これぞニッポン 世界が踊る 盆踊り

It has become the season when Bon Odori (Bon dance) is a hot topic. While Bon Odori was once thought to be a unique event in Japan, it is now becoming a worldwide phenomenon. Last year, due to the impact of the spread of the novel coronavirus, the Bon Odori festival near Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, was held for the first time in three years, attracting approximately 50,000 participants, including Malaysians and Japanese residents living in the area. Until now, the locations where Bon Odori was particularly concentrated were the three regions of Hawaii, California, and Brazil. However, Bon Odori has now spread throughout the entire North American continent, including Canada, and the entire South American continent, including Argentina and Paraguay. Moreover, its popularity continues to grow, reaching various places such as Southeast Asia, Australia, Granada in Spain, Hamburg in Germany, and Copenhagen in Denmark. Its influence shows no signs of stopping. In 2019, before the Ukrainian conflict, Bon Odori was even held in Moscow, Russia, with many Russians participating. The events held vary widely, including Awa Odori in Tokushima Prefecture, Hanagasa Odori in Yamagata Prefecture, Nebuta Festival in Aomori Prefecture, and various other Bon Odori festivals and portable shrine processions from all over Japan. In this way, along with Japanese cuisine, various aspects of Japanese culture and customs are gaining attention from around the world.


ヒマワリが じっと見つめる ウクライナ

The situation in Ukraine seems to be increasingly serious. Speaking of Ukraine, its national flower is the sunflower, but even this national flower has a complex history. Originally, the national flowers of Ukraine were the European cranberry bush and the sour cherry. Sunflowers have been the national flower of Russia from the beginning. On the other hand, since Ukraine was also a constituent republic of the former Soviet Union, it seems that the people of Ukraine traditionally regarded the sunflower as their national flower, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union and Ukraine’s independence, the sunflower was officially designated as the national flower. Russia and Ukraine were originally sister countries within the Soviet Union, so that’s why the sunflower became the national flower of both countries. Russia is like the eldest sister, and Ukraine is like the younger sister. There are Ukrainians living in Russia, and there are also Russians living in Ukraine. However, both Ukrainians and Russians belong to the same Russian ethnicity. It’s similar to the difference between Kansai people and Kanto people in Japan. However, Ukraine and Russia have different national systems and different ideologies. It is due to the appearance of the biased-minded dictator Putin that the current complex Ukraine conflict exists.


梅雨景色 ガラリと変えて 立葵

This is a standing Tachiaoi blooming in Kyoto Miyama, where many thatched roofs remain. While Tachiaoi is usually planted together in groups, for some reason, only one is planted here. The serene view of the village in the midst of the rainy season is transformed into a bright atmosphere by the presence of this bright red standing Tachiaoi, with just three flowers. It is also called “Tsuyuaoi” (literally meaning “Tachiaoi of the rainy season”) because it starts blooming at the beginning of the rainy season and its flowers fade around the time the rainy season ends. It is said to have been introduced to Japan long ago as a medicinal plant and was called “Karaaoi” during the Heian period. During the Edo period, through selective breeding, it became what is now known as “Tachiaoi” and became a popular flower. It grows tall, reaching a height of 1 to 3 meters, and the flowers bloom from the bottom to the top of the upright flower stalks. There are single and double-flowered varieties, and the colors are diverse, including red, pink, white, purple, and yellow. The diameter of the flowers can reach about 10 cm in large ones. Its English name is “Hollyhock,” and it is said to have been brought back by the Crusaders from the “Hollyhock Holy Land” in Syria around the 12th century.

藁葺き屋根がたくさん残る京都美山に咲く立葵です。立葵は普通寄せ植えするのが多いのですが、なぜかここには一本だけ植っています。梅雨最中の静かな村の景色を、この真っ赤な、それもたった三輪の立葵が咲いているだけで、明るい雰囲気に変えています。梅雨のはじまりに咲き始め、梅雨が明ける頃に花が終わるので別名「梅雨葵」とも呼ばれています。日本には、古くから薬用として渡来したといわれ、 平安時代には「唐葵」と呼ばれていました。江戸時代に品種改良が進み、今の「立葵」と呼ばれる様になって、人気の花になりました。草丈は1〜3mと高く、花は垂直に伸びた花茎の下から上に咲き上っていきます。一重や八重のものがあり、色は赤、ピンク、白、紫、黄色など多彩で、花の直径は大きなものでは10cmくらいにもなります。英名は「ホリーホック」 といい、12世紀頃に十字軍が シリアの”ホリーホック聖地”からこの花を 持ち帰ったことに因みます。

