一輪なら ホテイアオイも 愛らしい Water hyacinth is adorable / When you see just one flower / And fragile and fair.

Because it blooms with flowers resembling hyacinths, in its native regions of North and South America, it is also called the “Water Hyacinth.” It is generally believed that it was introduced to Japan as an ornamental plant during the Meiji era. However, there is an 1855 work by the Edo-period artist Utagawa Kunisada depicting water hyacinths along with goldfish and beautiful women, suggesting it may have arrived in Japan earlier. In Japan, the plant was named “Hotei Aoi” because its round, swollen petioles were likened to the belly of Hotei (a god of fortune), and its leaves resembled those of the mallow (aoi) plant.
The water hyacinth was discovered in Brazil in the 17th century. Because of its beautiful flowers, it was introduced to various parts of the world as an ornamental plant from the 19th century to the early 20th century. In the latter half of the 20th century, when rivers worldwide became polluted with industrial and domestic wastewater, the water hyacinth’s ability to absorb nitrogen and phosphorus was noted, leading to attempts to use it for water purification. However, the water hyacinth proliferated explosively, covering rivers and ponds, and in South America and Africa, it interfered with ship navigation and hydropower generation by dams, becoming known as one of the world’s ten worst invasive weeds, feared as the “blue devil.”
In Japan, too, there have been instances of explosive proliferation in rivers and ponds over the past four or five years, which has drawn significant attention. On the other hand, leveraging the water hyacinth’s rapid growth, various overseas regions have started to commercialize it by weaving its stems into recycled paper, furniture, lampshades, baskets, bags, ropes, and even using it as livestock feed. Furthermore, research is being conducted into its use as a source of biofuels like methane gas, raising expectations for its future applications.
