Nioibanmatsuri (Brunfelsia latifolia) is planted in front of the house, which is a little off the road to the supermarket. I happened to find it last year because of the smell. It turned out to be Nioibanmatsuri immediately with its splendid flowering figures. The Nioibanmatsuri is in full bloom also this year as expected. Four or five years ago, I learned about this Nioibanmatsuri at the botanical garden in Nagai Park in Osaka, which is known for hosting athletics and soccer. Native to South America, the flowers begin to bloom in deep purple, then light purple, and in about two days they turn white at the end. For this reason, the English name is “Yesterday-today-and-tomorrow”. The Japanese name, Nioibanmatsuri was named because it smells good and smells like foreign jasmine. Especially from around the evening, the scent becomes stronger, and the scent of jasmine drifts around, healing the people around. However, Nioibanmatsuri has neurotoxin, and accidental eating of fruits and seeds can lead to death in the worst case.