見渡せば 夏日もよそに 秋景色 When I look around / Even in the heat of summer / Autumn scenery appears

The summer heat continues as usual. Though autumn festivals across the regions have ended and I would normally want to recite something like ‘autumn deepens,’ the heat and summer-like scenes still frequently catch my eye. Nearby, the fallow fields are full of blooming sunflowers, and visiting families are dressed in summer attire, enjoying shaved ice as if it were the height of summer. Yet, around the sunflower fields, some late-blooming cluster amaryllis are blossoming. However, as you go a little further into the hills, the scenery turns fully into autumn. Golden rice fields stretch out as far as the eye can see, with some already harvested. The persimmons are ripening nicely, and red dragonflies flutter through the air. And yet, in the distance, the sound of cicadas still echoes. My head is in a state of chaos. Is it summer or is it autumn? When I look at the calendar, I realize it’s already well past the middle of October.
