It gets cold in the mornings and evenings, but the daytime sunshine still retains the remnants of autumn. Salvia potted in the room opens flowers one after another, and it seems as if they are dancing octopus. Normally, the flowering time of salvia should be over at this time, but it is still blooming probably because of recent weather changes. I said “Huyubiyori(winter weather)”, but there is a similar word “Koharubiyori(Indian summer)”. When I looked it up, “Koharubiyori” is a term that refers to a calm day from November to the beginning of December in lunar calendar. On the other hand, “Huyubiyori(winter weather)” is a term that refers to a mildly sunny winter day after the beginning of December, a day with a very winter-like sky. The phrase “winter weather” in Haiku is subtle.