言祝ぎの 炎は高く どんど焼き

Dondo-yaki is a local event in which Matsukazari(the pine decorations) and Shimenawa that were used to decorate in Matsunouchi(the first seven days of the New Year), the new year’s calligraphy, and the amulets given last year are brought to shrines, community plazas, fields, etc. and burned.  Dondo-yaki was originally held on January 15th, but recently it has become more common to hold it on Coming-of-Age Day, Saturdays and Sundays before and after it, the last day of Matsunouchi, and Setsubun.  Dondo-yaki has long been said to have originated as a Heian period imperial court event called ‘Sagicho’ held on the night of January 15th. However, its origins are even older, and it is said that it began more than 1,600 years ago in the Kofun period, during the Little New Year’s fire festival called “Oniyo.”  Dondo-yaki is held to pray for a bountiful harvest, prosperous business, family safety, and sound health for this year.


華やかに 啓翁桜と 春の花

Beautiful flowers are arranged at the entrance of the restaurant.  Cherry blossoms are arranged behind the colorful spring flowers, but they are not very conspicuous.  Seen in this way, cherry blossoms are by no means a glamorous flower.  It’s amazing that in two months these cherry blossoms will become the main flowers of spring.  If you look closely, the cherry blossoms are Keio cherry blossoms. It is said that Keitaro Yoshinaga of Kurume City made Keiozakura by splicing Higanzakura with Higanzakura using Chinese Mizakura as a rootstock. It was brought to Yamagata Prefecture, where Keiozakura was forcibly cultivated by Yamagata’s climate and many years of research. It is attracting attention as a flower for special occasions such as New Year’s decorations, weddings, and graduation ceremonies.  Yamagata Prefecture boasts the largest shipment volume of Keio cherry blossoms in Japan as a cherry blossom that blooms in winter.


雪便り 桜便りの 鏡開き

Today, January 11th is Kagamibiraki.  Kagami-biraki is a traditional Japanese custom of breaking and eating kagami-mochi, which is displayed at home as a yorishiro (guide) for the god of the new year.  By breaking the kagami-mochi, we see off the god of the year, and by eating the rice cake, we receive the blessing of the god of the year and wish for good health.  Kagamibiraki is generally held around January 11th, January 15th, and January 20th.  In the Kanto region, where Matsunouchi ends on January 7th, January 11th, and in Kansai, where Matsunouchi ends on January 15th, January 15th or 20th.  January 11th is also the last day of Ebisu Day in Kansai.  Although the event is held in the middle of winter on both days, there are reports of snow from the north and reports of cherry blossoms from the south.  Work and school have returned to normal, and traditional events have faded year by year.

今日1月11日は鏡開きです。鏡開きとは、正月に年神様の依代(道案内)として家に飾っておいた「鏡餅」を割って食べる日本の伝統的な風習です。 鏡餅を割ることで年神様をお見送りし、その餅を食べることで年神様の恩恵を受け、「無病息災」を願います。鏡開きは、1月11日、1月15日、1月20日あたりに行われるのが一般的です。松の内(お正月の期間)を1月7日までとする関東では1月11日、松の内を1月15日までとする関西では1月15日または1月20日が多いようです。1月11日は、関西では残り戎の日でもあります。いずれの日も冬真っ最中の寒中の行事ですが、北からは雪便り、南からは桜便りが届いています。仕事も学校ももう平常に戻り、昔ながらの伝統行事も影が薄くなりました。

