もったいない 落ちた山桃 踏ん付けて

I always see two large Yama-nomo trees planted in the garden of the sports gym I go to. One of the trees is full of ripe Yama-nomo fruits. There are plenty of fallen fruits around its roots, but most of them have been stepped on and crushed. What’s a wast!. However, since it faces the street, you hesitate to pick the fruits from the tree. In the park too, there is also a place where Yama-nomo trees are planted. Several people gather there, pluck the fruits from the trees, put them in bags, or enjoy eating them. The only drawback is that the seeds are large, but the fruits are pleasantly tart and quite delicious. They used to sell them in stores in the past, but these days they are hard to find. Yama-nomo trees have both male and female trees, but even the female trees can bear fruits on their own. This is because the pollen from the male flowers floats in the air and can travel far away. It is even said that they bear fruits through pollen that flew all the way from China.


現世(うつしよ)の 初夏を飾った バラの花

The roses bloomed earlier than usual and have almost finished blooming, and now it’s the season of hydrangeas. Hydrangea gardens everywhere are in full bloom. Lately, there’s no time to leisurely reflect on the changing seasons, although Kenko Hosshi said, ‘It is precisely in the changing of the seasons that things are transient and flavor.’ Since the New Year, not only plants but also the natural changes have been occurring one to ten days earlier. Before you know it, flowers bloom, and before you know it, they scatter, making way for the flowers of the next season. The roses, sensitive to climate fluctuations, bloom earlier than usual, while the tranquil roses bloom as usual. Thanks to this, it feels like the period when roses are blooming this year was longer than usual. The world has completely changed compared to 40 or 50 years ago, and even the natural environment has undergone a complete transformation. I worry about the future, whether this change will bring good fortune or misfortune for the next generation.


ルピナスは 怪盗ルパンも 植えた花

Once again this year, the Lupine flowers are blooming beautifully. In Japanese, they are called ‘Noborifuji’ (climbing wisteria) or ‘Tachifuji” (standing wisteria), which refers to their resemblance to wisteria flowers blooming from bottom to top. Indeed, if you turn the photo upside down, they look just like wisteria flowers. However, unlike wisteria, Lupine flowers come in a wide variety of colors, such as red, pink, purple, and yellow. Originally native to North and South America, they are said to be distributed in over 200 species worldwide. I remember there was a restaurant called ‘Rupan’ somewhere, and I thought that it was named after the famous fictional thief Arsène Lupin from the globally renowned detective novel ‘Arsène Lupin, but instead of that, I once heard from the owner that Lupine is called “Rupan” in French. Speaking of which, in the novel, Phantom Thief Lupine is depicted planting Lupine flowers in his garden during his later years. Nowadays, if you mention Lupin, most young people would probably think of the anime character Lupin III. By the way, the English name is ‘Lupin,’ spelled the same as in French.


デュランタも 初夏を思わす 涼し花

From the hedge along the well-traveled road, Duranta is once again gracefully hanging its flowers this year. Among the numerous purple blooms, only Duranta has flowers with white edges. The refreshing appearance of these flowers brings to mind wisteria, but they are smaller and exude an elegant and dignified charm. It is said that there are approximately 30 species of Duranta, primarily found in Central and South America. The variety I am currently seeing is called Duranta Takarazuka. In Japan, three types are popular: Takarazuka, the white-flowered Duranta, and Duranta Lime, which does not produce flowers. Duranta Lime, despite not flowering, is favored for its beautiful leaves that are a shade between green and yellow, resembling the color of citrus fruit lime. All of them are tropical plants and rarely bear fruit in Japan, but it seems they bear fruit abundantly in tropical regions.


ラズベリー 季節を刻んで また一つ

The fruits of loquat, plum, and raspberry all enter their harvest season during the rainy season. I often find myself bewildered by the rapid transition of seasons. While raspberries are not a very popular ingredient, they have become increasingly common in gardens recently. Raspberries were introduced to Japan in 1873 (Meiji 6) by the Hokkaido Development Commission, which imported 14 raspberry varieties and 5 blackberry varieties from America. However, due to differences in culinary culture at the time and the lack of established cultivation techniques, raspberries were not widely grown in Japan. In recent years, with changes in dietary habits, fresh raspberries are being used in recipes, and raspberry jam, in particular, remains popular. In Japan, they are also known as “kiichigo.” The season when raspberry flowers bloom is April to May, and the season when the fruits ripen is June to July. There are also biennial varieties of raspberries that bear fruit twice a year, and they can be harvested again in September to October.


枇杷食べて 三つ違いの 兄さんは

There were loquat fruits growing near the nearby field. Whenever I see loquat fruits, it always reminds me of my great uncle. My great uncle was a master of Joruri, using the stage name Tsurusawa Tomoharu. He had disciples in Shikoku and Awaji, and he would regularly go for their rehearsals. During my summer vacation of the third grade of elementary school, I accompanied him to a lesson on Awaji Island, and it was there that I was to perform “Awa Jurobei,” and underwent intense training. Many disciples and villagers gathered at our relatives’ house in Awaji. It must have been a presentation by the disciples. I earnestly performed the learned piece “Awa-no-Jurobei.” When I finished, everyone gave me a big round of applause. Being my first experience, I didn’t understand much of what was happening and was just surprised. However, I remember much more vividly that the kaiseki cuisine we had for lunch was delicious. It was a luxurious meal centered around dishes made with carp that they raise in the lotus pond, and it was the first time I had such a fancy meal in my life.


