子サンタが 木を攀じ登る 温ったか町

Sure enough, Santa was climbing a tree.  Every year, when Christmas approaches, Santa Claus climbs the tree in the morning, and the Christmas tree lights up and lights up at night.  I look forward to seeing it, and I have no qualms about the cold, and I want to go back and forth in the morning and evening. For the past three years, when I’ve been stuck in the Covid-19 pandemic, I’ve never worn a mask when walking down this street.  It is a street where only dreams can spread with peace of mind.


昭和歌謡 聞くは令和の 年の暮れ

The Showa era, where I lived more than half of my life.  More than half of the songs that stick in my mind are songs I heard as a child.  I wonder why.  I don’t know if it was because the content of the song was good or because I was sensitive.  Such a memorable song is flowing on Youtube.  It is a song played by the “Tokyo Showa Kayo Orchestra” formed by a group of four men born in the Showa era and raised in the Heisei period.  Originally, while doing band activities with the theme of folk music from around the world, they happened to notice that various melodies were condensed in the Showa Kayo that they played, so they dissolved the band and formed “Tokyo Popular Song Orchestra” in April 2009. Showa Kayo has beautiful melodies. The lyrics are beautiful. We had a dream in the Showa era. We had hope.  They play such Showa melodies and love the good old Showa popular songs, and listen to Showa songs in a nostalgic style that makes you feel like you’ve traveled back in time to the past. The street performances and solo performances in Asakusa and Ueno have gained enthusiastic support from middle-aged and older people.  Recently, the younger generation who do not know the “good old Showa Kayo” is also attracting attention.


囲炉裏端 昔談義に 湯気が立ち

It’s the time of Bounenkai (the year-end party), and when I enter the cafeteria at night, I come across a gathering that looks like a year-end party.  A year-end party is a banquet that is held at the end of the year for the purpose of consoling the year, and is a common culture unique to East Asia, such as Taiwan, China, and South Korea.  Year-end events in Europe and the United States are mostly Christmas parties followed by countdown parties.  Year-end parties in Japan are said to have their roots in a party called “Toshi-Wasure” held in the Kamakura period.  It wasn’t until the Edo period that the year-end party took on the form it has today.  After the Meiji period, students and bureaucrats played a central role. Students who did not return to their hometowns at the end of the year got excited at banquets at the end of the year and the bureaucrats went out drinking with their winter bonuses. It is said that such a thing became established as a year-end party.  However, in recent years, about 80% of people answered that they do not want to participate in end-of-year parties related to their workplaces, and 70% of people say that they do not think that end-of-year parties are necessary.


紅を 競うサンタの 紅葉狩り

Daiitokuji Temple is the second most popular autumn leaves spot in Osaka Prefecture.  Located on Mt. Ushitaki, it is also known as Ushitaki Temple.  The Tahoto pagoda that remained after being destroyed by Hideyoshi’s attack on Negoro is designated as a national important cultural property.  The surrounding area, including the precincts, is famous for its autumn foliage.  The autumn leaves in the Kinki region have begun to fall, but the autumn leaves of Mt. Ushitaki are in full bloom until mid-December.  Nearby, there are four waterfalls with a drop of around 10m along the Ushitaki River, which are remnants of the Shugendo training grounds opened by En no Gyoja.  When I approached the temple gate to go to Ushitaki Onsen, a woman wearing a costume that looked just like Santa Claus came in through the temple gate.


切り株の サンタオブジェが 出番待ち

When I went to a nearby park, I saw a group of stump Santas made from thinned wood.  From now on, it will be sorted at the entrances of the park.  If you look it up on the internet, you’ll find that there are many schools and public facilities that are working on making stump Santas. They are also sold online. It’s quite popular, isn’t it?  It’s getting more and more like Christmas recently.  Looking at the calendar, Christmas is less than two weeks away.  I get busy even though I have nothing to do.  After Christmas, it’s the new year.


フダンソウ 赤と黄色が  寄り添って

A member of the spinach family known as Swiss chard in recipes.  The Japanese name, Fudanso, of chard comes from the fact that it can be cultivated throughout the four seasons. It seems that it was widely known in the Genroku era at the beginning of the Edo period, and the origin of the name is written as “It was named Fudanso because it is always there regardless of the four seasons”.  It is cultivated in various places as a traditional self-consumption vegetable, and has various regional names.  In Osaka and Kyoto, it is called Umaina.  It is native to the Mediterranean coast, around the Caspian Sea, and Persia, and has been cultivated since around 1000 BC.  This Swiss chard is characterized by vivid colors such as red, yellow, pink, and vermilion on the petioles and veins as shown in the photo.  The leaf stalks and veins are the same color on the front and back, and the color is beautiful, so it is cultivated not only for food but also as a foliage plant.


