梅雨に濡れ 日がな魚釣る 河太郎

There is a place I always want to visit around this time of year. It’s a small marsh in the nearby mountains, where I can meet Kawataro-kun, a kappa who spends his days fishing. I first met Kawataro-kun at the banks of Kappa Bridge in Kamikochi. He was abducted by a kappa who had settled in the Azusa River and was forced to live in a completely different world from the human realm, a world that was the opposite of everything he knew. In the kappa world, romance is driven by the females, and they find amusement in things that humans consider serious, while taking seriously things that humans find amusing—it’s a completely upside-down world.
At first, it was not boring due to the novelty, but eventually, he started to long for the human world. Finally, he managed to escape the kappa world with great difficulty, only to find himself confined to Room 23 of a psychiatric ward. There, his companion was Ryunosuke Akutagawa. Akutagawa also passed away, and eventually, Kawataro-kun settled near this marsh, living a life immersed in fishing all day long.


天晴れ 豪雨を凌いで 百合の花

This afternoon, the weather is clear and sunny as if yesterday’s heavy rain was just a lie. The trees along the streets, now lush with leaves, are vibrant and full of life. The lilies, blooming in various colors as seen in the photo, are also thriving. However, I was shocked by yesterday’s heavy rain. The smartphone alerts kept ringing incessantly. It was my first experience with such a thing. Even while watching TV, the term “linear rain band” keeps appearing frequently. This word seems to have started being used recently. Although the word itself seems to have already existed as a meteorological term, it appears that it became commonly used in Japan after the Hiroshima landslides caused by heavy rain in August 2014, during the 26th year of the Heisei era. According to the analysis by the Meteorological Research Institute of the Japan Meteorological Agency, the frequency of “concentrated heavy rain” brought about by phenomena such as the “linear rain band” has increased by about twice over the past 45 years. Especially during the rainy season, it is said to be approaching four times the previous frequency. The main cause seems to be global warming after all.


見るからに 清楚な娘 ストケシア

Stokesia blooms from early summer to summer, and its cool-looking flowers leave a lasting impression. The flower is associated with the meaning of “pure and modest maiden” due to its appearance. It continues to bloom from around June to October and is highly valued during the period when there are few flowers in midsummer, as it is very robust and can bloom well even in partial shade. Due to its flower color, it harmonizes well with both Japanese and Western styles, making it popular as a purple-themed cut flower in summer and also beloved as a flower for flower beds. On the other hand, in Western culture, blue and purple are considered colors that symbolize “sadness,” hence it has the floral language of “remembrance.” As it is also called ‘Ruri-giku’ in Japanese, there was a lot of interest in the azure-colored Yaguruma-giku flower-like flower. Stokesia is a hardy perennial native to the southeastern United States and was introduced to Japan in the 1910s. It is a rare flower with only one species in its genus and without any closely related species.


生きる勇気 花籠いっぱい バラの花

The entrance of the apartment building is filled with a profusion of rose flowers. It’s truly amazing. It instantly brightens up the mood. This sensation is not just my personal feeling, but rather something imprinted in the DNA of humanity as a connection between flowers and humans. In the 1960s, in the Shanidar Cave in Iran, several types of pollen, including Saw-wort and Oxeye Daisy, were discovered in large quantities along with the fossils of Neanderthals who lived during the Paleolithic period approximately 50,000 to 60,000 years ago. The discovery sparked discussions. Dr. R.S. Solecki, the American archaeologist who made the discovery, suggested the theory that Neanderthals had a sense of mourning for the deceased and had the custom of burying them with flowers as grave goods.
One clear example of floral tributes adorning a cemetery is the cave cemetery in Mount Carmel in northern Israel, dating back approximately 12,000 years. Fragrant herbs such as mint and sage, after returning to the soil, left their traces engraved in the soft mud. By offering flowers as a tribute to the deceased, which is the greatest sorrow for humans, they found solace and we do so.

