老画家が 穂高描いてた 河童橋

It’s a memorable photo.  I went to Kamikochi about five years ago.  I had been there several times before, but all of them were for mountain climbing via Matsumoto in Nagano Prefecture.  Five years ago, I visited Kamikochi via Hirayu in Gifu Prefecture, which opened about 20 years ago.  I got off the shuttle bus in front of Taisho Pond at the entrance of Kamikochi, and headed for Kappa Bridge, going along the Azusa River while sometimes looking at signs warning of bears.  I arrived at Kappa Bridge in about an hour, but it is bustling as ever.  After taking a short break here and walking further towards Tokusawaen from Myojin Pond, an old painter wearing a pink T-shirt is staring at the Hotaka mountain range in front of him next to the Azusa River.  When I spoke to him, he gave me a very friendly reply.  We had coffee and took pictures.  Here is a photo from that time.  In the end, I couldn’t even go to Tokuzawaen, and as a result, I was deeply aware of the decline in my physical strength.


富士見れば これぞ日本の 夏景色

Spring, summer, autumn, and winter, the scenery looking up at Mt. Fuji is impeccable.  It is a symbol of Japan and the heart of the Japanese people.  On the contrary, Mt.Fuji is the place most foreigners visiting Japan want to visit, and foreigners who have visited are simply amazed by its beauty.  To be brief and to the point. When we talk about Japan and Japanese people, a single photo of Mt.Fuji says it all.  Today, with a well-developed transportation network and a well-developed information network, Japan, located in the Far East, an unknown country, is now the most wanted country in the world.  From now on, more and more foreigners will visit Japan, and the more they learn about Japan, the more they will be surprised by its beauty and spiritual depth.  The second half of the 21st century should surely be the century of Japan.  Only then will the world become more peaceful, and the spirit of “harmony” that cares for others will spread.


陽を浴びて 色取り豊か 夏野菜

As of August 3, 2022, the highest temperature in Japan was 41.1°C observed in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture on August 17, 2020, which is tied with the 41.1°C observed in Kumagaya, Saitama Prefecture in 2018. This year, it is expected that the highest temperature of 42°C will be recorded, surpassing this 41.1°C. Tracing the history of the highest temperature in Japan, for a long time the highest temperature in Japan was 40.8°C recorded in Yamagata Prefecture on July 26, 1933 (Showa 8).  This record was broken on August 16, 2007, 74 years later.  At that time, 40.9°C was recorded in Kumagaya, Saitama Prefecture, and Tajimi, Gifu Prefecture.  After that, on August 12, 2013, 41.0°C was observed in Ekawasaki, Kochi Prefecture, continuing the record high temperature in Japan.  By the way, the highest temperature in the world was 56.7 degrees Celsius about 100 years ago when it was recorded in Death Valley, California, USA.

2022年8月3日現在、日本の最高気温は、2020年8月17日に静岡県浜松で観測された41.1℃で、これは2018年に埼玉県熊谷で観測した41.1℃とタイ記録です。今年はこの41.1℃を抜いて42°Cを越える最高気温を記録されるのではないかと予想されています。日本の最高気温の歴史を辿ると、長い間、1933 年(昭和 8 年)7 月 26 日に記録された山形県の40.8°Cが日本の最高気温でした。この記録が破られたのは、なんと74年後の2007年(平成19年)8月16日です。その時記録されたのは、埼玉県の熊谷と岐阜県の多治見の40.9°Cです。その後、2013年(平成25年)8月12日に高知県の江川崎で41.0°Cを観測し、上記の日本歴代最高気温へと続きます。因みに世界の最高気温は、アメリカ・カリフォルニア州のデスバレーで記録された今から約100年前の56.7度です。