可愛さに 呼びたくなるね マユミちゃん

It is very interesting that one gave this tree the friendly name of Mayumi. There was a baseball player named Mayumi in the Hanshin Tigers, but it is usually a common name for girls.  This tree is flexible and bends well, so it is used as a material for bows, so it is said that it was named Mayumi (True bow).  It blooms cute little pink flowers from May to June, but they are not particularly conspicuous.  Many flowers and red berries are hung from young trees, and when the pink berries split open, the red seeds that birds love are revealed.  There are 11 poems about Mayumi in Manyoshu, and it is a familiar tree.  This fruit is poisonous and should not be eaten, but wild birds such as Japanese white-eye and brown-eared bulbul love it.  The red color of Mayumi and the chirping of wild birds enliven late autumn.


師走初め 心は熱く ペルーの風

Yesterday, I was invited by a friend to participate in “Peru in Osaka: Wind of Peru” held in Sennan City near Kansai International Airport.  Various folk musical instruments such as quena were played, and folk dance accompanied by the performance was performed.  At the end of the event, everyone participated in the Jenka, and the venue was filled with excitement, making it a heartwarming day.  I realized how important these exchanges between citizens are.  Even in the 21st century, there are still barbaric conflicts in the world.  Due to the outdated worldview of a single ruler, an absurd and unreasonable war is being waged in Ukraine.  Russia, which repeatedly bombs Ukrainian citizens without producing any significant results and just repeats defeats, has now become the most barbaric nation in the world.  I strongly hope that cross-border exchanges of citizens like today will be opened as soon as possible also in Ukraine and Russia.

昨日は友人のお誘いがあって、関空近くの泉南市で開催された『Peru in Osaka:ペルーの風』に参加しました。ケーナを初め様々な民族楽器の演奏、その演奏を伴奏にした民族舞踊などが披露されました。最後には全員参加のジェンカで会場は大盛り上がり、心温まる一日になりました。市民同士のこうした交流がいかに大切であるかを実感しました。21世紀になった今日でも世界には野蛮な紛争が絶えません。一為政者の時代遅れの世界観によって、ウクライナでは不条理で理不尽な戦争が繰り広げられています。大した戦果も上げられず敗退するばかり、ただウクライナ市民を困らせるだけの爆撃を繰り返すロシアは、今や世界で一番の野蛮国家に成り下がりました。ウクライナにも、そしてロシアにも、どうか今日の様な国境を越えた市民の交流が一日も早く開かれる事を強く望みます。

日は落ちて どこを寝ぐらの 鳥一羽

What you think when you look at a picture is different for each person.  Even the same person feels differently at different times.  The pond in the park is quiet as dusk approaches.  During the daytime, it was crowded with many people from adults to children, but it was quiet like a lie.  A single duck stands on the other side of the pond, and his white color stands out.  The evening calm pond is like a mirror, reflecting the appearance of him and the surrounding autumnal trees.  What is he thinking now?  What is he going to do now? Does he have his family?  Is there his bed?  Such rambling thoughts arise one after another.  If I think about it in retrospect, in the end, I’m thinking about my current circumstances and the circumstances around me.  The duck standing in front of me now has no hesitation, he has finished the day as he pleases , and he must have found a place to sleep.

一枚の写真を見て思うことは人それぞれ。同じ人でもその時々によっても感じ方は違います。夕闇の迫る公園の池は静かです。昼間は大人から子供まで沢山の人で賑わっていたのが嘘の様な静けさです。池の向こうに一羽のアヒルが立っていて、その白さがやたら目立ちます。夕凪の池は鏡の様で、そのアヒルの姿と周りの紅葉した木々を映し出しています。今このアヒルは何を考えているのだろう? これからどうするのだろう? 家族はいるのだろうか?寝床はあるのだろうか?そんな取り留めもない思いが次から次と沸き起こってきます。翻って考えてみれば、結局は今の自分の境遇なり、周辺の事情を考えているのです。今目の前に佇むアヒルは何の迷いもなく、なすがまま、なされるままに1日を終え、きっと寝場所も決まっているのでしょう。

思い出の 写真で鎮魂 ルミナリエ

The 25th Kobe Luminarie was scheduled to be held from December 9th to 18th.  However, due to the influence of the new coronavirus, the event was postponed for the third consecutive year.  On behalf of Kobe Luminarie, it is said that “Cassa Armonica/Treasure Box of Music” will be held to carry on the significance and thoughts of Kobe Luminarie and to hold the next event. Kobe Luminarie was held for the first time in December of that year, entrusting dreams and hopes for the reconstruction and revitalization of the city along with the repose of the victims of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake that occurred in 1995. The entrance piece in the photo, “Frontone,” is a huge 22-meter-tall triad of gates that stretches for about 50 meters, and is a spectacular illuminated illumination with a wall-mounted “sparriera” of light. Every year it is held, it gains popularity, and in recent years it has developed into a major event with over 3 million visitors.  I was hoping that it would be reopened this year, but I’m sorry.  I pray for the repose of the souls of the victims while looking at the photos of memories.
