雪あかり 微かに虹む 吉野窓

Giouji Temple was also buried in the snow.  Giouji is a tragic love temple that appears in “The Tale of the Heike”, which is classified as a military memorial story, and a famous temple of Kyoto Sagano.  Giou (21 years old), who was chased from Kiyomori’s residence, with his sister Gion (19 years old), his mother Swordsman (45 years old) and Hotoke-gozen (17 years old) who realized “someday I have the same fate”, abandoned the old grudge and spent the rest of their lives.  The large round window in the Thatched waiting room is called the Yoshino window.  It is also called a “rainbow window” because the sunlight that normally shines through the green leaves in the precincts reflects colorful colors on the shoji screens.  Now, I can see the snowy landscape outside from the slightly open shoji, and there is a faint rainbow.


雪の朝 ひしと抱き合う 寒紅梅

“In this calm and peaceful spring sun, the flowers are falling without calm mind”
It is a famous Tanka poetry by Ki no Tomonori, which was selected in the collection of Japanese poems “Kokin Wakashū” in the early Heian period.  Needless to say, the “flowers” that appear here are cherry blossoms.  In the Heian period, flowers meant cherry blossoms.  This hasn’t changed since then.  However, the era of “Manyoshu” was the era of plum blossoms rather than cherry blossoms.  The number of plums selected in “Manyoshu” shows its popularity.  There are 43 songs about cherry blossoms, but 110 songs about plum blossoms.  Plums are more than double the number of cherry blossoms.  It was in the Heian period that it was reversed.  In the “Kokin Wakashū” created in the early Heian period, there are about 18 songs about plum blossoms but 70 songs about cherry blossoms.  The gorgeous cherry blossoms reflect the times against the plain plums.  After that, Sakura had a great influence on the spiritual formation of the Japanese people.

「久方の ひかりのどけき春の日に しづ心なく 花の散るらむ」

ひとり来て 雪の貴船に 人恋し

Kyoto is snowy everywhere.  As I wanted to visit Kibune in the snow, I took the Kyoto Eizan Electric Railway from “Demachiyanagi” to “Kibuneguchi” and then took the Kyoto bus to “Kibune”.  As expected, there is more snow than in the city of Kyoto, but it’s snow-removed and it’s not a problem to walk. Occasionally, cars pass by with squealing snow tires, but the number is small and the summer congestion seems to be a lie.  The “Kurama Shrine” that I am aiming for is usually about 10 minutes on foot, but I think it took two to three times as long.  When I arrived, my body was a little sweaty.  There wasn’t as much snow as I expected on the stone steps, and when I passed through the mountain gate, I even took off my snow jacket.  There were three and five figures in the precincts, but I suddenly missed them.


春漁に 備え日向で 網直し

On a sunny day in mid-winter, even if the sun is shining brightly, the coldness of the sea breeze pierce me to the bone.  A colorful fishing net is dried on the side of the seaside.  Looking closely, I can see that an old fisherman is silently repairing the net, hiding behind the net. It’s like a picturesque. With my consent, I immediately took a snapshot with my smartphone.  This is my proud photo.  If I  ask carefully, this fish net is a fish net for Kinmedai(a bright-red fish with golden goggle eyes), and it seems that the body of the Kinmedai at this time is firm and fat.  At first, I thought I was preparing for spring fishing, so I sang “For spring fishing …”, but he was in the middle of fishing for Kinmedai.


大寒も 風呂に浸かれば 春日和

It’s Daikan. It’s  “About half a month to end the end of winter” Every year, and it is about January 20th to February 3rd.  February 3rd, the last day of the Daikan, is Setsubun, and recently, “Ehomaki” has become a standard food for “Setsubun”.  At convenience stores, it is now a promotion battle for “Ehomaki”. On the other hand, the water drawn in Kan-no-uchi(during midwinter) of the coldest winter is called “Kan-no-mizu(cold water)”, and it has been said that sake, miso, and soy sauce prepared with this water will be delicious.  It’s in the middle of that preparation now. In this way, we await the arrival of spring every moment.


雪便り 桜便りの 朝散歩

The corona sickness caused by the Omicron strain is steadily expanding.  To date, the number of infected people in the world is 330 million, the number of deaths is 5.55 million, the number of infected people in Japan is 1.9 million, and the number of deaths is 18,433.  By the way, it is estimated that 400 million people were infected with the Spanish flu in 1918 and 100 million people died.  On the other hand, the number of fatalities due to natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and accompanying tsunamis and fires was 300,000 in Bangladesh (Cyclone), which ranked first, and 105,000 in the Great Kanto Earthquake (earthquake / fire), which ranked ninth, and 19,000 in the Great East Japan Earthquake (earthquake / tsunami), which ranked 31th, and 6,300 in the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake (earthquake / fire), which ranked 44th. In this way, the harm caused by infectious diseases is an order of magnitude greater. I want to somehow escape from this corona disaster by the end of this year.


