名残惜し 誰か辿るや 花絨毯

The “Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival” in Kawazu Town, Shizuoka Prefecture, which was held from February 1st to February 28th, has also closed.  It is a big event of cherry blossoms that is visited by 1 million tourists from all over the country every year. About 850 Kawazu cherry blossoms line up along the Kawazu River, and about 8000 Kawazu cherry blossoms are in full bloom in total.  However, this year, the flowering is delayed more than usual, and now the session is over, it is in full bloom.  The leaf cherry blossoms also started to stand out gradually, and the first promenade in the morning is like a carpet of flowers.  Speaking of “cherry blossoms” and “cherry blossom viewing,” we think of Somei Yoshino cherry blossoms that bloom from late March to early April, but “Kawazu cherry blossoms” are cherry blossoms that bloom earlier from February to early March. It features a deeper pink color than Somei Yoshino cherry tree.  In another two weeks, the “Sakura Front” will start to rise from the south to the north of Japan.


冴え返る 姫立金花の 元気かな

Hime Ryukinka is shining on the flowerbed along the road.  There are 9 petals that are shining and reflecting vi sunlight.  Since 6 to 8 sheets are normal, so it is full of energy.  Hime Ryukinka is an exotic species that looks exactly like Ryukinka, which grows naturally in Japan.  Ryukink buds in spring, blooms from May to July, and in winter the above-ground part withers and goes through winter.  On the other hand, Hime Ryukinka buds from autumn to winter, blooms from March to May, and in summer the above-ground part withers and sleeps.  Hime Ryukinka blooms earlier, and it grows lush and green even during the winter.  The plant height of Ryukinka is 15 to 50 cm, but that of Hime Ryukinka is 10 to 15 cm.  Hime Ryukinka has strong fertility, and it seems that there are places in the United States that are shunned as harmful alien species.


いつの日か いいお母さんにと 雛祭り

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare announced on the 25th that the number of births in 2021 was 842,897.  Compared to the previous year 20 years, the number decreased by 29,786 (3.4%), setting a new record low for the sixth consecutive year.  Since the number of deaths in 2009 increased by 67,745 from 20 years to 1,452,289, the natural increase / decrease decreased by 609,392, and the decrease exceeded 600,000 for the first time.  Looking at the number of births in the past, the highest number was 2,688,922 in 1947 and 2,098,1983 in 1973, the second baby boom.  And in 2016, it reached 977,242, and for the first time, it fell below 1 million.  If this trend continues, the total population is expected to decline to 116.62 million in 2030 and 86.74 million in 2060 (down 32.3% of the 2010 population).  It seems that the government’s measures against the declining birthrate are also at a standstill.  This downward trend is irresistible.  I want you to maintain national power even if the total population decreases, and to come up with new measures toward a prosperous society.

♭♭♭ ひな祭り ♭♭♭


紅白の 椿花咲く 甕の園

Plums bloomed everywhere, and cherry blossom buds began to swell suddenly.  Supermarkets and convenience stores are full of Hinamatsuri ingredients and supplies. However, the situation in which we cannot be pleased with the beginning of this spring is raging both inside and outside the country. In Japan, the number of people infected with corona remains high, and the number of severely ill patients and deaths continues to increase.  Mass murders are unfolding abroad due to the violence of Russia’s mad president.  Every day is totally depressing.  Meanwhile, on the way I went for a walk as a distraction, there was a house where red and white camellia flowers bloomed in a large jar.  It is a flower garden that can only be created by camellia that falls with flowers.  It was a relaxing time for a while.

♭♭♭ ひな祭り ♭♭♭


雛人形 見ながらカフェで オムシチュー

I was invited to a warm and cheerful day and went for a walk in the daytime.  There is a slight haze and it is not clear, but a cloudless blue sky is spreading.  The cherry blossom buds planted along the canal are still small and tightly closed.  It was lunch time, and I went to a cafe along the road for lunch.  It is a rare cafe where you can change your shoes to slippers.  If you go to the inner parlor, you will see a magnificent Hina doll.  I was a little worried because the left and right sides of the male hina and female hina were reversed.  I chose “omelet stew” from the lunch menu that was served.  It is a rare lunch of omelet rice prepared with stew. When I checked with my smartphone whether it was a menu only for this cafe, it was there.  I did not know that.  It was more delicious than I expected.  The coffee after the meal was delicious and it was a very satisfying lunch.  When I went outside, there was a thin cloud like a brush on the clear blue sky.

♭♭♭ ひな祭り ♭♭♭


ウクライナ 停戦願う 雛祭り

A movement / idea in which one nation or ethnic group invades, controls, or oppresses other nations or ethnic groups politically, economically, or militarily with the aim of expanding their own interests, territories, or powers, and creates a powerful nation; this policy is called imperialism.  Historically, it was the dominant idea in the 19th century.  In the 21st century, there has been a person of supreme power of the nation, possessed by that idea.  This is Putin, President of the Russian Federation.  After the Industrial Revolution that took place from the mid-18th century to the 19th century, the 21st century is about to enter a new historic era, the era of the information revolution.  Along with an era full of dreams and hopes, there are a lot of problems that must be tackled worldwide, such as the problem of explosive population growth, the energy problem, the problem of global warming, and the problem of industrial waste. In such an era, Putin, a megalomaniac who can only think with 19th century ideas, is nothing more than a troublesome person. It is time for the world to turn to the rescue of Ukraine by erasing Putin early.