心持ち 日の出も遅く 半夏生

It has been 11 days since the summer solstice. Today is the day of Hangesho, which marks the beginning of the miscellaneous season that lasts until the 6th of the month. The miscellaneous seasons are seasonal divisions that correspond to the 24 solar terms. After finishing the rice planting, people take a breather and enjoy their favorite foods while looking at the lush green rice that has grown. It is a day that serves as a guideline for agricultural activities, focusing on the farming season. Around this time, the Katashirokusa plant, which was planted in the garden, is said to turn half-white, resembling someone wearing makeup, which is why it is called Hangesho. It seems that it changed from “半化粧 (Hangesho)” (half makeup) to “半夏生 (Hangesho)” to symbolize that summer is still only halfway through. In the Kansai region, there is a tradition of eating octopus on this day to invigorate oneself, and it seems to have become a widely practiced custom throughout the country. Each region has its own food to eat on the day of Hangesho, such as udon in Kagawa Prefecture, known for its udon noodles, and mackerel in Fukui Prefecture, known for its mackerel.


亡き人を 偲んで見るや 忘れ草

In the Buddhist tale collection called the ‘Konjaku Monogatari-shu,’ believed to have been compiled in the late Heian period, there is a story of two brothers who lost their beloved father. The elder brother planted ‘Wasure-gusa (Forget-me)’ around their father’s grave to forget his sorrow, while the younger brother planted ‘Warere-na-gusa (Forget-me-nots)’ so that he would never forget their father. If you were to plant a plant around the grave of someone you love, which flower would you choose? Also, if you were to have a plant planted by the people left behind near your own grave, what kind of plant would you like?
For happy memories, ‘Wasure-gusa’; for sad memories, ‘Wasure-na-gusa.’ Such a conversation might arise when talking about ‘Wasure-gusa.’ ‘Wasure-gusa’ belong to the kanzou (borage) family, which includes hon-kanzou, hama-kanzou, and no-kanzou. China and Japan are their places of origin, and in the 19th century, European plant hunters brought these plants back to Europe, where they underwent cultivation and became popular as ornamental varieties. They are now referred to as Hemerocallis, a combination of the Greek words ‘hemera’ meaning ‘day’ and ‘kallos’ meaning ‘beauty.’ In English, they are also known as ‘Day Lily.’ The flowers bloom for only a day but produce multiple flowers on a single stem and multiple stems, allowing for an extended period of enjoyment.

平安時代末期に成立したとされる仏教説話集『今昔物語集』に、愛する父を亡くした二人の兄弟の話しが載っています。兄は悲しさを忘れる為に、父の墓の周りに「忘れ草」を、弟はいつまででも父を忘れない為に「忘れな草」を植えました。自分の愛する人が眠る墓の周囲に植物を植えるとしたら、あなたならどちらの草を植えますか。また、もし自分の墓のそばに、残された人々から、どんな植物を植えてもらいたいですか。「嬉しい思い出には忘れな草 悲しい思い出には忘れ草」そんなこぼれ話をしたくなるのが「忘れ草」です。「忘れ草」はカンゾウの仲間で、他にはホンカンゾウ、ハマカンゾウ、ノカンゾウなどがあります。中国や日本が原産地で、19世紀頃に、ヨーロッパのプラント・ハンター達がヨーロッパに持ち帰り、品種改良を加え園芸品種として世界に広まり、これらの仲間の植物をヘメロカリスと呼ぶ様になりました。「へメロ」とは一日、「カリス」とは美を意味します。英語名でも「Day Lily」と言いますが、花は一日花で、1本の花茎にたくさんの花を咲かせ、何本も立ち上がるので、長期間花が楽しめます。

上海も 孫は元気で 梅雨茜

I received a photo from my third-grade grandson who lives in Shanghai. According to the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau, the start of the rainy season in Shanghai this year was June 10th (Thursday), which is nearly a week earlier than usual. The rainy season usually lasts for about 23 days, so it is likely to end in early July. Looking at past examples, in 1936, the rainy season started on May 22nd, and in 1954, it lasted for 58 days. There were also cases like “Kūbai,” where the rainy season lasted only two days, in 1897 and 1965. Shanghai has also experienced a lot of difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the government’s “Zero COVID Policy.” Now, there is an opposite reaction, and it is said that people are overflowing everywhere in Shanghai. Currently, there are not many Chinese tourists visiting Japan as before, but it seems that there are many people who are eager to go to Japan. From around this summer vacation, not only Chinese people but also tourists from all over the world are likely to come. It is a joyous thing. If people can get to know Japan, a country of 和 (wa, harmony), the world will surely become more peaceful.


