朝顔に ホワイトホールの 相を見る

It became a cryptic haiku. As I stared at the morning glory, I suddenly had a revelation: the center of the morning glory is a replica of a white hole. You may have heard of a black hole, which is a celestial body that absorbs all matter, even light, at its center, making it completely dark. On the other hand, a white hole is connected to a black hole and is a celestial body that emits the matter swallowed by the black hole, even emitting light, making it completely white. It resembles the center of a morning glory. Black holes have been confirmed to exist abundantly throughout the universe, continuously absorbing cosmic matter. However, their scale is still small, and the universe continues to expand since the Big Bang. However, as black holes increase in number and size, the universe will transition from expansion to contraction, eventually reaching its limit, and the entire universe will be swallowed by black holes. Beyond the black hole lies a white hole, which continuously emits the matter swallowed by the black hole. At the moment when the black hole consumes the entire universe, the white hole triggers a new Big Bang, giving birth to a new and different universe. This process repeats on a scale of trillions of light-years. And that was the “Midsummer Night’s Dream” that I was captivated by, as I gazed at the morning glory on a summer night.


花姿 泰山木に 勝るなし

Taisanboku flower truly exudes the grandeur of a summer floral king. With its size (15-45cm in diameter), appearance, and pure whiteness, there is no flower that surpasses Taisanboku. Although it is native to the subtropical regions of southeastern North America, it is distributed worldwide. Initially, it was called “Dazhanmu” (which means “big cup tree” in Chinese) due to the shape of its flowers. However, owing to its majestic aura, it came to be called “Taishan tree,” named after the famous Chinese mountain, Mount Tai. It has various English names as well, such as Giant Flowered Magnolia or Big Laurel, emphasizing its size. In its native Mississippi and Louisiana, it is designated as the state flower. Taisanboku were introduced to Japan during the Meiji era. There is a Taisanboku planted in Ueno Park by the wife of the 18th President of the United States, Grant, who visited Japan as the first American president in the 12th year of the Meiji era. This Taisanboku was named “Grant Yurin” (Grant Magnolia) and continues to bloom to this day. By the way, Grant was a renowned general of the Union Army during the American Civil War and is known for having a reputation as one of America’s worst presidents.

泰山木の花はまさに夏の花の王者の風格があります。花の大きさ(直径15–45cm)といい、花姿といい、その白さといい、泰山木に勝る花はありません。原産地は北アメリカ南東部の亜熱帯地方ですが、世界中に分布しています。最初は、花の形から「大盞木」(たいさんぼく、盞は盃)と呼ばれていましたが、その風格からいつの頃からか、中国の名山「泰山」に因んで泰山木と呼ばれる様になりました。英語名も沢山ありますが、Giant flowered magnoliaとかbig-laurelと言う風に、やはり大きさに注目した様です。自生地のミシシッピ州とルイジアナ州では州の花に指定されています。日本には明治時代に導入されました。明治12年に、アメリカ大統領として初めて来日した、第18代大統領グラントの夫人が上野公園に植樹した泰山木が、「グラント玉蘭」と名付けられて今も花を咲かせています。因みにグラントはアメリカ南北戦争の北軍の名将で、アメリカの最悪の大統領と言う評判を持った人です。

簾越し 涼ず風に舞う 朝顔や

The first cicada has started chirping. Under the roadside trees, there are discarded cicada shells. A little further away, the morning glories are in full bloom on the same hedge. The end of the rainy season is near. While it varies from year to year, the average date for the rainy season to end in the Kinki region is around July 19th. Last year it was on July 23rd, but this year it seems to be advanced a little earlier than that. On the other hand, the news on TV has been reporting the damages caused by heavy rain in northern Kyushu for several days. It’s a devastating sight that makes you want to cover your eyes. It seems that natural disasters caused by climate change like this are increasing year by year. Without relying solely on past data, we need to take proactive measures as early as possible to avoid being struck by even greater disasters in the future. This is an era where a significant shift in consciousness is required.


