山茶花や ひと冬越して 花二輪

Recently, the weather is getting worse on weekends, but the good weather continues on weekdays.  The temperature is still low, but looking at the next week, there are days when the minimum temperature is 4 degrees or 5 degrees, and there are days when the maximum temperature exceeds 10 degrees, so every day I think it’s becoming more like spring. The sasanqua flowers that bloom in the nearby park haven’t had much momentum, but if I look at the flowers one by one, it may be the most beautiful time.  Sasanqua, which adds color and soothes to the murderous scenery of winter, is also a baton touch on camellia and plum blossoms.  It is a complicated feeling that the feelings of regret and waiting for the arrival of spring are mixed.


独り家に こどもメジロが 訪ねきて

There is a bird singing by the window.  It is Mejiro (white-eye).  It has a beautiful color that looks like a mixture of young grass and moss green.   The body is small, and even because of the singing, it still looks like a child.  It seems that it came in from the sliding door of the balcony that was opened for ventilation.  Perhaps I was attracted to the smell of apple pie prepared on the plate for tea.  It seems that the plum blossoms in the nearby parks and temples have also blossomed a lot, so they must have come from that area.  But I’m happy.  Suddenly I remembered the old Dicklan man I read a long time ago.


Unlike the dying hummingbird that the old Dicklan got, the Mejiro in front of me is full of energy.  I want the bird to stay more, but I opened the window and missed it.




富士に梅 桜に菊が まほろばぞ

Today is “National Foundation Day”.  Until 1948, it was the day called “Kigen-setsu”.  In any case, it was established as a day to commemorate the day when Japan was founded.  “Kigen-setsu” is the name of the era when the reinstatement of Tennoh Emperor was strong.  Japan was defeated in World War II and was abolished by GHQ in the sense of reducing the power of Tennoh Emperor.  Since then, the movement for its resurrection has increased year by year.  Then, in 1966, “National Foundation Day” was established with the purpose of “remembering the founding of the country and cultivating a love for the country.”  There are many opinions, but I think it’s good to think of Japan as a person, celebrate its birthday, deepen ties with the people who live in that country, think about its background and history for a day, and imagine it.
Today’s Haiku is my favorite Haiku, so I use it every year.


儚さを 雪に託して 念仏寺

There is a Nenbutsuji Temple in Adashino, deep in Kyoto Sagano. They call this temple Adashino-Nenbutsuji Temple.  Adashino’s “ada” means sad or ephemeral, and it has come to be called Adashino-Nenbutsuji Temple from “ephemeral Nenbutsuji”.  There were three major graveyards in Kyoto, Toribeno, Rendaino, and Adashino, but as the character of Tori(bird) indicates, they were originally sky burials and wind burials.  Cremation was the mainstream in Toribeno and Rendaino near the center of the city during the Heian period, but sky burial and wind burial continued for a long time in Adashino, which is far from Kyoto.  In the Kamakura period, there was a theory in Tsurezuregusa of Kenko Yoshida that began with “the dew of Adashino never disappears”, in which he said, “As you can see Adashino and Toribeno, the world is Mujo(Nothing is certain). Time goes by, I don’t know what’s ahead. That’s why the world is beautiful! “.  And Adashino Nenbutsuji is still a place with a strong sense of impermanence.
The photo is the Mizuko Jizo (a praying hall for miscarried fetus’ and aborted fetus’) at Adashino Nenbutsuji Temple.


春の花 生けて満載 レストラン

As soon as I entered the restaurant, I noticed gorgeous fresh flowers.  The plate says roses, stocks, sweet pea, lilies, and ooshima-zakura.  All are flowers that represent spring.  It is still cold outside and the weather is light snow, but it is a fresh flower that reminds us of the arrival of spring at once.  Cultivation techniques and breeding are progressing, and cut flowers are supplied regardless of the season.  Also, what should not be overlooked is the amount of cut flowers imported.  The import value of cut flowers is increasing, although it fluctuates year by year, and is about 40 billion yen.  In particular, the number of long-lasting flowers such as carnations from Colombia and chrysanthemums from his Lacia is increasing rapidly.  Flowers are also under the influence of technological innovation and internationalization.

