可憐さに 隠れた儚さ ユウギリソウ

I like the name.  It is often described as “a flower reminiscent of deep twilight, as the name” Yugiri “means”, but it does not look like Yugiri and does not feel twilight.  The delicate florets bloom densely, and you can feel the appearance of the mist-like elegance.  Prettyness may have something to do with transient life.  As flowers of the bellflower family, if you look up closely, you can see that small flowers like platycodon are densely attached.  Many white male flowers protrude from the small flowers, so it looks like fog.  The appearance of the haze in the fragility and fog is reminiscent of the “Yugiri” in “Genji Monogatari”, and it seems that it was named “Yugiri-so”.  It is said that it originated in Southern Europe and North Africa on the Mediterranean coast and came to Japan at the end of the Taisho era.  From early summer to early autumn, the flowers are quaint and refreshing, and they match both Japanese and Western styles.


碧海に 孤高を持すや カサブランカ

Casablanca won world-wide fame as the Queen of Flowers to the full. Also known as the Japanese hybrid, it is a lily that was born in the Netherlands in the 1970s by improving the Tamoto lily that was exported from Japan in the Meiji era.  Tamoto lily is a type of lily that originally grew on Kuchinoshima in the Tokara Islands, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.  Tamoto lily was over harvested and extinct due to its beauty and fragrance.  White lilies such as Casablanca are loved as a symbol of the Virgin Mary in Europe.  In addition, the pure white flower color of Casablanca has a beautiful image without stains, and the flower words “noble” and “pure” are attached, and it is very popular as a bouquet for brides.  Casablanca is the name of a city in the Kingdom of Morocco facing the Atlantic Ocean at the northern end of Africa.  The word Casablanca is written as casa blanca, and in Spanish “casa” means the house and “blanca” means white.  Casablanca was named after the white houses in the blue sea.  Personally, I associate Ingrid Bergman with the masterpiece “Casablanca”.

花の女王の名をほしいままにするカサブランカ。ジャパニーズハイブリッドとも呼ばれ、明治時代に日本から輸出されたタモトユリを1970年代にオランダで改良されて生まれたユリです。タモトユリは、もともと日本の鹿児島県トカラ列島の口之島に自生していた種類のユリです。タモトユリは、その美しさと香りの良さが災いして乱獲され、絶滅してしまいました。カサブランカをはじめとする白いユリは、ヨーロッパでは聖母マリアの象徴として愛されています。また、カサブランカの純白の花色は汚れ無き美しいイメージがあり、「高貴」「純粋」という花言葉がつけられ、花嫁のブーケとしてとても人気があります。カサブランカとはアフリカ北端の大西洋に面したモロッコ王国にある都市の名前です。このカサブランカという言葉は、casa blancaと書き、スペイン語で「casa」は家「blanca」は白いという意味があります。カサブランカは碧海に浮かぶ白い家々をイメージして名付けられました。個人的には名画『カサブランカ』のイングリッド・バーグマンを連想します。

ハスの葉に 花がまあるく 露に入り

On a day of the rainy season, I went to a nearby park between the rain showers.  The lotus pond is full of flower buds.  Some of them have a slight flowering.  Looking at the large leaves at hand, dew like a crystal is accumulated in the center, and the surrounding flowers and buds are imprinted like a fisheye lens.  Speaking of which, in front of the Buddhist altar of Obon, a lotus leaf was placed, and rice, cucumber, and eggplant were placed on it, and hemp reeds were also placed.  The flowers of the lotus were decorated with hakusenko.  It’s only two months away, but it’s coming soon.


紫陽花も いよいよ佳境の 梅雨の入り

Today, June 14, the Osaka District Meteorological Observatory announced that “the Kinki region seems to have entered the rainy season.”  It seems that the rainy season started eight days later than normal and two days later than last year.  The end of the rainy season is July 19th in normal years, and last year it was July 17th, so this year it is likely to be around July 20th.  By the way, have you ever heard stories like “It rains when a cat wash his face” or “It rains when a cat’s whiskers are down”?  It seems that this legend is widespread not only in Japan but all over the world, so it seems certain that cats have such a habit, regardless of whether it is true or false.  The whiskers of cats are also known as “tactile hair”, and when the whiskers touch something or feel something unusual, they carry that information to the brain through nerves and feel “something!”.  So to speak, it plays a role like a “sensor” that is useful in daily life.  Therefore, especially during the rainy season, a cat will be sensitive to changes in humidity and atmospheric pressure and groom.

