もう春の 訪れ告げる 水仙郷

You can hear the news of daffodils here and there. Narcissus, known as the flower that heralds spring, is also known as the “Secchuka(flower in the snow)”.  It was named Narcissus because it grew up on the water’s edge, has a long life like a hermit, and is pure.  As such, daffodils have a long flowering period, which is between December and May of the following year.  The ones that are in bloom now are mainly Japanese daffodils, and the daffodils and the like bloom from March to April.  There are tens of thousands of narcissus cultivars, and typical varieties include daffodils, double-flowered daffodils, bunch-flowered daffodils, and lipstick daffodils.  Narcissus has long been popular as a fragrant spring flower, and the faint sweet scent of flowers is used in perfumes as a natural fragrance.


吹雪く夜も ペチカ囲んで バカ話

The depths of Yoshino, Nara Prefecture is already pure white around.  The friend’s house that came to pick me up is warm like spring.  The fire of the pechka is shaking. The night is going on with memories while roasting the amago caught in the nearby river. It is exactly “a fun pechka on a snowy night”.  This stove began in the 17th century in Scandinavia with a brick-enclosed fireplace.  It was introduced to Russia, and a stone fireplace and oven-style stove was created. It’s the pechka. It was introduced to Japan by the Hokkaido Development Commission around 1880.  The disadvantage of the pechka is that it starts up slowly as a heater, but once it is warmed up, it has the comfort peculiar to a stove, and by installing it as a partition between rooms, it is possible to heat multiple rooms at the same time.

奈良県吉野の奥はもう真っ白です。迎えに来てくれた友人宅は春の様な出暖ったかさ。ペチカの火が揺らいでいます。近くの川で取ったと言うアマゴを火に炙りながら、思い出話しに夜は深けていきます。まさに「雪の降る夜は 楽しいペチカ」です。このペチカ、17世紀に北欧で囲炉裏をレンガで囲んだ形式の暖炉が作られたのが始まりです。それがロシアに伝わり、石造りの暖炉兼オーブン形式のペチカができました。日本には1880年頃に開拓使により北海道に導入されました。ペチカは暖房としての立ち上がりが遅いのが欠点ですが、一度暖まるとペチカ特有の心地よさがあり、部屋と部屋の間仕切りとして設置することにより、複数の部屋を同時に暖めることができます。

Onsenに 賑わい戻る 虎の年

Before the coronavirus spread, I always met foreigners at any hot spring.  I don’t meet at all now.  Onsen is now the world standard language.  Wikipedia also says, “In Japan, onsen are the country’s hot springs and the bathing facilities and traditional inns around them. As a volcanically active country, Japan has many onsens scattered throughout all of its major islands”.  There are only a few days left this year.  Next year’s twelve zodiac signs in Chinese astrology is “the Tora”.  It seems that the image of “the Tiger” is that the harsher the winter, the more vital the spring buds will be, and the more spectacular the year will be.  I definitely wish to share this zodiac next year.


この子らにも サンタはやって 来たのかな

This is one of my favorite photos.  Once upon a time, sharing what was posted on Facebook was introduced as one of my memories today.  Perhaps it must be an ethnic minority girl in the northernmost part of Vietnam, which borders Yunnan, China.  Life will never be rich, but it has a happy expression.  These children are still rich judging from their clothes, and there are many poorer children in the world.  “The fact that one in six children in the world lives in extreme poverty means that one in six children must try their best to live”, says UNICEF’s Program Director, Sanjay Wijesekera.  I pray from the bottom of my heart that Santa will visit these children as well.


メリークリスマス リースを飾り 永遠(とわ)の愛

Merry Christmas!

That said, but Christmas is actually over this morning. The 24th, which is Christmas Eve, is the correct way to celebrate loudly.  In Japan, the 24th and 25th are like Christmas, and many people are planning a Christmas party for both days, but the excitement is on the 24th, and Christmas is over on the 25th.  So, according to Japanese customs, I said Merry Christmas.  Tomorrow, the Christmas decorations will disappear completely, and it’s finally time to prepare for the New Year. 
The Christmas wreath in the picture is often seen these days, but the Christmas wreath has the following three meanings.
 • Amulet
 • Pray for a good harvest
 • New Year’s happiness prayer
Since the wreath is in the shape of a ring, it has no end or beginning and is a symbol of eternity.  This meaning of “eternity” is fused with Christian agape (love from God to man), and it has come to have the meaning of wishing for “love from eternal God.”  The other is a prayer for a good harvest and a good harvest, which is a universal wish.



