卯の花が 咲いて涼しや 夏は来ぬ

The name “Utsugi” means “hollow tree” and is given due to its characteristic hollow trunk. It is said that the month in which Utsugi flowers bloom became known as “Uzuki” in the lunar calendar. By the way, the origin of the name “Uzuki” comes from the term “嫵之花 (Bu no Hana),” which means “a tree with beautiful flowers.” The name “Uno-hana” for tofu lees (okara) is also derived from the resemblance of its appearance to the white blossoms of Utsugi. The famous poem “Natsu wa Kinu (the spring comes)” also describes Uzuki flowers as pure white, which is the typical color for these flowers. There are various claims about the number of Uzuki flower species, ranging from 7 to 12, but the Uzuki flower in the photo is a type of Utsugi called Sarasa Utsugi. It is a double-flowered variety with white on the inside and reddish-purple on the outside. “Sarasa” refers to a colorful, patterned cotton cloth originating from India. Due to its hard material, Utsugi wood is used for nails in chests and small boxes, as well as for barrel spouts and flutes.


目を見張る 若葉青葉に 赤紅葉

At lunchtime, I noticed a sign for a seafood conveyor belt sushi restaurant, so I went up to the front of the shop. At the entrance, there was a bright red maple tree planted. In the backdrop, the sky was filled with early summer cumulus clouds, creating a rather peculiar scene. While there are indeed plants with red leaves during the transition from spring to early summer, there are not many trees as red as this one. I can’t say for certain, but it seems to be a maple tree called “De-shoujou.” Similarly, there are maples that have red leaves among their young foliage, gradually turning green, and then becoming red again in autumn. One well-known example is the “Nomura Maple.” There is also a maple called “Chishio (blood) Maple,” which is precisely like that. The phenomenon of tree leaves turning red is due to a pigment called anthocyanin, and it seems that various types of maples are born depending on the amount of this pigment. With that in mind, I entered the restaurant with a mixed feeling of early summer and autumn.


純白の 鉄線照らす 隠れ道

Underneath the hidden path beneath the mountainous expressway, a cluster of pure white  ‘鉄線’ (Tessen)  blossoms. It is unclear whether these Tessens are wild or planted by someone. However, the name ‘鉄線’ (Tessen) was given to these flowers, which seems rather insensitive. Originally, Tessen is considered one of the original species of Clematis and has a history of being brought to Japan from China during the Muromachi period. As a result, it has been popular as a beloved flower in Japan since ancient times. The name ‘鉄線’ (Tessen) was given due to the way its tendrils become as rigid as iron. Tessen blooms from spring to early summer, with its best viewing season being around May to June. It delights viewers with its beautiful petals in shades of blue-purple, purple, white, and various other colors. On the other hand, Clematis blooms slightly later than Tessen, and there are varieties that continue to bloom until around October.


石垣も 優しく包む 飛燕草

In front of the main gate of Osaka Castle, surrounded by enormous rocks weighing dozens of tons, the magnificent Delphinium flowers are blooming vibrantly. They are of a size that does not pale in comparison to the massive rocks. “Oo-Hiensou”  is the Japanese name for this flower, which is generally known as “Delphinium” in English. It is widely distributed in mountainous regions with elevations ranging from 1300 to 2300 meters in the Pyrenees and Alps mountains of Europe, Siberia, Central Asia, southwestern China, as well as cold regions like Siberia and Mongolia. Due to this, they are particularly sensitive to heat, and in hot years like this one, their blooming period is shorter, which is a cause for concern.
The name “Delphinium” is derived from the Greek word “Delphin,” meaning “dolphin,” because the shape of the flower buds resembles a dolphin. In Japan, Delphinium was introduced in the early Meiji period, and the variety that bloomed and spread its light petals resembled the sight of swallows flying in the sky, hence it was named “Oo-Hiensou” (Great Flying Swallow Grass). Delphinium is also cherished as a cut flower in many occasions, and recently, it has been used in wedding ceremonies and funeral altars as well.

