終戦の日 知るや知らずや 鳳仙花     

77 years have passed since the end of the war.  The post-war generation has exceeded 80% of the population, and the number of people who remember the end of the war has decreased.  Times have changed dramatically, and we are now entering a historically epoch-making era called the information revolution, which is on par with the industrial revolution of the 18th century.  The spread of information devices represented by personal computers and smartphones is remarkable, and it is hard to imagine what kind of change will occur in the future.  Even in the age of the information revolution, which should contribute to the peace and prosperity of mankind, a barbaric war is still being waged in Ukraine.  In this war, as it is called an information war, information on enemy bases and personal SNS information, using communication satellites greatly influences the battlefield.  Ukraine, with the latest intelligence support from liberal countries, will eventually defeat Russia.


風もなく 柳もげんなり 盆の入り

After shopping, I stopped by a nearby park to cool off.  It was also lunchtime, and the crowds were sparse.  The weeping willows planted along the Hikimizu do not twitch with their branches hanging down.  It’s completely windless.  It’s just that it looks cool with the willows and doesn’t get hot because it doesn’t get direct sunlight in the shade.  The temperature is 35°C and the humidity is 80%, which is hell.  From the smartphone, “heat stroke prevention warning” is constantly sent.  I went home after taking a little rest.  I took out an adzuki bean popsicle from the refrigerator and ate it, and I felt like I was finally revived.


入道が 山に胡座の お盆かな

Obon is from today until the 16th.  The period of Obon differs from region to region, but the Obon holiday is common throughout Japan, and the four days from August 13th to 16th are the base of the Obon holiday, and many companies designate the Obon period as a holiday.  This year, it seems that many companies will have a week of summer vacation from “Mountain Day” on the 11th to the 17th.  Obon is not a holiday, but in the Edo period, there was a custom called ‘yabuiri,’ which allowed live-in apprentices to take a day off around the 16th of New Year and Obon and return to their parents’ homes. It has been inherited. In particular, the custom of visiting one’s hometown during the summer months was tied to the Buddhist custom of Obon, and the custom of holding memorial services for one’s ancestors at the time when one’s family and relatives were all gathered.


亡き人を 偲んで見るも 夏花火

37 years ago this evening, my family was driving to Tokyo.When the sun was about to set and dusk was approaching and our car approached the pass of Hakone, one of my sons sitting in the back seat said that a plane shook and flew away. I didn’t give it much thought at that time, and after about two hours, we arrived at my relative’s house in Tokyo.  At home, everyone is making a fuss in front of the TV.  It is reported that the Nikko Jumbo that left Haneda crashed somewhere in Okuchichibu while repeating Dutch rolls.  It was a tragic accident that caused the largest number of casualties in a single aircraft accident, which was later called “JAL plane crash” or “JAL jumbo plane crash”.  This morning after 37 years, this accident has been reported all the time.  May the victims rest in peace.


気を取られ 岩間花咲く トラバース

Today is “Mountain Day”.  I have many fond memories of the mountains.  Now that I think about it, I did some pretty reckless climbing.  There are countless accidents, such as a mountain hut on the map being flattened and rushing to the next hut, or a guidepost breaking from the base due to strong winds and getting lost.  I have often come to terms with death.  Still, when summer comes, I’m excited.  Between Yarigatake and Okuhotaka, there is a large Kiretto (gap in a mountain ridge) with a height difference of over 300 meters.  It’s a place that makes me cringe even if I look at it on Youtube now.  Even in such a place, when I saw a flower in a little col, I would take out my camera from my backpack and take a picture of the flower.


夏花に 紫陽花もあり 萩もあり

Sounds good.  Extremely hot days welcome.  Summer should be hot.  With the number of people infected with the corona virus remaining at a high level and the heat stroke warning being issued, it may be unscrupulous, but this is my honest impression.  In such a way, when I went to the mountains for a while in search of coolness, Hagi flowers (Japanese bush clover flowers) were already blooming. On the other hand, hydrangea flowers are still blooming in the area where the shadow of the tree is thick.  It is a mysterious scene where the rainy season, midsummer and early autumn are mixed.  Kenko-hoshi said, “The seasons move us deeply each time, as one turns into another”.  I totally agree with him.  It’s still too early to feel the change of seasons, but the flowers seem to be sensitive to the signs of autumn.


