夏祭り 花火も添えて 真っ盛り

All across Japan, summer festivals and fireworks displays are in full swing. Yesterday (8/3), I watched the live coverage of various events on Youtube, including the Nebuta Festival in Aomori City, the Sansa Festival in Morioka City, the Kanto Festival in Akita City, and the fireworks display in Nagaoka City. While I had seen some of these events on TV news, it’s the modern era that allows us to watch the festivities and fireworks for an extended period like this. In the past, the HUT (the percentage of people watching TV) used to exceed 70% during prime time, but in recent data, it has dropped to 52.0%, with some fluctuations, but overall, it continues to decline. It’s somewhat surprising that it’s still maintaining around 50%. This is also a sign of the aging society, as the generation that watches TV tends to be older, and the younger generation watches less TV. There’s a trend of people moving away from television, newspapers, and books, indicating significant changes in the era.


蓬莱山 テラスの向こうは 夏琵琶湖

When heading north from Otsu along the western shore of Lake Biwa, you will come across the prominently conspicuous Mount Hōrai (1174m) among the Hira mountain range that spreads along the western shore of Lake Biwa. It is the second-highest peak in the Hira mountain range, with Mount Bunagatake (1214m) being the highest. Towering over Lake Biwa, its imposing presence leaves a profound impression. Next to it is Mount Uchimi (1103m), and the entire area is known as “Lake Biwa Valley,” one of the leading resorts in the Kansai region.
From the “Foot Station” at an altitude of 300m, a ropeway ride takes about 5 minutes to reach the “Summit Station” at an elevation of 1,100m, which is Mount Uchimi. From the summit station, a vast terrace area extends known as the “Biwako Terrace.” Here, you can find the symbolic space of the “Grand Terrace,” which appears to connect to Lake Biwa with its sparkling water basin of a turquoise hue, and the “North Terrace,” where you can enjoy views of Lake Biwa, Shirahige Shrine, the Northern Alps, and the Central Alps from sofa seats. The wind blowing down from the Mount Hōrai summit is refreshing, and the temperature is probably 5 to 6 degrees lower than at ground level, making it a completely different world here.


琵琶湖の西岸を大津から北上すると、琵琶湖西岸に広がる比良山系の中でも一際目立つ蓬莱山(1174m)に出会します。武奈ヶ岳(1214m)を主峰とする比良山系の中で2番目に高い山です。琵琶湖に突き出す様に聳えていて、その山容に圧倒されます。その隣に打見山(1103m)があり、一帯を「びわ湖バレイ」と言って、関西では有数のリゾート地です。海抜300mの「麓駅」からロープウェイに乗って約5分、標高1,100mの「山頂駅」に着くと、そこが打見山。その山頂駅から続く広大なテラスエリアが「びわ湖テラス」です。ここには、水色に煌めく水盤が琵琶湖に繋がっているかのように見える、「びわ湖テラス」のシンボル的空間「Grand Terrace」と、ソファー席から琵琶湖や白髭神社、北アルプスや中央アルプスまで楽しめる「North Terrace」があります。蓬莱山山頂から吹き下ろす風は涼しく、おそらく気温は地上よりも5、6度は低い、ここは別天地です。

ヒマワリが 咲いた部屋にも ウクライナ

On the television, scenes of the Bon dance festival with the catchphrase ‘After four years’ are being broadcast. Even from overseas, we can see scenes of the Bon dance festival in Malaysia, with a crowd of 40,000 people. The Bon dance is now fully revived. On the other hand, in the same news program, there is always coverage of the situation in Ukraine. The Ukrainian War has been sparked by the twisted historical perspective of Vladimir Putin, the worst mass murderer of this century and the President of Russia. The name of Russia comes from the region of Rus’, which included the current northwestern Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. In 1917, Lenin, who led the Russian Revolution, proposed immediate peace with all warring nations of World War I, based on the principles of ‘no indemnities, no annexations, and the right of self-determination for all nations.’ The ‘right of self-determination’ in this context denied any forced ‘annexation’ by regimes or multi-ethnic states, including colonies, and fully supported the self-determination of individual nations, regardless of whether they were in Europe or not. Thus, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and the People’s Republic of China, both advocating the same principles, were born. As time passed, in 1991, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic collapsed, giving birth to the current Russian Federation and Ukraine. However, from Putin’s perspective, the delusion of the ‘Great Russia’ of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic era and even the Rus’ era still lingers in his mind. The idea of ‘self-determination’ that was strongly advocated during the Russian Revolution has disappeared. China is facing a similar situation. In 2014, driven by the delusion of resurrecting ‘Great Russia,’ Putin militarily invaded and annexed Crimea and eastern Ukraine, leading to the outbreak of the current Ukrainian War.


