タンポポと 落ちた椿の コラボ咲き

椿(Tsubaki, Camellia) is a flower that represents spring, as you can see from the Chinese characters that combine 木(tree) and 春(spring).  Since the time of the Manyoshu, it has been sung by songs and has been loved by Japanese people.  The crimson flowers bloom in the thick, glossy leaves, and instead of the petals falling, the whole flower falls, so there is also the word “Ochi-Tsubaki (falling camellia)”.  The most common Yabu-Tsubaki (camellia japonica) is a native species endemic to Japan, which grows naturally in coastal areas and mountains throughout Japan except Hokkaido.  Some varieties of camellia bloom almost all year round, but in haiku it is used as the “Kigo (seasonal word) for spring (Sanshun, three spring)”.  Sanshun is early spring, middle spring, and late spring, and it will be “January-April” according to the current time.  It is said that there are about 5,000 camellia varieties in the world, and there are more than 2,000 camellia varieties in Japan alone.  Tsubaki was shipped overseas from Dejima in Nagasaki as “Edo camellia” during the closed-door policy period in Edo era.  The gorgeous flowers are acclaimed in Europe, and the famous British landscape gardener, John Claudis Loudon said, “In the winter when there are few flowers, the flowers have a presence like roses.” It seems that he praised him.  Not only are the flowers beautiful, but the durable camellia that grows well in the sun and in the shade has become widespread in the United Kingdom and Europe and the United States.


花冷えに 散るに散れない 桜かな

The flowering of the cherry blossoms was about average this year, but chilly weather during the cherry blossom season continued for a long time, and the flowering period of the cherry blossoms was greatly extended.  Therefore, in the park, there is a competition between cherry blossoms and tulips.  Now, today April 17, 2022 is the full moon.  The full moon in April is called “Pink Moon” and is said to have been named after the color of the flowers that bloom in spring.  Originally, the Native American tribe named it to observe the movement of the moon and use it as a guide for agriculture, fishing, and hunting.  This is over because today’s full moon is at its peak around 3:55 am this morning.  Therefore, the full moon can be seen again after 18:51 at the beginning of the moon.  It will appear in the eastern sky after sunset, move south, and then set at 5:52 am on the 18th, before dawn tomorrow.  The cherry blossom front is continuing to move northward, and the Yoshino cherry tree was in full bloom in Akita yesterday, and it bloomed in Aomori.  In Tohoku, where the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, the moonlight illuminates the cherry blossoms at night, so it can be called a “pink moon”.


金花茶が 咲いて春を 締めくくり

A rare flower is blooming in the garden of the mountain section’s house.  It is Kinkacha (Camellia chrysantha).  It is a yellow camellia flower, and when it was discovered in 1965, it became a hot topic as a “phantom yellow camellia”.  It is a tropical camellia that grows naturally only in a limited area near Vietnam in the southern part of Guangxi Province, China.  At that time, it was designated as a natural monument in China, and it was a precious plant that was prohibited from being taken out of the country.  After that, the prohibition on taking out was lifted, and it is said that it came to Japan around 1980.  When it was first introduced to Japan, it was a gem that made maniacs and enthusiasts crazy.  Recently, it has become less talked about, and it is cultivated in any typical botanical garden.  The flowering season is from November to March of the following year, and it blooms until April in cool places.


花見れば あざみの歌を 口ずさみ

♭♭♭ あざみの歌 ♭♭♭

Walking along the village road, Azami flowers (thistle flowers) are in full bloom.  The song that I hummed involuntarily was “The mountains have the melancholy of the mountains, and the sea has the sadness of the sea”.  This song known as “Azami no Uta,” was released in 1949 on NHK Radio Kayo.  This song, written by Hiroshi Yokoi and composed by Hideaki Yasushi, was a big hit as soon as Hisao Ito had sang it.  A monument is built in Kirigamine Yashimagahara Marsh, Nagano Prefecture, which is said to have been written by “Azami no Uta” at an altitude of about 1632m.  It seems that the etymology of thistle comes from “Azamu” in Okinawa, and it grows naturally everywhere in Japan.  Most of them are Nihon-Azami (Cirsium japonicum).  You can eat any kind of Azami, but especially the miso-zuke of the root of Mori-Azami is sold under the name of “Yamagobo”.

里道を歩いていると目にも鮮やかにアザミの花が咲いています。思わず口ずさんだのが「山には山の愁いあり 海には海のかなしみや」の歌です。「あざみの歌」で知られるこの歌は1949年にNHKラジオ歌謡で発表されました。横井弘作詞、八洲秀章作曲によるこの歌は、伊藤久男が歌うや大ヒット。『あざみの歌』が作詞されたという、標高約1632mの長野県霧ヶ峰八島ヶ原湿原には歌碑が建てられています。アザミの語源は沖縄の「あざむ」からきたそうで、日本のいたるところに自生しています。その大半はノアザミです。アザミはどの種類でも食べられますが、特にモリアザミの根の味噌漬けは「ヤマゴボウ」という名で売られています。

陽光に 輝き咲いて チューリップ

I thought it’s a rose or a rhododendron, but it was a tulip.  About 1000 varieties of tulips are grown in the world.  It is also classified according to flower shape and grass shape, such as single-flowered, double-flowered, lily-flowered, fringe-flowered, and parrot-flowered.  It originated in the Anatolian region of Turkey and is also depicted in Ottoman palaces and Moscow tiles.  Tulips are called “Lare” in Turkey.  It seems that the name of the tulip comes from the fact that a Dutch plant hunter came to Turkey and misunderstood because when he asked for the name, he was answered “Tulipan (a hat like a tulipa or turban)”.  It is said that tulips were introduced in Japan in 1863, but at that time they were called tulipa instead of tulip.  When tulips were brought to the Netherlands, it was the beginning of the Dutch Golden Age, and tulips quickly spread throughout the world and were prized as plant diamonds.  The word tulip bubble was born, and in 1637, when it was at its peak, each tulip bulb was sold at a price more than 10 times the annual income of a skilled craftsman.