マンションのエントランスに籠いっぱいにバラの花が盛られています。えらいものですね。気分が一変に晴れやかになります。この感覚は私個人の感覚ではなく、花と人間の関わりとして、人類の脳裏に刻み込まれたDNAによるものなんでしょうね。1960年代にイランのシャニダール洞窟で、今から推定五〜六万年前の旧石器時代に暮らしていた ネアンデルタール人の化石とともに、ノコギリソウやヤグルマギクなど数種類の花粉が大量に発見され、話題になりました。発見者のアメリカ人考古学者R・S・ソレッキ博士は、「ネアンデルタール人には死者を悼む心があり、副葬品として花を遺体に添えて埋葬する習慣があった」との説を唱えたそうです。 明らかに墓地を花で飾った献花の例としては、イスラエル北部カルメル山の洞窟にある、約1万2000年前の墓地があります。ミントやセージといった香りのある草花が土に還った後、その痕跡が柔らかい泥に刻まれていたそうです。人間にとっていちばんの悲しみである死者への弔いにも花を手向ける事によって、慰みを得たわけです。

純白に 若葉も萌えて クチナシや

The Kuchinashi (Gardenia) that blooms at the beginning of the rainy season has an unparalleled whiteness. As the rainy season progresses, it turns cream-colored and eventually wilts, resembling the color of custard cream. The leaves undergo the same transformation. They start off as young leaf green and gradually change to deep green. The original Kuchinashi is a large plant that produces pure white six-petaled flowers with a strong fragrance, and in autumn, it bears orange-red fruits. The photo shows a variety called “Ooyaekuchinashi,” which is more popular and has double flowers but does not produce fruits. The delightful fragrance is one of the great charms of the Kuchinashi. The three trees, Kuchinashi, Kinmokusei (Fragrant Olive), and Jinchoge (Mock Orange), are sometimes referred to as the “Three Major Fragrant Trees.” Particularly during their blooming season, you can enjoy their sweet scent. While the Kuchinashi is originally from Asia, it was introduced to Europe in the 19th century, where the fragrant white flowers became popular and used as a raw material for perfumes. Additionally, it is used in traditional Chinese medicine, as well as in dyes and food coloring. In Fujieda City, Shizuoka Prefecture, there is a yellow-colored rice dish called “Seto no Some-meshi” that has been sold since the Sengoku period. It is also colored using Gardenia. Eating this rice ball instantly relieves the fatigue of a long journey on the Tokaido road. Most likely, both Yaji-san and Kita-san have also eaten it.


たんぽぽや 梅雨は間近と 綿毛飛ぶ

The Japan Meteorological Agency announced yesterday, May 29th, that the northern part of Kyushu to the Tokai region is expected to have entered the rainy season. The rainy season arrived six days earlier than the average year in northern Kyushu, seven days earlier in Shikoku, and eight days earlier in the Chugoku, Kinki, and Tokai regions. The rainy season in May is the first in 10 years for the Tokai and Kinki regions, marking the beginning of a season of prolonged rain this year as well. Under the cloudy sky, on days when occasional sunshine breaks through, two dandelions with their cotton-like seeds are seen side by side, enjoying each other’s company. They close up when it rains, but open up when the sun shines. Dandelions, which adorned the spring, must scatter their seeds before the rainy season to leave behind the next generation. It is the activity of all living things. Occasionally, a breeze blows and carries away one or two cotton-like seeds. When I gently blow on them, numerous seeds flew away. I wonder if the dandelions were pleased. Perhaps I meddled unnecessarily.


卯の花が 咲いて涼しや 夏は来ぬ

The name “Utsugi” means “hollow tree” and is given due to its characteristic hollow trunk. It is said that the month in which Utsugi flowers bloom became known as “Uzuki” in the lunar calendar. By the way, the origin of the name “Uzuki” comes from the term “嫵之花 (Bu no Hana),” which means “a tree with beautiful flowers.” The name “Uno-hana” for tofu lees (okara) is also derived from the resemblance of its appearance to the white blossoms of Utsugi. The famous poem “Natsu wa Kinu (the spring comes)” also describes Uzuki flowers as pure white, which is the typical color for these flowers. There are various claims about the number of Uzuki flower species, ranging from 7 to 12, but the Uzuki flower in the photo is a type of Utsugi called Sarasa Utsugi. It is a double-flowered variety with white on the inside and reddish-purple on the outside. “Sarasa” refers to a colorful, patterned cotton cloth originating from India. Due to its hard material, Utsugi wood is used for nails in chests and small boxes, as well as for barrel spouts and flutes.


