黄梅が ソーラーライトの 峠道

Koubai (The winter jasmine) is in full bloom in the sun on the mountain pass.  It’s like a solar light that illuminates the feet of people on the road.  In Chinese characters, it is written as “黄梅 (yellow plum)”, but it is not a plum, but a member of Jasmine.  However, the flowers have almost no scent.  The Chinese name is “Koubai” and the English name is “Winter Jasmine”, both of which are associated with flowering from early spring.  It is a deciduous tree native to China and seems to have entered the Edo period in Japan.  The flowering season of winter jasmine, which blooms in the cold season, is long, from late February to April.  As the name suggests, it blooms plum-like flowers with yellow petals.  There are 6 petals.  It’s small, but it’s yellow, so it’s also gorgeous.


菜の花に 梅の香うまし 和泉野ぞ

There is “Izumi Recycle Environment Park” on the plateau in the eastern part of Izumi City, Osaka.  It is a reclaimed park for industrial waste landfills, and most of the equipment and materials in the park are recycled products.  Various flowers are in full bloom all year round on the vast site, and rape blossoms and plum blossoms are in full bloom from early February, and now is the best time to see them.  If you look toward the Ikomasanchi, which is far away, you will see a field of rape blossoms, and the plum blossoms are still dyed pink over there.  It is a place with a romantic atmosphere from the place name Izumi.  A long time ago, when Empress Jingu visited this area on the way to Silla, there was a sound of waves in the ground, and pure spring water sprang up overnight, so it was named “Izumi” after that.  Izumi Shikibu, a poet with a lot of love, also wrote many Tanka here.


気高くも 青天舞うや 白木蓮

The flower language of Haku-Mokuren (Yulan magnolia) is “noble heart,” “majestic,” “noble,” and “sublime.”  Mokuren (Magnolia) usually refers to Shi-Mokuren (Purple magnolia), both of which mean lotus that blooms on trees.  In addition, there are also names such as Mokuran and Gyokuran, which means orchids that bloom on trees.  The English name of  is Haku-Mokuren, Tulip white magnolia, Lily white magnolia, etc., and it is also called Compass magnolia because the tip of the flower always faces north.  As you can see, Haku-Mokuren is a flower that is attracting a lot of attention worldwide.  The major feature of Haku-Mokuren is that it blooms from March to April, and blooms in a state where it does not fully open.  When the flowers bloom, they give off a nice scent, and the appearance of many flowers blooming all over the tree looks like a lot of small white birds.

白木蓮(ハクモクレン)の花言葉は「高潔な心」、「荘厳」、「気高さ」、「崇高」です。木蓮といえば普通紫木蓮をさし、どちらも木に咲く蓮という意味です。そのほか、木に咲く蘭という意味で、木蘭とか玉蘭という呼び名もあります。白木蓮の英名では、Mulan white magnolia、Tulip white magnolia、Lily white magnoliaなどがあり、花の先端が必ず北を向くことからCompass magnolia という呼び名もあります。この様に白木蓮は世界的にもとても注目されている花です。白木蓮の花は3月から4月にかけて、全開で開花はせずに、開き切らないままの状態で咲くのが大きな特徴です。花が開花すると良い香り放ち、木全体にたくさん花が咲いた様子は、白い小鳥がたくさんとまっている様に見えます。

花桃は 花見桜に 添いて咲き

Hanamomo is in full bloom without waiting for the cherry blossoms to bloom.  Peach blossoms are not flowers that disperse in a blink of an eye like Yoshino cherry trees, and begin to bloom a little earlier than Yoshino cherry trees in late March to May in the spring, and continue to bloom even after Yoshino cherry trees have dissipated.  Hanamomo, which has been improved exclusively for viewing flowers, has single-flowered and double-flowered flowers, and the colors of the flowers are also gorgeous pink, white, and red.  In addition, there are many varieties, including weeping varieties and purple-tinted leaves.  Peach has been popular with Japanese people since ancient times, but ornamental Hanamomo has been improved since the beginning of the Edo period.  Since then, breeding has not progressed much, and most of the horticultural varieties currently cultivated are those produced in the Edo period.


三叉の 和紙に書きたや ラブレター

Mitsumata flowers are in bloom in the precincts of Tenryu-ji Temple in Arashiyama, Kyoto.  It is one of the three raw materials for Japanese paper, along with ganpi and kouzo.  The flowering season is March-April, and before the leaves come out, the yellow flower heads, which are a collection of spherical flowers, are attached to the tips of the branches and bloom downward to give off a sweet fragrance.  While Western paper is made from wood pulp, which is made by crushing the trunk of a tree, Washi (Japanese paper) is characterized by using bark fibers.  Washi has much longer fibers than Western paper, so it is thin, very sturdy, has a long life, and has a unique texture.  Japanese banknotes are known around the world for their beauty and durability, and the material used for them is Washi.  In addition, Washi is indispensable for the restoration of cultural properties around the world.  Washi, which has been registered as a Nesco Intangible Cultural Heritage, is a product of Japanese traditional culture that is proud of to the world.