寒月も 霞むトンガの 火山灰

On January 15, 2022, the submarine volcano “Hunga Tonga Hunga Harpai” off the coast of Tonga erupted.  It is a large eruption that is said to be “once in 100 years” and “once in 1000 years”.  It is said that the eruption has a height of about 20 km and a radius of about 240 km.  In the future, dust will stay in the atmosphere for a long time and block sunlight, which may cool the earth.  In the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo on Luzon Island, Philippines, which is said to be the largest volcanic eruption in the 20th century, the eruption reached the stratosphere and blocked sunlight, causing the temperature to drop by about 0.5 degrees on a global scale.  In the northern hemisphere, crops have become poor in some areas, which are about twice as low as usual, and even in Japan, it was a record cold summer in 1993, and the government has had the experience of urgently importing Thai rice and other rice.  In addition, there are concerns about tight energy supply.  With the growing reliance on solar power, solar power is an unreliable energy in an emergency.  Nuclear power generation is one of the strengths of such an emergency.  It is unpredictable what the impact of the Tonga volcanic eruption will be in the future, but I think we must build a system that can restart nuclear power generation at any time.


幾星霜 御霊安かれ 117

I will never forget the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake on January 17, 1995.  Even now, 27 years later, it will be revived vividly.  In addition to this, in that  year, there was a subway sarin incident in March, an ANA hijacking incident in June, and a sodium leak accident in the fast breeder reactor “Monju” in December.  It was a year when social unrest overwhelmed Japan, but it was also a year when events that symbolized the dawn of the Internet era occurred.  At midnight on Thursday, November 23, the Japanese version of Microsoft’s OS “Windows 95” began to be sold in Japan.  Akihabara in Tokyo and Nihonbashi in Osaka were a long line of customers who buy it from midnight.  It was also a year when the world changed completely.  Personally, I remember that I had some  troubles in my home and feel like wanting to run away, and I went on a one-week trip by car, following Basho’s footsteps.

1995年1月17日、阪神淡路大震災の事忘れもしません。27年経った今も鮮烈に蘇ってきます。この年には他に、3月の地下鉄サリン事件、6月の全日空機のハイジャック事件、12月には高速増殖炉「もんじゅ」のナトリウム漏洩事故も起こりました。社会不安が日本を覆った1年でしたが、一方ではインターネット時代の幕開けの象徴となる出来事が起こった年でもあります。11月23日木曜日午前0時、米マイクロソフトのOS「Windows 95」の日本語版の国内販売が始まりました。東京の秋葉原、大阪の日本橋は真夜中からそれを買い求める客の長蛇の列です。世界が一変した年でもあったわけです。個人的にも、家庭内にちょっとしたいざこざがあったり、何やかやでいたたまれず、芭蕉の足跡を辿って、車でですが、1週間の旅に出た事も思い出されます。

咲き初めし 梅の香りに 浮かぶ事

When I visit the nearby plum grove, it smells the strong plum scent.  There must be plums that have begun to bloom, and as I walk forward, bright red plums are beginning to bloom.  Normally, it will start to bloom in another week or two, but why did it bloom so early this year?  It seems that the temperature is lower than usual this winter, and there seems to be some other reason.  Tomorrow is January 17, the day when the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake occurred 27 years ago.  By the way, I left home early in the morning that day, but I remembered that the white plums I had planted in the garden were in bloom and I was distracted by the scent.  I’m a little worried.  I pray that my worries are needless.


薄雪に クリスマスローズ 今盛り

Christmas rose is a very popular flower for flower lovers.  Christmas Rose has a beautiful myth about the birth of Jesus Christ.
When the angel told the shepherds about the birth of Jesus, many people brought gifts for the blessing.  But one poor sheep-keeper girl had nothing to give and she couldn’t bring anything.  An angel came down to such a girl and shook the lily in her hand toward the ground.  Then, pure white flowers bloomed in full bloom, and it is said that the girl delivered the flowers to Jesus.  This flower was a Christmas rose.
Christmas rose is the English name, and Helleborus Niger is the correct name.  “Helleborus” means “food of death” and “Niger” means “black”, and the black roots of this plant contain poison.  In the old days, it was used to apply the poison to the arrowheads or dissolve it in drinking water to reduce the troops of the enemy country.
Christmas rose is a flower that has a beautiful myth and a scary side.