レストランに入るとすぐ目に付いたのが豪華絢爛の生花。プレートには、バラ、ストック、スイートピー、ユリ、ケイオウザクラと書いてあります。どれも春を代表する花々です。外はまだまだ寒く、小雪がぱらつくお天気ですが、一気に春の訪れを思わせる生花です。栽培技術も品種改良も進み、こうして季節に関係なく切り花は供給されます。また見落としてはいけないのは切り花の輸入量です。切り花の輸入額は年毎に増減はあるものの 増加傾向で、おおよそ400億円くらいです。特にコロンビア産のカーネーション、マ レーシア産の菊といった花持ちの良いものは急速に増加しています。まさに花も技術革新と国際化の影響下にあるわけですね。

侘び寂びの 心が揺れる 藪椿

As Sen no Rikyu advocated, “Flowers are in the field,” flowers and tea ceremony are inseparable from each other.  At the tea ceremony, the period from May to October is roughly divided into the summer “season of the wind furnace” and the period from November to April of the following year is the “season of the furnace” in the winter. By changing it, you can prepare a tea ceremony where you can enjoy the seasonal feeling.  Chabana is the most straightforward expression of that seasonal feeling.  We use seasonal flowers, but the “season of the wind furnace” is the main role of Mukuge, and the “season of the furnace” is the main role of the camellia.  The camellia uses flowers that are fully open, while the camellia is used according to the season, such as buds, half-open, and full bloom.  Each camellia that has been bred by camellia lovers has a name, and there are hundreds of them.  The camellia in the tea room, which has been extremely simplified, colors the tea room with one red point and makes you feel the solemnity of life.


日は燦々 背中丸めて 梅花見


In Osaka, the temperature is around 1 ℃ every day in the morning.  It seems that there are places below freezing in some places, but it is relatively warm compared to the weather information received from all over the country.  It seems that there are still many places where the plum blossoms are “buds” or “beginning to bloom”.  The nearby plum garden is not in full bloom yet, and some people enjoy watching plum blossoms by spreading goza mat, but all of them are sitting with archiving their backs.  It’s the coldest time now, and you’ve been patient for a while.  Spring is definitely approaching.


金柑で 喉の調子は あゝあゝあ

I got Kinkan(kumquat).  It’s sweet.  Was it so sweet?  When I was a kid, I remembered the kinkan in the garden of my grandmother’s house.  I often ate kinkan, which grew in clusters, when I found time in the middle of play.  By the way, I buy “Kinkan throat lozenges” at convenience stores.  Kinkan is used not only for the throat but also for antipyretic, coughing and colds in Chinese medicine, and is said to be good for recovery from fatigue and poor circulation.  The skin is sweet and the fleshy part is sour and bitter, so it is a rare fruit that only eats the skin.  Fruits are produced from October to November, but now is the tast season.  It appears in many haiku, including the work of Ryunosuke Akutagawa.  However, in haiku, the fruit is the autumn seasonal word(a seasonal indicator in a haiku, such as the moon for autumn and wild ducks for winter), and the flower is the summer season word, but Kinkan hasn’t the winter season word.


生命萌ゆ 雪をも解かす 蕗の薹

When entering the mountain, there is a round hole in the swamp where snow has fallen all over. Fuki-no-toh (butterbur sprout) is almost always sprouting there.  Where is the energy to melt such snow in the  Fuki-no-toh ?  I can’t believe it.  The energy stored in the young shoots may be the source of the unique aroma and bitterness of  Fuki-no-toh.  In the old days, it was often found in river islands, river banks, and around irrigation canals.  I don’t see it at all now.  At supermarkets and markets, 6 packs are sold for about 350 yen, but the unique flavor of Fuki-no-toh has disappeared.


桜かと 見紛う淡雪 富士の嶺

Today 2/4 is Risshun(the first day of spring).  Spring is about to begin.  The cherry blossoms looking up at Mt. Fuji are covered with light snow as if they were in bloom.  The light snow falls from the deep blue sky, fanned by the cold wind, as if the petals were scattered.  It’s round of seasons that repeats every year, but this year’s scenery is different from usual.  Maybe it’s because of the feeling of my getting old, or because I’m worried about the world of the corona epidemic, or maybe they are mixtures.  Even so, Mt. Fuji, which has greeted Risshun, is beautiful of course.