鬼百合の はにかむ姿や 今日の富士

Finally, August has arrived. When it comes to summer, August is the month that stands out. The Gion Festival, Tenjin Festival, and Sumidagawa Fireworks Festival—all of them are like a prelude to this August. The sun shines fiercely, and when you seek shade, you’ll hear a grand chorus of cicadas. With Bon Festival at its center, both children and adults enjoy their summer vacations. It’s exciting to plan trips to the sea and mountains. The Summer Koshien baseball tournament is also fantastic. And let us not forget the importance of August 6th, the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Day, August 9th, the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Day, and August 15th, the end of World War II Memorial Day. This summer is likely to be special, as we have overcome a once-in-a-century pandemic. So, everyone, let’s get through this summer with energy and joy!


流しそうめん 箸に掛かって 重きこと

In a corner of Kogawa Village, Izumi City, there is an agricultural facility called ‘Izumi Fureai No-no-Sato’ (Izumi Interaction Farm Village). This facility holds various agricultural-related courses, vegetable cultivation workshops, and experiential classes like bamboo craft, providing opportunities for recreational activities and promoting health through agricultural experiences. Participants can enjoy vegetable and fruit harvesting experiences, as well as cooking local dishes using the harvested crops.
One scorching summer day, I participated in a ‘Soba noodle-making class’ at this facility. Adjacent to the classroom, there was an area where they were hosting a ‘Nagashi Somen’ event, and several families were enjoying the delicious flow of somen noodles. It was a quintessential summer scene.
Recently, I saw a sign that said ‘Somen Nagashi’ somewhere, which piqued my curiosity. So, I looked it up on the internet. It turns out that ‘Nagashi Somen’ and ‘Somen Nagashi’ are different things. ‘Somen Nagashi’ is when you eat the noodles with an artificial water current flowing around the table, while ‘Nagashi Somen’ is when you eat the noodles using a bamboo flume with a natural water flow. The places of origin are also different, with ‘Nagashi Somen’ originating from Takachiho Gorge in Miyazaki Prefecture and ‘Somen Nagashi’ from Tashiro Gorge in Kagoshima Prefecture. It’s quite fascinating, and interestingly, both places are not too far from each other.
By the way, when I looked up ‘Somen Nagashi,’ I was surprised to find that there are many electric household products available for it online. This was yet another surprising discovery!


願わくば 戦火に替えたい 揚げ花火

The news reported that the Sumida River Fireworks Festival, a summer tradition in Tokyo, was held on the 29th after a four-year hiatus. Approximately 20,000 fireworks adorned the night sky over the downtown area, attracting around 1.03 million spectators. In recent years, many fireworks festivals had been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but they gradually resumed from 2023 as various restrictions were eased. However, this year’s event appears to have made a full comeback.
With about 900 fireworks festivals held across the country, big and small combined, it is evident how much Japanese people love fireworks. While the 40,000 fireworks launched at the Suwa Lake Festival in Nagano Prefecture are astounding in number, the world record goes to Dubai with 500,000 fireworks launched in just six minutes. However, international fireworks festivals primarily emphasize performance, focusing on the number of fireworks launched, their size, and overall scale.
On the other hand, Japanese fireworks place great emphasis on beauty, showcasing the exceptional craftsmanship and launch techniques that stand out on a global scale. Recently, Japanese fireworks festivals have been held in various parts of the world, further fueling the international enthusiasm for Japan.


宇治金か いちごか迷う この暑さ

On the way back from the gym, I entered a shop, drawn in by the sign made of ice. It was somewhat crowded, probably because it was lunchtime. Since I planned to have lunch at home later, I decided to order something cold for the time being, along with a shaved ice dessert. I hesitated between splurging on the Uji Kintoki (shaved ice with green tea and sweet red beans) or going for Strawberry. When I checked my purse just to be sure, I found only a coin purse inside, and to make matters worse, I had just enough money to order the Strawberry. Well, what a nerve-wracking and sweat-inducing moment amidst this heat!
By the way, I heard that Japanese shaved ice is immensely popular among foreign visitors. While shaved ice exists in other countries as well, apparently, Japanese shaved ice is in a league of its own. It’s not as hard as the shaved ice found in other countries; instead, it’s fluffy and the flavors are significantly more delicious. Among them, the Uji Matcha and Kintoki combination evokes a distinct matcha flavor along with the sweetness of red bean, and it seems to be a huge hit.
Hmm, but I must say the strawberry flavor was delicious too!