今日6月14日、大阪管区気象台は「近畿地方が梅雨入りしたと見られる」と発表しました。平年より8日遅く、昨年より2日遅い梅雨入りとなったそうです。梅雨明けは平年なら7月19日で、昨年は7月17日でしたから、今年は7月20日くらいになりそうです。ところで、皆さんは、「猫が顔を洗うと雨になる」とか「猫のヒゲが下がっていたら雨 」、こんな話を聞いたことがありませんか? この言い伝えは日本だけでなく世界中で広まっているそうですから、真偽のほどはともかくとして、猫にはそういう習性があるのは確かなようです。猫のひげは別名「触毛」といって、ひげが何かに触れたり、異変を感じたら、神経を通ってその情報を脳へ運び、「何かがある!」と感じるのです。いわば日常生活で役立つ“センサー”のような役割を担っている訳ですね。だから、特に梅雨の時期には、湿気や気圧の変化を敏感に感じ取り、グルーミングをするのでしょう。

五月雨や 緋鯉真鯉と 花菖蒲

 “Gathering early summer rains  Even more rapid  The Mogami River”  is Matsuo Basho’s famous haiku. This Basho’s “Samidare” is actually a word that refers to Tsuyu ( the rainy season).  May in the lunar calendar is June in the new calendar.  Basho was born in 1644 and died in 1694, but by this time the word Tsuyu had not yet been used.  The word Tsuyu takes root after the death of Basho Matsuo.  The word “梅雨 (a rainy season)” appears in “Makura-no-Soushi (Pillow grass)”, but the reading is “baiu”, which is rarely used, and “samidare” is the translation of what is then called Tsuyu.  “Baiu” is a word that was born because the long rains continue when the ume fruits are ripe and turn yellow.  In this way, there is a one-month gap between the old calendar used before the Meiji era and the new calendar used after the Meiji era, and there are still many scenes of confusion.


梅雨前に 枝垂れ柳と 花紫陽花

Yesterday, June 11th (Saturday), the Meteorological Observatory announced that the rainy season in northern Kyushu and southern Kyushu would begin.  It is said that the rainy season in each area is later than normal, and the rainy season is one month later than last year.  It has already started raining around May 4th in Okinawa.  It is expected that the whole of Japan except Hokkaido will be raining by this weekend.   On the other hand, the long-awaited end of the rainy season is expected to be around June 21 in Okinawa and around July 28 in the final northern part of Tohoku. The rainy season in Japan was a relatively mild rainy season in the monsoon zone, but in recent years it has not been said so.  I hope that no major disaster will occur.  Kinki is still before the rainy season, and the fresh green weeping willow is swaying as if it covers the flower hydrangea.


お見事 クジャクサボテン また咲いた

Kujaku-saboten (Splendit epiphyllum) was in bloom in front of the house along the promenade.  At first glance, it looks like an orchid, but the epiphyllum is a well-established cactus companion.  There is Gekka-bijin (a Queen of the Night) in the same group, but the original species of both Kujaku-saboten and Gekka-bijin bloom from evening to night.  Recently, mating has progressed, and it seems that the number of Kujaku-saboten that bloom in the daytime is increasing.  The flowering season of Kujaku-saboten is from May to June, and the flower colors are various such as white, red, pink, orange, and yellow. Some varieties continue to bloom during the day, and some long ones bloom for about a week.  On the other hand, the flowering season of Gelka-bijin is from July to November, but instead of blooming continuously, it blooms two to three times every three to four weeks from July.  It blooms from evening to night and deflate in the morning.

散歩道沿いのお家の前に立派なクジャクサボテンが咲いていました。一見ランの様に見えますが、クジャクサボテンはれっきとしたサボテンの仲間です。同じ仲間に月下美人がありますが、クジャクサボテンも月下美人も原種は夕方から夜開花します。最近は交配が進み、クジャクサボテンは昼に開花するものも増えているようです。クジャクサボテの花期は5月から6月で、花色は白色・赤・ピンク色・オレンジ色・黄色など多彩で、日中も咲き続け、長いものは一週間程度咲く品種もあります 。一方、月下美人の花期は7月~11月ですが、連続的に開花するのではなく7月から3週間~4週間にぐらいに2回から3回ぐらいまとまって開花します。夕方から夜に開花し、朝にはしぼんでしまいます。