風鈴が 鳴れば鎮まる 蝉時雨

Once upon a time, the question, “Why do we feel cool when we hear the sound of wind chimes?”,  was taken up in NHK’s popular program “Chico will scold you!”. The temperature is originally sensed by the temperature nerve cells on the surface of the skin and conveyed to the brain to feel hot or cool.  But there is no connection between hearing and temperature neurons.  The reason why we feel cool when we hear the sound of the wind chime is due to the conditioned reflex of “The wind chime rings → The wind blows → It’s cool.”  This is a conditional reflex that is unique to the Japanese, and is based on experience accumulated over many years.  By the way, when foreigners hear the sound of wind chimes, they hear it as noise, feel hot, and their body temperature actually rises. It is also a psychological phenomenon called “selective attention” that the sound of wind chimes stands out in a continuous chorus of cicadas and the continuous chorus of cicadas seems to recede.  The Japanese have skillfully used these psychological phenomena to survive this hot summer.

NHKの人気番組『チコちゃんに叱られる!』でいつだったか、「風鈴の音を聞くと涼しく感じるのはなぜ?」という問題が取り上げられたことがあります。温度は本来皮膚表面にある温度神経細胞が感知して脳に伝える事で熱いや涼しいと感じます。しかし聴覚と温度神経細胞はなんの繋がりもありません。風鈴の音を聞いて涼しく感じるのは、「風鈴が鳴る→風が吹いている → 涼しい」という条件反射によるのです。これは日本人独特の条件反射で、長年積み上げられてきた経験知に基づきます。因みに、外国人が風鈴の音を聞いたら、雑音に聞こえ、暑苦しく感じ、実際に体温も上がるそうです。蝉時雨の中で風鈴の音が際立って聞こえ、蝉時雨の音が遠ざかるように聞こえるのも、「選択的注意」と呼ばれる心理現象です。日本人はこれらの心理現象を巧みに利用して、この暑い夏を乗り切ってきたのですね。

ウクライナ 負けるな向日葵 ここにあり

Giovanna is at a loss while searching for her husband.  The sunflowers spread out in front of her, and she moves forward as if to divide her way.  This is one of the most famous scenes, showing a vivid contrast between the flowers shining towards the sun and Giovanna’s loneliness and sadness.  Moreover, the man who guides Giovanna tells us that many soldiers are sleeping under this flower.  The same scene as in this movie is unfolding right now in Ukraine.  Director Vittorio De Sica, the award-winning Italian master director, “Sunflowers” is a masterpiece among masterpieces starring world-famous Italian actors Marcello Mastroianni and Sophia Loren.  This movie is now creating a quiet boom all over the world.


夢に見る 絵日記つけてた 夏休み

♭♯♭ 夏休み ♭♯♭

Takuro Yoshida’s “Summer Vacation” is a masterpiece that I will want to listen to no matter how many dozens of ages this time of year.  Because it reminds me nostalgically of my childhood summer vacations.  In it, there is a passage called “Summer vacation with a picture diary”, and when I come here, I always remember the picture diary I used to keep.  I likes to draw, so it’s like I kept a picture diary. I tried to get the color of watermelon, the color of eggplant, the color of morning glory, etc., but no matter how I mixed the creon, I couldn’t get the colors I wanted. I gave up on that day because my teeth were itchy, and tried again the next day.  In the meantime, summer vacation ended.  The same goes for next year’s summer vacation.  After all, the summer vacation of my elementary school days came to an end   without my being able to get the color I wanted.  Even now, I sometimes dream about those days.


