吊るし柿 叩けば奏でる 里の秋

The hanging persimmons must have become quite sweet, because there are traces of birds biting. Birds know about it well and don’t get close to the astringent persimmons, but as soon as it gets a little sweeter, the birds gather.  I often see brass and charcoal hanging instruments, but when I was looking at the hanging persimmons, I was reminded of such instruments.  If you hit it, the song “Sato no Aki” may be played.  If I don’t bring it in early, the birds may eat it up in a blink of an eye.  Apply shochu to the persimmons I have taken in and let them dry, and I’m done with Anpo-gaki.


甦り 香りも新たに 菊花展

The chrysanthemums exhibition, which was canceled last year, was held for the first time in two years.  There is a way to say “waiting for a good opportunity for two years”, but it must have been a long-awaited two years for chrysanthemum lovers.  Stunning chrysanthemums with great care, such as three-tiered tailoring, cliff making, and daruma making, are on display.  The chrysanthemum, which symbolizes autumn in Japan as opposed to the cherry blossoms in spring, began to attract attention at the beginning of the Kamakura period, when Emperor Go-Toba liked the design of chrysanthemum flowers and made the “chrysanthemum crest” the family crest of the imperial family.  The breeding of chrysanthemums began at once from the Edo period, and at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, they were reimported to China, the head family, and changed the situation of chrysanthemums in China.  Also, even in Europe, which was not very popular at first, a British plant hunter, Robert Fortune, who visited Japan at the end of the Edo period, brought back Japanese chrysanthemums to his home country and quickly spread all over Europe.


湯浴びして まだ秋風の 囲炉裏ばた

After bathing in the hot springs, I’m relaxing at the hexagonal hall with a hearth.  A cool autumn breeze is blowing from the opened shoji.  Of course, there is no fire in the hearth.  Even in late autumn, the temperature is over 20 degrees Celsius, and the feeling of the seasons is mixed.  By the way, the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) was held in Glasgow, England from October 31st, and discussions are being held to strengthen global warming countermeasures.  If nothing is done, the risk of abnormal weather and sea level rise will increase further, so the focus is on whether each country can cooperate so that the global temperature rise from the latter half of the 19th century can be suppressed to 1.5 degrees Celsius.  Prime Minister Kishida, who had just taken office from Japan, also left for England on the morning of the 2nd.  I want him to disseminate Japan’s strong leadership to the world.


休耕田 コスモス畑に 大変身

The fallow field that I visited for the first time in a long time has been transformed into a splendid cosmos field.  It’s a sunny place, so it’s still in full bloom.  Recently, there are many places where these fallow fields have become popular as flower fields.  It’s great for flower lovers, but it’s also a little worrisome.  I’m not sure about agricultural terms.  The area of ​​abandoned cultivated land in Japan was flat at about 130,000 ha until 1985, but began to increase after 1990, and in 2005, it was 386,000, which is 1.8 times the area of ​​Tokyo.  It seems that there are various debates about its utilization, but from the viewpoint of agricultural security, it seems that agricultural land must cultivate the original crops and stabilize food.  It seems to be quite difficult due to various problems, but considering climate change and international affairs, I am worried.

久しぶりに訪れた休耕田が立派なコスモス畑に変わっていました。日当たりのいい場所なのでまだ満開です。最近はこうした休耕田を花畑にして人気を博している所があちこちにあります。花好きな者にとってはありがたいのですが、ちょっと心配にもなります。農業用語の事はよく分からないのですが。日本の耕作放棄地面積は、昭和60年までは、およそ13万haで横ばいでしたが、平成2年以降増加に転じ、平成17年には、東京都の面積の1.8 倍に相当する38.6万haとなっているそうです。 その活用を巡ってはいろいろ論議されているようですが、農業安保の観点から、やはり農地は本来の農作物を栽培し、食糧安定化を図らねばならないのではないでしょうか。様々な問題点があってなかなか難しい様ですが、気候変動や国際情勢の事を考えると、心配になってきます。

