年毎に 七草粥に 籠る味

Today is one of the five seasonal festivals, the Nanakusa Festival.  The five festivals are today’s Nanakusa no Sekku, March 3rd Momo no Sekku (Hina Matsuri), May 5th Tango no Sekku (Children’s Day), July 7th Sasa no Sekku (Tanabata), and September 9th Kiku no Sekku.  In the commentary on The Tale of Genji, there is a poem, “Seri Nazuna, Gogyo Hakobera, Hotokenoza, Suzuna Suzushiro, this do is the seven herbs”.  The seven herbs are said to ward off evil spirits because they sprout early in spring, so people ate rice porridge with seven herbs to pray for good health.  Nanakusa is a Japanese herb.  Recently, grocery stores and supermarkets sell nanakusa sets, which are nanakusa in a basket, and convenience stores sell nanakusa porridge that you can just cook in a microwave oven.

今日は五節句の一つ、七草の節句です。五節句とは、今日の七草の節句、3月3日の桃の節句(雛祭り)、5月5日の端午の節句(子供の日)、7月7日の笹の節句(七夕)、9月9日の菊の節句を言います。源氏物語の注釈書に「せりなずな 御形はこべら 仏の座 すずなすずしろ これぞ七草」の歌があり、この頃から 「春の七草」の風習が始まり、江戸時代に一般に広まりました。七草は、早春にいち早く芽吹くことから邪気を払うといわれ、無病息災を祈って七草粥を食べたのです。七草はいわば日本のハーブ、そのハーブを食べることで正月疲れが出はじめた胃腸の回復をはかりました。最近では正月明けの八百屋さんやスーパーで、七草を籠に盛った七草のセットも販売されていますし、コンビニではチンしたらいいだけの七草粥が売られています。

早々と 春を告げるや 木瓜の花

It’s Sho-kan(the first half of the coldest season, January 6–19) and Kan-no-iri(the entrance of the cold day) today.  Although it is said that the full-fledged winter is coming from now on, the number of Boke(Japanese quince flowers) is increasing.  The best time to see the flowers of Boke is around March to May, when it gets warmer, but there are also varieties that bloom regardless of the season, such as “Kanboke”, which begins to bloom around November, which is the end of autumn.  In China, the place of origin of Boke, it is called “hoshunka,” meaning “a flower that emits the scent of spring before any other flower.”  It is also the origin of the flower language of Boke, “pioneer”.  It came to Japan during the Heian period and spread throughout the country.  In addition to being planted as a garden tree, Boke is also popular as a potted plant, hedge, bonsai, cut flower, etc., and is popular as a spring flower.  The kanji character for 木瓜 is similar to a melon, and the name comes from the fact that the tree looks like a melon.  After flowering, it produces blue fruitsin September to October.  The fruit is fragrant and can be enjoyed by making fruit wine and jam.

今日は小寒、寒の入りです。これからが本格的な冬到来と言うのに、ボケ(木瓜)の花が数を増やしています。ボケの花は温かくなる3~5月頃に見頃を迎えますが、秋の終盤にさしかかる11月頃から咲き始める「寒木瓜(カンボケ)」や、季節を問わず咲く品種もあります。ボケの原産地中国では「放春花」という名前で表記され、『どの花よりも先に春の香りを放っている花』という意味があるそうです。ボケの花言葉「先駆者」の由来でもあります。日本には平安時代に渡来して各地に広がりました。 ボケは庭木として植えられる他、鉢植えや生垣、盆栽、切り花などとしても人気が高く、春の花として親しまれています。漢字の「木瓜」は実がウリに似ており、木にウリがなったようにみえることからつけられました。花後の9~10月には青い実をつけます。実は香りがよく、果実酒やジャムが作って楽しむことができます。

正月も 終えていよいよ 寒の入り

We returned to our daily life again this year while the New Year mood remained.  Even on the calendar, tomorrow (1/6) will be Sho-kan(the first half of the coldest season,January 6–19).  The lunar calendar divides the year into 24 parts, starting with Risshun(the first day of spring) and ending with Dai-kan(the coldest weather).  Sho-kan is the 23rd of the 24 solar terms and falls on the fifteenth day from Toji(the winter solstice).  The period from this day to Setsubun (the day before Risshun) is called “Kan (also known as Kanchu or Kannouchi),” and this day is also called “Kannoiri.”  According to the calendar, Sho-kan is the coldest time of the year, and from this day onwards, we start sending out winter greetings.  After Dai-kanthe reaches its peak, this year’s spring will begin in earnest.  I want to get over this cold, overcome corona misfortune, and flu, and welcome a new spring.


