商戦は 年末年始に 早変わり The shopping season From Christmas to the year-end and New Year Quickly shifts

At the nearby convenience store, all traces of Christmas cake reservation ads have been completely removed, and now it’s all about New Year’s soba and osechi cuisine reservation ads. Perhaps such a scene is unique to Japan. While Japan is a nation with a very weak sense of religious affiliation, looking at it in terms of religious affiliation, Shinto has 87.9 million followers (48.5%), Buddhism has 83.9 million followers (46.3%), Christianity has 1.9 million followers (1%), and other religious groups have 7.3 million followers (4%). Despite Christians making up only 1%, Christmas is as popular in Japan as New Year’s and Obon festivals, and there are many other Christmas-related events. The major world religions have approximately 2.3 billion Christians (33%), 1.6 billion Muslims (23%), 1 billion Hindus (14%), and 500 million Buddhists (7%). This means that one in three people globally is a Christian. Islam generally prohibits Christmas, and while Hinduism does not forbid Christmas, there is not much interest in it. While it is understood that Christmas is a global event, it is evident that Japan is indeed a unique country even on a global scale.


戦場に メリークリスマス 高らかに On the battlefield Merry Christmas loudly A cry of hope

Today is Christmas Eve, and tomorrow is Christmas. In Japan, Christmas is simply called a festival. While there are various opinions, if we consider it as a festival that everyone can enjoy, then that is also a good thing. However, in Bethlehem, the Palestinian Territories, which is considered the birthplace of Jesus Christ, the annual Christmas events have been canceled in 2023 due to the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip. In previous years, a large tree was installed, and pilgrims and tourists visited in large numbers. The Christmas Mass held annually at the “Church of the Nativity,” the place where Christ is believed to have been born, has also been canceled. On the other battlefield, Ukraine will celebrate its second Christmas on the 25th since the start of Russia’s invasion. Traditionally, Ukraine, like the Russian Orthodox Church, celebrated Christmas on January 7, but this year it officially changed to December 25, aligning with Western countries. In early December, a Christmas tree appeared in front of St. Sophia’s Cathedral in the capital, Kyiv, and amid a dramatic rise in anti-Russian sentiment, a “Western-style” way of life is taking root among the citizens. However, Russia’s attacks on Ukraine have intensified. On Christmas Day, air raid sirens will likely continue throughout Ukraine. In many Christian countries, while celebrating Christmas, there are also anticipated protests against the atrocities unfolding in Palestine and Ukraine.


山茶花の 霜がお髭の サンタクロース Frosty camellias Like Santa Claus’s beard Christmas is here

With Christmas tomorrow, the entire nation of Japan is bathed in Christmas colors. Whether you turn on the TV for news or entertainment shows, the talk is all about Christmas. Even the girls in the hip-hop class at the gym I always go to are dancing with reindeer headbands on. In the morning, camellia flowers in full red bloom are also dressed in frost, resembling Santa Claus. Christmas in Japan, where Christians make up only 1%, seems quite unique.
The celebration of Christmas in Japan is said to have started in 1552 during the Muromachi period, with the Nativity festival held in Yamaguchi at the request of Xavier. Although interrupted during the Edo period, it revived in the Meiji era, and with the confluence of Westernization and commercialization, Christmas became even more popular. While Japan is currently one of the countries that do not designate Christmas as a national holiday, did you know that from 1927 (Showa 2) to 1947 (Showa 22), Christmas was a holiday for 21 years?
Of course, this holiday was not specifically for Christmas but rather for the Taisho Emperor’s festival following the death of Emperor Taisho. Thanks to this holiday, Christmas customs had the opportunity to spread even further.


夜長がピーク 冬至と聞けば 気が晴れて The long night peaks, Upon hearing of winter solstice, Clearing my mind.

Today is the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year with the least daylight. Due to Japan’s north-south expanse, daylight hours vary across the country. In Tokyo, the daylight duration on the winter solstice is 9 hours and 45 minutes, while on the summer solstice, it is 14 hours and 35 minutes – a difference of 4 hours and 50 minutes. In the northern city of Nemuro, situated at a higher latitude, the difference is 6 hours and 25 minutes, whereas in Malacca, located near the equator at approximately 2 degrees north latitude, the difference is only 15 minutes. These natural environmental variations likely contribute to regional and cultural differences.
By the way, the Antarctic region is currently experiencing continuous daylight during its summer. Surprisingly, today is the winter solstice, not the summer solstice. Although it may be a bit complex, solstices are defined in astronomy.
I saw scenes on TV of people throwing yuzu (citrus fruit) into hot bathwater, a traditional practice for this day. There seems to be a habit of eating Nanjing too. As we head into the heart of winter, knowing that daylight hours will gradually increase starting tomorrow brings a clear and uplifting feeling.


