五月晴れ 今日は満開 シャクヤク園

I went to the peony garden in the nearby Kyuhoji Ryokuchi Park again.  I visited the park 5 days just after the opening (4/28), but I was a little disappointed that the park bloomed for about one-third in bloom, contrary to expectations.  Today (5/7), there is a tea party from 11:00 to 12:00, so I intended to attend that, but I completely forgot about it while I was touching my computer, and I was disappointed again.  We had lunch and went to the peony garden at 2:00 pm.  It’s hot, and I can’t stop sweating even if I take off my jacket.  The peony garden was almost full of flowers, but the corner of the Higo peony still had a few buds.  The people in the park were sparse because it was a hot Saturday afternoon, but people who were enthusiastic about the camera, gardeners who were busy pruning, people who were preparing for a night concert, etc. could be seen and hidden during the peony swaying in the May wind. was doing.

近くの久宝寺緑地公園にあるシャクヤク園にまた出かけました。開園(4/28)間もなくの5日前に訪ねたのですが、期待に反して園内は3分咲き程度で、ちょっとがっかりでした。今日(5/7)は11:00から12:00 にお茶会があるというので、そのつもりでいたのですが、パソコンを触っている内にすっかりその事を忘れ、またがっかりです。昼食をとって、午後2時に出掛けました。暑いのなんの、上着を脱いでも汗が止まりません。シャクヤク園はすっかり花も咲き揃って、肥後シャクヤクのコーナーがまだ蕾が少し残る程度でした。暑い土曜の昼下がりということで園内の人影もまばらでしたが、カメラを熱心に構える人、剪定に忙しい園芸員、夜のライブを準備する人などが、5月の風に揺れるシャクヤクの間に見え隠れしていました。

初々し いちばん咲きの バラゆかし

The roses in the rose garden have begun to bloom.  The protagonist of the May flower is the rose.  From now on, we will get the various informations of the roses from all over the country.  The rose flower language is “love” and “beauty”.  This flower language is derived from the fact that roses have long been a symbol of love and beauty and have been popular as flowers that convey feelings to loved ones.  Its beauty is described as “the queen of flowers”, and it has fascinated many people from ancient times to the present, and now more than 20,000 varieties have been produced.  Roses appear in human history in the ancient Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh, compiled around 1300-1200 BC.  Then, it spread from the land of the ancient Near East around 1500 BC to Greece and ancient Rome, and spread all over Europe.  Japanese Noibara, Teriha-Noibara and Hamanasu are native to Japan and are known worldwide and were used for breeding.  Especially in the Edo period, horticulture became popular regardless of status or occupation, but it was not until the Meiji era that roses became popular as the “queen of flowers” in Japan as they are today.  By the way, the national flower of England is roses.


藤の滝 浴びて清しや 遍路道

I visited the 88 temples in Shikoku (Shikoku Hachijuhakkasho) during Golden Week several years ago.  I didn’t go around with a particular faith, but I happened to see an illustration drawn by an acquaintance painter in the red stamp book of the 88 temples in Shikoku, which I happened to see at a bookstore, and I was attracted to it. I traveled by car for 7 nights and 8 days, and it was a memorable trip.  Depending on the season, beautiful flowers bloom everywhere I go, so it may be more appropriate to go on a flower tour rather than a pilgrimage trip.  I took many pictures, one of which is the one posted here.  I have forgotten where the photo was taken, but Huji(wisteria) that falls like a waterfall is wonderful and must be a soothing sight for pilgrims.  When I opened Google Photos, it came out in the form of today’s one.

何年か前のゴールデンウィークに四国88箇所を巡ったことがあります。特に信仰心があって巡ったわけではなく、たまたま書店で見かけた四国88箇所ヶ所の朱印帳に、知り合いの画家が描いた挿絵が載っていて、それに惹かれての巡礼になったわけです。7泊8日の車での旅でしたが思い出多い旅でした。季節がら、行く先々に綺麗な花が咲き、巡礼の旅というよりも花巡りの旅といった方が適切かも知れません。多くの写真を撮りましたが、その中の一枚がここに掲載した写真です。どの辺りで撮った写真かもう忘れましたが、滝のように枝垂れ落ちる藤は見事なもので、巡礼者の心を和ませる光景に違いありません。Google フォトを開けたら、今日の一枚という形で出ていました。

