山茶花が いよいよ咲いて 冬準備

The autumn leaves are about to end, and the sasanqua flowers are starting to stand out.  Sasanqua, which begins to bloom from late autumn to early winter when there are few flowers, will continue to bloom until early spring next year.  The language of flowers is “Overcoming difficulties” and “Dedication”.  It may be that the appearance of blooming bravely even in the cold creates such a flower language.  Sasanqua is a species of the Camellia genus of the Camellia family, endemic to Japan, as it is called “Sasanqua” in scientific name and English.  Like Kantsubaki, there are hybrids of sasanqua and camellias, and sasanqua and camellias are closely related species that are difficult to distinguish.  Camellia camellias and sasanqua came to France in the early Meiji period, and then to England, but they did not become popular like camellias.  Compared to the bright image of camellia in spring, the dreary image of sasanqua in early winter seems to have been less popular in Europe.

紅葉もそろそろ終わりを迎え、サザンカの花が目立ち始めました。花の少ない晩秋から 初冬にかけて咲き出す山茶花は来年の春先まで咲き続けます。花言葉は「困難に打ち克つ」「ひたむきさ」。寒さの中でもけなげに咲く姿が、こういった花言葉を生み出しているのかもしれません。学名や英語でも「Sasanqua」と呼ばれる様にサザンカはツバキ科ツバキ属の一種で、日本の固有種です。寒椿の様に、サザンカとツバキの交雑種もあり、サザンカとツバキとは近縁種で見分けれるのが困難な品種もあります。サザンカはツバキの花と時を同じくして、明治初期頃にフランスに渡り、次いでイギリスに渡りましたが、ツバキのように流行しませんでした。春の明るいイメージのツバキに比べ、初冬の寂しげなイメージのサザンカは、ヨーロッパではあまり好まれなかったようです。

妓王妓女 仏も偲ぶ 紅葉かな

No matter how many times I read “About the Gioh” in “The Tale of the Heike,” there is something that touches my heart.  Giou (the geisha), who had been favored by Taira no Kiyomori, knew that Kiyomori had changed his mind and moved to Sagano, at the western end of Kyoto, with his younger sister geisha and mother Toji, and set up a hermitage.  Hotoke Gozen, who has been favored by Kiyomori on behalf of Giou, realizes that she will eventually suffer the same fate, and takes refuge with Giou family.  The four women, who shaved their heads and became nuns, prayed wholeheartedly for future generations and lived by chanting nenbutsu. It’s a story that all four of them finally achieved paradise because it was worth it.  Today, the site of that hermitage has become Gio-ji Temple, and is one of Kyoto’s leading autumn foliage spots.


鞍電の 車窓は紅葉で 花盛り

From Kyoto Demachiyanagi Station, the Eizan Main Line to Yase-Hieizanguchi Station and the Kurama Line to Kurama Station leave.  Both routes are popular all year round.  Especially at this time of year, the Kurama Line is popular and difficult to ride.  The highlight is of course the autumn leaves.  About 20 minutes by train from Demachiyanagi Station to Kurama Station, there is a place called “Momiji Tunnel” between Ichihara Station and Ninose Station. About 280 Acer palmatum and Acer palmatum trees in the 250m section will fill the window of the train. Trains slow down in this section.  The sound of taking pictures with cameras and smartphones echoes, and the voices of admiration make the inside of the car even more noisy.  These days, we can hear the voices of ooh and aah of the visitors from all over the world.


瀬せらぎに サギ立つ沢の 紅葉かな

Only the sound of the murmur of a small stream is heard.  A white heron stands motionless in a stream where autumn leaves fall silently.  Surrendering himself to the destiny, he looks like a philosopher whether or not he knows tomorrow’s destiny.  No matter where or   how they groom themselves, the whiteness of their wings stands out.  Saigyo, who sang, “Even one who claims to no longer have a heart feels this sad beauty: snipes flying up from a marsh on an evening in autumn” must have looked like this too. Whether you are heartless or not, you can’t help but shudder at the sight of this beautiful natural sight, and at the same time feel the harshness and transience of finite life in the dignified appearance of the white heron.

