晩夏とも 初秋とも曰く 言い難し It’s hard to say / whether it’s late summer or early autumn / A strange season

The mornings and evenings have become slightly cooler, but during the day, the temperature still feels like it’s in the height of summer. The once-bustling beach is now deserted, and you can faintly hear the sound of fishing boats far off in the distance. Occasionally, a red dragonfly flies by, subtly reminding you that autumn is approaching. It’s a strange seasonal feeling—too early to call it late summer, but not quite early autumn either. In haiku, it’s customary to include seasonal words to signify the season, but even the seasonal almanacs are of little help. For instance, “late summer” is a seasonal term that, according to the almanac, refers to the period from Shōsho (around July 7) to Risshū (around August 7), but this time frame is still the peak of summer, making it an awkward term to begin with. Especially with this year’s weather, it leaves one wondering, “When exactly is late summer?” Next week, on the 19th, marks the start of the autumn equinox period. Ideally, we’d call it early autumn, but that too feels off given the current weather. Recently, the climate has shifted dramatically. I’m concerned about the environmental changes brought about by these climate fluctuations.