年明けも 雪景色なく 高野山

Koyasan is a sacred place of Shingon esoteric Buddhism founded by Kobo Daishi Kukai 1200 years ago.  The lowest temperature in the first three days of the New Year continues a below-zero temperature. However, in recent years there has been almost no snowfall, which is good news for hatsumode(the first visit of the year to a shrine) visitors. The number of foreign tourists was increasing year by year since it was designated as a World Heritage Site, but in the last three years it has almost disappeared.  Due to deregulation this year, there are quite a few foreign tourists, although not as many as before.  I strongly prayed that this year we would be free from the corona disaster and that the war in Ukraine would come to an end.


年初め 箱根駅伝で 勇気百倍

Congratulations to Komazawa University on winning the Hakone Ekiden! 
The Hakone Ekiden, which began in 1920, held for the 99th time this year.  If it had been held without fail, it would have been the 104th tournament this year, but it has been canceled four times before and after World War II.  The Hakone Ekiden was held even though many other sports events were canceled due to the corona disaster.  The only time the Hakone Ekiden is canceled is when it encounters a national crisis comparable to World War II.  It’s truly a threatening tournament because even though Hakone Ekiden, which has the highest point of 850m, has been hit by heavy snow several times in the past, and there were concerns that it might be canceled, even so, it has been held without interruption. It makes sense that the Hakone Ekiden is a national New Year’s event.  This year’s New Year’s three days are about to run through while watching the 10 athletes from each university run through the 271km round trip between Tokyo and Hakone. 


初風呂の 意味も忘れて いい湯だな

On the 2nd of New Year’s Day, the first thing that comes to mind is the “Hatsunuro (first bath).”  It is also called “Hatsuyu”, but it is becoming a dead word now.  In the old days, few people living in urban areas had indoor baths, and many people used public baths.  Therefore, they didn’t have the habit of taking a bath every day.  On New Year’s Eve, many people went shopping until late at night and prepared New Year’s dishes for the first three days of the New Year.  Therefore, they were exhausted on New Year’s Day and didn’t have the energy to take a bath, and the public bath was closed in the first place.  Bathing is now commonplace, but in the past it was more meaningful and enjoyable.  On the 2nd, the public bath will start, so I rushed to the public bath with the feeling that I had been waiting for it.  The ′′ first bath ′′ on the 2th of the new year was very meaningful.  Not only on New Year’s Day, but now that I take a bath every day, the gratitude for taking a bath has faded.


麗しの 令和日本は まほろばぞ

It’s New Year’s Day in 2023.  I am reminded of the fact that more than half of my life was spent in the Showa era, and then in the Heisei and Reiwa eras.  “Reiwa” is taken from the sentence in the Manyoshu, “Amidst the beautiful harmony of early spring, the breeze calms down…”. It means that culture is born and nurtured while people bring their hearts together beautifully. In 654, the era name was established for the first time in Japan, “Taika”. Since then, until the 250th “Heisei”, all exhibits were from Chinese classics.  Japan is now the only country that has its own era name.  It is of great significance that “Reiwa” was taken from Japan’s oldest classic, “Manyoshu” for the first time.  The Manyoshu is the world’s only large anthology of poems collected over a period of 350 years, from peasants to emperors.  It must have been the cornerstone of Article 1 of Japan’s first written constitution, enacted by Prince Shotoku in 604, “Cherish the harmony among people”.  “Reiwa” is a grand command that now is the time for Japan to spread its wings to the world and transform itself into a world where “Cherish the harmony among people”.

