に停滞し、広い範囲での雨は予想されていませんが、雲が多く、あちらこちらでにわか雨や雷雨がありそうで、 22日(月)からは、梅雨前線が日本海北部まで北上し、関西は太平洋高気圧に覆われて夏空が広がるからだとか。そうはいってももう実質 梅雨明けですよ。学校は明日から夏休み。NHKのラジオ体操も明日から巡回ラジオ体操だそうです。この年になっても、学校の夏休みのこと、毎朝のラジオ体操のことは忘れませんね。それに、今のように空調設備もなかったし、せいぜい扇風機か団扇で暑さを凌ぐしかなかった。簾を通して入ってくる風も涼しく感じたし、風鈴でも鳴ればなお涼しい。やはり、昔は今ほど気温も高くなかったんでしょうかね。熱中症なんて聞いたこともなかった。朝のラジオ体操が終わって、近所中の道を掃除したんですが、家の軒先の簾に朝顔が一面に咲いているお家があって、その光景をしっかり覚えて、家に帰って絵日記にその絵を描いたのも覚えています。

海の日の 思いも深く 今日の海 On Ocean Day / Deep thoughts as well / Today’s sea

Today is “Marine Day.” However, to be honest, I didn’t know much about this day. So I looked it up. Marine Day was established as a national holiday on July 20th in 1996, and later, in 2003, it was changed to the third Monday of July due to a law revision. The purpose of the holiday is “to appreciate the blessings of the sea and to hope for the prosperity of maritime Japan.”
Japan, being a country prone to earthquakes, has been hit by major earthquakes many times recently, and each time, it has been severely affected by tsunamis. Despite this, we still appreciate the blessings of the sea, which shows just how great the benefits we receive from the sea are. Each time we are struck by a major disaster, we realize our own carelessness and the importance of people helping each other. Including the sea, nature itself is our great teacher.
As a maritime nation, Japan’s land area is about 380,000 square kilometers, which ranks 61st in the world. However, when adding the exclusive economic zone and territorial waters, the area is 4.47 million square kilometers, suddenly making it the 6th largest in the world. But don’t be surprised by this. When comparing the volume of seawater, Japan ranks 4th in the world. The sea contains various resources such as seabed resources, marine resources, and fishery resources. For example, it is estimated that the East China Sea contains 100 billion barrels of oil reserves, comparable to Iraq’s oil fields. There are also large quantities of methane hydrate, known as “burnable ice,” expected to be the next-generation energy source, lying beneath the waters near Japan. Additionally, it is known that there are inexhaustible minerals containing rare metals on the seabed.
This underscores the importance of re-recognizing “Marine Day.”


初蝉や 今年の酷暑を 予感して  The first cicada of the year / foreshadowing this year’s scorching heat / I’m already fed up with it

On a rainy evening, on my way back from the gym, I heard the cicadas chirping for the first time this year. The rainy season in Kansai is expected to end around the 20th, so it’s about a week earlier than usual for the first cicada cries. A cicada’s life is about seven years underground, with only about seven days spent above ground. The males chirp continuously for seven days in search of a female. It is said that less than 30% of male cicadas find a mate during this period. In summer, we often see dead male cicadas lying on their backs in the middle of the road, but more than 70% of them die without ever finding a mate.
From the sound, I could tell that the first cicada I heard was a Minmin-zemi. Since 2021, NHK has been conducting a “Cicada Survey.” According to the submissions from all over the country, the Aburazemi dominates in urban areas, but Minmin-zemi and Higurashi, which have mostly been seen in mountainous areas in Kansai, have been confirmed in urban parks in Osaka. Additionally, Kumazemi, which was previously considered to have its northern limit in western Kanagawa Prefecture, has been confirmed over a wide area of the Kanto region, revealing changes in their habitat range.
By the way, have you heard of the “Prime Number Cicadas”? In Illinois, USA, there are cicadas that appear in large numbers every 13 years and others that appear every 17 years. Since 13 and 17 are prime numbers, they are called prime number cicadas. This year, 2024, is a year when these cycles overlap, prompting warnings. The residents of Illinois will witness an astonishing number of cicadas swarming the trees, mating, and dying. However, for the people of Illinois, this is a fleeting spectacle. After filling the air with their deafening noise, the cicadas will disappear. For many other living creatures, plants, and microorganisms in the central US, these cicadas are a rare feast and, even in death, contribute to the forest’s renewal.
This phenomenon occurs every 221 years, making 2024 a fortunate year for the people of Illinois. Incidentally, the mystery of these 13-year and 17-year cicadas was solved by Japanese researchers.


