春の香と 鐘の音届け ウクライナ

The world is now at stake by Putin, a national leader obsessed with an old-fashioned and distorted view of the nation. Not only Putin, but Trump of the United States and Le Pen of France, and from the end of the 20th century to this century, the owners of far-right ideology have emerged in the political arena.  Regardless of dictatorship or democracy.  There are similarities between a nation as a group and a single human being.  Young people are innovative but tend to be nostalgic as they get older.  It’s the difference between entrusting their dreams and hopes to the future and remembering endless nostalgia in the past.  Perhaps Putin is not a leader who opens up with bright hopes for the future.  But it’s a problem. By such a nostalgic leader, 15,000 of his own people and the same number of victims of his invading country, a total of 30,000 people, have been killed.


花は梅 香りはレモン ギョリュウバイ

Gyoryubai that stands out from the trimmed hedges on the sidewalk and blooms.  In Chinese characters, it is written in “御柳梅”.  The shape of the leaves resembles the leaves of a tree called “御柳 (Gyoryu)”, and the flowers are very similar to plum blossoms “梅 (bai), so in Japan the two are collectively called “Gyoryubai”.  It originates in southeastern Australia and New Zealand and is designated as the national flower of New Zealand.  Locally, it is called Manuka in Maori.  Manuka is the etymology of honey, also known as Manuka honey in Japan, and is also the source of honey.  In 1994, a British medical magazine published research results showing that manuka honey has the effect of suppressing the growth of Helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach cancer, and killing it.  The English name Tea tree comes from Captain Cook (an 18th century ocean explorer) who drank the leaves as tea leaves, and it is said that Australian and New Zealand settlers also decocted the leaves and drank them.  It is also used as herbal tea and essential oil in Japan.

歩道の刈り込まれた生垣から抜け出て花を咲かせるギョリュウバイ。漢字では「御柳梅」と書きます。その葉の形が「御柳(ギョリュウ)」という樹木の葉に似て、花は梅の花に良く似ているため、日本では二つを合わせて「御柳梅(ギョリュウバイ)」と呼ばれるようになりました。原産地はオーストラリア南東部とニュージーランドで、ニュージーランドの国花に指定されています。現地ではマオリ語でマヌカと呼ばれています。マヌカは日本でもマヌカハニーとして知られる蜂蜜の語源で、蜜源でもあります。1994年にはイギリスの医療雑誌で、マヌカハニーには胃がんの原因となるピロリ菌の繁殖を抑え、殺菌する効果があるという研究結果が発表されたこともあります。英名のTea treeは、キャプテン・クック(18世紀の海洋探検家)が葉を茶葉にして飲んだことからつけられ、オーストラリアやニュージーランドの入植者も葉を煎じて飲用したそうです。日本でもハーブティーや精油として利用されています。

気高くも 春陽を避けて クンシラン

The cherry blossoms have almost finished falling, and the shade of the roadside trees has begun to cover the sidewalk.  It’s still a little chilly to walk in the shade of a tree, and when I walk in the sun, I get sweaty, so I’m wondering which one to choose. Meanwhile, bright red Kunshiran (clivia) is blooming in the intricate part of the sidewalk planting.  Moreover, two plants are planted, and both are in full bloom.  More specifically, it is called Ukezaki Kunshiran, which is an improved version of the original Kunshiran.  Originally, Kunshiran originated in the Natal region of South Africa, and has smaller flowers than Ukezaki Kunshiran and is a sober variety that blooms downward.  But as the original name, Clivia Nobilis, suggests, it means Nobilis, a noble flower.  However, after the release of Ukezaki Kunshiran, interest was focused on this, and when it comes to Kunshiran, it came to refer to Ukezaki Kunshiran.  Ukezaki means that the flowers bloom upward.


亀も飛ぶ 水面に空と 若葉かな

On the surface of the calm pond, you can see the blue sky with cotton clouds and the trees with young leaves.  It’s like a scene where the top and bottom are reversed.  There is a turtle on a small rock that emerges from the surface of the water, and he is staring at something with extending its neck.  He may not know where he is.  Even from here, it looks like a turtle is floating in the sky.  It’s a mysterious sight.  The news on the smartphone says that the cherry blossoms in Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture will bloom, and Hokkaido will soon bloom.  Spring in Japan is long.  This summer will finally begin when the cherry blossoms in Hokkaido fall.


孫を待つ 指折り数え 鯉のぼり

When I visited a nearby farmhouse, many carp streamers were hanging on a long bamboo pole.  It seems that he hasn’t seen his grandson for many years, partly due to the influence of Corona.  It is customary to hang carp streamers in this way every year, but it seems that he has a strong feeling this year.  Speaking of which, a long rope was stretched in the nearby park, and big carp streamers were swimming, and I often see carp streamers of various sizes here and there. It was also in the 100-yen shop.  When I was a kid, I didn’t see so many carp streamers even at this time.  It may be that society has become richer now and that we can afford to be interested in these traditional events.  If you go to the countryside, you may see hundreds of carp windsocks.  I was singing the song “Carp streamer” unintentionally.


夏近し 矢車菊に 鯉のぼり

Yagurumagiku (Cornflowers) planted in a corner of the park are swaying in the early summer breeze.  Beyond that, the carp streamers that were raised early are swimming vigorously.  By the way, the name of Yagurumagiku comes from the windmill “Yaguruma” on the streamer of the carp streamer.  The origin of Yagurumagiku is Europe, and it was originally a weed that is often found in wheat fields.  It was improved for horticulture and varieties such as purple, white and pink were made.  It is now the national flower of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of France.  The English name of Yagurumagiku is cornflower, but because of its bluish-purple beauty, the finest sapphire color is referred to as “cornflower blue” (cornflower blue).  In ancient times, Yagurumagiku were placed on the casket of King Tutankhamen in Egypt, along with lotus and olives. In addition, cornflowers are a favorite flower of Marie Antoinette, and she herself treats cornflowers in the pattern of the Western tableware “Small Flower Scatter”.


