真白にぞ 春を見守る 富士の嶺

Signs of a full-fledged recovery in inbound demand can be seen in response to the significant relaxation of border measures against the new coronavirus last fall.  The number of foreign visitors to Japan, which had been near zero for a long time, increased to 930,000 in November 2022, about 40% of the pre-corona level.  Based on global air travel demand forecasts, the number of foreign visitors to Japan is expected to recover to a level of over 20 million on an annualized basis by the end of 2023.  One of the most popular spots for foreigners visiting Japan is Mt. Fuji. When a research organization surveyed the degree of awareness of Mt. Fuji’s registration as a World Heritage Site, 94.5% of Japanese answered that they “know”,  and combining the 3.0% who answered “somehow know”, the recognition rate reached 97.5%. In addition, China also shows a high recognition rate of 86.0%, including those who “know” and “somewhat know”.  On the other hand, the recognition rate in South Korea is 66.0% and in Taiwan 59.5%, indicating that the recognition of Mt.Fuji.  Regarding the image of Mt. Fuji, the most common answer was “beautiful”, with 17.8% of Japan, 28.3% of South Korea, 22.2% of Taiwan and 19.4% of China.  It is the top in three countries except Taiwan, and it seems that Mt. Fuji has a “beautiful” image not only in Japan but also overseas.  The second most common answer on average for the four countries was “solemnity”, which was ranked first in China along with “beautiful”, second in Japan and South Korea, and third in Taiwan.  It can be seen that the image of “solemnity” is also common in each country.


寒の雪 そっと寄り添う 梅二輪

According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, as of 7:00 p.m. on the 25th, five locations, including Maniwa City in Okayama Prefecture and Kobe City, had the highest amount of snowfall in a 24-hour period up to last winter.  In addition, the lowest temperature was below freezing in 46 prefectures excluding Okinawa, and four locations including Tokoname City in Aichi Prefecture and Miyazaki City set new record highs. On the 26th, the peak of the cold weather passed, and we were relieved to hear that the 20-hour or more stuck on the Shin-Meishin Expressway due to the heavy snow had been resolved.  However, last summer and this winter, the number one record in observation history continued.  Moreover, this trend is not only limited to Japan, but is a global trend, so it is thought that it is due to climate change due to the effects of global warming.


 雪の中 クリスマスローズの お出迎え

While heavy snow warnings have been issued nationwide, Christmas roses, which are said to be winter ladies and winter jewels, are blooming vigorously.  It’s like enjoying the snow.  The name “Christmas Rose” was originally given to the cultivar “Niger”, which belongs to the ranunculaceae and genus Helleborus and blooms in December. The flowering season for most Christmas roses other than Nigeru is February to April in Honshu, and April to May in the Tohoku region and Hokkaido. Because the flowers bloom when it snows, it is also called “Hatsuyukiokishi” or “Machiyukiso” in Japanese.  In addition, tea ceremony masters gave it the Japanese name “kanshakuyaku” and displayed it in tea ceremonies.  The Christmas rose has a legend that it was born from a girl’s tears, but it was introduced to Japan as a medicinal plant from the Meiji to the Taisho eras, and it is now a very popular plant as an undergrowth in Japanese-style gardens as a shade-tolerant plant.


丸窓に 影を落とすや 牡丹雪

Snow is falling deeply at Gio-ji Temple in Sagano, Kyoto.  Gio-ji Temple is known as a tragic nunnery where Gio, who was favored by Taira no Kiyomori, was driven out of the capital due to Kiyomori’s change of heart, and entered the priesthood with his mother and sister.  It is located in the precincts of the old Ojoin Temple, which is said to have been built by Ryouchin, a disciple of Honen Shonin.  It seems to have existed until the end of the Edo period, and was then in ruins, but in 1895, the prefectural governor Kunimichi Kitagaki, who learned of the tragic love of Shirabyoshi Gio and others, donated his tea room that was in his villa in Saga in memory of Gio. And Tessai Tomioka and others built the current Gio-ji Temple with this as the main hall.  There is a large round window in the antechamber of the thatched hut called Yoshino-mado.  It is also called the “Rainbow Window” because the sunlight that shines through the green leaves of the precincts reflects the colorful colors on the shoji screens.  Now, many shadows of Botanyuki(large snowflakes) is falling silently on the round window.