♭♭♭ 心模様 ♭♭♭

京都嵐山にある天龍寺境内に三叉の花が咲いています。雁皮や楮と並んで日本三大和紙原料の一つです。花期は3 – 4月で、葉が出る前に、花が球状に集まった黄色の頭花を枝先につけて、下向きに咲かせ甘い芳香を放ちます。洋紙が樹木の幹を砕いた木材パルプを原料としているのに対して、和紙は樹皮の繊維を利用するのが特徴です。和紙は洋紙に比べて格段に繊維が長いため、薄くてとても頑丈で寿命が長く、独特の風合いを持っています。日本の紙幣はその美しさと丈夫さで世界に知られていますが、その材料になっているのが和紙です。また、世界の文化財修復には和紙が欠かせません。ネスコ無形文化遺産にも登録された和紙は、世界に誇れる日本の伝統文化の産物です。

哲学に 耽って見落とす 雪柳

There is a small diameter that connects Kumano Jakuoki shrine which is close to Eikan-do Temple, and Ginkakuji Temple, in Kyoto.  Call it “the way of philosophy”. It is a walking path that stretches for about 2km. It was named after Kitaro Nishida, a professor at Kyoto University who was a philosopher in the early 20th century, and his disciples Hajime Tanabe and Kiyoshi Miki, walked this road every morning and indulged in thought. Hydrophobicity drawn from Lake Biwa, the largest lake in Japan, flows aside.  The Kansetsu cherry blossoms donated by the Japanese painter Hashimoto Kansetsu are lined up along the road, and will soon turn into a row of cherry blossom trees.  It is a beautiful section of nature where the scenery changes with the seasons, with cherry blossoms in spring, green trees in early summer, and autumn leaves in autumn, and it has been selected as one of the “100 Best Roads in Japan”. Now, the scenery is completely dull and the pure white Yukiyanagi stands out.  This is my favorite time when I can feel the “path of philosophy” most.

京都の永観堂からほど近い熊野若王子神社と銀閣寺をつなぐように通る小径があります。人呼んで「哲学の道」。約2kmに渡る散歩道です。20世紀初期の哲学者である京都大学教授 西田幾太郎を始め、その弟子である田辺元や三木清らが、毎朝この道を歩いて思想に耽っていたことにちなんで名付けられました。日本最大の湖である琵琶湖から引かれた疎水が脇を流れています。道沿いには日本画家橋本関雪によって寄贈された関雪桜が並んでいて、もう間もなく桜並木に変わります。春は桜、初夏は木々の緑、秋は紅葉と四季折々に景色が変化する自然の美しい区間で、「日本の道100選」にも選ばれています。今はまったく殺風景で真っ白な雪柳がやたら目立ちます。「哲学の道」がいちばん実感できる大好き時節です。

アーモンド ひと足早い 花見かな

Almond flowers are in full bloom.  Originally, in Japan, there are flowers such as plums, cherry blossoms, and peaches that tell the spring by blooming in order.  They are flowers that Japanese people are familiar with.  By comparison, most people must think of nuts when they hear “almonds.”  However, almonds also bloom splendid flowers.  Moreover, the flowers look just like cherry blossoms.  There is a difference in flowering time, almonds are around the beginning of March, and cherry blossoms (Yoshino cherry tree) are around the end of March.  Also, cherry blossoms have a long peduncle like cherries, and multiple flowers bloom from one flower bud, while almonds have a short peduncle and bloom along the branches.  Japan is climatically unsuitable for almond cultivation, but in the Kansai region, “Oriental nuts” in Kobe are crowded with almond cherry blossom viewing during this period.


タンポポに 蜜蜂唸る 春日和

Two-wheeled dandelions are blooming vividly in the field.  The bees flew in with a fluttering noise, but when I brought my smartphone closer and tried to take a picture, I ran away.  It looks like a common dandelion because of the warp of the flowers.  Dandelions are roughly divided into Japanese dandelions and common dandelion (Dandelion).  Almost 60% of the dandelions found in the suburbs of the city are hybrids with the common dandelion or the Japanese dandelion. Dandelion is a naturalized plant native to Europe, designated by the Ministry of the Environment as an alien species requiring special attention, and has been selected as one of the 100 worst invasive alien species in Japan.  Initially, it was feared that the fertile common dandelion would destroy the Japanese dandelion, but in many cases it has become clear that the Japanese dandelion and the common dandelion live separately.  Japanese dandelions are surprisingly strong, and you can often see them in the precincts of Omiyasan even in urban areas.  Japanese dandelions bloom only in early spring, but common dandelions bloom all year round.


忘れては ならじ世界へ 311

Eleven years ago, today, the Great East Japan Earthquake struck, and the accompanying tsunami caused an unprecedented Fukushima nuclear accident.  This accident changed Japan’s energy policy.  Instead of relying on nuclear power, which has been developed as an alternative energy to petroleum, we have no choice but to rely on fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal.  However, the prices of these fossil fuels are volatile in the first place, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine like this time will cut off the supply of crude oil.  Furthermore, we must move away from fossil fuels in order to reduce CO2, which is an urgent issue.  Ironically, nuclear energy is once again in the spotlight.



水仙の 名残りを留め 枝垂れ梅

The nearby plum garden is in full bloom.  The daffodils that cover the ground leave only a few flowers, and the bright green leaves make the plum blossoms in full bloom even more prominent. The temperature is also going up rapidly, so you can sweat just by walking a little.  When I sit on the bench and look around, the inside of the park is completely spring scenery.  The park is large, so it’s not very noticeable, but it seems that quite a lot of people are visiting. If you open your smartphone with the intention of taking a picture, you will find only Ukrainian news.  Immediately I was pulled back to reality. Ukraine has been infringed and thousands have been killed by the ambitions of a man who believes that international affairs can be ruled by force.  I just get angry at that reality. The northern hemisphere is about to begin the year, and the southern hemisphere is the beginning of winter. However, the Corona Infestation is widespread throughout the globe, and the murders of the war are unfolding.
