梅雨の中 苔生す岩根は 花爛漫

If you follow the approach leading to the inner temple of Shoten-san in Ikoma, you will see small clusters of flowers here and there on the mossy stone wall.  To suit Shoten-san, they are the flowers of the world like Sekichiku, Celosia, Florist Kalanchoe, Viola, Begonia.  People in the Kansai region familiarly call it “Ikoma no Seiten-san,” but the official name is “Hozan-ji,” a temple of the Shingon Risshu sect.  When you get off the cable car that was first laid in Japan, the first thing that surprises you is the big torii(a gateway commonly built at the entrance to a Shinto shrine). In addition, there are a statue of a cow of Tenjin god and a guardian dog unique to a temple of Shinto and Buddhism, which makes you feel strange.  The seven deities of good fortune, the Kojin god, the god of the kitchen, and the famous god of the toilet, Ussama Myo, are enshrined, so it is a temple that seems to symbolize Japanese religion.  Shoten god is also called Kangiten god, and is a god who brings fortunes. Especially in the merchant town, Osaka , and in Nara and in Kyoto, it has been popular for a long time, and as a god of prosperous business, 3 million worshipers visit every year.


白檀の 咲く石垣に 主人なし

Byakudan cacti are blooming cute flowers on the stone wall of an abandoned house where no one lives now.  The life of each flower is as short as 2 days, but since it blooms one after another, it will continue to bloom for a while as a whole.  There is a semi-parasitic plant known as the fragrant tree of the same name, “Byakudan(sandalwood)”, but Byakudan cactus has almost no scent.  It is popular for its soft white spines and its unique shape that stretches, and it resembles a peanut shell, as it is called Peanuts cactus in English.  It is native to northwestern Argentina and grows naturally in the arid regions of the Andes.  If you take too much care, it gets cross at your care and may not make the flowers bloom, but there is also  a strange that can make the flowers bloom vigorously in the gap between the block wall and the asphalt from the fragments.  There seems to be a fairly tough nature that can withstand the cold of midwinter.


梅雨の中 お大師さんにと 生身供(しょうじんぐ)

Kobo-Daishi Kukai still lives in the mausoleum of the Okunoin Temple on Koyasan, and continues to meditate in the hope of world peace and people’s happiness.  It’s “Shojingu” that has been delivering meals to Kobo Daishi twice a day since 1200 years ago. The meals cooked at Gokusho are tasted at Ajimi Jizo, and then the two monks put them in a white wooden box and carry them to the mausoleum.  At the lead, the guide, Yuina(monk’s job title), walks, crosses the Gobyobashi bridge, serves meals into the lantern hall, and then returns to the Gokusho after reading the sutras.  We can’t see him, but Kobo-Daishi Kukai is certainly there.  There is a strong faith that has never changed, and many worshipers come from both Japan and abroad.


マンデビラ 門扉に絡んで 顔認証

Mandevilla is a tropical plant of the genus Mandevilla of the Apocynaceae family, with about 120 species distributed mainly from Central America to Argentina and the West Indies.  There are several species that grow upright and shrub-like, but most are vines.  Mandevilla Sandeli in the photo is a mandevilla distributed in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  Mandevilla has a long flowering period from May to October, and it is a flowering tree that has a tropical atmosphere and stretches its vines to make it bloom like a windmill.  Some varieties have a passionate impression of dark pink and red, while others have a gentle image such as white and light pink.  The name Mandeville comes from Henry Mandeville, the British minister to Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, who discovered this flower.  The flower word “dangerous love” is probably derived from the strong impression of the fascinating flower, which has a flower shape that looks like a twisted petal that sways in the wind at the tip of the vine.  Or it may have been described as “dangerous” because it contains toxic ingredients.


クチナシを 歌えば寂し 梅雨の中

During the rainy season, Kuchinashi(gardenia flowers) plants along the river are blooming in white.  Because of the rain, that unique scent isn’t drifting.  Even so, the whiteness of this Kuchinashi is exceptional.  The color white is the color that appears when the three primary colors of light overlap, so Kuchinashi probably contains components that develop these three primary colors.  By the way, gardenia is often displayed as a color former on food additive labels.  The country of origin of Kuchinashi is the warm regions of East Asia such as Japan and Taiwan, and its fragrance is so good that it is called “three major aromatic trees” along with Kinmokusei and Jinchouge.  It was introduced from Asia to Europe in the 19th century, and in Europe, this pure white sweet scented flower was loved, and it quickly spread as a raw material for perfumes and was used for various scents.  Gardenia flowers have a solid texture, but they are easily damaged by wind and rain, and they turn brown immediately after being damaged, so they are not suitable for fresh flowers.  However, its whiteness and sweet scent are indispensable as a wedding bouquet for the bride in June bridal as “carrying joy”.


