飾り立て あっという間の 雛じまい

At my friend’s house, every February, a splendid hinadan is displayed.  It seems that my friend’s parents bought it for their only daughter. The daughter had already been married a long time ago and had two sons, but she divorced early. Her two sons, that is to say my friend’s grandchildren, are now grown up. Still, she still decorate hina.  It seems that it has become her habit.  She thinks about what to do with this doll every time she decorate it.  When her two grandchildren were children, she used to decorate the hina dolls because even boys would be happy whenever they came.  It seems that this year, he has decided to consult with a temple she knows and have him deal with it.


幸(さき)くあれ 世界の子供の 雛祭り

Happy Hinamatsuri today.  For those who have followed the history of the postwar period, I realize that these traditional events are becoming more popular year by year.  Although I have heard some critical opinions, such as that they are being put on a commercial basis, it is a pleasure to see that the economic activities generated from this will enrich society economically and spur innovative movements. However, when I see the various incidents that are reported on a daily basis, I feel that it is not enough to just be happy, and I also feel the distortion of society.  Some are rooted in economic disparity, some are rooted in a sense of alienation in human relationships, and the causes are also becoming more complex.  Looking at the world situation, it seems that the pessimistic situation outweighs the optimistic one.  It seems that the situation is similar to the situation around 1925, 100 years ago.


今年こそ コロナを祓え お水取り

Omizutori has started at Todaiji Nigatsu-do in Nara.  In the Kansai region, many people think that spring has finally begun when Omizutori begins.  Omizutori is the main event of Shunie, which is held from March 1st to March 14th.  The official name of Shuni-e is “Jyuichimen-keka” in which we confess the various mistakes we make in our daily lives in front of the eleven-faced Kanzeon Bodhisattva, the principal image of worship at Nigatsu-do. At the same time, we also pray for the protection of the nation, the peace and stability of the world, the happiness of all people, and the bountiful harvest.  It was started in 752 by Jicchu, a senior disciple of Ryoben Sojo, the founder of Todaiji Temple. Only the Buddhist memorial service has been handed down uninterruptedly to this day as a “non-regressive practice” for more than 1250 years.  The climax on the 12th is the “Omizutori” event, in which perfume drawn from the Wakasai well on the grounds is offered to the principal image of Nigatsu-do.


再生の 椿ひしめく 手水鉢

The camellias blooming, the camellias falling, there is a quiet Honen-in Temple in Shishigaya, Higashiyama, Kyoto, which is known for the conspiracy to overthrow the Heike clan.  It is also known as the “Camellia Temple”.  Various types of camellias are planted throughout the precincts, including Yabu-Tsubaki.  When you enter the courtyard, there is a camellia called “Sanmei Tsubaki”.  These are Five-colored camellia, Atetsubaki, and Hanagasa camellia.  All trees have double flowers that are red, pink, white, and red with white spots.  In addition, in the temple grounds, camellia flowers are floating on the water basin, and camellia flowers are attached to the washbasin, which pleases the eyes of visitors.


優しさと 気品が滲む 枝垂れ梅

There are few daffodil flowers left, and the green of the leaves stands out.  Instead, the plum blossoms are almost in full bloom, creating a beautiful contrast between the green of the daffodils and the pink of the plum.  Plums and cherry blossoms are often contrasted, but plums have a dignity and gentleness that cherry blossoms do not have.  Today, the word flower means cherry blossom, but before the Heian period, the word flower meant plum.  In the Manyoshu, the oldest existing anthology of Japanese poetry, there are 43 poems about cherry blossoms and more than 110 poems about plum blossoms.  However, in the “Kokin Wakashu”, net which was created in the early Heian period, the numbers are reversed, with 70 cherry blossoms and 18 plum blossoms.  It is very interesting to think about the implications of this reversal.  Since the Heian period, there has been a great deal of interest in cherry blossoms, but the deep-rooted popularity of plums has not waned.  It’s a culturally interesting question.


春漁に 鼻歌混じりの 網直し

This week marks the beginning of the spring season.  Spring fishing news arrives all over the country.  In the Kansai region, the ban on ikanago fishing will be lifted on March 4th, and ikanago fishing will begin in three sea areas: Harimanada, Osaka Bay, and Kii Channel.  The ban on ikanago  fishing in the Seto Inland Sea is lifted from around the end of February, and it has become a spring tradition.  Supermarkets and department stores throughout the Kansai region have set up sales corners for ikanago, and making ikanago boiled like iron nails at home has become a tradition of spring.  It’s been 7 years of poor catches recently, so I can’t expect much this year.  At the beginning of the catch, the price is about 4,000 yen per kg, but the price gradually drops, and after two weeks, it is about 1,500 yen.  It was around 900 yen about 10 years ago, so it’s still expensive.