頬ゆるむ 幾つになっても さくらんぼ

When I was looking for a photo, I found a photo of cherries.  As soon as I saw it, I broke into a smile.  Was there such a cherry when I was a kid?  Of course there would have been, and it would have been lined up at the store.  At that time, cherries were out of my reach, so they probably didn’t even notice.  I immediately arranged to send it to my grandchildren.  There are many pre-order advertisements on the net.  Cherry was introduced to Japan from the United States and France in the early Meiji era.  Cultivation seems to have started around this time in Yamagata Prefecture.  Now, the production of cherries in Yamagata Prefecture is the highest in Japan, accounting for about 75% of the total production in Japan. Yamagata Prefecture has a climate that is suitable for growing cherries, as it is hot in the summer, there is little rain even during the rainy season, and the wind is not strong.  Therefore, it is said that many cherries habe been cultivated in Yamagata prefecture. There are two types of cultivation methods for cherries: “greenhouse cultivation” and “outdoor cultivation”.  The cherries that are sold from mid-April to mid-June are “greenhouse cultivation”, and the cherries that are sold after the end of June are “outdoor cultivation”.  The famous “Sato Nishiki” cultivated on the open field cultivation is said to be a precious cherry that can only be harvested for a very short period from mid-June to early July.


目が眩む ほどの赤さの バラの花

A bright red rose was in bloom under the slide in the park.  The redness I had never seen made me feel dazzled for a moment.  When I took a picture with my smartphone and searched with Google Lens, it says “Kimjongilia”.  Kim Jong Il is the father of Kim Jong Un.  This flower is said to be a famous flower of the world presented by a Japanese botanist.  However, this “Kimjongilia” is a new species of the Begoniaceae family.  However, the leaves are obviously rose leaves, so if I look closely, it is a rose called “Andalusian” created by a German breeder in 1976, and it is a famous flower that won the prestigious “ADR Award” in the world. I understand. It is a rose that is still known only to some lovers in Japan, but it is surprising that it was planted in such a place.

公園の滑り台の下に真っ赤なバラが咲いていました。見たこともないような赤さで、一瞬目が眩むような感じがしました。早速スマホで撮ってGoogle レンズで検索したら、「金正日花」とあります。金正日といえば、今の金正恩のお父さんです。なんでも、日本の植物学者が献上した世界の名花だそうです。しかし、この「金正日花」はベゴニア科の新種とのこと。しかし、葉が明らかにバラの葉ですので、よく調べたら、1976年にドイツの育種家が創出した「アンダルシアン」というバラで、世界でも権威ある「ADR賞」を受賞した名花だていうことがわかりました。日本でもまだ一部の好事家にしか知られていないバラですが、よくこんな所に植えられていたものですね。

紫陽花や 陽光分けて 虹の色

It’s the season when Ajisai (hydrangeas) bloom.  Ajisai is the protagonist of flowers during the rainy season.  Its country of origin is Japan.  Currently, there are more than 50 diverse varieties, and Ajisai can be broadly classified into two types, “Gaku Ajisai” and “Hydrangea”.  Of the two species, the most commonly seen Ajisai today is the Western species, Hydrangea.  “Hydrangea” was bred in the West from “Gaku Ajisai”, which was endemic to Japan, and was reimported to Japan in the Taisho era.  What looks like a Ajisai flower is a calyx, and the real one is just a small part in the center.  The hydrangea of ​​the cultivar “Magical Coral Lionni”, which has been attracting attention recently, has a bright green color at the beginning of blooming, a pink color as it blooms, and a stronger green color. There is a great variety. The Ajisai flower language depends on the color of the flower, but it does not apply to this “magical coral lionni”, isn’t it?

紫陽花の咲く季節になりました。梅雨の時期の花の主役といえば紫陽花です。その原産国は日本です。現在50以上の多様な品種があり、紫陽花は大きく分類すると「ガクアジサイ」と「ハイドランジア」の2種類に分類することができます。2種類のうち、現在一般的に見られるあじさいは西洋種である「ハイドランジア」です。「ハイドランジア」は、日本固有種であった「ガクアジサイ」を西洋で品種改良し、大正時代に日本に逆輸入されました。紫陽花の花の様に見えるのは萼(がく)で、本当のはなは中心にあるほんの小さな部分です。最近注目されている 写真の「マジカルコーラル レオーニ」という品種の紫陽花は、この萼が、咲き始めは明るい緑色、咲き進むとピンク色が入り、さらに緑が強くなり、しかも色が混じり合う変幻自在の品種です。あじさいの花言葉には、花の色によって異なりますが、この 「マジカルコーラル レオーニ」には当てはまりませんね。