♭♭♭ ひな祭り ♭♭♭


アカシアの 香りもゆかし 雛祭り

Hinamatsuri is coming soon.  The flowers associated with the Hinamatsuri are plums or peaches.  However, on the other hand, acacia flowers with like a little yellow paper-covered hand lamp are in full bloom in parks and village roads.  Did you know that this acacia flower is also called mimosa?  And did you know that March 8th is called “Mimosa Day”?  Formally, this day is called “International Women’s Day,” and it is the day when the Secretary-General of the United Nations calls on member states to create an environment in which women can participate equally in society.  It was set up on March 8, 1904 to commemorate a female worker in New York demonstrating for suffrage.  In Italy, it is customary for men to give women mimosa flowers, with the mimosa flowers that bloom during this “Women’s Day” as a symbol.  Therefore, March 8th was also called “Mimosa Day” and it spread all over the world. Actually, mimosa is a mimosa that blooms pink flowers from May to June.  When acacia was brought to Europe, it was called “mimosa acacia” because it was “acacia similar to mimosa”, and in Italy, acacia was probably called “mimosa”.  In any case, March is a day associated with women on March 3rd and March 8th, which is enviable for men.

♭♭♭ ひな祭り ♭♭♭


桜舞う グラスで祝う 雛祭り

March 3rd is Hina Matsuri ( the Doll’s Festival).  It is also called Momo-no-Sekku.  Ume (plum) is about to reach full bloom in many areas.  The representative flowers of spring are plum blossoms, cherry blossoms, and peach blossoms. Plum blossoms in early March, cherry blossoms in late March, and peach blossoms in April.  It’s a complicated thing, and there is a difference between various spring events and the seasons.  Taking the Hinamatsuri as an example, it is now March 3rd, but in the lunar calendar it is around April of the current calendar.  It’s about the time when the peaches start to bloom.  In the Tohoku region, the Hinamatsuri is still held on April 3rd.  This is all due to the change from the lunar calendar used in Japan to the solar calendar, which was the mainstream in the world, in November 1872.  This season is the most confusing season in haiku, which emphasizes Kigo (season word) and Kidai (titles).

♭♭♭ ひな祭り ♭♭♭

3月3日は雛祭りです。桃の節句とも言います。今多くの地域では梅が満開を迎えようとしています。春を代表する花は、梅、桜、桃で、梅は3月上旬、桜は3月下旬、桃は4月に花を咲かせます。なんともややこしい事で、春の各種行事と季節にずれがあります。雛祭りに例をとると、今は3月3日ですが、旧暦では現在の暦の4月ごろにあたります。 桃の咲き始めるころですね。東北地方ではいまだに雛祭りは4月3日に行われている所があります。これはすべて、明治5(1872)年11月に、日本でそれまで使用されていた太陰暦から世界で主流となっていた太陽暦に変更した事に拠ります。季語、季題を重視する俳句では、この季節は最も混乱する季題です。

出番待つ ハウスのいちご 雛祭り

When strawberries were cultivated outdoors, the season was from spring to early summer.  However, with the development of greenhouse cultivation technology, the season for strawberries as a food ingredient is now December-June, and it is now widely distributed from autumn to the spring of the following year.  Strawberries are the protagonist of Christmas ingredients.  In fact, strawberries in the cold season from December to January are the sweetest, and the warmer they are, the stronger the acidity tends to be.  Following New Year’s Day and Valentine’s Day, the Doll’s Festival is the last turn of strawberries.  Strawberries grow faster when the temperature is high and slower when it is cold.  Growing slowly in the cold winter months, strawberry will have a longer time to store sugar, and the taste will be sweeter and richer.  The cold weather was severe and long this winter, so the strawberries at this year’s Hinamatsuri are likely to be sweeter with less acidity.

いちごは露地栽培のころは春から初夏が旬でした。しかし、今では、温室栽培の技術発展に伴って、食材としてのいちごの旬は12月 – 6月とされ、秋から翌年春まで多く流通するようになりました。クリスマスの食材の主役はいちごです。実際、12月〜1月にかけての寒い時期のいちごが一番甘く、暖かくなるほど酸味が強くなる傾向にあります。お正月、バレンタインに続き、雛祭りはいちごの最後の出番です。いちごは気温が高いと成長が早くなり、寒いと遅くなります。冬の寒い時期にじっくりと成長した方が、糖分を溜める時間が長くなり、甘みの強い、濃厚な味になります。今年の冬は寒さも厳しく長かったので、今年の雛祭りのいちごは酸味が少なく一段と甘いいちごになりそうです。

様変わり アニメ時代の 雛祭り

Hinamatsuri is a festival of peach festivals to pray for the healthy growth of girls.  You will decorate the Hina dolls, decorate the peach blossoms, and enjoy eating and drinking such as white sake and sushi.  According to a questionnaire survey, 91.2% of households celebrated the Hinamatsuri, which is the first festival.  You can see that the traditional culture is deeply inherited.  On the other hand, there is also a collaboration cafe that holds a Hinamatsuri event by pushing the popular anime “Kimetsu no Yaiba” to the front.  During the period, Nezuko Kamado and Shinobu will welcome you in kimono, and there will be a limited drink with amazake arranged in a peach flavor.  For many middle-aged and older generations, the “Kimetsu no Yaiba” itself is unknown.  Set in the Taisho era in Japan, this is a sword fight anime that depicts a boy who is the main character fighting demons to return his sister who turned into a demon to a human being.  The Hinamatsuri is also a good example of how it changes with the times.

♭♭♭ ひな祭り ♭♭♭