初雪と 聞いて気が急く 師走かな Upon hearing the first snow My heart hastens – the year-end hustle Midwinter is finally here

According to the meteorological agency, it has been reported that the first snowfall in Osaka was observed on December 21. This observation is five days earlier than the average and two days earlier than last year. However, this is the first snowfall that many people in Osaka don’t notice. In the present day, with the prevalence of meteorological instruments for measurements, it turns out that even this first snowfall was not detected by such instruments. The observation of Osaka’s first snowfall relies on the “visual inspection” of the meteorological staff at the weather station. Speaking of which, the first snowcap on Mount Fuji is also determined not by instruments installed at its summit but through visual observation from the Yamanashi Meteorological Observatory located at the foothills of Mount Fuji. Although television broadcasts provide detailed weather forecasts using the world’s fastest computer, “Fugaku,” in recent times, it is said that in meteorological information, while instrument-based data is accurate, the element of “human perception” is not entirely disregarded. This fact is somewhat reassuring and intriguing.

気象台などによりますと、12月21日に大阪で初雪が観測されたということです。 観測は平年より5日早く、去年より2日早い観測だということです。といっても大阪の多くの人が気付かない初雪です。観測機器による気象測定が主流になっている現在、実はこの初雪も観測機器では観測されなかったそうです。大阪の初雪は気象台の人の「目視」による観測で決まるそうです。そう言えば、富士山の初冠雪も頂上に設置された観測機器に寄るのではなく、富士山の裾野にある山梨気象台から目視して決まるそうです。最近、テレビでは天気予報が盛んに放送され、実に詳しいですが、この天気予報には世界最速のコンピュータ「富岳」が使われています。気象情報においては、観測機器による情報は正確ですが、一方では「人の感覚」をゼロにすることはないと言われているそうですから、なんだかホッとしますし、面白いです。

当たらない 予想が当たる 宝くじ Lottery numbers The most probable prediction You won’t win the lottery

I attempted to compose a senryu-style poem about the lottery. When I turned on the TV, every channel had flashy commercials for the year-end jumbo lottery. It has truly become a year-end tradition. The origin of the lottery dates back to the early Edo period, said to be the “富会 (Tomie)” at Takian Temple in Minoh City, Osaka. Originally, winning this lottery meant receiving a charm, not money. After then, it evolved into a money-based lottery, but due to its strong gambling nature, it was prohibited multiple times. Interestingly, public lotteries didn’t exist until after World War II, when they were introduced for fundraising during the post-war reconstruction. The “Jumbo” lottery, starting with the 1979 “Summer Jumbo Lottery” and “Year-End Jumbo Lottery,” saw increasing prize amounts. This year’s prize money is 1 billion yen, including the first prize winning number and the prizes for the numbers before and after that number. By the way, the world’s highest lottery prize was 279 billion yen, won last year in the American “Powerball.” Even Shohei Ohtani would be surprised.


街中は お節予約の 争奪戦 The city stores too With New Year’s feast reservations Engage in fierce battle

As the year-end approaches and New Year’s draws near, advertisements for Christmas cakes and New Year’s feast reservations decorate not only downtown department stores but also convenience stores throughout the city. Signs proclaiming the sold-out status of Christmas cakes or the completion of home-delivery reservations for New Year’s dishes are prominent. Regardless of the advertisement, the offerings are extravagant, with many New Year’s feast sets priced in the range of 20,000 to 30,000 yen. However, a recent trend suggests a move towards higher-end options in the New Year’s feast competition, with sets priced between 100,000 and 300,000 yen becoming more prevalent. Moreover, it appears that even the high-priced options are selling out, as department store employees attest in television interviews, stating, “New Year’s feast sets sell out starting from the expensive ones.”
Intrigued by this, and driven by a sense of curiosity, I decided to play the role of a spectator and researched the most expensive New Year’s feast. To my surprise, I found the ‘Ultimate Special (for 5 people)’ priced at a staggering 1,998,000 yen (see photo). This is a price that could buy a small car. Given the recent hot topic of Shohei Ohtani signing a 10-year contract with the Dodgers for 101.5 billion yen, my sense of financial perspective seems to be numbed, and I can’t discern the difference between the 1,998,000 yen New Year’s feast and the 23,000 yen convenience store counterpart.


