白峯の 芍薬揺れて 宵の鐘

Emperor Sutoku, the emperor of tragedy, was born in 1119 between Emperor Toba and Chugu(Empress), Fujiwara Tamako, as the first prince.  However, Emperor Toba’s suspicion that Sutoku was the son of his grandfather, Emperor Shirakawa, did not disappear, and this lingered until later, and after all, in the first year of Hogen (1156), the imperial court split into the party of Emperor Go-Shirakawa and the party of Emperor Sutoku, and this caused the outbreak of “Hogen Rebellion”.  Emperor Sutoku, who lost the battle, was exiled to Sanuki in Shikoku and died here.  Three years later, Saigyo, who has served as Hokumen no bushi (the Imperial Palace Guards for the north side) since he was young, visited and consoled the souls. This tragedy has been handed down as Ueda Akinari’s “Ugetsu Monogatari” and Noh’s “Matsuyama Tengu”.


待望の 今年は開園 シャクヤク園

There is a Shakuyaku Garden in the Kyuhoji Green Area in Yao City, Osaka Prefecture.  From the end of April to May of the season, about 1,600 stocks of 51 species and 50,000 Shakuyaku bloom in full bloom.  You will be healed by the elegant charm of the colorful and vivid Shakuyaku of red, white, pink and yellow.  Last year it was closed due to corona, but this year it was opened by the ingenuity to prevent corona infection.  From early blooming to late blooming, it keeps blooming for about a month according to the speed of each variety.  There are names suitable for each variety, such as “Sakura-no-sono”, one of Kagoshima’s famous Higo flowers, which was considered to be a secret, “Suigetsu”, which has the best scent in the garden, and “Yang Guifei” which is very elegant. The sky looked a little stagnant due to the influence of yellow sand, but I got sweaty while going around the park.


芝桜 添えて長閑に 昼弁当

The human world is hard in Corona, but flows of each season are in bloom and competing.  As a recent trend, the seasons are changing one to two weeks earlier than usual this year.  It is not uncommon for daily temperature changes to exceed 20 degrees Celsius depending on the day.  Yesterday, I received the news that Somei Yoshino cherry blossoms bloomed in Hokkaido, but from Okinawa, I received the news that the rainy season had begun, and everything is in a chaotic situation.     Now that it’s been less than three months before the Olympics are held, I am worried that the spirit of the Japanese Special Attack Units is raising the sword again as to whether it is okay to hold the Olympics in such a situation.


芍薬も 牡丹も百合も 清し春

“Peony when standing, Japanese peony when sitting, lily flower when walking” — A word often referred to as an expression that describes a beautiful woman.  It is said to be a word that was sung and spread in Dodoitsu(a traditional popular love song sung to a samisen accompaniment) during the Edo period, but it seems that the original text is “Shennong Ben Cao Jing”, a classification book of Chinese herbal medicines.  By approaching it, the roots of peony have the effect of relieving pain and muscle stiffness, the Japanese peony skin has the effect for “blood static (a state in which blood is stagnant in the abdomen)”, and the bulbs of lilies have the effect of relieving psychosomatic disorders. Both were used as Chinese medicine for women.  It has become a Dodoitsu that represents the beauty of women’s behavior.  Also, during the Edo period, gardening became very popular, and Dodoitsu came to be used as a way to appreciate flowers.  Peony is best viewed standing up, Japanese peony is most beautifully viewed while sitting, and lily is best viewed while walking.

季語てんこ盛りの破格の俳句に挑戦しました。「立てば芍薬、座れば牡丹、歩く姿は百合の花」— 美人を形容する表現としてよく引き合いに出される言葉です。江戸時代に都々逸に歌われて広まった言葉だと言われていますが、もともとは漢方の生薬の分類本「神農本草軽」が原典のようです。それに寄ると、芍薬の根には痛みや筋肉のこわばりを取る効果があり、牡丹の皮には「お血(腹部に血が滞った状態)」に効果があり、百合の球根には心身症などに効果があるそうです。いずれも女性用の漢方として利用されました。それが女性の立ち居振る舞いの美しさを表す都々逸になりました。また、江戸時代は園芸が大流行し、この都々逸が花を観賞の仕方にも使われるようになりました。芍薬は立って見るのが一番であり、牡丹は座ってみるのが最も美しく鑑賞でき、そして百合は歩きながら眺めるのが最も良いと。

病花(わくらばな) 老いさらばえて ケシの花

The crimson poppy flowers are swaying to the right and left, fanned by strong winds.  The large round petals are cut everywhere, probably because they were eaten by insects.  It’s like a gerbera petal.  Still, it retains its original bewitchingness, which makes it even more pitiful. Wakurabana(Illness flower) is my coined word.  There is a word called “wakuraba”, but there is no way to read “disease” as “wakura”.  The word “wakuraba” has been around since the Manyo era, and there are two ways to write it in kanji: “病葉(sick leaf)” and “邂逅(encounter)”.  病葉, “sick leaf”, is a yellowed and dying leaf, and 邂逅, “encounter”, is now read as “kaikou” and means “unexpected encounter” and “meeting”.  “Sick leaves” and “encounter” are words that have no connection now, but in the Manyo era there was some connection and it may have been called “wakuraba”.  My “Sick flowers” may also take root.