今週からいよいよ春シーズンの始まりだそうです。全国各地では、春漁の便りが届きます。関西では、いかなごシンコ漁解禁日が3月4日に決定し、播磨灘、大阪湾、紀伊水道の3海域において、イカナゴ漁が始まります。瀬戸内海のイカナゴ漁が解禁されるのは2月下旬くらいからで、春の風物詩になっています。関西各地のスーパーやデパートではイカナゴの販売コーナーも設けられ、各家庭でイカナゴの釘煮を作るのもまた春の風物詩となっています。最近は7年間の不漁続きで、今年も余り期待できません。水揚げの初めは1kg 4,000円位ですが、徐々に値段が下がり、2週間も経てば1,500円位にはなります。10年位前は900円前後でしたからやはり高いです。

子を思う 心が彩る 雛お菓子

Hina Matsuri is a celebration event that was originally held on March 3 to wish for the happiness and growth of girls.  Hina dolls are decorated with flowers and trees such as cherry blossoms, tachibana and peach blossoms, and Hina arare rice crackers and hishimochi rice cakes are offered.  Hina sweets are the hina decorations that children enjoy the most.  The traditional Hinamatsuri sweets, which are based on the three auspicious colors of “white,” “red,” and “green,” are beautiful to look at, and even non-children are intrigued.  Today, in addition to these traditional sweets, there are various western sweets associated with the word “sweets,” and Hinamatsuri is a parade of sweets.


ポーズとり カメラ目線の メジロかな

As there is an idiom that says, “Ume and Uguisu”, there is an inseparable relationship between Ume and Uguisu.  Surprisingly, many people think that the small birds perched on plum trees are Uguisu. In fact, it would be more accurate to say “mejiro color ” for the “uguisu color ” that I unconsciously used just now.  The color of the uguisu’s feathers is a very slightly greenish-brown color, and it does not have a conspicuous green color like the mejiro.  When we say “Ume and Uguisu”, we tend to think that it is the uguisu that often come and perch on the plum blossoms. Instead, it is a parable of things that are well-matched and harmonize beautifully.  It is also used as a parable of a friendly relationship. The idiom “Ume and Uguisu” symbolically expresses the beauty of spring by combining the chirping of the Japanese bush warbler and the plum blossoms that represent spring.


健やかに 大きく育てと  吊るし雛

In Inatori, Izu, the birthplace of Tsurushibina(hanging hina), the Hina no Tsurushi Kazari Festival is held.  This year, the 26th event, will be held from January 20 (Friday) to March 31 (Friday), 2023.  At the now-famous Susanoo Shrine in Inatori, hina dolls and hanging hina dolls are being displayed on the 118 steps of the staircase during the festival.  Hanging decorations originated in the latter half of the Edo period, and expensive Hina dolls were a high value for ordinary households.  Under such circumstances, it is said that in the Inatori region of Shizuoka Prefecture, the custom of hanging handicrafts made of cloth and hanging them to celebrate the first festival has taken root.  The mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and neighbors of the babies gathered together to make them by hand, with the hope that the baby would grow up healthy.


カタバミは 今日の日差しの バロメータ

“Katabami(Oxalis)” is a perennial herb of the Oxalidaceae family, widely distributed in temperate to tropical regions around the world.  In Japan, Katabami was also used as the family crest of the Sengoku daimyo as the “Katabami crest”.  It seems that the high vitality and fertility of Katabami was used as a symbol of the prosperity of descendants.  However, what we often see now is “Ookibana-katabami(Okibana oxalis)”, which has a higher fertility than native species.  A perennial plant native to South Africa, it has larger flowers than the old Japanese Katabami, and was introduced for ornamental purposes.  In countries where dairy cows are kept, it is anathema because it reduces the milk fat content of milk.  It blooms in January when it is still cold in winter, blooms when the sun hits it during the day, and closes in the morning and evening or when the sun is dark.

「カタバミ」は、カタバミ科の多年草で、世界中の温帯地域から熱帯地域に広く分布しています。日本でもカタバミは「カタバミ紋」として戦国大名の家紋に使われていたりしました。カタバミの生命力・繁殖力の高さが子孫繁栄の象徴として使われた様です。しかし今よく目にするのは在来種よりももっと繁殖力の強い「オオキバナカタバミ」です。南アフリカ原産の多年草で、日本に古くからある「カタバミ」よりも花が大きく、観賞用に移入されました。乳牛を飼う国では、牛乳の乳脂肪量を減らすとして忌み嫌われています。冬のまだ寒い1月頃から咲きだし、 日中の陽が当たるときには開花し、 朝晩や陽がかげったときには閉じます。