風鈴に 幻想広がる 巫女神楽

Although I thought the Tanabata Festival and the Wind Chime Festival were separate events, I was surprised to find that many shrines and temples hold a joint festival called the Tanabata Wind Chime Festival. It makes sense since both festivals are held in early summer and share the common practice of hanging strips of paper on bamboo branches, as well as wind chimes. Even the Kamigamo Shrine in Kyoto holds the Tanabata Wind Chime Festival every year during this season. The sight of wind chimes hanging on both sides of the Kagura stage, with shrine maidens performing sacred dances, is truly a summer tradition. Kamigamo Shrine, located north of Shimogamo Shrine across the Kyoto Botanical Garden, is one of the oldest shrines in Japan. Its history is documented in the Nihon Shoki and Kojiki, but in reality, it remains a shrine full of mysteries and is important for understanding the origins of Japan. As the evening darkens and the cicadas chirp, the sound of wind chimes resonates while watching the Kagura dance performed by the shrine maidens, drawing you into a world of enchantment.


梅雨明けが 間近と告げる ヒグラシや

♭♯♭ヒグラシ ♭♯♭

On my way back from the gym, I happened to stop by a temple and heard the sound of Higurasi (clear-toned cicada). Come to think of it, it reminded me of the time when I lived on the hillside of Mt. Ikoma Every summer, I would always suffer from lack of sleep due to the incessant chirping of these Higurashi. They start chirping around the end of the rainy season and continue every morning and evening until around the time of the Bon Festival. I particularly remember the early mornings. When the day has yet to fully break, the first cicada would start singing. Then, in response, a second cicada would chirp from a distance. Soon after, the third, fourth, and countless others would join in, and in an instant, the entire area would be filled with the chorus of Higurashi. It was like there was a conductor orchestrating their performance, sometimes softly, sometimes loudly. They would chirping loudly in one area and softly in another, creating a magnificent harmony. It was a time when smartphones didn’t exist, so I couldn’t record their sound, but I have never heard a Higurashi chorus as beautiful as that. Although there are many videos of Higurashi on YouTube, I have searched again this time, hoping to find such a beautiful Higurashi’s voice, but I couldn’t find any.


夕立の 後はカンナの 晴れやかさ

最近やたら線状降水帯という言葉を聞く様になりました。特にこの一週間は毎日の様にテレビでも報じられています。お気の毒なことに、九州や中国地方は毎年の様にこの線状降水帯によって大きな被害を被られています。昔は線状降水帯という言葉はありませんでした。調べてみたらやはりそうで、線状降水帯という用語が頻繁に用いられるようになったのは、平成26年8月豪雨による広島市の土砂災害以降らしいです。線状降水帯とは 次々と発生する発達した積乱雲が列をなし、線状に伸びる長さ50~300km程度、幅20~50km程度の強い降水をともなう雨域をいうそうです。昔は夕立という現象や言葉がありましたが、最近は滅多に聞かなくなりました。昼間に発達した積乱雲が夕方に猛烈な雨を降らせる現象です。ほんの1時間もすればすっかり晴れ上がり、あとは涼しくなるので、夕立は歓迎するものでした。俳句でも夕立は夏の大切な季語です。愛すべき季語でした。線状降水帯とは大違いです。

飛鳥時の 桔梗が見上げる 瓦屋根

About a 20-minute walk east from JR Nara Station, you will find the ancient temple of Gango-ji, surrounded by trees. As you enter through the East Gate, you will see the national treasure, Gokuraku Hall, directly in front of you. During this season, numerous pots filled with planted lotus flowers are lined up in front of it. In the center of the still blooming flowers, small lotus seeds can be seen peeking out. If you go around the back of the Gokuraku Hall, you will find another national treasure, the Zen Hall, with a group of stone pagodas in front of it. The Futoden, a field of stone pagodas, is filled with blooming bellflowers. Gango-ji Temple was originally established by Soga no Umako in Asuka as Hōkō-ji Temple, which was the oldest and most authentic Buddhist temple in Japan. It was relocated to the capital city of Heijō-kyō (Nara) during the transfer of the capital. At the time of the relocation, it was considered one of the Seven Great Temples of Nanto, along with Todai-ji Temple and Kōfuku-ji Temple, and it was a large temple alongside them. However, since the capital moved to Kyoto in the Heian period, it gradually declined. As Pure Land Buddhism became rooted in the common people’s faith, Gango-ji Temple gained attention as a temple of popular devotion and has been cherished. Currently, the main hall, Gokuraku-do, the Zen meditation room, and the five-story pagoda are designated as national treasures, and numerous cultural properties are registered as important cultural assets of the country. In 1998 (Heisei 10), along with Todai-ji Temple, Kōfuku-ji Temple, Yakushi-ji Temple, and others, Gango-ji Temple was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Gango-ji Temple uses some of the “oldest roof tiles in Japan” from the time of Hōkō-ji Temple’s construction, and it is said to be the beginning of roof tile architecture in our country.


