誰彼の 胸に差したや 勲章菊

There was a small park where I aimlessly went out by bicycle. Various flowers are in bloom in the circuit.  The most noticeable of these is this flower.  I think I saw it from time to time, but when I took a picture with my smartphone and searched with Google Lens, it was Gazania.  It is said that what was native to South Africa, the place of origin, was widely bred in Europe, and many horticultural varieties with various colors and shapes were produced.  Improved varieties in Europe began to be imported into Japan from the end of the Meiji era to the Taisho era, and are now wild in warm regions.  It is native to Africa and has bright flowers with a clear impression.  The English name is “Treasure flower” which means treasure and treasure flower, and the Japanese name is “Medal chrysanthemum”, so I was convinced.  Gazania has a long flowering period from May to October, and has the characteristic of opening flowers in the daytime and closing flowers at night in response to sunlight.  Flowers remain closed on rainy or cloudy days.

自転車でぶらりと出かけたさきに小さな公園がありました。周回路には様々な花が咲いています。その中で最も目に留まったのがこの花です。時々見かけた気がしますが、早速スマホで写真に撮り、Googleレンズで検索するとガザニアということです。原産地である南アフリカで自生したものが、ヨーロッパで広く品種改良され、様々な色や形を持つ園芸品種が多くつくられましたそうです。日本へはヨーロッパで品種改良されたものが明治末期から大正頃に観賞用として輸入されるようになり、現在では暖かい地域などで野生しているということです。アフリカ原産らしく、はっきりとした印象の鮮やかな花を咲かせています。英名は財宝や宝の花を意味する「Treasure flower」、和名も「勲章菊」ということで、なるほどと納得しました。ガザニアの開花時期は5月〜10月までと長く、日光に反応して昼は花を開き、夜には花を閉じる特徴があります。雨の日や曇りの日は花を閉じたままです。

日照り雨 雫に揺れる アマドコロ

There is a trail course laid around with wood chips in the nearby park.  When I was walking here as usual, it started to rain even though it was sunny.  However, it stopped immediately.  It is a fox’s marriage.  It is a phenomenon called weather-rain or sunshine-rain.  In a large place like Lake Biwa, a big rainbow hangs immediately after that.  It seems that the female fox will go across the big rainbow for marriage.  No rainbow can be seen here overgrown with trees.  However, the fox lantern is swaying in front of me. It’s Amadokoro (Solomon’s-seal).  The fox lantern is another name for Amadokoro.  Speaking of fox lanterns, I remember the fox fire.  It is a mysterious phenomenon that looks like a lantern in a wedding procession when wildfires line up in the mountains at night.  This is also called the fox’s marriage in some regions.  It was a day of romantic talk about the weather-rain, Amadokoro and fox fire, all about foxes.

近くの公園にはウッドチップを敷き詰めたトレイルコースがあります。ここをいつものようにウォーキングしていると、晴れているのにパラパラと雨が降ってきました。が、直ぐにやみました。狐の嫁入りです。天気雨とか日照り雨という現象です。琵琶湖の様な広い所では直後に大きな虹が掛かります。その大きな虹を渡って狐が嫁入りするそうです。木の生い茂ったここでは虹は見られません。しかし狐の提灯が目の前に揺れています。アマドコロです。狐の提灯はアマドコロの別名です。狐の提灯と言えば、思い出すのは狐火です。夜、山野で野火が連なって、嫁入り行列の 提灯の様に見える不思議な現象です。これも、地方によっては狐の嫁入りという所があります。天気雨、アマドコロ、狐火、すべて狐にまつわるロマンチックなお話しをする一日になりました。

水蓮の 花をも凌ぐ 萌黄色

Various water lotus flowers are in bloom in the water lotus corner in the corner of the park.  The flowers are what the visitors are looking for, but there must be many people who are fascinated by the vivid colors of the leaves that spread on the surface of the water.  It can be called a young grass color or a young leaf color.  In the above haiku, it was expressed as “萌黄 (moegi)”, but “moegi” may also be written as “萌葱” or “萌木”.  The color of the young leaves that have just sprouted is “萌黄”, the color of the buds of green onions is “萌葱”, and the color of plants that sprout fresh green is “萌木”. As you can see, there are words in Japanese that express a subtle difference in green. The Japanese people have a unique sense of color, and it is said that they are a people who have words to identify and express subtle colors that are unparalleled in the world.  I can make a book just by talking about the uniqueness of this color sense.


河童が 日がな一日 大公望

One of Yosa Buson’s famous haiku is “Kappa’s love inn and summer moon.”  Kappa is usually read as kappa, as Ryunosuke Akutagawa says.  If you read Buson’s first phrase as kappa, it will be quite insufficient syllables.  In Kansai, it is written as 河童 and also read as “kawataro”, but if you read it like this, the first phrase will be the five sounds as usual.  Kappa is a representative youkai of Japan, and is a variation of “Kawawappa”, which is a combination of “Kawa (river)” and “Wappa”, which is a variation of “Waraha (child)”.  “Kappa” is a dialect around Edo and was also called Kawataro.  Kappa has been handed down almost all over Japan, and its name and shape vary from region to region, but Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s novel “Kappa” has made it more popular, and “Kappa” has become a representative name.  Kappa are imaginary animals, amphibious, about the size of a four- or five-year-old child, with sharp mouths, shells and scales on their backs, and webs on their limbs.  The head has a dent called a dish, which contains a small amount of water, and while the water is there, it is strong even on land, but when the water runs out, it dies.  Various kappa are drawn in the paintings, and they are handed down with familiarity to both children and adults.