枯れ草も 彩り添えて 寒見舞い

Aside from summer greeting cards, there are probably many people who do not know about winter greeting cards. There are six types of seasonal greeting cards: nengajo, winter greeting card, lingering cold greeting card, hot summer greeting card, lingering summer greeting card, and mourning greeting card.  Kanchumimai is a seasonal greeting card that is generally sent out from January 8th in the Kanto region, January 16th in other regions, and until February 3rd in both cases.  The number of seasonal greeting cards is decreasing year by year, and the planned number of New Year’s postcards for 2023 is 1.64 billion, which is 10% less than the previous year’s result, and it is about a third of the size of the peak 4.45936 billion, in 2004. The spread of the Internet is considered to be the main reason.  At the same time, I think the greater reason is that the changing times have changed people’s consciousness in all respects.


咲き初めし 梅にショールの 淡雪か

It’s cold.  Even in Osaka, the temperature this morning was -1°C.  It seems that the cold will still be tough in the middle of the week.  The more severe this cold weather is, the faster the plum blossoms and the cherry blossoms will bloom.  Flowering will be delayed if the cold weather is not sufficient to break dormancy.  In other words, the conditions for plum and cherry blossoms to bloom early are that the winter is cold and the spring is warm.  It’s not just plums and cherry blossoms.  The same is true for many plants.  Kanjime of vegetables is the process of exposing vegetables to the cold air of winter to produce sweet vegetables.  Kanjime vegetables include a surprisingly wide variety of vegetables such as Japanese radish, Chinese cabbage, carrots, green onions, Japanese mustard spinach, taasai, and spinach.  Plants produce sugar and nutrients through photosynthesis, but under low temperatures, the absorption of nutrients by the roots is suppressed, the water content is reduced, and instead sugars and nutrients are stored in the body to prepare for low temperatures.  It may apply to humans as well.


名を聞けば 可愛さ募る 雪割草

I found it at my local flower shop.  The name plate of the flower is written as Yukiwariso.  From the Hokuriku region to the Tohoku region centering on Niigata Prefecture, it blooms when the snow melts from late February to April, and even under the snow in the middle of winter, it is evergreen and grows by breaking the snow, so it is said that it came to be called “Yukiwariso”.  However, there is an alpine plant with the same name as Yukiwariso, and that is the real Yukiwariso.  It is said that Yukiwariso that grow wild in Niigata Prefecture and the horticultural varieties of Yukiwariso are officially called Omitsumisou. Yukiwariso has many different flower colors such as red, white, pink, light blue, and purple at this time of year when there are few flowers. Yukiwariso, which blooms before other plants show buds, has many fans because of its lovely appearance and name.


大寒も 出で湯に消えて 蕗の花

It is said that cold air will flow into the vicinity of Japan from today, just like the name of Daika(the cold weather).  And from Tuesday 24th to Thursday 26th next week, it seems that there is a possibility of heavy snow on the Sea of ​​​​Japan side, which is dangerous, and in Hokuriku, an “emergency announcement about heavy snow” was made.  This winter has finally reached its peak, and if we surpass it, spring will rapidly approach.  Hukinoto(Butterbur sprouts) from the gaps in the snow and blooms.  On a day like this, soaking in a hot spring is the best.  Fortunately, there are hot springs everywhere in Japan.  Japan has the largest number of hot spring areas and hot spring sources in the world.  There are 3,133 hot spring resorts with lodging facilities in Japan, with a total of about 28,000 sources.  Japan has the largest number of hot springs in the world, with.  China in second place with about 3,000, Turkey in third place with 474, and the United States in fourth place with about 400.

