春便り 君に届くや 赤ポスト

On a street corner lined with old folk houses, there is an old-fashioned red post box. The redness stands out while the light snow is flickering. I’ve never seen this post before, so I’m really curious. picture with my phone and went home to check it out. The postal business was established in Japan in 1871, when Japan’s first post box was born. At the time of the company’s founding, post boxes were made of wood with a square box on a base with legs, but in 1901, a red, fire-resistant, cylindrical iron post was installed on a trial basis. This is the beginning of the red round post. Rectangular mailboxes are now the mainstream, but red round mailboxes are still installed at some tourist attractions. Various postal boxes are introduced, but I can’t find a post like the picture. Now is the age of SNS. I rarely use the postbox. In the light snow, a nostalgic thought ran through my head at the retro red mailbox.


雪時雨 壺湯に浸かれば 蛸気分

Hot springs come to mind when it’s cold like this.  I have many fond memories of hot springs.  My oldest memory is the hot springs in Atami.  My great-uncle, who was a teacher of joruri(a narrative chanted to the accompaniment of the samisen) , lived in Atami, so I used to go there a lot when I was a kid.  I don’t know about Atami now, but before the Great Fire of Atami (1950), there was a large public bath in the city where geisha with their hair done Japanese  style often visited.  The beautiful appearance left a strong impression on my child’s mind.  Decades later, when I traveled to Izu, I remember soaking in the pot bath pictured above.  I forgot the details, but I happened to be invited to a house and entered this pot bath.  Hot springs are drawn from the source, and plenty of hot water is filled in Shigaraki pots that only one person can put in.  The hot springs while gazing at the vast ocean of Izu below us were exceptional.


この歳で チョコをいただく バレンタイン


Valentine’s Day is a popular event celebrated worldwide as a day to celebrate love and passion. Many people can show love to their partners, family, and friends in special ways on this day. On the other hand, there is also a commercial aspect to this day, with emphasis placed on shopping and gift giving. I believe it is important to consider both the enjoyment of celebrating love with partners, family, and friends, as well as the commercial side of things on Valentine’s Day. There are many ways to show love, not just through けshopping and gift giving, but also spending time together and making handmade gifts can be wonderful ways. The most important thing is to express one’s own feelings. Reflecting on one’s own thoughts and ideas towards Valentine’s Day and spending a special day with those they love is important. Chocolate is often given as a gift on Valentine’s Day. The tradition of giving chocolate on Valentine’s Day has a long history, dating back to 15th century France, but is now used to celebrate love and passion worldwide. This is also due to the tradition of men giving chocolate to women. In France at that time, it was common for men to write love letters to women and chocolate was seen as a symbol of that love. Nowadays, giving chocolate to those you love, whether it be partners, family, friends, is a common practice on Valentine’s Day. Chocolate is popular as a symbol of love, friendship, and support, and there is also a tradition of sweet taste being particularly popular among women. Therefore, giving special chocolate on Valentine’s Day has become a common practice.


路地裏に 人が咲かせた 落椿

In the corner of a back alley with little traffic, pebbles are laid out in a circle, and fallen camellia flowers are displayed on the pebbles.  It’s like a camellia blooming on the ground, and it’s alive.  Who made the camellia circle stone? It’s a beautiful monument only for this winter.  It is also characteristic of camellias that the fallen camellia flowers are decorated in this way, and the whole camellia flower falls.  It is said that camellias are associated with death because they fall from the neck along with the flowers, and it is considered taboo to give them as a present to the sick.  However, when I look at this monument, I can feel the beauty and warmth of the creator, and I am strongly conscious of the word “rebirth” rather than “death.”

人通りの少ない路地裏の一角に丸く小石が並べられ、小石の上に落ちた椿の花が飾られています。 地上に咲く椿のように、生き生きとしています。 椿丸石は誰が作ったの? この冬だけの美しいモニュメントです。 落ちた椿の花がこのように飾られ、椿の花全体が落ちるのも椿の特徴です。 椿は花と共に首から落ちることから死を連想させるとされ、病人に与えることは禁忌とされています。 しかし、このモニュメントを見ると造り手の美しさや温もりを感じることができ、「死」よりも「再生」という言葉を強く意識します。

百均で 思わず買った 雛人形

Today I used ChatGPT (an artificial intelligence tool that can generate original text).  “” is ChatGPT’s answer to the question.  There is a lot of talk about the emergence of a search site that surpasses the conventional Google search.

 When do you start decorating the hina dolls?

 “Hina dolls are usually displayed from mid-February to early March as part of a celebration called Hinamatsuri.  This celebration is held to pray for the growth and health of girls, and also as a celebration of spring.  ”

 When did the custom of displaying Hina dolls begin?

 “The custom of displaying Hina dolls is said to have started in the Edo period. At that time, it is said that the whole family displayed Hina dolls and prayed for the growth and health of girls. It is said that it was also used for special occasions, and even today, many people continue the custom of displaying Hina dolls.”