コロナ禍も 十日戎で ぶっ飛ばせ

For three days from the 9th to the 11th, the precincts of Ebisu Shrine in the Kansai area will be filled with people who come to buy lucky bamboo and rakes decorated with sea bream and oval gold coins, while chanting “Business prosper, bring bamboo grass!”.  This festival attracts more than one million people in the Kansai region, but Ebisu has long been worshiped by the common people as the god of fisheries and the god of the market.  It is said that it was associated with the seven gods of good fortune and came to be worshiped as the god of fortune as it is today.  In the Hanshin area, which prospered as a center of commerce during the Edo period, an event called “Ebisu-ko” was born, in which each merchant’s family and business associates worshiped Ebisu. And then Nishinomiya Shrine (Nishinomiya city, Hyogo Prefecture),  Imamiya Ebisu Shrine (Naniwa Ward, Osaka City) came to be worshiped as the god of prosperous business and furthermore, the Ebisuko held there became a big crowd as “Toka Ebisu”. In the Kanto region, only Asakusa Hatsukabi and Kiryu Nishinomiya Shrine’s Ebisu are known, and few people seem to know about Toka Ebisu.


舞う雪に 女人高野の 立ち姿

Muro-ji Temple, also known as Nyonin Koya(Koya for women), is a mountain temple located in Muro, near the border of Mie Prefecture, in the eastern part of the Nara Basin.  Due to the volcanic terrain of Muro, there are many strangely shaped rocks and caves, and the caves have been worshiped as dragon caves, that is, the homes of dragon gods. Even before the advent of Buddhism, the area was regarded as a sacred place for praying and stopping rain.  Concerning the founding, there is a legend that it was founded by En no Ozunu and revived by Kukai, but it is an afterthought.  The five-storied pagoda in the photo is a national treasure and was built around the year 800.  The wooden parts are painted vermillion, and it is the second oldest outdoor wooden five-storied pagoda in Japan after the pagoda of Horyuji Temple.  The height is a little over 16 meters, which is about one third of the five-storied pagoda of Kofuku-ji Temple in Nara City.  It was heavily damaged by a typhoon in 1998, but thanks to donations also from the Christian Church, it has been completely restored and stands dignified even in the snow.


松の内 終えて味わう 塩鰹

Matsunouchi is the New Year period.  It varies by region, but in the Kanto region it is generally from January 1st to 7th, and in some regions it is until January 15th.  New Year’s is a traditional event to welcome the ancestor Toshigami and wish for peace and good health for the year.  When the Matsunouchi dawns, Toshigami-sama returns home, and everyday life begins.  Put away the New Year’s decorations such as kadomatsu and shimenawa, which were used as yorishiro (sign posts) for Toshigami-sama.  Then, collect and bake New Year’s decorations with “Dondo-yaki(a fire festival usually held on the end of New year’s celebrations)” and “Otakiage”. In the Tago area of ​​Nishiizu, the bonito is dried with salted bonitofor half a year and decorated. Today, extremely salty salted bonito is a winter specialty recipe along with salted salmon.


年毎に 七草粥に 籠る味

Today is one of the five seasonal festivals, the Nanakusa Festival.  The five festivals are today’s Nanakusa no Sekku, March 3rd Momo no Sekku (Hina Matsuri), May 5th Tango no Sekku (Children’s Day), July 7th Sasa no Sekku (Tanabata), and September 9th Kiku no Sekku.  In the commentary on The Tale of Genji, there is a poem, “Seri Nazuna, Gogyo Hakobera, Hotokenoza, Suzuna Suzushiro, this do is the seven herbs”.  The seven herbs are said to ward off evil spirits because they sprout early in spring, so people ate rice porridge with seven herbs to pray for good health.  Nanakusa is a Japanese herb.  Recently, grocery stores and supermarkets sell nanakusa sets, which are nanakusa in a basket, and convenience stores sell nanakusa porridge that you can just cook in a microwave oven.