梅雨に咲く 砂漠の花の 明るさよ

At the entrance of the neighborhood, once again this year, a splendid peacock cactus is blooming. With its flower resembling the spread wings of a peacock, it seems fittingly named. However, rather than associating it with a peacock, it reminds me of the sun. It becomes even more intriguing considering that it originates from the desert regions of Central and South America. Glossy, translucent petals overlap and form an elegant shape, while delicate stamens, resembling silk threads, surround and protrude from the pistil, creating an appearance akin to a goddess of shamans. Deep within the core of the flower, there is an eternal depth, resembling a black hole, and if you gaze at it for too long, you may feel a mesmerizing illusion as if being drawn into it. In the same family as the peacock cactus, there is a cactus flower called “moonlight beauty,” which seems to represent the universe with its two flowers, the sun and the moon. By the way, the English name for the peacock cactus is Orchid Cactus (a cactus resembling an orchid).


ランタナよ 共に越そうぜ この夏を

Lantana is starting to bloom all at once. This flower is undoubtedly a subject of the wanted worldwide. It has been designated as one of the top 100 invasive alien species in the world. Especially in tropical to subtropical climates, if not properly managed, it spreads everywhere through self-seeding, and in such climates, it is avoided as a “flower that should not be planted.” In temperate climates like Japan, where there are cold seasons, it withers in autumn, so it is not as serious an invasive species as in tropical regions, and it is even planted in gardens as an ornamental plant. Indeed, Lantana has recently become conspicuous. Even with a little soil, it spontaneously blooms alongside roadsides and stone walls. Lantana produces side shoots one after another from early summer to autumn and grows horizontally. Gradually, the flowers bloom, with numerous small flowers of about 1mm square crowded together in one place. As it continues to bloom, you can enjoy not only a single color but also a gradation of colors. That’s why it is called “Shichihenge” in Japanese, meaning “seven transformations.


クイーンを冠し 今年も咲いた エリザベス

Queen Elizabeth,” a magnificent flower with a serene flower path of 12cm, blooms with large blossoms befitting a queen. This renowned flower was named in honor of Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom, who ascended the throne in 1952. “Queen Elizabeth” was created in 1954 by Dr. Walter Lemmerts, a genetics professor at the University of California. Last year, Queen Elizabeth, after a reign of 70 years, passed away at the age of 96. This year, Queen Elizabeth seems lonely.
“Queen Elizabeth” achieved the prestigious status of being inducted into the Hall of Fame at the World Rose Convention held in Pretoria, South Africa, in 1979. The roses inducted into the Hall of Fame are considered “beloved flowers around the world” and are selected by the World Federation of Rose Societies, which consists of 37 countries. They represent the beauty chosen based on their ease of cultivation in any environment and their universal aesthetic appeal. Since the selection of “Peace” in 1976, a total of 18 varieties have been inducted into the Hall of Fame, with the most recent being “Flower Carpet Rose Pink” in 2022.
The stage for the 20th World Rose Convention, which will take place in 2025, will be set in Japan, specifically in Hiroshima Prefecture, where the Fukuyama Convention is scheduled to be held.

悠々とした花径12cmの、花の女王らしい大輪の花を咲かせる「クイーン・エリザベス」。1952年に女王となったイギリスのエリザベス女王の戴冠にちなんで命名された名花です。「クイーン・エリザベス」は1954年にカリフォルニア大学の遺伝学の教授Dr. Walter Lemmertsが作り出しました。そのエリザベス女王は昨年、在位70年を経て96歳の生涯を閉じました。今年のクイーン・エリザベスは寂しそうに見えます。
「クイーンエリザベス」は、1979年に南アフリカのプレトリアで開催された世界バラ会議で殿堂入りを果たしています。殿堂入りのバラとは、世界37か国からなる世界バラ会連合が、3年に1回開催する世界バラ会議において選出する「世界中で愛されている名花」です。世界中のどの環境でも育てやすく普遍的な美意識から選ばれた美しさを持つ、栄誉あるバラたちです。1976年に「ピース」が選出されてから、2022年の「フラワーカーペット ローズ ピンク」まで、今までに18品種が殿堂入りしています。

太陽の 香りを運ぶ 路地いちご

The seasonal word for strawberries is early summer. This refers to the time until the 1960s when the prevailing notion was that strawberries were in season from spring to early summer. It was a time when outdoor cultivation of strawberries was dominant. Subsequently, the use of artificial methods such as greenhouse cultivation became popular, creating a spring-like environment to promote early growth. This enabled strawberries to be harvested from around November to December. This technique was developed to meet the increasing demand for strawberries during the Christmas season and to produce high-quality strawberries during the winter period. As a result, now we can enjoy delicious strawberries for a long period of time, and it can be said that the peak season for strawberries is from winter to early summer. The term “strawberries ” is no longer applicable as a seasonal word for early summer.
Western strawberries are said to have been introduced to Japan in the late Edo period, around the 1830s. Since they were brought by Dutch ships, they were called “Oranda Ichigo” (Dutch strawberries) at that time. As agriculture modernized during the Meiji period, various seeds and seedlings from Europe and the United States were introduced, and commercial cultivation using foreign varieties began around 1900. It is said that there are approximately 30 varieties of strawberries available in the market currently, but the number of registered varieties is about 150, and there are about 30 varieties in the process of registration application and disclosure.