紫陽花は 灯りに浮かぶ 夢幻かな

The thoughts that arise from looking at a single photograph vary from person to person. They reflect one’s worldview and way of life. Dream and illusion represent something ephemeral. It is a metaphor for the transient nature of things and a universal sentiment deeply rooted in the Japanese people. It also conveys the concept of impermanence, that there is nothing in the world that is eternal and immortal, everything is constantly changing and will eventually decay. The opposite of the ephemeral is the idea of infinity and eternity. In the Western world, infinity is represented by a straight line, seen as something that continues indefinitely, while in the Eastern world, it is represented by a circle, believed to endlessly revolve. The circle also symbolizes emptiness, reaching the highest state of mind in Zen Buddhism. Mathematically, emptiness is represented by a circle, in other words, zero. The numerals we use, known as Arabic numerals or calcurating numerals, are the only ones that survived among over 500 numeral systems created worldwide. Chinese numerals and Roman numerals are a few remaining examples, but they are not suitable for practical use because they lack zero. Arabic numerals, which include zero, were actually born in India, so they should be called Indian numerals. The birth of zero was accompanied by the representation of infinity and emptiness. Emptiness endlessly revolves in infinity and dream-like illusions.


笹の葉が 揺れて聞こえる 貴船川

Orihime (Vega) and Hikoboshi (Altair), who were deeply in love, neglected their assigned tasks. Angry with their behavior, the gods of the heavens separated the two lovers. They were given only one day a year to meet, known as the ‘Tanabata’ or ‘Star Festival.’ Orihime and Hikoboshi started working hard, looking forward to the night of Tanabata. In Japan, in accordance with this Tanabata legend, it is a custom to write wishes on colorful strips of paper called ‘tanzaku’ and hang them on bamboo branches on the night of July 7th. It is believed that these wishes are entrusted to the gods. In ancient China, the Tanabata festival was considered a ‘Water God Festival’ for praying for rain. At the Kibune Shrine, dedicated to the water deity Takaokami God, the Tanabata festival is held along with the ‘Mizu Matsuri’ or ‘Water Festival’ on July 7th each year. In line with this, from July 1st to August 15th, when the Bon Festival ends, people light up Tanabata decorations after dusk and offer their ‘prayers’ and ‘gratitude’ during those days.


嫌われて 嫌われて咲く 悪るナスビ

The godparent of this flower is Dr. Tomitaro Makino, the protagonist of the currently airing NHK morning drama “Ranman.” Dr. Makino is a lover of flowers and adores them, seeking their affection in every flower. However, he has given this particular flower the name “Waru Nasubi” (“Wretched Eggplant”), believing it to be a fitting name for this troublesome and useless weed with no practical value. He proudly recounts how he named it “Waru Nasubi.” When he first discovered this flower on a farm, he was delighted and immediately brought it home, planting it in his garden. However, the leaves, buds, and flowers of the plant all possess sharp thorns, and its fruits contain a deadly poison. It becomes a nuisance as it spreads uncontrollably, invading even neighboring gardens. Hence, Dr. Makino named it “Waru Nasubi” with a strong sense of animosity. It is also known by notorious names such as “Apple of Sodom” or “Devil’s tomato” in English, representing its notoriety worldwide. Nevertheless, whether knowingly or unknowingly, due to its charming appearance, people can occasionally be seen planting it in parks and gardens.

名付け親は、今放映中のNHKの朝ドラ「らんまん」の主人公、牧野富太郎博士です。花が好きで好きで、どの花にも擦り寄る様に愛おしがる博士ですが、この花だけは、「この始末の悪い草、何にも利用のない害草に悪るナスビとは打ってつけた佳名であると思っている」と言って、「悪るナスビ」と名付けたことを自慢げに語っています。最初に牧場でこの花を見つけた時は嬉しくて早速自宅に持ち帰り、庭に植えたのですが、葉にも蕾にも花にも鋭い棘があり、できた実も猛毒を含んでいる。これは困ったと除草しようとしても仕切れない。隣の庭まで侵入する。と言う事で、さすがの博士も憎しみを込めて名付けたのが「悪るナスビ」です。英語名でも「Apple of Sodom」とか「Devil’s tomato」などの悪名で呼ばれている、世界の嫌われものです。しかし、そんな花とは知ってか知らずか、見た目が可愛いので公園や庭先に植えているのを時々見かけます。