腰痛し 銀杏拾いで 日が暮れて

Ichou(Ginkgo) is one of the oldest tree species in the world, appeared on the earth in the middle of the Paleozoic era about 250 million years ago, and miraculously survived the ice age.  That’s why Darwin called it a “living fossil.”  There are giant ginkgo trees that are said to be over 1,000 years old in Japan, and the ginkgo tree in Fukaura Town, Aomori Prefecture, which is the tallest in Japan, is about 31 m high, has a trunk circumference of 22 m, and is over 1000 years old. It is designated as a national natural monument.  The Japanese name “Ginkgo” is also the scientific name of the genus Ginkgo, and the names of each country in the world are almost the same.  The row of ginkgo trees in Midosuji, which runs from north to south of Osaka, is famous, and ginkgo nuts are rolling all over the road.  It’s delicious even if it’s roasted and eaten, and it’s also delicious if it’s steamed in a bowl.  It’s delicious, but there is a risk of ginkgo addiction, so there is a legend in Japan that you shouldn’t eat more than the age.

銀杏は、世界で最古の現生樹種の一つで、約2億5千万年前の古生代中頃に地球上に出現し、氷河期も奇跡的に生き残りました。ダーウインが、「生きた化石」と呼んだのはそのためです。日本には樹齢1,000年以上と称されるイチョウの巨樹が各地にあり、日本一の青森県深浦町にあるイチョウは高さ約31 m、幹回り22 m、樹齢1000年以上で国の天然記念物に指定されています。日本名の「銀杏」はイチョウ属の学名 Ginkgo にもなっていますし、世界各国の呼び名も概ね同じです。大阪の北から南に貫く御堂筋の銀杏並木は有名で、今道の至る所で銀杏の実が転がっています。炒って食べても美味しいし、茶碗蒸しにしても美味しいです。美味しいですが、銀杏中毒になる危険性があるため、日本では「歳の数以上は食べてはいけない」という言い伝えがあるほどです。

乗鞍の 残雪眩し ダケカンバ

In the Northern Alps, including Mt. Norikura, the Dakekanba leaves are now bright red, and the Haimatsu(green pinus pumila) and the white of the remaining snow are even more prominent.  Mt. Norikura now has a magnificent highway extending to the top of the mountain.  There are two lines, “Norikura Skyline” from the Gifu prefecture side (Niu River / Hirayu Onsen area) and “Norikura Echo Line” from the Nagano prefecture side (Norikura Kogen).  The leaves turn red from the foot of the mountain, but as the altitude increases, the forest belt changes and the colors also differ.  Near the top of the mountain, the field of view expands all at once, giving you a panoramic view.  When I first headed for Mt. Norikura by bus, the mountain road was unpaved, and I was afraid that the road shoulders would collapse and I would fall.


もみじ葉が 舞うなか凛と 百合の花

In the evening, as I walked along the nearby village road, a single lily is blooming imposingly toward the setting sun.  The colored trees glow more red in the setting sun, and a slightly stronger wind adds fuel to the trees to fall the leaves, and the fallen leaves are blown up at the feet of the lily.  The tense air does not allow loneliness.  In the blue sky where cotton clouds float, two crows rushing to the roost are flying like being swept away by the wind.  From the other side, two children riding bicycles approached, shouting something in a cheerful voice.  I felt like I woke up.


ペンタスを 見れば広がる 沈思考

Pentas, which blooms bright red pentagram-shaped flowers on green leaves, is called Kusasantanka (草山丹花) in Japanese.  Pentas is taken from the scientific name “Pentas Lanceolat”, and means  “5” in Greek.  “Lanceolata” means “like a spear” and expresses the shape of a leaf.  It’s a plant that attracts attention to both flowers and leaves.  By the way, the English name is derived from the characteristic star-shaped petals and is called “Egyptian star cluster”.  The pentagram is a figure that attracts attention both graphically and magically, and has been used regardless of the east or west of the world.  Pentas is a flower suitable for autumn in every sense.