一個何十トンもある様な巨岩に囲まれた大阪城大手門の前に、大飛燕草(オオヒエンソウ)が華やかに花を咲かせています。巨岩に見劣りしない大きさです。大飛燕草はもちろん和名で、一般にはデルフィニウムで知られています。ヨーロッパのピレネー山脈からアルプス山脈、シベリア、中央アジアから中国西南部における標高1300~2300mの山岳地帯や、寒地のシベリアからモンゴルなど、主に寒地に広く分布しています。そのせいで、暑さにはめっぽう弱く、今年の様に暑いと花期も短く心配です。デルフィニウムという名前は、ツボミが「イルカ」に似ているところから、ギリシャ語の「デルフィン(イルカ)」にちなんでいます。 日本には、明治時代の初期に渡来し、開花してパッと薄い花びらを広げたデルフィニウムが、ツバメが空を飛ぶ姿に似ていることから「大飛燕草」と名づけられました。デルフィニウムは多くの場面で切り花としても親しまれており、最近では結婚式や葬儀の祭壇などに使われることもあります。

ファラオを 偲ぶや紫 矢車草

It is not called “yagurumasou,” but officially it is called “yagurumagiku.” Until recently, yagurumagiku was also referred to as “yagurumasou,” and in haiku poetry, the flower that is sung as “yagurumasou” is mostly yagurumagiku. It is said that it came to be called “yagurumagiku” because the flower resembles the yaguruma (windmill) attached to the top of a carp-shaped streamer. The names got confused because there was another flower called yagurumasou. Yagurumagiku is a flower native to Europe and belongs to the Asteraceae family. In spring, it blooms with blue, white, and pink-colored flowers. Among them, the blue-purple yagurumagiku is so beautiful that it evokes the image of the finest sapphire and is often referred to as “sahi” (the blue of the yagurumagiku flower) when describing its color. Yagurumagiku became even more famous because it was placed on the coffin of the tragic young Pharaoh Tutankhamun. It is also found in the Western tableware that Marie Antoinette, who vanished with the guillotine during the French Revolution, loved, where it is scattered as a pattern called “kobanachirashi” (scattered small flowers).

矢車草ではなく、正式には矢車菊です。最近まで矢車菊も矢車草と呼ばれていて、俳句で矢車草と歌った花は大概矢車菊です。花が鯉のぼりの柱の先につける矢車に似ていることから 「矢車菊」と呼ばれるようになったそうです。別に矢車草と言う花があったので呼び名も混同されたのでしょう。矢車菊はヨーロッパ原産の花で、キク科の一年草。春になると青や白、ピンク色の花を咲かせます。中でも青紫色の矢車菊はその美しさから、最高級のサファイアを連想させ、色味を「さひ」(ヤグルマギクの花の青)として引き合いに出されるほどです。悲劇の少年王ツタンカーメンの棺に飾られていた事で矢車菊はいっそう有名になりました。フランス革命で断頭の露と消えたマリー・アントワネットが愛好した洋食器にも『小花散らし』模様として矢車菊が散りばめられています。

水茄子は ずんぐりむっくり 美味いやつ

I received some water eggplants cultivated on the open-field. Water eggplants have thin skin and soft flesh, so they are easily consumed by simply tearing them apart with your hands after removing the stem. True to their name, they are rich in moisture, and when squeezed tightly, water drips out. They have a refreshing juiciness with a hint of sweetness. Water eggplants have been cultivated in the Senshu region since the early Edo period. However, due to their thin skin and unsuitability for transportation, as well as the browning of the skin when pickled, they were mainly consumed locally for a long time. Subsequently, through selective breeding, a variety with vibrant skin color emerged, and since the opening of Kansai International Airport in 1994, it has gained nationwide attention as a specialty product of Osaka.


信濃路は 残雪映る 水田(みずた)かな

Nagano Prefecture’s Azumino is just around the time of rice planting. After finishing the plowing, the peaks of the majestic Northern Alps in a silvery sheen are reflected like a mirror on the newly flooded paddy fields covered . There are still cherry blossoms remaining here and there along the path, and you can also see famous trees like the so-and-so cherry tree. I have also hiked along the mountain ridges. How many times have I climbed Mt. Shirouma? I am driven by the urge to follow that ridge. In the summer, I used to come to this student village around Azumino, studying while helping with the hop harvest for beer, crossing over a mountain to go swimming in the lake, and as I recall, the memories are endless one after another. Well then, another hot summer is coming this year. I have to do my best!