春光で 世界を照らせ 今朝の富士

Japan is still an unknown country to the people of the world, both geopolitically and historically.  Japan has built its own civilization for over 2,000 years in the Far East, which is far from the birthplace of the world’s four great civilizations and isolated from the civilizations of Mongolia and Europe.  Since ancient times, Japan has stirred the imagination of people around the world as a country with an elixir of immortality and a country that shines with gold. However, it’s only recently in the 21st century that the real Japan has come to be known. Today, with the rapid development of transportation and information networks, even if there were temporary traffic jams due to the pandemic, Japan shall be known to the world by leaps and bounds.  And Japan shall be recognized as a country with a rich culture and civilization that can contribute to the peace and prosperity of the world.  National Foundation Day should not be only a day to remember the founding of the nation and cultivate a love for the country.  It is also a day to become aware of the need to spread our wings for the sake of the world.


山茶花も 今が盛りの 氷雨かな

Both sasanqua and camellia are plants belonging to the same family, Camellia genus.  There are many ways to tell the difference, such as whether the flowers open and bloom or bloom as buds, whether the petals fall apart or fall entirely, whether the leaves are deeply jagged or shallow, etc., but it is difficult to distinguish them.  Seasonally, sasanqua blooms in the first half of winter, and camellia blooms in the latter half of winter.  Now is just the turning point, and the sasanqua is at its peak.  The various varieties are in bloom.  At dawn when the wind is a little strong, the petals of sasanqua are piled up.  On a day like today when the weather is mixed with ice and rain, the flowers are firmer and the dignity stands out even more.  By the way, the word “ice rain” can be used as a season word for both summer and winter in haiku.  When used to mean hail or sleet, it is used as a summer season word, and when used to mean cold rain or sleet, it is used as a winter season word.


大雪と トルコ地震で 開く春

Spring is in full bloom in Minamiizu Town, which is located at the southern tip of the Izu Peninsula, further south than Shimoda City, where no trains pass.  In Minamiizu-cho, there is Shimokamo Onsen, which prospered as a hot spring resort.  Approximately 800 Kawazu cherry trees and rape blossoms are in full bloom on both banks of the Aono River, which runs through the town for 4.2 km, creating a world of bright pinks and yellows all around.  Coupled with the warm climate of Izu, the flowering season is from early February to early March!  On Saturdays and Sundays, many tourists come from the Tokyo area to enjoy the early spring.  Contrary to such a scene, a heavy snow warning arrives from the northern country, and a news of a miserable situation due to a large earthquake arrives in Turkey.  I have mixed feelings.

下田市よりさらに南、鉄道も通らない伊豆半島の南端に位置する南伊豆町はもう春爛漫です。南伊豆町には湯治場として栄えた下賀茂温泉があり、あちらこちらから湯煙が上がる、味わいのある街並みが広がっています。その町中を流れる青野川両岸には4.2kmに渡り、およそ800本の河津桜と 菜の花が咲き乱れ、 あたり一面が鮮やかなピンクと黄色の世界に彩られます。伊豆の温暖な気候と相まって、開花シーズンはなんと2月上旬~3月上旬!土日には、東京方面からも、一足早い春を楽しむ観光客がたくさん押し寄せています。そんな光景とは裏腹に、北国からは大雪警報の知らせが届き、トルコでは大地震で悲惨な状況である知らせが届きます。複雑な気持ちです。

侘び寂びの 心が通う 椿かな

It’s been a beautiful season for camellias.  If the sasanqua is the flower that heralds the arrival of winter, the camellia is the flower that heralds the arrival of spring. The camellia is closely related to the tea ceremony as a tea flower and is the most representative flower that can be arranged from the opening of the fireplace in November to the closing of the fireplace, the late spring of the following year. From November to January when the furnace opens, the ones with firm buds are appreciated, and in February and March, when the buds begin to open, the ones that gradually open up are appreciated. And when the closing of the fireplace is approaching, the fragile flowers that can fall off at any time are decorated. The connection between the tea ceremony and camellias is a symbol of Japan’s traditional “wabi” and “sabi” culture, and an increasing number of people overseas are also interested in it.


金柑を 捥いで手で拭き 口にポイ

When I was a child, there was a kumquat tree on the side of the road, and just now, the yellow kumquat fruit had grown in clusters.  I used to stop and pick and eat and pick and eat. My feet will be full of kumquat seeds in no time. The white flowers are beautiful in the summer, and in the fall, the green berries are darker than the surrounding leaves.  When I had a cough or a sore throat, my mother would often feed me kumquats.  It’s one of my fondest memories. Among citrus fruits, the kumquat, which can be eaten raw with the skin on, is a fruit that is in season from winter to early spring.  It has a sweet and refreshing scent, a faint bitterness, and a sweet and sour flavor and even now, I often buy and eat kumquat candy.