年越しは 準備OKかと 水仙花 Suisen ask Are you ready for the new year I wonder everything ready

Due to the lingering heat of autumn, I had anticipated a delay in the blooming of daffodils, but they have started to bloom as usual. While daffodils are often considered harbingers of spring, early-blooming Japanese daffodils and Fusazaki daffodils begin blooming as early as late November, welcoming winter and even crossing into the new year. Around March, alongside Japanese daffodils, trumpet daffodils and lipstick daffodils start to bloom, allowing daffodils to grace us with their presence throughout almost half a year during the winter. Believed to have originated along the Mediterranean coast, Japanese daffodils might have entered Japan from China, possibly as early as the Heian period or even earlier. There is a theory suggesting that daffodil bulbs might have drifted across the Sea of Japan to reach Japan. The name ‘水仙 (daffodil)’ is derived from Chinese classics, where the flower’s beautiful appearance and fragrance were likened to that of an ‘仙人 (immortal).’ The English name ‘Narcissus’ comes from the Greek myth of a beautiful youth who fell in love with his own reflection in a spring and, captivated by his image, transformed into a flower.

暑い秋が続いたので、遅れるかと思っていた水仙が例年通りに咲き始めました。水仙は春を告げる花とよく言われますが、早咲きの日本水仙や房咲き水仙などは、早い所では11月下旬頃から咲き始めますから、冬の訪れとともに咲き、年を越す花と言った方がいいかもしれません。3月頃から日本水仙に混じって、ラッパ水仙や口紅水仙が咲き始めますから、水仙は冬の間中およそ半年間咲き続ける訳です。水仙の原産地は地中海沿岸と言われていますから、日本水仙も平安時代頃、ひょっとしたらもっと早く、中国から入ってきたのでしょう。それも、水仙の球根が日本海に流れ着いたのが起源ではないかと言う説もあります。水仙は中国の古典から取った名前で、きれいな花の姿と芳香が まるで「仙人」の ようだと言うところからきました。英語名の 「ナルシサス」は ギリシャ神話の美少年の名前で、 泉に映った自分の姿に恋をして 毎日見つめ続けたら いつのまにか 1本の花になってしまったと言うところから来ています。

赤と黄の 名前を聞けば フダンソウ Red and yellow— When asking their names, Hudan-so.

As I walk along the road, in a field, large red and yellow vegetables are planted in pairs. Initially, I thought they might be a type of turnip, but when I asked the person tending the field, they said it was ‘Umaina.’ While I’ve heard of and eaten Umaina before, it was never such large vegetables. Taking a photo and searching online, I found it to be Swiss chard. Despite its distinctly Western name, its Japanese name is Fudansou (不断草), both of which are unfamiliar to me. The colorful stems and the glossy, deep green leaves, reminiscent of spinach, are impressive. It turns out that this vegetable has a considerable history. Originally from the Mediterranean coast to the Caspian Sea, it has been cultivated since ancient times, even making its way to Japan during the Edo period.
Around the early Meiji era, varieties with visually beautiful red or yellow appearances using large leaves were imported as ‘Kaensai’ (火焰菜), but they are no longer seen today. The Fudansou I saw this time might be related to those flame-colored vegetables. Fudansou has been in Japan for a long time, and during the summer, it was used as a substitute for spinach, acquiring various names in different regions. In Osaka, it is called Umaina. In modern times, it is used under the name Swiss chard in colorful recipes.


彩(いろ)競う サンタ姿で 紅葉狩り Colorful contest In the guise of Santa Claus, Hunting autumn leaves

In the southeastern outskirts of Kishiwada City, known for its danjiri festival and located near the border with Wakayama Prefecture, stands Daiitoku-ji Temple, renowned for its autumn foliage. This mountain temple, steeped in legend as the founding site of the Shugendo tradition by the ascetic En no Gyoja on Mt. Ushitaki, has long been revered as a sacred place in the Katsuragi Shugendo.
As the delayed autumn leaves continue to unfold, a woman dressed in a half-coat reminiscent of Santa Claus enters through the temple gate. vAmidst the vibrant foliage, a particularly vivid red maple leaf stands out. Adorned in clothing seemingly competing with the intense red hues of the leaves, the woman’s attire, complete with a white collar, strongly resembles that of Santa Claus. Whether intentional in her choice inspired by the autumn colors or a deliberate imitation of Santa Claus, her juxtaposition within the temple creates a captivating and amusing scene. The intersection of autumn foliage and Santa Claus, Buddhism and Christianity, out-of-season foliage—it’s as if entering a world of chaos.
