淀川の 川面になにわの 夢花火 On Yodo’s watery stage / Naniwa’s fireworks bloom and fades / A fleeting summer dream

The “Naniwa Yodogawa Fireworks Festival,” which colors the summer night sky of Osaka, was held on the night of the 3rd, and a large crowd enjoyed the colorful fireworks. The “Naniwa Yodogawa Fireworks Festival” is held on the banks of the Yodo River, which flows through Osaka City, and attracts approximately 500,000 visitors each year. It was first held in 1989 (the first year of the Heisei era). The “Heisei Yodogawa Fireworks Festival Executive Committee,” formed from the operating committee of the “Juso Dontokoi Festival,” which had been held 16 times in the past, was established with the hope of revitalizing the city. Funded by donations from businesses and other sources, the event had been held annually as the “Heisei Yodogawa Fireworks Festival.” From the 18th event in 2006 (Heisei 18), the name was changed to the “Naniwa Yodogawa Fireworks Festival,” as it is known today.
The festival started as a handmade fireworks display organized by citizen volunteers and has now grown to be one of the largest and most popular summer events in Osaka. This year’s 36th event was themed “From the Sky of Naniwa, Deliver to the World!” The fireworks were launched in sync with the music, creating a dancing effect. The dynamic star mines that beautifully spread in a semicircle over the water surface at two locations, and the simultaneous launch of large shells that covered the entire field of vision, were overwhelmingly impressive. It was a truly spectacular sight.
When I was a child, there was a fireworks festival called the “Suitosai” held on the riverbank of the Yodo River. Upon researching, I found that it started in the summer of 1946 (Showa 21) near Toyosato Bridge on the banks of the Yodo River, hosted by the Osaka Nichinichi Newspaper, with hopes for the recovery of Osaka, which had been reduced to burned-out fields due to war damage. Since 2002 (Heisei 14), it has been held in conjunction with the Tenjin Festival Dedication Fireworks. It is operated with sponsorship from private companies and organizations, and during the Tenjin Festival, fireworks are launched at Sakuranomiya Park on the left bank of the Okawa River and the Mint Bureau. I feel that perhaps the “Naniwa Yodogawa Fireworks Festival” was established by people with nostalgia for the old “Suitosai.”