ペアの椅子 カンナと村雲 眼下の漁港

A wooden back chair placed in the open field on a hill, a canna blooming in front of it, a fishing port below and the ocean beyond it, a large lump of village clouds in the sky, etc. I want to somehow lock them in the words of 575.  People have long used pictures, music, and words to express what they felt from the so-called five senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell, but it is still the most difficult to express in words.  Pictures and music also appeal directly to the sight and hearing, whereas words can only appeal indirectly.  The sensibility of the Japanese who challenged haiku, the shortest poem in the world, depends on the characteristics of Japanese.  As you can see from the dictionary, the explanation of Japanese words is one or two lines, while the explanation of English words is several pages long.  Chinese poetry also has short poems with five words and seven words, but the number of sounds is much larger than that of haiku.  So, although it may not be a right idea, photo haiku was born.


闇夜に咲く 白髪魔女の 烏瓜

Many people know Karasu-Uri(the vermilion melon) in autumn, but the flowers are not so well known. It’s because the flowering season of Karasu-Uri is from July to September, and it starts to bloom after sunset and deflate when the next day comes out, so it is hardly noticeable to people.  However, once you see this flower, you will surely have a strong impression.  The pure white petals are deeply cut and spread like thin threads, as if wearing lace.  This is to attract insects and is thought to stand out to attract nocturnal moths.  The scientific name Trichosanthes is also derived from the Greek words trichos for “hair” and anthos for “flower”.


サクランボ 孫と一緒に 食べ比べ

Speaking of flowers, Japan has a deep connection with cherry blossoms, but the relationship with cherries is shallow, at best after the Meiji era. Ornamental Yoshino cherry trees and Higanzakura can also produce fruits, but they are small and most of them are seeds and are not edible.  Turkey is the number one producer of cherries, and its production is 13 times that of Japan.  Japan is the 24th in the order of the United States and Chile after Turkey.  As for cherry blossoms and cherries, Japan is truly a country of “Bread is better than the songs of Birds “.  Japanese cherries and American cherries are lined up in stores now. American cherries have a reddish-black color, but Japanese cherries have a yellowish red color, and they look really delicious.  The price of Japanese cherries is about twice as high as that of American cherries, and “Sato Nishiki” is even more expensive.  Sato Nishiki is said to be a hybrid of “Napoleon” and “Koutama”, and is called “Red Ruby”. It is a representative variety of Japan, and its production is extremely high in Japan.


咲き上り 梅雨明け近しと 立葵

The Tohoku region entered the rainy season on Saturday, June 19th, and now it has entered the rainy season from Okinawa to Tohoku, excluding Hokkaido.  In Okinawa, the rainy season usually ends around June 23, which is “Okinawa Memorial Day”, so soon after the rainy season in Okinawa, the rainy season front will move northward.  It has been said that Tachi-Aoi(the mallow flowers) begin to bloom just around the beginning of the rainy season, then bloom from the bottom to the top of the vertically extending flower stalks, and the time when the flowers are on the top is the end of the rainy season.  It is the origin of another name, “Tsuyu Aoi”.  The leaves were used for the family crest of the samurai family because of their strong vitality and the blooming flowers.  The Tokugawa family’s Mitsuba Aoi is famous.  There are single and double flowers, and the colors are various such as red, pink, white, purple, and yellow, and it has been strongly associated with people since the Manyo era.

6/19(土)に東北地方が梅雨入りし、 これで北海道を除く沖縄から東北まで梅雨入りになりました。沖縄は例年なら「慰霊の日」の6/23あたりが梅雨明けですから、間もなく沖縄は梅雨明けで、順次梅雨明け前線も北上していくのでしょう。葵の花はちょうど梅雨入りの頃に咲き始め、垂直に伸びた花茎の下から上に咲き上っていき、てっぺんに花をつけた頃が梅雨明けだと言われてきました。「ツユアオイ(梅雨葵)」という別名の由来です。生命力が強く、咲き上る花にあやかって葉は武家の家紋に使われました。徳川家の三ツ葉葵は有名です。花は一重や八重のもあり、色は赤、ピンク、白、紫、黄色など多彩で、万葉の時代から人と関わりが強い花です。

露に濡れ 宵待ち美人 誰を待つ

There are many types of epiphyllum cacti, such as Gekka-Bijin(the Queen of the Night).  All are native to the forests of Mexico, the West Indies and Central America.  There is Kujaku-saboten to make flowers similar to the Gekka-Bijin bloom, but the flowers of Gekka-Bijin family are only white, but the flowers of Kujaku-saboten family are colorful.  Yoimachi-Bijin(the evening-waiting beauty) is also a flower of Gekka-Bijin family, and Gekka-Bijin is double-flowered and really gorgeous, but Yoimachi-Bijin is chrysanthemum-blooming with thin petals and pink pistils.  The buds are light green and point upwards, and unlike Gekka-Bijin, the scent is extremely slight.  When we think of cacti, we always associate them with thorns, but all the flowers are beautiful, and some of them bloom only overnight, like Gekka-Bijin, and some of them bloom once every few decades.