綿雲を 眺めてアニメも 夏模様

The announcement of the award-winning works of the “Crunchyroll Anime Award 2022”, which is held every year by Crunchyroll, the world’s largest platform (distribution company) that distributes Japanese animation all over the world, has been announced.  The award is a contest award, and this  year, “Attack on Titan The Final Season Part 1” was selected, last year “Jujutsu Kaisen”, and two years ago “Kimetsu no Yaiba”.  If you trace the history of Japanese animation, its origin is manga, which dates back to the Heian period of 800 years.  The oldest manga in Japan is said to be “Choju-Giga”, which is an anthropomorphic animal from the end of the Heian period to the Kamakura period around 1100.  Since then, during the postwar period of high economic miracle, Japan has become economically prosperous, and hit works such as “Sazae-san,” “Space Battleship Yamato,” and “Galaxy Express 999” will appear. The scale of the animation industry has grown to 2.5 billion yen at the peak of 2019.  It is larger than the annual national budget of Belarus, which is now a hot topic in the Ukrainian war.

世界中で日本のアニメを配信する世界最大級のプラットフォーム(配信会社)・クランチロールが毎年行っている「クランチロール・アニメアワード2022」の受賞作品発表が発表されました。アワードとはコンテストの賞のことで、今年は「進撃の巨人 The Final Season Part 1」が選ばれ、昨年は「呪術廻戦」、一昨年は「鬼滅の刃」が選ばれました。日本のアニメの歴史をたどれば、その原点は漫画であり、800年の平安時代にさかのぼります。日本最古の漫画は1100年頃(平安時代末〜鎌倉時代)に動物を擬人化した「鳥獣戯画(ちょうじゅうぎが)」と言われています。爾来、戦後の高度成長期には日本は豊かになり、「サザエさん」「宇宙戦艦ヤマト」「銀河鉄道999」などのヒット作品が登場します。アニメの産業規模は、2019年のピーク時には2兆5千万円にまで膨れ上がりました。今、ウクライナ戦争で話題になるベラルーシの年間国家予算を上まわる規模です。

控え目に 人の目を惹く 花水木

Red and white Hanamizuki (Dog flowers) are in bloom on the promenade of the nearby park.  It starts to bloom from the time the cherry blossoms start to fall and continues to bloom until the holidays in May.  It’s not as popular as cherry blossoms, but it seems to be very deep-rooted popular.  Hanamizuki was given to Yukio Ozaki, the mayor of Tokyo, from the United States in 1915 as a return for donating cherry blossoms to Washington, USA, and has since spread nationwide.  In return for the gift of Yoshino cherry tree, a flower that Japanese people love from the bottom of their hearts, dogwood, a flower that Americans love from the bottom of their hearts, was given to Japan.  Nowadays, it has spread all over the country, and there are even tree-lined roads such as “Hanamizuki Dori” and “Hanamizuki Kaido”.  Despite the each other gift of flowers in the hope of friendship between Japan and the United States, Japan and the United States will fight in World War II, so I feel it to be the difficulty of diplomatic relations.

近くの公園の遊歩道に赤と白の花水木が花を咲かせています。桜が散り始める頃から咲き始め5月の連休あたりまで咲き続けます。桜ほどの人気はありませんが、根強い人気はあるようです。花水木は、 東京市長の尾崎行雄氏が アメリカのワシントン市へ 桜を寄贈した御礼として、 1915(大正4)年に アメリカから贈られ、その後全国に普及しました。日本人が心から愛する花であるソメイヨシノを贈られた返礼として、アメリカの人々が心から愛する花であるハナミズキが日本に贈られたわけです。今では全国に広がり、「花水木通り」とか「花水木街道」という並木道もあるほどです。日米友好を願っての花の贈答があったにも関わらず、第二次世界大戦で日米が戦うようになるのですから、外交関係の難しさを知る思いです。

命散る かの国偲ぶや 散りザクラ

When I go for a walk early in the morning, the petals of cherry blossoms that have fallen since last night are all over the road and the precincts of Ujigami.  Most of the cherry blossoms have sprouted the young leaves.  The protagonists of flowers will be replaced by Satsuki, Tulips, and Roses.  The seasons are rushing.  We must thank for the peaceful and peaceful days.  On the one hand, the Ukrainian War is reported daily, and the miserable appearance of those exposed to the war and those who escape their homeland is reflected as if it were an event in front of us.  My chest seems to tear.  I’m getting angry.  What was the impression when you entered the 21st century in 2001?  You must have expected a bright and hopeful century.  But many disappointing events happened during the last quarter century.  What will happen in the 21st century in the future?  I don’t want to lose hope.


花冷えで 色も鮮やか サクラソウ

Full-scale cultivation of primroses began in the middle of the Edo period.  The seeds of primroses that were wild in the wilderness of Arakawa were brought back and sowed repeatedly, and gradually spread.  It became widespread in earnest in the late Edo period.  Around this time, various flower cultivations became popular among the common people, which surprised foreigners who came to Japan.  This is because there was no custom for ordinary people to appreciate flowers in foreign countries.  At first, there were many samurai classes such as Hatamoto and Gokenin in the cultivation of primroses, so it temporarily went down during the Meiji Restoration. But it has begun to spread again to the general public, and now there are large-scale primrose gardens all over Japan.  Of the approximately 300 varieties currently cultivated, half of them have been handed down by strain since the Edo period, and their flowers are characterized by various flower types and delicate flower colors, and have spread to various parts of the world along with cherry blossoms.