朝霞 勿忘草に 偲ぶ人

The original name of Wasurenagusa is Vergissmeinnicht in German.  The knight Rudolph accidentally falls into the river trying to give this flower, which blooms on the banks of the Donau River, to his lover Bertha, and dies, leaving behind the words not to forget this flower.  After that, Bertha remembered the word and continued to decorate this flower with her hair for the rest of her life.  This German tragic love story is the origin of the name of this flower. It was Takiya Kawakami, a botanist of the Meiji era, who translated this into Japanese as “forget-me-not”.  The English name is forget-me-not, and it is a wonderful plant that every this flower’s name in the world has the same meaning in.  Each flower of Wasurenagusa is a small flower of rice grain size, but the sight of countless blue florets blooming from April to June is a very beautiful sight.  There are also many songs with Wasurenagusa.

勿忘草(わすれなぐさ)の原名はドイツ語のVergissmeinnichtです。騎士ルドルフが、 ドナウ川の岸に咲くこの花を恋人ベルタに贈ろうとして誤って川に落ち、この花をわすれないでという言葉を残して死んでしまいます。その後ベルタは その言葉を忘れず、この花を一生髪に飾り続けたと言うドイツの悲恋物語に由来します。これを「勿忘草」と日本語に訳したのは、明治の植物学者の川上滝弥です。英名は forget-me-notで、世界のどこの言葉でも同じ意味の名前をもっている素敵な植物です。勿忘草のひとつひとつの花は米粒サイズの小さな花ですが、4月~6月、無数にブルーの小花が開花している光景はとても美しい光景です。勿忘草を冠した多くの歌曲も沢山出ています。

塔ゆかし 女人高野は 一分咲き

Murouji Temple is located in the dense mountains in the northeastern part of Nara Prefecture, near the prefectural border with Mie Prefecture, far away from the city.  In the Heian period, the wishes of a man were Kumano visiting and a woman was Hase visiting.  It is located on the same line of the so-called “Sun Road” at latitude 34 degrees 32 minutes north, less than 15 km in a straight line from Hase-dera.  In front of the “front gate” of Murouji, there is a stone monument engraved with “女人高野室生寺 (Woman  Kouya Murouji)”.  女人高野室生寺 was also another name for Murouji Temple, where women were allowed to worship Kouyasan there, which was forbidden to women.  Crossing the vermilion drum bridge over the Murou River from the gate, you will find the world of Murouji Temple.  The eternal history from the Nara / Heian period has been passed down to the present day.  Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, quietly gazing at the beautiful temples and statues of Buddha will surely refresh your mind and refresh you.  Above all, the five-storied pagoda is known for its history and beauty.  Built around 800, it is the second oldest outdoor wooden five-storied pagoda in Japan after the five-storied pagoda of Horyuji Temple, and has been designated as a national treasure and important cultural property as Japan’s smallest pagoda.


蜜蜂も シャクナゲ巡る 春日和

The flower language of Shakunage (rhododendron) is said to be “dignified” and “magnificent”, but I don’t feel that dignified.  I feel that “gorgeous”, which has the meaning of “a stunning beauty,” is more suitable.  Shakunage that blooms in the spring sunshine seems to be gentle and soft, elegant, and has a dignity that is just right for the “queen of flowers”.  There are two types of Shakunage, “Japanese Shakunage ” and “Western Shakunage”, but “Japanese Shakunage” is an alpine plant that was not easily available and was truly the flower out of our reach.  On the other hand, “Western Shakunage” was brought from China to Europe in the 19th century, and was imported to Japan in the Meiji era after repeated breeding. Therefore, it has spread all over Japan and is now popular as a prefectural flower in Fukushima and Shiga prefectures.  The flowering time of Shakunage, including those that bloom early, is from March to June, and the best season is from May to early June.


山路来て チューリップ達の お出迎え

Early in the morning, when I was taking a walk on the nearby mountain road, a group of tulips were blooming side by side in the open field.  There are no houses around.  Who planted it?  What was it for?  A simple fence made of bamboo higos (thin strips whittled from a piece of bamboo) shows how these tulips are being carefully raised.  When I was thinking about that, my heart got hot.  There is a splendid tulip field over the mountain on the other side, and many colorful tulips are in bloom and competing.  Many people are rushing there in every day.A delicate heartwarming tulip field and a tulip garden that entertains a large number of people, both are spectacles of the transition from spring to summer.


頂いた 竹の子多く 思案中

Bamboo shoots, which are young shoots of bamboo, are ingredients that have long been popular in Japanese households, such as simmered dishes, cooked rice, and stir-fried dishes.  It is rich in protein and contains many vitamins in addition to dietary fiber and potassium.  There are many types of bamboo shoots, but the most popular one is Moso bamboo.  Many of them are large and have a good balance of bitterness and sweetness, and are characterized by a good texture.  It is cultivated in a wide range of land from Kyushu to Kansai, and it is also a feature that you can enjoy the season for a long time.  Bamboo shoots grow fast, reaching a few centimeters a day by the time they reach the surface, but after then, by the tenth day they can grow from a few tens of centimeters to even more than a meter.  Therefore, bamboo shoots are harvested as soon as  the head lifts the soil.  Bamboo shoots are said to be “drilled after boiling water”, and the amount of harshness increases sharply immediately after cutting and becomes hard, so it is necessary to cook, remove the lye, and prepare the bamboo shoots as soon as possible.
