日は燦々 背中丸めて 梅花見


In Osaka, the temperature is around 1 ℃ every day in the morning.  It seems that there are places below freezing in some places, but it is relatively warm compared to the weather information received from all over the country.  It seems that there are still many places where the plum blossoms are “buds” or “beginning to bloom”.  The nearby plum garden is not in full bloom yet, and some people enjoy watching plum blossoms by spreading goza mat, but all of them are sitting with archiving their backs.  It’s the coldest time now, and you’ve been patient for a while.  Spring is definitely approaching.


金柑で 喉の調子は あゝあゝあ

I got Kinkan(kumquat).  It’s sweet.  Was it so sweet?  When I was a kid, I remembered the kinkan in the garden of my grandmother’s house.  I often ate kinkan, which grew in clusters, when I found time in the middle of play.  By the way, I buy “Kinkan throat lozenges” at convenience stores.  Kinkan is used not only for the throat but also for antipyretic, coughing and colds in Chinese medicine, and is said to be good for recovery from fatigue and poor circulation.  The skin is sweet and the fleshy part is sour and bitter, so it is a rare fruit that only eats the skin.  Fruits are produced from October to November, but now is the tast season.  It appears in many haiku, including the work of Ryunosuke Akutagawa.  However, in haiku, the fruit is the autumn seasonal word(a seasonal indicator in a haiku, such as the moon for autumn and wild ducks for winter), and the flower is the summer season word, but Kinkan hasn’t the winter season word.


生命萌ゆ 雪をも解かす 蕗の薹

When entering the mountain, there is a round hole in the swamp where snow has fallen all over. Fuki-no-toh (butterbur sprout) is almost always sprouting there.  Where is the energy to melt such snow in the  Fuki-no-toh ?  I can’t believe it.  The energy stored in the young shoots may be the source of the unique aroma and bitterness of  Fuki-no-toh.  In the old days, it was often found in river islands, river banks, and around irrigation canals.  I don’t see it at all now.  At supermarkets and markets, 6 packs are sold for about 350 yen, but the unique flavor of Fuki-no-toh has disappeared.


桜かと 見紛う淡雪 富士の嶺

Today 2/4 is Risshun(the first day of spring).  Spring is about to begin.  The cherry blossoms looking up at Mt. Fuji are covered with light snow as if they were in bloom.  The light snow falls from the deep blue sky, fanned by the cold wind, as if the petals were scattered.  It’s round of seasons that repeats every year, but this year’s scenery is different from usual.  Maybe it’s because of the feeling of my getting old, or because I’m worried about the world of the corona epidemic, or maybe they are mixtures.  Even so, Mt. Fuji, which has greeted Risshun, is beautiful of course.


節分に 干し鮭旨し 祝い酒

The taste of salmon that is salted at the end of autumn and then exposed to the cold wind to dry is exceptional. By drying, excess water is removed and the density of umami ingredients increases, and by exposing it to cold wind, the degree of aging of the body and salt further progresses, and the original flavor and umami of salmon is brought out. Compared to “salt salmon” that is simply salted, the taste is much better. Generally, salted salmon are called “Aramaki salmon”, which suppresses saltiness, but on the other hand, “Shiohiki salmon” is characterized by its saltiness because a large amount of salt is used. It is used as a gift for the New Year, but it is a perfect side dish for sake during the Setsubun and Hinamatsuri seasons.


コンビニは 恵方巻きロールで 大商戦

Tomorrow 2/3 is Setsubun.  Speaking of Setsubun, you are associated with “Mamemaki(abean-scattering ceremony) “, but now it is completely “Ehomaki”.  Setsubun is originally the day of the turning point of the season, and it is held four times a year, but from around the Muromachi period, Setsubun has come to refer to the day before the beginning of spring.  “Ehomaki” started from the local culture of Osaka in the 1980s.  Heading toward “Eho” (north-northwest this year), where the Toshigami God is, you will bite into a whole Ehomaki while silently thinking of your wishes.  “Ehomaki” generally refers to thick rolls of seafood, vegetables, eggs, and vinegared rice wrapped in seaweed, but recently a new face has appeared again.  It is “Ehomaki roll”.  It is an abbreviation of “Ehomaki roll cake”, and as the name suggests, it is a roll cake that imitates Ehomaki.   Convenience stores are competing fiercely sales battles for “Ehomaki roll cake”, devising new ways with plenty of fruits.