  • 魔除け
  • 豊作祈願
  • 新年の幸福祈願

リースは輪のかたちであるため終わりも始まりもなく、永遠性のシンボルです。 この「永遠」という意味合いと、キリスト教のアガペー(神から人への愛)が融合し、「永遠の神からの愛」を願う、という意味を持つようになりました。もうひとつは豊穣や豊作祈願で、これは世界共通の願い事です。

メリークリスマス 世界に灯せ 希望の火を

Like last year, this Christmas will be in the midst of a pandemic caused by the new coronavirus infection.  Currently, the number of infected people in the world is 277 million and the number of deaths is 5.38 million.  The number of infected people in Japan is 1.73 million and the number of deaths is 18,380.  Fortunately, Japan is by far the lowest number among the seven developed countries.  There may be geopolitical factors, but I think it depends largely on the high level of Japanese people.  Foreign friends are also surprised to find that most people walking around the city wear masks, despite the much lower number of infected people.


柚子の香に 無事息災を 祈る夜

The winter solstice has passed this year as well.  Just wondering if the days are getting longer and longer will make me feel better.  The winter solstice is the longest night of the year.  In 2021, the daytime of the winter solstice is 9 hours and 45 minutes, and the daytime of the summer solstice is 14 hours and 35 minutes, so the difference is about 5 hours.  I’m surprised again.  On the day of the winter solstice, various customs such as taking a yuzu bath and eating pumpkin have been handed down to the present day.  Yuzu-yu is said to have been started by a bathhouse in the Edo period from auspicious puns. The custom of eating pumpkin at the winter solstice seems to have taken root since the Meiji era.  In any case, the days will be long, but I will renew my determination to overcome the coming winter and work hard until the day when the cherry blossoms bloom.


冬はこれ 関東煮で ほっかほか

It’s been getting cold these days.  Kantou Daki is what you want to eat in the cold season.  In the Kanto region, this is called “Oden”, but we Kansai people didn’t know the word “Oden” when we were children. Besides, it is not called “Kantou Daki” but “Kanto Daki”.  Recently, oden is also sold at convenience stores, so Kansai people sometimes call it oden, but I think that many households still call it “Kanto Daki”.  The biggest difference between “Kanto Daki” in Kansai and “Oden” in Kanto is seasoning.  In contrast to “Oden”, which is deeply and firmly soaked in flavor, “Kanto Daki” is a sweet seasoning that uses light soy sauce, which is a staple of Kansai. The ingredients are also different from those of Kanto’s “Oden”.  One of the representatives is the inclusion of “whales”.  There were usually parts of whale called “Suji” and “Saezuri”.  Another indispensable item is “Gyu Suji(beef tendon)”.  It’s perfect for sweet Kanto boiled.


モノクロの 街風景に ピラカンサ

The roadside trees have completely dropped their leaves, and the scenery like Suibokuga(an ink painting) is spreading.  Meanwhile, Kazandemari bears fruit like a flower.  One point, just having this Kazandemari will change the scenery considerably. The fruit is a flat sphere with an orange-red or orange-red color.  It is the same group as Tachibanamodoki and Tokiwasanzashi, and is collectively called Pyracantha.  The branches have small thorns.  It may be a mechanism to protect yourself from birds.


放りこんだ 芋が気になる とんどかな

Recently, I haven’t seen Tondo(an open-air fire) at all.  When I was a kid, I used to see Tondo a lot somewhere on my way to school.  Mostly in the middle of the crossroads of the road, children on their way to school and adults who go to work surround the Tondo and warm up for a moment.  Nowadays, cars come and go frequently in such places, and it is illegal to burn Tondo. As soon as you do Tondo, a police car will come up to you with a siren.  On Sundays, we threw the sweet potatoes into the Tondo and shared the roasted sweet potatoes.  Today, I met a nostalgic Tondo and enjoyed old memories, the role of the road, and local words.