夕顔の 儚さとは 裏腹に

When I was watching NHK TV this morning, they showed the process of sun-drying ‘Mizuguchi Kanpyo’ (dried gourd strips). When it comes to the early summer scenery in Mizuguchi, it is said that nothing represents it better than the sight of Kanpyo drying. ‘Mizuguchi Kanpyo’ is a specialty product from Mizuguchi-cho, Koka City, and has been made since the Edo period. It is even depicted in Utagawa Hiroshige’s ukiyo-e series ‘The Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido.’ Kanpyo is an essential ingredient for making rolled sushi, but it is also used in various other culinary forms. It may not be the star of the dish, but it is an indispensable ingredient with its unique taste and texture.
Interestingly, not many people know that Kanpyo is made from the fruit of the Yugao (evening glory plant). Asagao (morning glory), Hirugao (daylily), Yugao (evening primrose), and Yorugao (night blooming cereus), which all bloom around this time, have flowers that look quite similar, but only the Yugao belongs to the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae), while the other three are from the morning glory family (Convolvulaceae).

Speaking of Yugao, she is known as tragic woman in ‘The Tale of Genji.’ Although she appears only a few times in the story, she leave a lasting impression as delicate, graceful, and cheerful woman. Genji, captivated by the beauty of such woman, became infatuated with her and continued to cherish her memory even after her passing.


猛暑日も 何するものぞと 武者震い

The temperature is rising rapidly. Today’s forecasted temperature in Osaka is 38 degrees Celsius, the highest for this summer. However, it is not expected to stop there. Tracing back the highest temperatures in Japan from the past, on July 25, 1919, in Yamagata City, Yamagata Prefecture, a record of “40.8 degrees Celsius” was set, becoming the highest temperature ever recorded in Japan, and this day became known as the “Highest Temperature Memorial Day.” This record remained unbroken for a long period. Then, 88 years later, on August 16, 2007, temperatures of 40.9 degrees Celsius were recorded in Kumagaya City, Saitama Prefecture, and Tajimi City, Gifu Prefecture, surpassing the previous record. Furthermore, on July 23, 2018, Kumagaya City in Saitama Prefecture recorded a temperature of 41.1 degrees Celsius, and on August 17, 2020, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, also recorded the same temperature of 41.1 degrees Celsius. This temperature currently stands as the highest recorded temperature in Japan.
Last year, there were high expectations (?) that this record would be broken, but on July 1, the highest temperature recorded was 40.4 degrees Celsius in Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture. However, on that day, this temperature of 40.4 degrees Celsius was simultaneously recorded at six locations nationwide, which was the first time in recorded history. This year’s summer is abuzz with anticipation as to whether a new highest temperature will be recorded and if it will surpass 42 degrees Celsius.


鬼灯(ほおずき)は 狐の灯りぞ 日暮道

On both sides of the temple town’s approach in the sunset, red Hozuki hang like bells. Ahead, two women in yukata, perhaps heading to a Bon dance, have fans tucked into their obi sashes. I take out my smartphones, first capturing the Hozuki and then attempting to photograph the yukata-clad women in front of me. When I look up, the two women have vanished. It feels like I was spirited away by a fox. Perhaps the two women were merely illusory creations conjured by these Hozuki. It’s a mysterious experience that leads me to think that way. Come to think of it, the origin of the name Hozuki seems to be related to the cheek when it comes to sound, and when written in kanji, it is written as  ‘鬼の灯’ (ogre’s light), so the sound and spelling are completely inconsistent.The origin of the kanji ‘鬼灯’ likely comes from the resemblance of the red fruit to a traditional Japanese lantern. As ‘鬼’ refers to deceased individuals, it is probably connected to the custom of offering lanterns as a guiding light during the Bon festival. By the way, in English, the Hozuki is called the ‘Chinese lantern plant.

昏れなずむ寺町の参道の両脇に赤くなったホオズキが鈴なりに垂れ下がっています。その先に浴衣姿の女性が二人、盆踊りにでも行くのか、背中の帯に団扇を差しています。スマホを取り出し、先ずホオズキを撮り、次に、前を行く浴衣姿の女性の撮ろうと先を見たら、二人の女性はいません。狐に摘まれた感じです。ひょっしたら、二人の女性は、このホオズキ達が作り出した幻影かもしれません。そう思える様な不思議な体験です。そう言えば、ホオズキの名の由来は、音は頬に関連がありそうだし、漢字で書くと鬼の灯と書くから、音と表記では全くチグハグ。鬼灯の漢字の由来は、赤い実の見た目が提灯に似ていることからきたのでしょうし、「鬼」は亡くなった人のことだから、まさしくお盆のお燈明に見立てて鬼灯となったのでしょう。因みに英語ではホオズキはChinese lantern plantといいます。