しらす干し ちょっと摘んで 暑気払い

Eel is good to beat the summer heat, but Shirasu-boshi (dried whitebait) is also good.  In haiku, “Shirasu-boshi” is a seasonal word for spring, but that is not the case.  Shirasu-boshi can be purchased at any store throughout the year, except from December to March when fishing is prohibited. However, there are seasons for shirasu, which are from April to June and from August to October, and it is said that the fat is especially delicious from September to October. One of the characteristics of shirasu is that there are various ways to eat it, such as “Kamaage shirasu”, “Nama shirasu (raw shirasu)”, “Shirasu-boshi”, and “Chiromen-jako (boiled and dried baby sardines)”.  “Raw shirasu” is best eaten as it is, but there are concerns about parasites and it can only be eaten locally.  “Kamaage shirasu” is made by washing freshly caught shirasu in water, boiling it in salt water at once, draining the water, and cooling it to make kamaage shirasu.  Drying boiled shirasu to about 70% moisture is called “Shirasu-boshi”, and dried shirasu with less than 50% moisture is called “Chirimen-jako”, and sometimes is called “Chrimen” or “Jako”.  In the Kansai region, Hyogo Prefecture boasts the highest catch of whitebait in Japan.  The amount accounts for about 20% of the domestic market share.  In particular, the raw shirasu caught at Iwaya fishing port on Awaji Island is known throughout the country.  


ナデシコの 可憐に舞うや 霧ヶ峰

When it’s so hot, I suddenly remember the plateaus and mountains of Shinshu. On the way back from the Yatsugatake traverse, I stopped by the Kirigamine plateau.  I found Nadeshiko (dianthus) of the photo there.  The cut of the flower is deeper than that of a normal Nadeshiko, and it is lace-shaped like a flower of Karasu-uri (crow squirrel).  When I looked it up, it was a variety called Ezo Kawara Nadeshiko.  Generally, Nadeshiko is a general term for the genus Dianthus excluding carnations, and about 300 species are distributed mainly in the Northern Hemisphere, such as Asia, Europe, and North America.  Among them, four species such as Kawara Nadeshiko and Hama Nadeshiko grow naturally in Japan.  Kawara Nadeshiko is distributed all over Japan except Hokkaido, but the Nadeshiko of the photo was found in Hokkaido and named Ezo Kawara Nadeshiko. Later, it was also found in the alpine regions north of central Japan, and it is speculated that this is the original species of Kawara Nadeshiko.  The Edo period was an era when an unprecedented horticultural boom occurred, and it seems that the varieties of Ezo Kawara Nadeshiko were improved during this period, and the Kawara Nadeshiko was born.


扇風機の ファンかと門扉の マンデビラ

A bright red flower was blooming at the gate of the house on the walkway along the river.  It has a tropical atmosphere, and the vines are stretched to make the flowers bloom in full bloom.  The shape of the flower is similar to that of an electric fan.  It looks like a ship screw.  It is a popular Mandevilla now.  Native to South America, the name Mandevilla is said to be derived from Henry Mandeville, the British minister to Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, who discovered this flower.  The size of the flower is as large as about 10 cm, and some varieties are pure white.  It is multifloral and grows vines from May to October and blooms one after another.  It also blooms in a long time, and one flower keeps blooming for more than a week, so it seems to be popular as a cut flower. And at the flower shop, there is a flower called Sun Parasol, which is very similar to Mandevilla, but this is a flower made by Japanese Suntory Flowers by breeding from Mandevilla.


時代だね 動画で送る 暑中見舞い

動画をクリック https://bit.ly/3cJ16PU

Yesterday, the 26th, the Japan Meteorological Agency announced that “the northern part of Tohoku seems to have finished the rainy season.”  It seems that the rainy season is over, two days earlier than normal and ten days later than last year.  This year, the rainy season ended in June in all parts of the country, so the rainy season is one month late.  At the end of the rainy season, we will give a summer greeting card to those who have taken care of us, such as family members, relatives and friends who are far away.  Summer greetings is to care about the health of the other person and to inform you of your current situation and safety during the harsh season when the summer heat continues.  Normally, summer greetings are given from around July 7, which is the end of the rainy season, to around August 7, which is the day before the fall.  However, in weather conditions like this year, it is difficult to know when to give a summer greetings.  In addition, many people send summer greetings by email instead of postcards.  It seems that the postcard “かもめーる (Kamomeru)”, a postcard for summer greetings at the post office, is not selling at all.