大寒の名に違わず、今日から日本付近には次々と寒気が流れ込むそうです。そして来週火曜日24日から木曜日26日ごろは日本海側で、身に危険が迫るほどの大雪となる可能性があるそうで、北陸では「大雪に関する緊急発表」が行われました。いよいよこの冬もピークを迎え、これを凌げば急速に春が近づきます。雪の合間から蕗が芽を出し花を咲かせます。こんな日は温泉に浸かることが一番です。幸いなことに日本には至る所に温泉地があります。日本は、温泉地数・源泉総数が世界一 。日本には宿泊施設を伴う温泉地が3,133ヵ所、源泉総数が約2万8,000あります。 温泉地の数は世界一で、二位の中国は約3,000、3位のトルコは474、4位アメリカは約400となっており、日本は世界の温泉大国といえます。

大寒も サクラ菜の花 花盛り

It’s Daikan(cold weather) tomorrow from January 20th to February 3th.  Daikan, as the name suggests, refers to the time of year when the coldest weather is severe.  The year is divided into 24 equal parts according to the movement of the sun, and the name given to each season is called 24 solar terms, but Daikan is the last solar term.  In fact, according to past observation data by the Japan Meteorological Agency, it is known that most of the days with low maximum temperatures and low minimum temperatures are in the “season of Daikan.”  The last day of Daikan is Setsubun, which is familiar with bean-throwing.  In the days of the lunar calendar, Risshun was the beginning of the new year. “Kanchumimai(winter greeting card” is served in the season of Daikan, but when the cherry blossoms and rapeseed blossoms bloom, I hesitate to serve “Kanchumimai”.

明日1月20日から2月3日までは大寒です。 大寒は、その名の通り「一年で最も寒さが厳しくなる」時期を指します。1年を太陽の動きに合わせて24等分し、それぞれの季節に名称を与えた呼び方を二十四節気と言いますが、大寒は最後の節気です。実際に、気象庁による過去の観測データによると、最高気温の低い日と最低気温の低い日どちらもほとんどが「大寒の時期」であることが分かっています。大寒の最終日(立春の前日)が、豆まきでおなじみの節分です。旧暦のころは、立春が新しい年の始まり、つまり旧正月で、節分の豆まきは年越しの行事にあたるわけです。寒中に出すのが「寒中見舞い」ですが、サクラが咲き菜の花が咲くようでは「寒中見舞い」を出すのも憚れますね。

梅シーズン 到来告げる 紅梅花

When I visit the plum garden nearby, the red plum blossoms are blooming here and there.  The plum season is finally here.  The blossoming of plum blossoms is called “hokorobu”, and the falling of plum blossoms is called “koboreru”.  Ume, which has a pure beauty different from that of cherry blossoms, was brought to Japan from its native China for medicinal purposes.  People began to enjoy flowers in the Manyo period, and there are 118 poems about plums in the Manyoshu. However, there are 46 cherry blossoms.  After the Edo period, cherry blossoms were synonymous with flower blossom viewing, but before the Heian period, the word “flower” meant plum blossoms.  In particular, Sei Shonagon of The Pillow Book seems to have liked red plum blossoms, and sang, “Kobai blossoms are thick and thin.”  The difference between red and white plums can be seen in the cross section of the tree, and the cross section of the red plum tree is also pink.

近くの梅園を訪ねと紅梅がちらほらと花を咲かせています。いよいよ梅シーズンの到来です。梅の花が咲くことを「ほころぶ」、散ることを「こぼれる」と言う様に、梅の花は日本人にとってとりわけ身近で大切にされてきました。桜とおもむきの異なる清らかな美しさをもつウメは、原産地の中国から日本には薬用として渡来しました。万葉の時代にはすでに花を楽しむようになり、万葉集にはウメを詠んだ歌が118首もあります。それに引き換え桜は46首。江戸時代以降の花見といえばサクラですが、平安時代以前に「花」といえばウメのことでした。とりわけ、枕草子の清少納言は紅梅が好きだった様で、「木の花は 濃きも薄きも紅梅」と歌っています。紅梅と白梅の違いは木の断面で分かるそうで、紅梅は木の断面もピンク色をしています。