Yesterday (10/7) and today (10/8) mark the Danjiri Festival for the entire Izumi region. While the Danjiri Festival in Kishiwada City, known nationwide, takes place in September along the coastal area, the Yamate Festival spans these two days. Yesterday, though it was mostly overcast, we had occasional sunshine, making it perfect Danjiri weather. Unfortunately, today’s weather is less favorable with misty rain. Nonetheless, from late September to early October, the entire Izumi region is painted in the colors of Danjiri, marking both the end of summer and the full-fledged start of autumn. Days like today emphasize this feeling even more.
This year, thankfully, we haven’t experienced major disasters nationwide and have welcomed a fruitful autumn. However, the effects of gradual climate change are manifesting themselves in various ways. Concerns persist, such as the prediction that the Nankai Trough earthquake has a 70% chance of occurring in the next 30 years, along with frequent earthquakes near the Izu Islands, which connect to Mount Fuji. The uncertainties continue.
If only the last Danjiri Festival of the year could have been held under clear autumn skies, we might not feel this way.
It’s definitely a man’s (?) heart and an autumn sky.