ヒマワリが 見上げる富士も 山開き Sunflowers gaze up at Mt. Fuji / Which is now open for the mountain season / Climbers aim to reach its summit

Today marks the official start of the climbing season for Mount Fuji. However, this specifically refers to the Fujinomiya Route in Shizuoka Prefecture; the Yoshida Route on the Yamanashi Prefecture side has already opened for the season on July 1st. The popularity of Mount Fuji continues to increase year by year. During the climbing season, the line of people stretches unbroken from the base to the summit, resembling a line of ants. This year, there is still a lot of remaining snow, and an accident has already occurred at the summit. It’s a season opening filled with concerns. Starting this year, climbers on the Yoshida Route will need to pay a 2,000 yen entrance fee and an optional 1,000 yen cooperation fee. Additionally, various regulations are being implemented, such as limiting the number of climbers to 4,000 per day, restricting entry times, and requiring reservations for mountain huts. However, reservations for entry and mountain huts are already fully booked. The number of foreign climbers is also rapidly increasing, and there are concerns about poor climbing etiquette. Compared to other famous mountains worldwide, where climbing regulations have long been in place, Japan’s regulations have only just started this year and are still quite lenient. For reference, the entrance fee for Mount Everest is 1.1 million yen, for Aconcagua on the border of Argentina and Chile (6,962 meters) it is 85,000 yen, and for Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa (5,895 meters) it is 89,000 yen. Moreover, these mountains require climbers to hire guides, which further increases the cost far beyond that of Japan. That being said, I am not saying that Japan should follow suit, but I believe it is only natural that climbers should bear a corresponding burden in order to protect the natural environment, as well as the beauty of Mount Fuji.

今日は富士山の山開きです。と言っても、これは静岡県の富士宮ルートのことで、山梨県側の吉田ルートはすでに7月1日に山開きを終えています。富士山人気は年々増すばかり。シーズンともなれば、山裾から頂上まで人の列は途切れることはなく、まさしくアリの行列状態です。今年は残雪も多く、もうすでに頂上では遭難事故があったばかり。心配事山積の山開きです。今年から、吉田ルートでは、入山料2,000円と任意の協力金1,000円が要ります。その他、1日の登山者を4,000人に制限することや、入山時間の制限とか山小屋の予約が必要とかいろいろな規制が課せられるようです。しかし入山予約や山小屋の予約はもうすでに満杯状態だとか。海外からの登山者も急激に増え、登山マナーの悪さも指摘されています。海外でも、有名な山々では早くから入山規制は行われているようで、それらに比べても日本の規制はやっと今年からで、まだまだ甘い様です。因みに、世界の代表的な山々の入山料を調べてみますと、エベレスト山が110万円、アルゼンチンとチリの国境にあるアコンカグア(6,962m)8万5千円、アフリカのキリマンジァロ( 5,895m)8万9千円と言った具合です。しかもこうした山々の登山には必ず登山ガイドを付けなければならないとか、その費用は日本をはるかに凌駕しています。かといって、日本も右へ倣えと言っているのではなく、富士山の自然と環境、そして美観を守るためのに、それ相応の負担を登山者が負うのは当然だと思うのです。

カエルめが ハスの甘露を 飲み干すや Even a frog in this heat / Drains the sweet dew of the lotus / I envy it

Scorching Heat Islands on Tanabata : First 40°C of the Year in Shizuoka “40°C in Early July is Too Much…” “Still Before the End of the Rainy Season” “Even Hikoboshi and Orihime Would Get Heatstroke” Voices of Exhaustion

Today’s Yahoo! News headline.