緑色の葉に真っ赤な五芒星型の花を咲かせるペンタス、和名はクササンタンカ(草山丹花)と言います。ペンタスは学名の「Pentas Lanceolat」の「Pentas」(ギリシア語で「5」の意味)から取ったものです。「Lanceolata」は「槍のような」の意味で葉っぱの形を表現したものです。花にも葉にも注目が行く植物なんですね。ちなみに英名は、特徴的な星形の花びらから派生して「Egyptian star cluster(エジプトの星団)」と呼ばれます。五芒星は図形的にも呪術的にも注目される図形で、世の東西を問わず利用されてきました。ペンタスはあらゆる意味で秋に相応しい花です。

金木犀 日干し布団に 香が移り

Recently, the temperature has risen a little and the sunny weather continues.  However, the wind is cool and I feel that autumn is gradually deepening.  I pulled out the futon from the closet and dried it in the sun.  It smells nice when I put it back in the evening. It is the scent of Kinmokusei(Osmanthus fragrans) blooming side by side nearby. At the beginning of September, Kinmokusei, which began to bloom when the temperature suddenly began to drop, had stopped blooming due to the subsequent rise in temperature, but it seems that it has gained momentum again.  It’s finally autumn.


戸隠の 秋沈み行く 鏡池

Autumn arrives early in Togakushi, which is located in the northern part of Nagano prefecture.  The colorful autumn leaves surrounding the pond and Mt. Togakushi (1904m above sea level) and Mt. Takatsuma (2353m above sea level) are reflected in the Kagamiike pond on the plateau, making it look like a fresco.  Due to the recent high temperature, the autumn leaves are not still in full swing, or due to the corona influence, there are still few people.  It’s natural that the deepening autumn is lonely, but this loneliness is exceptional. I feel like I’m about to blend into the frescoes, and I even feel the fear of such myself.


ほくほくの 秋を頬張る 顔嬉し

I had gotten freshly picked sweet potatoes and chestnuts.  It’s a matter of wondering whether to make baked sweet potatoes, steamed sweet potatoes, roasted chestnuts, or steamed chestnuts.  Baked sweet potatoes are made by putting them in a kamado while cooking rice, or by putting them in a Dondo-Yaki outside to make baked sweet potatoes.  Steamed sweet potatoes are also delicious, but baked sweet potatoes have a unique burnt taste and are also delicious.  Recently, there is no Kamado, and Dondo-Yaki.  I struggled to reproduce the old-fashioned baked sweet potatoes using a microwave oven and an oven toaster. Yeah, it was a happy day for me.


絵画展 見終えて夕日 静かなり

On a sunny Saturday, I visited the “Izumi City Kuboso Memorial Museum” in Izumi City, Osaka.  The oriental antique arts collected by the successive owners of Kuboso, who were very successful in the cotton industry, which  was the core industry of modern Japan, is exhibited, and it is one of the largest and highest quality personal collections in Japan. It is a museum with many masterpieces such as picture scrolls and ceramics.  This time, in an exhibition called “Tosa School and Sumiyoshi School—Development of Yamato-e and Individuality of School—“,  the genealogy of Yamato-e from the early Edo period to the end of the Edo period was introduced mainly by Tosa school and Sumiyoshi school.  I was a little tired because there were too many exhibits, but when I finished looking at the Japanese garden and the setting sun in front of the waiting room, I was filled with indescribable satisfaction.


夜昼と 金波銀波の 枯れススキ

The pampas grass that sways in the autumn sun is a silver wave.  The pampas grass swaying in the setting sun at dusk is a golden wave.  No flower is as indispensable for autumn as Japanese pampas grass.  But is this feeling transcending generations?  An English translation of “Sendou Kouta” was taken up in an English seminar at the university. And then the interpretations about between “I” and “you” appearing in this song were divided, whether they were man and woman, or no, both were men who were boatmen.  The teacher flatly thought  that it was a lamentation between a man and a woman, so he was made aware of the gap between generations.  In the same way, there is an enka called “Showa withered pampas grass” that sang withered pampas grass, but will those shabbily “Sakura” and “Ichiro” be transmitted to the younger generation today?


霧雨に 肩を寄せ合う 落ち葉道

The falling leaves drift by the window The autumn leaves of red and gold

I see your lips, the summer kisses The sun-burned hands I used to hold

Since you went away the days grow long And soon I’ll hear old winter’s song

But I miss you most of all my darling When autumn leaves start to fall

The original poem of Chanson’s “Autumn Leaves” was translated into English by Johnny Mercer and arranged by Joseph Kosma.  “Autumn Leaves” was sung by Yves Montand as a song in the French movie “Gates of the Night” produced in 1946, and became famous by chanson singer Juliette Greco.  Translated into various languages, it quickly spread all over the world.  In the United States, it was arranged into various genres of music and spread among the masses.  This song will always be played in the fall.  It’s a sad lyrics, but it’s a masterpiece that matches the deepening autumn.

あれは遠い想い出 やがて消える灯影も 窓辺赤く輝き 光りみちたあの頃

時は去りて静かに 降りつむ落葉よ 夢に夢を重ねて ひとり生きる悲しさ

木枯吹きすさび 時は還らず