聞こえるのは瀬せらぎの音だけ。紅葉が音もなく舞い落ちる沢に、白鷺が微動だにせず立っています。天命に身を委ね、明日の運命を知るや知らずや、まるで哲人の風貌です。何処でどうして身繕いするのやら、羽の白さが目立ちます。「心なき 身にもあわれは 知られけり 鴫立つ沢の 秋の夕暮れ」と歌った西行が見た景色もきっとこういう景色だったに違いありません。心なき身であろうとなかろうと、この美しい自然の光景に感動を覚えると同時に、白鷺のその凛とした姿に、限りある命の厳しさと儚さを感じ取り、慄然とせざるを得ないものがあるからです。

日本列島 ワールドカップで 沸かす秋

FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 kicked off at 22:00 Japan time.  In the first half of the game, Germany scored one goal, and the strength of Germany was shown to the end.  Japan took the lead in the second half when they were chasing a goal, leveling the score in the 30th minute, and scoring a goal in the 38th minute to win the come-from-behind victory.  It was truly an exciting match.  Japan’s victory over Germany erupted with joy throughout Japan, and the media of each country couldn’t hide their surprise, reporting that it was a “great shock” and “the second upset of the tournament”.  Among them, the UK’s “Daily Mail” reported that “the underdog Japan upset the tournament for the second time with two goals in the final stages of the game played by a player playing in Germany”, and  praised it as a big victory following the result of victory that Saudi Arabia reversed to Argentina the day before.


三室戸の 紅葉揺蕩う 宇治の川

Mimurotoji Temple in Uji is known as a flower temple.  Rhododendrons and azaleas are in full bloom from April to mid-May every year.  After receiving the baton from azaleas, the hydrangea season begins in mid-June.  You can enjoy about 20,000 hydrangeas of about 50 varieties at the precincts’ Hydrangea Garden.  From July, when summer officially begins, lotus flowers bloom in front of the main hall.  In autumn, Mimuroto’s red maple leaves that have been handed down since the Edo period are one of the top 12 scenic spots of Uji. 


秋冬が 流れるカフェは 秋模様  

♭♯♭ 秋冬 ♭♯♭

An old private house cafe that I stopped by today too.  The stained glass of the light is an autumn pattern.  While the few guests were chatting, the song that played was “Autumn and Winter”.  It was released about 40 years ago and has been sung by various singers, but Kiyotaka Mitsugi’s song was my favorite.  I listened intently to the song that Mitsugi sang.  It’s a song that makes me a little melancholic every time I hear it, but it’s a perfect song for autumn.  As I listened to the repeated “Ah, it’s autumn”, the depth of autumn really came to me.


紅葉見て 心も紅く はずむ声

Daigoji Temple is the largest temple in Kyoto with a vast precinct of more than 2 million tsubo on Mt.Daigo.  The cherry blossoms at Daigoji Temple, where Hideyoshi Taiko held “Daigo no Hanami”, are famous, but the autumn foliage at Daigoji Temple is so famous that Hideyoshi was unable to fulfill his dream of viewing autumn leaves at Daigoji Temple in the fall.  The main hall, five-storied pagoda, Yakushido, etc. are lined up on the vast grounds, and more than 100,000 cultural properties, including national treasures and important cultural properties, are registered as World Heritage Sites.  This year, from November 18th (Friday) to December 4th (Sunday), there will be a nighttime viewing in autumn, and the area around Benten-do, where the vermilion-lacquered hall and autumn leaves are reflected like a mirror on the surface of the pond, is enveloped in a fantastic atmosphere.


サルビアが 紅葉の下で タコ踊り

Many of the trees in the park are turning red, and fallen leaves are piled up on the promenade.  In such a way, the salvia planted in the flower bed is still blooming well.  The buds are swollen in a circle, as if they are about to open the flowers.  In spring, I often see people drinking and dancing under the cherry blossoms, but I don’t see people drinking and dancing under the autumn leaves.  That’s why Salvia is doing an octopus dance under the autumn leaves instead.  By the way, when I looked up the season word for salvia, it seems that it is the child season word for autumn.  I thought salvia was a summer flower, but it is true that it is blooming vigorously in autumn.


牛滝の 紅葉はおぼろ 湯の煙

Mt. Ushitaki, a scenic spot in Osaka Prefecture, is located in a mountainous area about 30 minutes by car from the city of Kishiwada.  There is Daiitokuji Temple, known for its particularly beautiful maple trees.  Many people flock here during the fall foliage season.  Daiitokuji Temple, which is said to have been founded by En no Gyoja, has the 10th Sutra of “Katsuragi Shugen”, which was certified as a Japan Heritage in June 2020, and the Tahoto Pagoda, which is designated as an important cultural property of the country.  There are various large and small waterfalls in the surrounding area that have been used as training halls for Shugendo, and people still visit the waterfalls to this day.  A little further down there is Ushitaki Onsen, which is crowded with people who have finished viewing the autumn leaves.  Today (11/19) and tomorrow (11/20) the Ushitakiyama Maple Festival will be held.
