高らかに 息災告げる 水仙花

♭♯♭ Seven Daffodils ♭♯♭

Amidst many daffodils blooming with their heads held low, I noticed a daffodil blooming with a straight, upward gaze. They seem to be declaring a fresh start, signaling the end of the COVID-19 pandemic this year. The Japanese narcissus, which bloomed continuously since the end of last year, has passed its peak, and now the daffodils are in full swing. Both types of narcissus are said to originate from the Mediterranean coast of Europe, but the Japanese narcissus has taken root in Japan since ancient times and has been named accordingly. In Europe, when people say “narcissus,” they usually refer to daffodils, which are also depicted in ancient Greek wall paintings. The scientific name of narcissus is Narcissus, which is famously derived from Greek mythology. The legend says that Narcissus, a young man, fell in love with his own reflection in a pool and turned into a narcissus flower, gazing at his own reflection, hence why all narcissus flowers seem to hold their heads low.


色を添え 隠れ御堂に 花蘇芳

By the time cherry blossoms usually fall, the flowers of the Hana-Zuou tree are in bloom. They stand beside an inconspicuous shrine in the mountains, adding spring colors to the quiet shrine. The flowering period of the Hana-Zuou tree is usually around April, and it blooms abundantly with pinkish-purple flowers before the leaves come out. The appearance of the flower is favored by the Japanese, but even though it belongs to the same Hana-Zuou genus, it is famous in the West as a tree with negative legends and flower language. It is derived from the story of Judas, one of Jesus’ disciples, who regretted his sin after betraying Jesus and took his own life under the Hana-Zuou tree. From such a legend, scary flower language such as “betrayal” and “unfaithfulness” was given. It’s a nuisance story for flowers, isn’t it?


古(いにしえ)は 桜と言えば 山桜

When it comes to flowers, it’s cherry blossoms, and when it comes to cherry blossoms, it’s the Somei Yoshino. Starting with the Kanhi-zakura in Okinawa in January, and then the Kawazu-zakura in February, the Somei Yoshino in March, and the Ooyama-zakura in Hokkaido in May, the new spring in Japan looks like the whole country is overwhelmed with cherry blossoms alone. Among them, the Somei Yoshino stands out. When it comes to the declaration of blooming or the cherry blossom front, it’s all about the Somei Yoshino. The Somei Yoshino was named after being promoted by horticulturists from Somei Village in Edo during the late Edo period, but it spread nationwide during the high economic growth period after the war. Until then, the Yama-zakura, which has been familiar to the Japanese people since ancient times, was the cherry blossom of choice. The cherry blossom previously associated with flower viewing was the Yama-zakura. The “Yoshino cherry blossom” famous for being depicted by many poets and painters, including Saigyō, is also 80% Yama-zakura. Cherry blossoms that bloom in mountainous regions are sometimes referred to as “yamazakura,” but Yama-zakura is a particular type of cherry blossom and is one of Japan’s 11 “basic wild species.


まほろばは さくら花咲く わが里ぞ

Great Yamato, of all lands most supreme! Enclosed by ranks of verdant banks on surrounding hills, Great Yamato unmatched for beauty!
Yamato Takeru, the son of Emperor Keikō, the twelfth emperor of Japan, was a skilled warrior who conquered the Kumaso and Izumo regions in the west in a blink of an eye. He was then ordered to lead an expedition to the east, where he achieved victory after victory, ultimately bringing peace to the region. Finally, on his way back to his beloved homeland of Wa, he fell ill and passed away at Mt. Ibuki. His parting poem was this waka, as he transformed into a white swan and flew towards Yamato. “Mahoroba” is a beautiful word in the Yamato language, representing the graceful and elegant land of Japan.


この一年 しっかり生きよと 春彼岸

Today is a holiday for the Spring Equinox. It is designated as a national holiday under the Holiday Law, and the moment when the sun passes the vernal equinox point is defined as the “spring equinox”. The day that includes the spring equinox is called “Shunbun”, which is designated as a day to “praise nature and cherish living things”. By the way, “Shubun” is designated as a day to “honor ancestors and remember those who have passed away”. In the 24 solar terms, the seven days from March 18th to 24th are designated as “Shunbun”, also known as the “spring equinox week”. Today is the middle day of that “spring equinox week”. In the old calendar, it was designated as the day of the “Spring Imperial Ancestral Festival”, which is still one of the ceremonies held in the Imperial Palace every year, as part of the major festival held twice a year on the Spring Equinox and Autumn Equinox (Autumnal Imperial Ancestral Festival). In ancient agricultural societies, where agriculture was the center of life, this day was also very important for determining the timing of planting crops. On this day, people eat “Botamochi” (sticky rice cake filled with sweet bean paste), and together with “Ohagi” (sweet bean paste mixed with glutinous rice) eaten on Autumnal Equinox Day, the red beans are believed to have a purifying effect and are offered as an offering to ancestors.