令和5年(2023年)元旦です。人生の半分以上を昭和の時代に、そして平成、令和の3時代を生きてきたことを改めて考えています。「令和」とは、万葉集にある「初春の令月にして 気淑(きよ)く風和ぎ、…」という文から採られ、「人々が美しく心を寄せ合う中で、文化が生まれ育つ」という意味を込めているとのことです。日本で初めて元号が定められたのは654年の「大化」です。以来250番目の「平成」まですべて出展は中国古典からでした。今や元号を定めているのは日本だけです。「令和」が初めて日本最古の古典「万葉集」から採られたことには大きな意義があります。万葉集は、350年間に渡って、農民から天皇まで身分を超えて集めた世界唯一の大歌集です。604年に聖徳太子によって制定された我が国最初の成文憲法第1条 「和を以て貴しとなす」の礎になったに違いありません。「令和」は、今こそ日本が世界に羽ばたき、「和を以て貴しとなす」世界に変革せよとの大号令なのです。

これなしで 越しに越されぬ 晦日蕎麦

There is a soba restaurant in a shopping street that is usually less crowded.  There is a signboard for handmade soba, but it seemed that there were not many customers other than the usual customers.  However, when I passed in front of the soba restaurant today, there was a long line.  There are many desks lined up in front of the store, and on top of them are rows of plastic bags of Toshikoshi soba sets with the names of the customers who have made reservations written on them.  I bet it was a store that people in the know knew.  According to a survey I saw on the news, 92% of the people eat Soba on the New Year’s Eve in some way.  It’s not limited to Soba on the New Year’s Eve, but recently there are many events in which the whole nation participates.  This is also a feature of the Internet society.


鬼瓦 南天見つめる 年の暮れ

Nanten (Nandina), whose tiny red berries stand out against the New Year’s decorations of bamboo and pine trees, has long been cultivated in many homes to ward off evil spirits, ward off evil, and pray for good health.  It is said to be auspicious from the word “難(nan)を転(ten)じて福をもたらす(bring good fortune by overcoming difficulties)”, and is planted in the direction of entrances, restrooms, and demon gates to ward off uncleanliness.  Japanese people seem to especially like this kind of pun, and it can be seen everywhere in annual events.  New Year’s dishes are typical, and include black soybeans, kelp, sea bream, and more.  Of course, there are customs in foreign countries to enjoy playing with words, though not as much as in Japan.  “My Very Educated Mother Just Showed Us Nine Planets” is one such example, and the uppercase letters are a sentence made up of the initial letters of the planets in the solar system.

小さな赤い実が、竹や松のお正月飾りにひときわ映える南天は古くから、魔除け、厄除け、無病息災を願い、多くの家庭で栽培されて来ました。「難を転じて福をもたらす」の語呂から縁起のいいものとされ、不浄をはらうために玄関やお手洗い、鬼門と呼ばれる方角に方位よけとして植えられるようになりました。こうした語呂合わせは、日本人は特に好むようで、年中行事の至る所で見受けられます。お正月のお節料理はその典型で、黒豆(まめに暮らす)、昆布(よろこぶ)、鯛(めでたい)など、枚挙にいとまありません。もちろん外国にも、日本ほどではありませんが、語呂合わせを楽しむ風習はあります。「My Very Educated Mother Just Showed Us Nine Planets」などはその一つの例で、大文字は太陽系の惑星の頭文字を取ってできた一文です。

湯気煙る 昔懐かし お餅つき

The rice cake pounding at the end of the year is no longer seen.  Occasionally, children’s associations, neighborhood associations, and children’s centers hold mochitsuki events.  The diet has become richer, and rice cakes are also sold at shops all year round. However, according to a survey, 77.4% of people like mochi.  Furthermore, when asked when they eat it, 61.8% answered that they “mainly eat it during the New Year” and 23.2% answered that they “eat it on a regular basis regardless of the season.”  In addition, 56.6% of the respondents “decorate kagami-mochi”, and it seems that the tradition of New Year’s rice cakes is still preserved. Mochi eaten on New Year’s Day is usually eaten as ozoni.  For the mochi, it is common to use square mochi in eastern Japan and round mochi in western Japan.  Also, how to eat mochi, seasonings, and ingredients vary depending on the region.  The other is kagami mochi.  Toshigami-sama, who brings happiness for the new year, is welcomed to your home with rice cakes prepared for the New Year.  Obon and New Year’s are associated with Buddhism and New Year’s with Shinto, respectively.