天高く 夢に向かって 鯉のぼり

We must first say “Congratulations” on “Children’s Day” on May 5, 2022.  However, this year’s Children’s Day has become a day that makes us think about various things both at home and abroad.  The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications recently announced that Japan’s total population as of October 1, last year, has decreased by 644,000 from the previous year to 125,502,000.  The rate of decline was the largest ever, and we were impressed that Japan’s population decline is accelerating.  With the so-called first baby boom (1947-1949) and the second baby boom (1971-11974), there was some hope to stop the population decline.  But the third baby boom, which I thought would be born when the children of the second baby boom generation were at the right age, did not come after all. In other words, the world had changed completely at this time.  The number of children a woman gives birth to in her lifetime is now 1.36 in 2019 statistics.  In 2019, that is, before the attack of the new coronavirus, there was a “860,000 shock”.  The number reached 860,000 faster than expected, compared to estimates by the National Institute of Population and Social Sciences.  Furthermore, the number of births dropped sharply to 840,000 in 2020 and 750,000 in 2021 (estimated), partly due to the impact of the new corona.  Originally, the National Institute of Population and Social Sciences estimated that the number of births would reach 750,000 around 2039.  Therefore, the number of births has decreased 18 years ahead of schedule.  It’s a serious problem.  However, the government has yet to tackle a radical solution to this problem.  For example, if 5 million yen is paid for each child born, 5 trillion yen will be paid even if 1 million children are born.  It’s cheap.  It’s not a big deal to pay 10 million yen!

2022年5月5日の「こどもの日」、まず「おめでとう」と言わねばなりません。しかし、今年の「こどもの日」は、国内外共にいろいろ考えさせられる日になりました。総務省は先ごろ、昨年10月1日現在の日本の総人口が、前年比で64万4000人減の1億2550万2000人になったと発表しました。減少幅は過去最大で、日本の人口減少がますます加速していることを印象づけたわけです。いわゆる第一次ベビーブーム(1947~1949年)があり、第二次ベビーブーム(1971~1974年)があって、人口減少に歯止めに若干の希望を持ちましたが、次はその第二次ベビーブーム世代の子供たちが適齢期になったら生まれるだろうと思っていた第三次ベビーブームは、結局到来しませんでした。つまり、この時期にはもう世の中がすっかり変わってしまっていたわけです。 1人の女性が一生の間に産むこどもの数が2019年の統計で「1.36」になる様な状況になってしまったのです。2019年、つまり、新型コロナウイルス禍に襲われる前の時点で、「86万人ショック」というのがありました。人口問題研究所の推計に比べて予想以上に早く86万人になってしまったのです。さらに、2020年は84万人、2021年(推計)は75万人と、新型コロナの影響もあって、出生数が激減しました。もともと人口問題研究所の推計では、出生数が75万人になるのは2039年頃と考えられていました。したがって、18年も前倒しで出生数が減ってしまったことになります。由々しき問題です。しかし、この問題の抜本的解決策に政府は未だ取り組もうとしません。例えば、こども1人産む毎に500万円を支給するとしたら、100万人こどもが生まれても5兆円。安いもんです。なんだったら、1000万円支給してもいい!

天高く 泳げや泳げ 鯉のぼり

Tomorrow (5/5) is “Children’s Day”, the Boy’s Festival, if back in history.  Carp streamers are swimming high in the sky all over Japan. Boy’s Festival has been around since the Heian period, but it wasn’t until the Edo period that the carp nobori began to be fried.  First of all, in the custom that started in the samurai family, we put up a nobori that imitated the shape of a carp to be displayed in the garden of the home in the hope of the healthy growth of boys.  It was a custom in the Kanto region, mainly including Edo, which was not found in Kansai (upper) at that time.  In the middle of the Edo period, merchants began to practice this custom, and it is said that carp streamers began to grow in size as it spread to the Kansai region.  Initially, only black carp was used, but from the latter half of the Meiji era to the Taisho era, two carps, a true carp (black carp) and a scarlet carp (red carp), came to be given as a pair.  Eventually, in the latter half of the 1955’s, even smaller green carp was added, and due to changes in family views, true carp became a father, scarlet carp became a mother, and carp represented by blue carp.  Before the Meiji era, most of the materials were made of Japanese paper, but in the latter half of the Meiji era, it was made of cotton, and in the 30’s of the Showa era, it was made of synthetic fiber.


意気込んで まだ咲きやらぬ シャクヤク園

There is one of the leading shakuyaku vi gardens in Osaka in the nearby Kyuhoji Ryokuchi Park.  In the park, there are about 1,600 strains of 51 species and 50,000 peony flowers in bloom in vivid colors such as red, white, pink, and yellow.  This year, the park will open from April 28th to May 19th, 2022, so I was looking forward to it.  When I went there, it’s just a few days since the park opened, so it’s probably a three-minute bloom at most.  I was a little disappointed.  However, it is close and will be in full bloom in another week.  At that time, there are night concerts such as jazz and kin, and there is also a peony tea ceremony in the daytime.  There is a corner called “Higo Shakuyaku Area” in the center of the park.  A long time ago, in the Kumamoto domain, the country of Higo, horticulture was emphasized and encouraged as a samurai background.  In particular, six types of Shakuyaku plants were actively cultivated and bred, and they were collectively called “Higo Rokka”.  By the way, the button is called “King of flowers”  and the peony is called “Chancellor of flowers”.


