On this National Foundation Day, the “Agon no Hoshi Matsuri” was held within the precincts of the main hall of the Agon Shu in Yamashina Ward, Kyoto City. Amidst the resounding echoes of the conch shell horns played by Yamabushi (mountain ascetics), and the resonating chants and drum beats, approximately 600 practitioners clad in the attire of Yamabushi threw around 30 million Goma sticks into two Goma platforms. Instantly, towering columns of flames rose. At times resembling the figure of Dainichi Nyorai, and at other times taking on the appearance of Deva kings or demons, the flames assumed various expressions. The “Agon no Hoshi Matsuri” is the largest annual event in the Agon Shu and is renowned in the Kansai region as a prominent fire festival. The now 50,000 visitors pray for good health, prosperity in business, and other blessings while witnessing the towering flames representing the culmination of their year. Founded by Seiyu Kiriyama in 1978 (Showa 53), Agon Shu is one of the few new religious movements based on Hinayana Buddhism in Japan. The estimated number of believers is around 30,000 to 40,000, with an additional 200,000 estimated as members.