目を見張る 若葉青葉に 赤紅葉

At lunchtime, I noticed a sign for a seafood conveyor belt sushi restaurant, so I went up to the front of the shop. At the entrance, there was a bright red maple tree planted. In the backdrop, the sky was filled with early summer cumulus clouds, creating a rather peculiar scene. While there are indeed plants with red leaves during the transition from spring to early summer, there are not many trees as red as this one. I can’t say for certain, but it seems to be a maple tree called “De-shoujou.” Similarly, there are maples that have red leaves among their young foliage, gradually turning green, and then becoming red again in autumn. One well-known example is the “Nomura Maple.” There is also a maple called “Chishio (blood) Maple,” which is precisely like that. The phenomenon of tree leaves turning red is due to a pigment called anthocyanin, and it seems that various types of maples are born depending on the amount of this pigment. With that in mind, I entered the restaurant with a mixed feeling of early summer and autumn.


純白の 鉄線照らす 隠れ道

Underneath the hidden path beneath the mountainous expressway, a cluster of pure white  ‘鉄線’ (Tessen)  blossoms. It is unclear whether these Tessens are wild or planted by someone. However, the name ‘鉄線’ (Tessen) was given to these flowers, which seems rather insensitive. Originally, Tessen is considered one of the original species of Clematis and has a history of being brought to Japan from China during the Muromachi period. As a result, it has been popular as a beloved flower in Japan since ancient times. The name ‘鉄線’ (Tessen) was given due to the way its tendrils become as rigid as iron. Tessen blooms from spring to early summer, with its best viewing season being around May to June. It delights viewers with its beautiful petals in shades of blue-purple, purple, white, and various other colors. On the other hand, Clematis blooms slightly later than Tessen, and there are varieties that continue to bloom until around October.


石垣も 優しく包む 飛燕草

In front of the main gate of Osaka Castle, surrounded by enormous rocks weighing dozens of tons, the magnificent Delphinium flowers are blooming vibrantly. They are of a size that does not pale in comparison to the massive rocks. “Oo-Hiensou”  is the Japanese name for this flower, which is generally known as “Delphinium” in English. It is widely distributed in mountainous regions with elevations ranging from 1300 to 2300 meters in the Pyrenees and Alps mountains of Europe, Siberia, Central Asia, southwestern China, as well as cold regions like Siberia and Mongolia. Due to this, they are particularly sensitive to heat, and in hot years like this one, their blooming period is shorter, which is a cause for concern.
The name “Delphinium” is derived from the Greek word “Delphin,” meaning “dolphin,” because the shape of the flower buds resembles a dolphin. In Japan, Delphinium was introduced in the early Meiji period, and the variety that bloomed and spread its light petals resembled the sight of swallows flying in the sky, hence it was named “Oo-Hiensou” (Great Flying Swallow Grass). Delphinium is also cherished as a cut flower in many occasions, and recently, it has been used in wedding ceremonies and funeral altars as well.

一個何十トンもある様な巨岩に囲まれた大阪城大手門の前に、大飛燕草(オオヒエンソウ)が華やかに花を咲かせています。巨岩に見劣りしない大きさです。大飛燕草はもちろん和名で、一般にはデルフィニウムで知られています。ヨーロッパのピレネー山脈からアルプス山脈、シベリア、中央アジアから中国西南部における標高1300~2300mの山岳地帯や、寒地のシベリアからモンゴルなど、主に寒地に広く分布しています。そのせいで、暑さにはめっぽう弱く、今年の様に暑いと花期も短く心配です。デルフィニウムという名前は、ツボミが「イルカ」に似ているところから、ギリシャ語の「デルフィン(イルカ)」にちなんでいます。 日本には、明治時代の初期に渡来し、開花してパッと薄い花びらを広げたデルフィニウムが、ツバメが空を飛ぶ姿に似ていることから「大飛燕草」と名づけられました。デルフィニウムは多くの場面で切り花としても親しまれており、最近では結婚式や葬儀の祭壇などに使われることもあります。