すず風に 早苗も靡き 杜若

Rice sprouts, which has just finished planting rice, look like weak.  It manages to endure the chilly breeze and is shaking. In exchange for that, Kakitsubata, which blooms on the water’s edge, is in full bloom now.  That hot and hot summer is coming soon.  I am grateful for the happiness that I have been able to spend a moment while gazing at this idyllic landscape.  However, when I look around the domestic and the world, there are so many heart-wrenching events that the happiness of a moment is lost.  The words of Roman historian Kurchuus Roofs, “History repeats itself,” (what happened in the past, in the same way, repeats in later times) also crosses the head with truth.

田植えを終えたばかりの早苗は危うげです。肌寒い微風にもやっと耐えて揺らいでいます。それに引き替え、水辺に咲く杜若は今を盛りにしっかりと咲いています。もうすぐ、あの暑い暑い夏がやってきます。それまでのほんのひと時、こののどかな風景を眺めながら過ごせる幸せに感謝です。しかし、世の中を、そして世界を見渡した時、あまりにも心痛む出来事が多くて、ひと時の幸せもすっ飛んでしまいます。ローマの歴史家クルチュウス・ルーフスの言葉「歴史は繰り返す」(過去に起こったことは、同じようにして、その後の時代にも繰り返し起こる) がまた、真実味を帯びて頭をよぎります。

青天を 染めて皐月の 真っ盛り

The correct name for Satsuki is “Satsuki Tsutsuji”.  As the name suggests, Satsuki is a type of Tsutsuji (azalea), so Satsuki are very similar to Tsutsuji and difficult to distinguish them.  In the middle of the Edo period, many horticultural varieties were produced from Tsutsuji, which are endemic to Japan called Iwatsutsuji and Yamatsutsuji, and a boom in Tsutsuji cultivation occurred.  Around that time, in order to roughly distinguish between them, those that bloom from April to mid-May were called “Tsutsuji”, and those that bloom from late May to early June were called “Satsuki”.  The size of the flowers is 5 to 7 cm for Tsutsuji and 2 to 4 cm for Satsuki, and flowers bloom in chunks.  In addition, the flowers of Satsuki bloom first and the leaves come out after that, but Tsutsuji can be distinguished from the fact that the flowers bloom after the leaves come out.  The photo is Satsuki on the Asakayama Green Road in Sakai City, Osaka.


坐禅組み シャキッとして見る 牡丹かな

When I hear the word Botan (peony), I immediately remember the words “Shakuyaku (peony) when standing, Botan (peony) when sitting, Yuri (lily flower) when walking”.  Generally, it is used to describe a healthy woman who is a beautiful and attractive woman who stands, sits, and walks. It is an expression that has been popular since the latter half of the Edo period, and has the form of Dodoitsu expressed with 7775. However, originally, these Shakuyaku, Botan, and Yuri were all brought from China as important ingredients for Chinese herbal medicine.  Shakuyaku was prescribed for frustration, Botan for blood circulation, and Yuri for improving psychosomatic disorder.  In this way, an idiom born from the meaning that if you use a crude drug that suits each symptom, you will be healthy and you will become a woman like “Shakuyaku when standing, Botan when sitting, Yuri flower when walking”. It seems like.


幻の ヒオウギスイセン ここに咲き

From the rainy season to the summer, there is a flower called Himehiougizuisen that colors the parks and the precincts of temples.  It is a popular flower as a garden plant.  Its roots are in South Africa and France.  It was made for ornamental use in France by crossing two kinds of flowers native to South Africa, “Hiougisuisen” and “Himetoushoubu”, and came to Japan in the middle of the Meiji era. Hiougi is a wooden fan made from hinoki cypress, and the name comes from the fact that the leaves of the Hiougisuisen are similar to the fan and the flowers are similar to the narcissus. It belongs to the Iridaceae, which is a completely different variety from Suisen (Narcissus).  It seems that Himehiougisuisen, which blooms everywhere and is often seen, is often confused with Hiougisuisen.  Hiougisuisen is rarely seen and is now a phantom flower.  Hiougisuisen that I saw on the farm road in the hilly section of Kishiwada City, is now blooming simple and dignified earlier than Himehiougisuisen.