陽も透ける 旬なシラスの 踊り食い

Shirasu in Kansai is in season now.  Above all, the eating alive of Shirasu can only be enjoyed locally.  It is a well-known way to eat shirasu that has been used in a container with vinegar and soy sauce.  Some people say that chewing is more delicious because it feels sweet and fat.  In the first place, shirasu is a general term for transparent fry that do not have pigments on their bodies, such as sardines, eels, sand lances, sweetfish, and herring, and are about 1 to 2 cm in length.  It is said that these fry became white when boiled, so they came to be called shirasu.  Most of the shirasu on the market are juvenile anchovy, sardine, and etrumeus sadina.  Anchovy lays eggs almost all year round and peaks in spring and autumn.  The spawning season for sardines is from winter to spring, and for sardines from April to June.  Shirasu fishing around Osaka Bay and Kii Channel starts around the end of April every year and continues until around December.  Spring shirasu at the beginning of the fishing season was born mainly from the Kii Suido in the open sea area, and came into Osaka Bay by the flow of the tide, and it is the most delicious food with fat.


見るからに 何とも不思議な キンセンカ

The official name is Osteospermum, which is a combination of the Greek words Osteon (bone) and Sperma (seed).  In Japanese name, it is called African Kinsenka or African Daisy.  The place of origin is Africa as the name suggests.  It feels just like a flower born in Africa.  When I first saw this flower, I was reminded of the Masai people who live from southern Kenya to northern Tanzania in Africa.  The Masai are proud, maintain their traditional lifestyle, and have a strong resistance to acculturation.  Most African calendula, like calendula, are ordinary flat petals, but there are spoon-blooming varieties such as Sonia and Philip, and the flowers bloom in a shape that has never been seen before.  It doesn’t always bloom with a spoon.  There are many enthusiasts who buy Osteospermum because they want to see the spoon bloom.


案の定 今年も咲いてた バンマツリ

Nioibanmatsuri (Brunfelsia latifolia) is planted in front of the house, which is a little off the road to the supermarket.  I happened to find it last year because of the smell.  It turned out to be  Nioibanmatsuri immediately with its splendid flowering figures. The Nioibanmatsuri is in full bloom also this year as expected. Four or five years ago, I learned about this  Nioibanmatsuri at the botanical garden in Nagai Park in Osaka, which is known for hosting athletics and soccer.  Native to South America, the flowers begin to bloom in deep purple, then light purple, and in about two days they turn white at the end.  For this reason, the English name is “Yesterday-today-and-tomorrow”.  The Japanese name, Nioibanmatsuri was named because it smells good and smells like foreign jasmine.  Especially from around the evening, the scent becomes stronger, and the scent of jasmine drifts around, healing the people around.  However, Nioibanmatsuri has neurotoxin, and accidental eating of fruits and seeds can lead to death in the worst case.


重箱に 生けて味わう 初夏の花

This is a picture I received from a friend.  It is interesting that the flowers that bloomed in the garden are arranged in a Jubako (a tier of lacquered boxes with a lid on top used mainly for transporting cooked food for a short distance).  Speaking of jubako, I remember the New Year’s festival, but we also brought it to cherry blossom viewing and children’s athletic meet.  Nowadays, most of them are made of plastic, and they are mainly functional, but in the old days, there was a jubako coated with lacquer on the wooden box even in an ordinary house. The four-tiered stack was official, and each box was filled with ingredients from the four seasons.  It is a custom from the Edo period when consumer culture became widespread.  As a work of art, Korin Ogata’s “Maki-e Ume Tsubaki Wakamatsu-zu Jubako” is famous.  By the way, when I searched on Rakuten Ichiba, I found a five-tiered jubako for 2,750,000 yen. The jubako was a daily necessities found in every house, and at the same time it was also a work of art with elaborate art.


車椅子 辿る花道 夏浅し

A short-sleeved daughter is pushing a wheelchair along the flower path in a park that is still shallow in the summer.  Even from a distance, I can hear her mother and daughter talking.  They may not be talking.  But I can hear it.  The sunlight is still soft and there is almost no reflection from the road.  Whether it’s a coincidence or a weekday, the park is almost deserted. it’s quiet.  It’s like a stage set up for this mother and daughter.  The red and white flower road is a mother-daughter road.


ネジバナに 思いは巡る 走馬灯 

Nejibana (Spiranthes sinensis) was in bloom in the sun in the park.  I still remember clearly the memories of my first encounter with Nejibana.  At that time, I lived in Tomio, Nara City. And every morning, I was my daily routine to jog to a vacant lot about 1km away from my house where was planned to set up a new high school. I think it was just around this time, but Nejibana stood up and bloomed in the field where the morning dew remained.  Nejibana, which blooms among all the weeds, was pretty and dignified.  After that, I remember taking the children many times. I like flowers, but no other flower remembers my first meeting so clearly.