凛として 名前通りの 雪割草

From New Year to spring, Yukiwariso(hepatica nobilis) grows its stems and blooms by breaking the accumulated snow.  The flower language “confidence” and “patience” are also given because they wait for spring under deep snow, overcome long and harsh winters, and bloom pretty flowers as the snow melts.  It has a long history of cultivation in Japan, and there is a record that it was selected as an excellent flower in the selected varieties during the Edo period.  It only opens when it is exposed to warm sunlight and does not open when it is cloudy or cold.  It is an easy-to-grow plant that blooms one after another if the environment is suitable, and has recently become common in florists.  It is also called “Misumiso(triangular grass)” because the leaves are triangular.  There are 10 varieties in the world, 4 of which are from Japan, and the Omisumisou in the photo is one of them.


一皿の 寿司に椿の 花暦

I’ve come to hear the word edible flower a lot lately.  The culture of eating flowers exists all over the world because they use the flowers of plants as foodstuffs and are used for food.  Not only is it colorful, but because of its high nutrients, it is eaten in the West in the same way as fruits and vegetables.  There are about 70 kinds of flowers that are eaten as edible flowers, and you can choose from a wide variety depending on the timing of use.  Even in Japan, “Fukinoto(Butterbur sprout)” and “Nanohana(Rape blossoms)” have been seasonal vegetables for a long time, and yellow “Abokyu” and pink “Mottenohoka” chrysanthemum flowers are eaten as sashimi and vinegared foods. It is used for sashimi and sashimi.  In addition, salted cherry blossoms and cherry leaves are used for cherry blossom pickles and Japanese sweets.  It is also interesting to see the exaggerated names such as “Abokyu” taken from the palace of Qin Shi Huang and “Mottenohoka” taken from “Eating the chrysanthemum flower, which is the emperor’s crest, is impermissible”.


シクラメン 老いの心も 奮い立ち

Cyclamen has the standard colors such as red, pink, and white, but also has rare flower colors such as yellow in addition to them.  Furthermore, in the flower shape, there are double-flowered flowers and rococo flowers with waves in the petals, and even varieties with fragrance are announced one after another every year. However, what I keep my mind at the florist is the classic red, white and pink cyclamen.  And depending on the mood at that time, it may be red, white, or pink.  The flower language of cyclamen also differs depending on the color, and it is generally said that red cyclamen is “jealousy”, white cyclamen is “innocent”, and pink cyclamen is “longing”, “shyness”.   I don’t like the red flower word “jealousy”, but the Japanese name “Kagaribibana(Bonfire flower) seems to be associated with red cyclamen, and so I totally like it.


水墨画 雪で納得 銀閣寺

It is not well known that both Kinkakuji and Ginkakuji are the temples of the outside Tatchu (minor temple in the site of main temple) of Shokokuji Temple. Tatchu is the tomb of the monk who opened the temple or the tomb of a famous monk , and the larger one became a temple, and the much larger one was built a mountain outside temple outside the temple territory.  Therefore, both Kinkakuji and Ginkakuji are Tatchu of the Shokokuji school.  Shokokuji was built by Yoshimitsu Ashikaga, the third shogun of the Muromachi Shogunate, Kinkakuji was also built by Yoshimitsu at about the same time, and Ginkakuji was later built by Yoshimasa Ashikaga, the eighth shogun of the Muromachi Shogunate.  It is a famous temple that is ranked second in the five famous Temple of Kyoto.  In the past, it is said that there was a magnificent site of about 140,000 tsubo in the center of Kyoto, and there were about fifty tower temples.  Even now, there are Doshisha University and Kyoto Sangyo University on the site of about 40,000 tsubo.  Ginkakuji is located at the northern end of the “Philosophy Road” that connects Higashiyama, Kyoto from north to south, and Sesshu, a young man, also practiced Zen and learned ink painting.