ナガサキの 鐘に鎮まる 蝉時雨

It has been 77 years since the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945.  After Hiroshima, the second atomic bomb in human history was dropped, killing more than 70,000 people.  At that time, the population of Nagasaki was about 240,000.  Nagasaki, where an atomic bomb with about 1.5 times the power of Hiroshima was used, suffered less damage because Nagasaki City is surrounded by mountains, and the mountains cut off the heat rays and the blast.  The target of the atomic bombing after Hiroshima was initially Kokura in Fukuoka Prefecture, but due to various circumstances it became Nagasaki.  If an atomic bomb had been dropped on Kokura City, there must have been far more casualties than Hiroshima.  After the Battle of Midway in June 1942, Japan suffered defeat after defeat.  Scientists involved in the development of nuclear weapons have sent a petition addressed to the President of the United States stating that there is no need to use the atomic bomb because Japan will eventually surrender if left alone.  However, the use of atomic bombs by the United States not only forced Japan to surrender, but was also aimed at gaining an advantage over the Soviet Union, which was in conflict with the United States at the end of World War II, despite being the same Allied Forces.  In this way, the atomic bomb still carries the risk of being used after diplomatic failure.


ハマナスも 海の賑わい  嬉しそう

As of just one month ago, the number of people infected with the 6th wave of coronavirus decreased significantly, and many people had high hopes for this summer.  JTB, a major travel agency, conducted a survey on travel trends among “people who plan to travel for one or more nights during summer vacation (July 15th to August 31st).” and the analysis concluded that the willingness to travel during the summer vacation in 2022 will increase significantly compared to last year, approaching the level before the COVID-19 pandemic. And they predicted more long-distance travel, longer stays, and more trips with friends. However, immediately after the survey was conducted, the number of people infected with the corona virus began to increase rapidly, and on August 3, the number of infected people reached more than 249,000, the highest ever.  Schools all over the country started summer vacation, and although they had high hopes for the arrival of the summer vacation season, the situation suddenly changed to put a damper on that mood.  Even so, over the last two years, patience has exceeded the limit, and many people are heading out to the mountains and the sea.  Fortunately, the peak of the 7th wave seems to have crossed the mountain.  The national high school baseball tournament also welcomes spectators for the first time in a long time, and the competition is heating up.  I hope this summer will be a good memory.


猛暑日も 紫陽花花咲く 高野山

Koyasan does not have a geographic mountain called Koyasan, and is a so-called “one mountain precinct” where the entire Koyasan area is considered to be the precincts of a temple.  Koyasan is the entire temple town of Kongobu-ji Temple, which is located in a mountain top basin with an altitude of about 800m surrounded by 1,000m-class mountains.  The temperature is 5-10°C lower than Osaka throughout the year, and even in midsummer it rarely exceeds 30°C.  Even with the recent heat wave, the temperature remains around 27°C, which is a completely different world.  In the precincts of large cedar trees, hydrangeas are blooming, and in addition to Abura-zemi cicadas that play the leading role at this time of year, Tsukutsuku-bohshi cicadas are also singing actively in the daytime.  Unfortunately, the number of foreign tourists that used to be so large has almost disappeared in the last three years.


8・6  御霊安かれ 原爆忌

At 8:15, 77 years ago, on August 6, 1945, the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.  Today, at this time, many Japanese people offered a moment of silence to the victims of the atomic bombing.  All the while, the lingering sound of bells ringing sounded like the painful moans of the victims, and I couldn’t hold back my tears.  Every time I welcome this day, I think that humans are stupid creatures.  What are you trying to accomplish with such a sacrifice?  War is when you can’t stand anything that can be achieved through thorough discussion, and you try to force your opponent to surrender.  Many of them are means to realize the self-interest of the politicians.  Many citizens don’t even need borders.  In modern society, it is true that various mechanisms were born out of necessity, but when they are linked to power and those in power exercise it, nothing good comes of.  Russia, Putin, against Ukraine, yes, yes China.