今日は五節句の一つ、七草の節句です。五節句とは、今日の七草の節句、3月3日の桃の節句(雛祭り)、5月5日の端午の節句(子供の日)、7月7日の笹の節句(七夕)、9月9日の菊の節句を言います。源氏物語の注釈書に「せりなずな 御形はこべら 仏の座 すずなすずしろ これぞ七草」の歌があり、この頃から 「春の七草」の風習が始まり、江戸時代に一般に広まりました。七草は、早春にいち早く芽吹くことから邪気を払うといわれ、無病息災を祈って七草粥を食べたのです。七草はいわば日本のハーブ、そのハーブを食べることで正月疲れが出はじめた胃腸の回復をはかりました。最近では正月明けの八百屋さんやスーパーで、七草を籠に盛った七草のセットも販売されていますし、コンビニではチンしたらいいだけの七草粥が売られています。

早々と 春を告げるや 木瓜の花

It’s Sho-kan(the first half of the coldest season, January 6–19) and Kan-no-iri(the entrance of the cold day) today.  Although it is said that the full-fledged winter is coming from now on, the number of Boke(Japanese quince flowers) is increasing.  The best time to see the flowers of Boke is around March to May, when it gets warmer, but there are also varieties that bloom regardless of the season, such as “Kanboke”, which begins to bloom around November, which is the end of autumn.  In China, the place of origin of Boke, it is called “hoshunka,” meaning “a flower that emits the scent of spring before any other flower.”  It is also the origin of the flower language of Boke, “pioneer”.  It came to Japan during the Heian period and spread throughout the country.  In addition to being planted as a garden tree, Boke is also popular as a potted plant, hedge, bonsai, cut flower, etc., and is popular as a spring flower.  The kanji character for 木瓜 is similar to a melon, and the name comes from the fact that the tree looks like a melon.  After flowering, it produces blue fruitsin September to October.  The fruit is fragrant and can be enjoyed by making fruit wine and jam.

今日は小寒、寒の入りです。これからが本格的な冬到来と言うのに、ボケ(木瓜)の花が数を増やしています。ボケの花は温かくなる3~5月頃に見頃を迎えますが、秋の終盤にさしかかる11月頃から咲き始める「寒木瓜(カンボケ)」や、季節を問わず咲く品種もあります。ボケの原産地中国では「放春花」という名前で表記され、『どの花よりも先に春の香りを放っている花』という意味があるそうです。ボケの花言葉「先駆者」の由来でもあります。日本には平安時代に渡来して各地に広がりました。 ボケは庭木として植えられる他、鉢植えや生垣、盆栽、切り花などとしても人気が高く、春の花として親しまれています。漢字の「木瓜」は実がウリに似ており、木にウリがなったようにみえることからつけられました。花後の9~10月には青い実をつけます。実は香りがよく、果実酒やジャムが作って楽しむことができます。

正月も 終えていよいよ 寒の入り

We returned to our daily life again this year while the New Year mood remained.  Even on the calendar, tomorrow (1/6) will be Sho-kan(the first half of the coldest season,January 6–19).  The lunar calendar divides the year into 24 parts, starting with Risshun(the first day of spring) and ending with Dai-kan(the coldest weather).  Sho-kan is the 23rd of the 24 solar terms and falls on the fifteenth day from Toji(the winter solstice).  The period from this day to Setsubun (the day before Risshun) is called “Kan (also known as Kanchu or Kannouchi),” and this day is also called “Kannoiri.”  According to the calendar, Sho-kan is the coldest time of the year, and from this day onwards, we start sending out winter greetings.  After Dai-kanthe reaches its peak, this year’s spring will begin in earnest.  I want to get over this cold, overcome corona misfortune, and flu, and welcome a new spring.


年明けも 雪景色なく 高野山

Koyasan is a sacred place of Shingon esoteric Buddhism founded by Kobo Daishi Kukai 1200 years ago.  The lowest temperature in the first three days of the New Year continues a below-zero temperature. However, in recent years there has been almost no snowfall, which is good news for hatsumode(the first visit of the year to a shrine) visitors. The number of foreign tourists was increasing year by year since it was designated as a World Heritage Site, but in the last three years it has almost disappeared.  Due to deregulation this year, there are quite a few foreign tourists, although not as many as before.  I strongly prayed that this year we would be free from the corona disaster and that the war in Ukraine would come to an end.