鎧武者 コロナ退治に いざ出陣

Today May 5th is “Children’s Day”, which was originally a day to celebrate the healthy growth and happiness of boys.  This day was established as “Children’s Day” in 1948.  It is one of the national holidays in Japan, and according to Article 2 of the Holiday Law, it is defined as “a day to respect the personality of children, to promote their happiness, and to thank their mothers”.  But the last sentence”to thank their mothers” isn’t unexpectedly known.  “Mother’s Day” is on the second Sunday of May every year, and this year is May 9th.  So this week we have two days to thank our mom.  No matter how many days we thank our mom, we have no objection, but for men, we can’t deny that we are a little jealous. It is true that there is “Father’s Day”, but I still can’t think of when.  According to my research, “Father’s Day” is the third Sunday in June.  It is a busy time during the rainy season, and it is not a sunny day like “Mother’s Day”.  Anyway, today is “Children’s Day” and we would like to celebrate it grandly for both children and mothers.

今日5月5日は「端午の節句」で、元は男の子の健やかな成長や幸せを祈って、お祝いをする日でした。この日が「こどもの日」に制定されたのは1948年です。日本における国民の祝日の一つで、その祝日法2条によれば、「こどもの人格を重んじ、こどもの幸福をはかるとともに、母に感謝する日」と決められています。最後の「母に感謝する日」は以外と知られていません。「母の日」は別に毎年、5月の第2日曜日にあって、今年は5月9日です。 実は1週間に2回もお母さんに感謝する日があるんですね。お母さんに感謝する日は何日あっても全く異議はありませんが、男とすれば、少し僻みっぽくなることは否めません。なるほど「父の日」はあることはありますが、いまだにいつなのかとっさには思い浮かびません。調べたら、「父の日」は6月の第三日曜日だそうです。梅雨の時期のこ忙しい時期で、「母の日」のような晴れやかな日ではありません。ともかく、今日は「こどもの日」、こどもの為にもお母さんの為にも盛大にお祝いしたいものです。

花園が 最後の居場所 メイポール

Maypole is an apple tree, but it is a pollinating tree for pollen that is not intended to bear fruit.  The apple tree grows laterally and blooms flowers that resemble cherry blossoms, while Maypole stands straight and blooms deep crimson flowers.  This is why it is also called a ballerina tree.  It goes well with most varieties other than Jonagold, especially “Fuji”, and was popular as a pollinated tree for apple farmers, but it is rarely seen now.  In the fall, it bears fruits like a bright red golf ball, but it’s sour that you can’t eat it as it is.  However, the skin is purple-red, and the inside of the flesh is a small red crab apple (Himeringo).  It is not suitable for raw food, but the flesh is red, so you can enjoy a beautiful red color with jam or juice.


山並みを 映した早稲田に 初ガエル

The area from the northern part of Otsu City to Takashima City, which located on the west bank of Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture, is known as an early rice producing area. By the time of Golden Week in May, blue seedlings will be planted one after another in the paddy fields where the sky is reflected under the spring sunlight.  As soon as the rice fields are ready for planting and the rice fields are filled with water, the frogs begin to cry, and by the time the rice planting is finished, the cry is so strong that it echoes around. The rice grows in a moment, the rainy season begins, and the harvest begins around the end of August, when the full-scale summer ends.  The main reason why early rice is made is because to avoid unseasonable autumn weather, and that even if the rice is highly preserved, the new rice is more delicious and has higher commercial value, and can be shipped during the off-season when the price is high. Harvesting is completed between the 210th and 220th days when the typhoon arrives, about a month earlier than other rice.

滋賀県の琵琶湖西岸に位置する大津市北部から高島市辺りは早場米の産地として知られています。5月のゴールデンウィーク辺りまでには、春の陽光の下、空が映り込む水田に青い苗が次々と植え付けらます。田植えの準備を終え、田に水を張ると直ぐにカエルが鳴き始め、田植えが終わる頃には辺りに響き渡るほどの勢いです。稲は見る見る内に成長し、梅雨を迎え、本格的な夏を終える8月下旬辺りから収穫が始まります。早場米が作られる主な理由は、秋の天候不順を避けるためと、保存性の高い米といえども新米の方が美味であり商品性が高く、端境 期で価格が高くなっている時期に出荷できるからです。他の米よりも1ヶ月程度早く、台風がくる二百十日から二百二十日の間ごろまでに収穫を終えます。

白雲と ピンクパンサー 初夏の景

The pink carpet that spreads all over is a Pink Panther.  Pink Panther is a popular name, and the official name is Sirene Caroliniana.  It is an annual plant that blooms gorgeous pink flowers from spring to early summer, and it grows as if it crawls sideways with one plant, so it can also be used as a ground cover in a short period of time.  The Pink Panther originated in North America and bloomed in alpine rocks, so it is vulnerable to heat and humidity. And the name seems to have come from the color of the flowers reminiscent of the popular American anime “Pink Panther”.  It is similar to Mushitori-Nadeshiko(Catch Fly), which has been often seen in Japan for a long time, and it is easy to cultivate even in a harsh environment. Like Shiba-Zakura(moss phlox), it will spread all over the country as a flower that blooms from early spring to early summer.


加護あれと 富士に点てたや 茶の若葉

Today is May 1st, “88th night”.  It is one of nine miscellaneous seasonal events in a year. It is a special calendar day set up to more accurately grasp the changing seasons, and is mainly related to agriculture.  Late spring frost is of utmost concern to farmers, and it is generally said that late frost occurs until around 88 nights, as it is said to be “parting frost of 88 nights” or “crying frost of 88 nights”.  However, depending on the year, frost may occur until mid-May, causing agricultural damage.  “88th night” are a miscellaneous seasonal event unique to Japan, and the tea picked on this day is considered to be of good quality, and it is said that drinking tea on this day will lead to a long life.  Tea has become an inseparable lifestyle for Japanese people.  “Cha wo tate, ippuku(Take tea and take a break)” is a symbolic word to describe it.