天高く 咲き上がるのも 春の薔薇

As the rose is called the queen of flowers, it has a long history of interaction with humans and there are now said to be as many as 40,000 varieties. In Japan, there are also native species such as the Noibara and Hamanasu, which are mentioned in the Manyoshu (Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves), but most of the roses seen in rose gardens and elsewhere are Western roses that were introduced after the Edo period. Roses can be classified into two types: once-blooming and repeat-blooming. Once-blooming roses are varieties that bloom from late April to late May every year and reach their peak in May and June. They only bloom in spring. On the other hand, repeat-blooming roses are varieties that can be enjoyed from mid-June to November, throughout spring, summer, and autumn. Since summers can be hot, they are not often seen during that season, but autumn roses, although not as showy as spring roses, have their own charm that suits the season.
In recent news, the blue rose, which has been a dream for rose enthusiasts around the world for a long time, has been created by Suntory in Japan and named “Suntory Blue Rose Applause.” The original species of roses with the blue pigment called “delphinidin,” which is found in many naturally occurring blue flowers, does not exist in roses. Therefore, it was not possible to create a blue rose. However, Suntory successfully discovered and developed a unique blue pigment called “Rose Cyanin” from these roses. The blue rose was introduced to the market in 2009, and “dreams come true” became the flower language of this blue rose.

最近の話題では、古くから世界中のバラを愛する人々の夢であった青いバラが、日本のサントリーによる作り出され、「サントリー ブルーローズ アプローズ」と名付けられました。バラには、自然界に存在する青い花の多くが持つ「デルフィニジン」と呼ばれる青色色素を持つ原種のバラは存在しないため、青いバラを造り出すことができなかったのです。そのバラから独自の青色の色素「ロザシニアン」を発見して開発に成功したのです。2009年に販売が開始され、「夢かなう」がこの青いバラの花言葉になりました。

ひまわりと ソフィアローレンと ウクライナ

Italy during World War II. Giovanna (Sophia Loren) eagerly awaits the return of her husband Antonio (Marcello Mastroianni), who was sent to the Russian front. However, her husband does not return, and she doesn’t even receive news of his death. Overwhelmed by her emotions, Giovanna decides to travel to Russia. It was about 50 years ago when I watched the masterpiece love romance film ‘Sunflower,’ which portrays a tragic love torn apart by the war. As the poignant melody composed by Henry Mancini plays, I see the image of Giovanna, pushing through a field of sunflowers, searching for her husband. This scene now resonates with present-day Ukraine. Sunflowers are not only the national flower of Ukraine but also a symbol of resistance. It is said that the symbol gained attention after a Ukrainian woman scolded Russian soldiers, saying, ‘Carry sunflower seeds in your pockets so that flowers will bloom even if you die in battle.’ In fact, until 2022, Ukraine was the world’s largest exporter of sunflower oil, accounting for 47% of the world’s production.

第二次大戦期のイタリア。ジョヴァンナ(ソフィア・ローレン)はロシア戦線に送られた夫アントニオ(マルチェロ・マストロヤンニ)の帰りを待ちわびる。だが、夫は帰らず、戦死の知らせすら届かない。思い余ったジョヴァンナはロシアへと向かう。 戦火に引き裂かれた悲恋を描くラブ・ロマンスの名画『ひまわり』を見たのは、今から50年ほど前になります。ヘンリー・マンシーニによる哀切なメロディが流れる中、一面に広がるひまわり畑をかき分けながら夫を探し求めるジョヴァンナの姿が、今のウクライナに重なります。ひまわりはウクライナの国花であると同時に抵抗のシンボルでもあります。あるウクライナ人女性がロシア兵に「戦死しても花が咲くように、ポケットにヒマワリの種を入れなさい」と叱責する映像が広く共有されてから、抵抗のシンボルとして注目されるようになったそうです。実際、ウクライナは2022年まではひまわり油の世界で1番の輸出国で、世界の47%を占めていたそうです。

ありがとよ 五月の花も 咲き切って

Okinawa and Amami entered the rainy season on Thursday, the 18th. It seems to be about a week later than usual, and about two weeks later compared to last year. I don’t understand the reasoning behind Okinawa and Amami’s rainy season starting later than usual, even though the seasonal cycle is getting earlier and earlier. However, I’ve heard that the rainy season on the mainland usually begins around mid-June, so it’s still about a month earlier. The rainy season on the mainland is also said to be one week later than usual, which means that the rainy season is delayed by a week nationwide. It’s certainly abnormal. Speaking of the rainy season, what about hydrangeas? Roses are in full bloom, but it seems that the flowers that adorned spring and early summer are gradually fading. The seasonal cycle has completely changed, and I suppose the cycle of flowers will also change accordingly.