In Shizuoka City, the highest temperature reached exactly 40°C at 1:18 PM, which is the highest recorded since the Meteorological Agency began keeping statistics in 1940. This is the first time this year that a temperature above 40°C has been observed in Japan since it was recorded in Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture on August 10 last year. The previous highest temperatures were 41.1°C recorded on August 17, 2020, in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, and on July 23, 2018, in Kumagaya City, Saitama Prefecture. Lately, there’s been much discussion about when and where temperatures will exceed 42°C. Predictions for the past two years were that temperatures would surpass 42°C, but even the highest of 41.1°C was not exceeded. However, this year seems likely to see temperatures exceeding 42°C.
Nevertheless, temperatures far exceeding this heat were actually recorded 97 years ago, on September 2, 1923, in Tokyo. The previous day, just before noon on September 1, a strong earthquake shook the entire Kanto region. This was the Great Kanto Earthquake. At that time, the predecessor of the Meteorological Agency, the Central Meteorological Observatory, was located in Motoemi-cho, Kojimachi Ward (near the current Takebashi area). The official thermometer at the Central Meteorological Observatory recorded a temperature of 46.3°C in the early morning of September 2. However, these figures were due to the fires caused by the earthquake, so they were removed from the official records and the fact itself has faded from memory in modern times.
In the lotus pond of a nearby park, the lotus flowers are in full bloom. I found a frog trying to drink the large cup of nectar accumulated on the lotus leaves. I feel like jumping into the pond and drinking the nectar with the frog.




七夕は 大阪星田の 妙見さん At Hoshida Myoken Shrine / Tanabata stars twinkle / A Milky Way of wishes

Tomorrow, July 7th, is Tanabata. Tanabata is an annual event held at the turning points of the seasons (sekku). It is counted as one of the important “Five Seasonal Festivals” along with the Peach Festival (Hinamatsuri) on March 3rd and the Boy’s Festival (Children’s Day) on May 5th. In the current solar calendar used in Japan, July 7th falls during the rainy season, and it is often cloudy or rainy, making it difficult to see the Milky Way. However, in the lunar calendar, July 7th falls in early August, when the rainy season has ended nationwide, and there is little influence from moonlight, so if it is clear, you can see the beautiful night sky with the Milky Way flowing through it.
The Tanabata currently enjoyed in Japan is said to be a combination of ancient Japanese customs and legends derived from China. The Tanabata Festival has become increasingly popular over the years, and unique Tanabata festivals are held throughout Japan.
In Osaka, the Tanabata Festival at Hoshida Myoken Shrine in Katano City is famous and is known as a power spot where a meteorite fell. It is recorded in ancient documents that a meteorite actually fell in this area in 816 AD, and the impact caused the hillside, including the basin of the waterfall called “Toryu no Taki,” to blow off and remain in the shape of a horseshoe. It is speculated that the presence of many blacksmiths and sword makers in this area is also a remnant of this event. Moreover, the area became one of the few places in Japan with Iwakura (rock seat) faith, due to the many giant rocks scattered by the meteorite fall. Within the shrine grounds, there are places like Orihimeishi and the basin of Toryu no Taki, where the connection with stars can be seen everywhere, and the design of the shrine’s stamp book also expresses legends related to stars, and the Tanabata Festival is also held there.


花手水 梅雨にも心 踊ります Flower-filled washbowl / Even in the rainy season / My heart dances

Chozu (also called temizu) refers to the water used to purify one’s hands and mouth at a chozuya (also called temizuya) before worshiping at shrines and temples. In households, the act of washing one’s face in the morning or washing hands after using the toilet is also referred to as using ‘chozu.’
Hana chozu is the practice of floating flowers in the chozu water at shrines and temples, and it has become a nationwide trend. Its history is relatively recent, beginning in 2017 when Yōkoku-ji Temple in Kyoto, which enshrines Yanagidani Kannon, floated hydrangeas in their chozuya. The temple’s chief priest wanted to encourage more people to visit the temple, feel pride as Japanese, and bridge their hearts to the temple’s principal deity.
The nationwide spread of this practice was sparked by the outbreak of the new coronavirus in 2020. To prevent infections, the use of chozuya was restricted, leading to the idea of floating colorful flowers in the unused chozuya to purify hearts and provide solace to worshipers. This beautiful hana chozu, shared on Instagram and other social media platforms, garnered attention and rapidly spread to shrines and temples across the country, leading to its establishment as a common practice.
Currently, hana chozu is recognized as an ‘Instagram spot,’ and many people visit shrines and temples with the purpose of seeing hana chozu.