湧水に 鯉も生き生き モネの池

The elegant swimming of colorful koi fish in the pond, as if passing through water lilies blooming in a highly transparent spring, resembles Monet’s famous work ‘Water Lilies.’ The unnamed pond at Nemichi Shrine in Itatori, Seki City, Gifu Prefecture has come to be called ‘Monet’s Pond’ by people over time. In 1999, the pond was overgrown with weeds, but Mr. Satomaro Kobayashi, the owner of Flower Park Itatori, a nearby flower seedling production and sales company, cleared the weeds and planted water lilies and kouhone. Local residents then brought koi fish that they could no longer keep at home and set free them to the pond. Originally, the pond was created by the spring water from the nearby Itatori River, and it quickly transformed into ‘Monet’s Pond.’ Before long, the information spread rapidly through newspapers, TV shows, and even national broadcasts on NHK, and it became a major tourist attraction with 3.36 million visitors in 2016, seven years later.


優し気な ジャコウアオイに 梅雨も晴れ

I encountered a rare flower. Its name is Jaco Aoi. It is a perennial herb native to the central and southern parts of Europe and is said to have been introduced to Japan for ornamental purposes during the Meiji era, so it has been quite some time since it arrived in Japan. As it is a plant that prefers cold regions, it may not be commonly seen in the Kansai region. The Japanese name of musk mallow is said to be because it has a slightly musky smell. Its English name is “musk mallow,” with “musk” referring to “Jaco” and “mallow” referring to “Aoi,” making “Jaco Aoi” a suitable translation. The petals of the flower range from white to pink, and the diameter of the flower is about 5 cm, resembling the flowers of hollyhocks. It is said to have been used as an herb in Europe since ancient times. Both the flowers, leaves, and roots are said to have medicinal properties and are also used in salads. While Japan’s tachiaoi (hollyhock) is dignified and impressive, the gentle appearance of Jaco Aoi’s flowers is also beautiful.

珍しい花に出会いました。その名をジャコウアオイと言います。ヨーロッパ中南部原産の多年草であり、日本には明治時代に観賞用に導入された言いますから、日本に来てからもう随分になるわけです。寒冷地を好む植物ですから、関西ではあまりお目に掛からないのかもしれません。ジャコウアオイの和名はわずかに麝香臭があるからとのこと。英名はmusk mallowですから、 muskはジャコウ、mallowはアオイで、まさにジャコウアオイがその訳になるわけです。花弁の色は白色から桃色、花の直径は5cmほどで、アオイ(タチアオイ)の花とそっくりです。ヨーロッパでは昔からハーブとして利用されているそうです。花も葉も根も薬用になるそうで、サラダにも使われるそうです。日本の立葵も凛々しくていいですが、ジャコウアオイの優しそうな花姿もいいですね。

水鉢で 恋が花咲く プルメリア

Plumeria has become well-known in Japan, but in its native regions of Mexico to Panama in Central and South America, it is a considerably large tree that can grow to a height of 7 to 8 meters. It has glossy, deep green leaves and its fleshy flowers come in pink, yellow, white, and red colors, emitting a strong fragrance. In Hawaii, it is a familiar flower used in leis and has become one of the representative flowers along with hibiscus. It is also favored for leis in Pacific islands such as Tahiti, Fiji, Samoa, and New Zealand. Plumeria flowers are often worn in women’s hair, with unmarried women adorning them on the right side and married women on the left. Speaking of which, in the famous painting ‘Woman of Tahiti’ by Gauguin, the depicted woman also wears a plumeria flower around her right ear. Furthermore, plumeria is the national flower of Laos, and in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia, it is used to adorn graves. plumeria is widely used as a flower in tropical regions surrounding the equator.


夏山の 便りに頭は 走馬灯

I received news from the Northern Alps. Compared to previous years, it seems that there is considerably less remaining snow. In July, the mountains will open all at once. Mount Fuji will open on July 1st on the Yamanashi Prefecture side and on July 10th on the Shizuoka Prefecture side. This year, with the end of the pandemic, it is expected that a large number of mountaineers will flock to the mountains. What worries me is that the number of accidents is likely to increase in proportion to the increase in climbers. Even last year, the number of accidents was about the same as before the pandemic, so I’m even more concerned this year. Looking at these photos, I realize that I can’t speak arrogantly. When I think back now, I deeply feel that I engaged in quite reckless mountaineering. Although I wasn’t with them, two of my mountain companions have also passed away. When I recall the traverse from Yarigatake to Okuhotakadake while watching it on YouTube, my legs still tremble. However, I also feel that something like confidence, gained from such experiences, has become a support for my mind thereafter.