今日は春分の日で祝日です。祝日法でも定められていて、太陽が春分点を通過する瞬間が「春分」と定義され、春分を含む日のことを「春分日」とし、「自然をたたえ、生物をいつくしむ日」とされています。ちなみに、「秋分日」は「祖先をうやまい、なくなった人々をしのぶ日」とされています。二十四節気では、3月18日から24日までの7日間が「春分」で、「春彼岸」とも呼ばれています。今日はその「春彼岸」の中日にあたります。旧法では「春季皇霊祭(しゅんきこうれいさい)」の日とされ、現在でも行われている宮中祭祀の一つで、毎年2回、春分の日と秋分の日(秋季皇霊祭)に斎行される大祭の日でもあります。農業が中心の古代の生活において、農作物の作付けの時期を見極めるのにとても重要な日でもあったわけです。この日はこし餡の牡丹餅を食べますが、秋分の日に食べる粒餡のお萩とともに、 小豆は邪気を払い、魔除けの効果があることから食され、ご先祖様への供物として普及したようです。

サクラサク 合格電報 手にした日

On March 19th, the Osaka Regional Meteorological Observatory announced that cherry blossoms (sakura, specifically the Somei Yoshino variety) had bloomed in Osaka City. This is reportedly the earliest blooming in recorded history, tying with 2021. The standard for confirming bloom is “5-6 or more” flowers on a specimen tree in the Nishinomaru Garden of Osaka Castle. The bloom was four days earlier than last year and eight days earlier than average. The concern now is when the blossoms will be in full bloom and how long they will continue to bloom. Typically, cherry blossoms reach full bloom about a week after they begin to bloom. Because the flowers are firmly attached for about 10 days after blooming, they are unlikely to fall off in strong winds or rain. It usually takes more than 10 days after blooming for a “flower storm” to occur. If there is no particularly heavy rain or strong wind, cherry blossoms can be enjoyed for about three weeks from the time they bloom. Moreover, if the temperature is low during this period, the flowers can last even longer and may be enjoyed for up to a month. Finally, the cherry blossom season is about to begin.

大阪管区気象台は19日、大阪市で桜(ソメイヨシノ)が開花したと発表しました。2021年と並び、観測史上最も早い開花だそうです。大阪では大阪城の西の丸庭園にある標本木で、基準となる「5~6輪以上」の開花を確認します。昨年より4日、平年より8日早い開花とか。気になるのは満開の日といつまで咲き続けるかです。一般的には、桜は咲き始めてから1週間程度で満開を迎えます。 開花から10日くらいは花がしっかりと付いているため、強い雨や風で散ることは、ほとんどありません。花吹雪になるのは開花してから10日以上たってからです。よほど強い雨が降ったり、強い風が吹いたりしなければ、桜は開花から3週間くらいは楽しめることが多くなります。さらに、その期間に気温が低いと花は長持ちして、場合によっては1か月くらい楽しめることもあります。いよいよ桜シーズンの幕開けです。

冬名残 緋桜咲いて 花見待つ

The cold scarlet cherry blossoms, which began blooming in late February, are in full bloom now. They are named “kanhizakura” because they bloom their crimson flowers earlier than other cherry blossoms, during colder weather. In haiku, “kanhizakura” is used as a seasonal word for winter. These trees can grow up to 5-7 meters tall, and their petals fall off with the calyx intact after flowering, which is their distinguishing characteristic. Kanhizakura is widely distributed in China, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and is mainly found growing wild in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. When it comes to flower viewing in Okinawa, kanhizakura is the flower of choice. Although kanhizakura is a cherry blossom species that thrives in warm climates and is not particularly cold-resistant, it can withstand the winter in areas west of the Kanto region and can grow in places other than warm climates.


青天に 霞も晴れて 白木蓮

The white magnolias are blooming against the blue sky. Their pure white and elegant appearance is fitting for the flower language of “nobility” and “sublimity”. At the beginning of their bloom, all the flowers seem to face north, as if trying to chase away winter and usher in spring. When people talk about magnolias, they usually refer to the purple variety, but the white magnolia is a different species that blooms earlier than the purple magnolia. The Kobushi is a flower that looks very similar to the magnolia, but it blooms after the white magnolia. The Kobushi blooms in all directions, while the white magnolia blooms upward at the tip of its branches. The Kobushi is native to Japan, while the white magnolia is said to be native to central China and was introduced to Japan before the Edo period. When the white magnolias finish blooming, the cherry blossoms will soon start to bloom all at once, as if announcing the arrival of spring throughout Japan.



欲ボケの 誰が付けたか 成金草

On my way back from the hospital, I saw some cute flowers blooming. These flowers are formally called Crassula portulacea, but are known by names such as “money tree” or “gold coin plant”. When the plant was trendy, people would pass a five-yen coin through the small sprout hole and let it grow, eventually shaping the branches to look like they had money growing on them. The plant is native to South Africa and Madagascar, and was introduced to Japan in the early Showa period. Because the leaves resemble coins, the plant is also known as “money tree” or “dollar plant” in English. It seems that a gardening company noticed this and created the decorative technique described above, naming it “money tree” or “gold coin plant” and selling it as a kind of good-luck charm.

病院からの帰り可愛い花が咲いていました。この花は、正式にはクラッスラ・ポルツラケア(Crassula portulacea)といいますが、「金のなる木」とか「成金草」の名で知られています。新芽が小さいうちに5円玉の穴に通しておき、そのまま成長させて、5円玉が抜けない状態にして、枝にお金がなったように仕立てたものが流行したことからこんな名が付きました。南アフリカやマダガスカルに分布していて、日本には昭和初期に渡来しました。葉がコインに似ていることら、英名でマネーツリーとかダラープラントと呼ばれていたので、これに目をつけた園芸業者が上の様な細工をして、一種の縁起物として「金のなる木」とか「成金草」と名付けて売り出したのでしょう。

アーモンドで 一足早く 花見です

When you think of almonds, you think of nuts. They’re delicious, aren’t they? I especially love almond chocolate. The almond blossoms are in full bloom now. They look just like cherry blossoms, and it’s hard to tell them apart. The difference is that the almond blossoms bloom one to two weeks earlier than cherry blossoms, and the branches on which the almond blossoms grow are shorter than those of cherry blossoms. Almonds are originally from southwestern Asia, but California in the United States is now the largest producer. In Japan, they are cultivated in Shodoshima, Kagoshima Prefecture, and Yamagata Prefecture. In the Kansai region, there is a company called Toyo Nuts in Kobe, where an almond festival is held before the cherry blossoms bloom.