秋枯れて なお一輪の 朝顔や

The leaves are wilting and some are withering, but a single red Asagao(morning glory) is blooming as if leaning against a stone.  “Asagao” is an autumn season word, but it is cool quickly and there is no momentum anymore.  Speaking of Asagao, it is a flower that is so familiar that everyone knows it, but surprisingly the details are unknown.  From a global perspective, no other horticultural plant has changed its morphology as much as the Asagao, and most of its mutations were born in the Edo period.  Some of the most mutated ones were unable to produce seeds, and Edo period enthusiasts used genetic techniques to create a wide variety of morning glories.  People in the Edo period knew Mendel’s laws empirically.  In addition to Asagao, there are plants called Hirugao(day glory), Yugao(evening glory), and Yorugao(night glory).  Since it blooms similar flowers in the morning, noon, evening, and night, each name is given, but only the Yugao is an out-of-group flower.  Yugao is a flower of the Cucurbitaceae family, and “Kanpyo”, which is also found in sushi ingredients, is a roll of Yugao fruit.


桷(ずみ)の実が 明るく灯す 夕べ道

On the way home after the light mountain climbing, there is a tree that is about twice as tall as the height of my height, which is full of red fruits.  If you take a closer look, you will see a small apple-like fruit in the shape of a bell.  Immediately take a picture with my smartphone and check it with Google Lens, it says “Zumi”.  From April to June, flowers that look exactly like apples bloom, and it seems that they will bear fruit by this time.  “桷” is also written as “酸実”, and when the fruit is ripe, it has a strong acidity, but when it frosts, it has a slight sweetness.  And so when I put it in my mouth and chew it, it was sour and sour, and I spit it out of my mouth.  However, it seems that it becomes sweeter when it is more ripe, and it can be jammed.  Also, it seems that yellow dye can be produced from the bark, so it was a great learning experience.


秋を知る 宣言解除の カウンター

It’s been a month since the state of emergency was lifted.  I went to a nearby cafeteria for the first time in a long time.  It was past the time of meal, but there are quite a few customers.  There are still panels that separate the customer’s seats, but I don’t really care because I’m used to it.  When I finish my meal and go to the counter where I pay the fee, I found that beautiful cut flowers are displayed.  I forgot to pay the fee and took some pictures with my smartphone.  During that time, I noticed a clerk who was out of the kitchen and waiting for payment, and when I said “I’m sorry”, he answered, “It’s okay. I’m glad you like it.”  What a heartwarming moment!  The food was delicious.  The flowers were also good.  And above all, I was happy with the warm words of the clerk.  Today was the luckiest day of October.


さんざめく 銀杏もみじに ルンルルーん

There is a large ginkgo tree near the main gate of the famous Negoroji Temple in Iwato City, Wakayama Prefecture, and the whole tree is shining golden.  At the same time as it shines brilliantly, it seems to make a brilliant sound.  Recently, the feeling of the seasons is chaotic, and when I look at the calendar and think “Oh, it’s still October” or “Oh, October is already over”, and so every day I feel different. I remember that the ginkgo tree in front of me turned so yellow only during November.


もみじ葉の 擦れる音や 石山寺

Ishiyamadera Temple is located near the southern end of Lake Biwa, on the right bank of the Seta River, which is the only river that flows out of Lake Biwa.  The name of the temple is derived from the fact that the main hall was built on a huge bedrock of wollastonite.  Ishiyamadera Temple was founded in 747 by the Rōben monk at the request of Emperor Shomu.  During the Heian period, it was popular among aristocrats to visit Ishiyamadera Temple, and it is said that Murasaki Shikibu’s “The Tale of Genji” was inspired by the visit of Ishiyamadera Temple.  In addition, it appeared in the literature such as “枕草子(Makura-no-soushi)”, “蜻蛉日記(Kagerou-nikki)”, “更級日記(Sarashina-nikki)”, etc., and became the stage of the flowering of Heian dynasty literature.  The photo is the Tahoto surrounded by autumn leaves.


箒木が 見上げる富士は 雪化粧

“Tonburi” is one of Akita’s specialty ingredients.  The appearance is pale green like a fish egg, and the taste is as delicious as caviar, and it is described as “field caviar” or “Japanese caviar”.  In addition, it is rich in β-carotene and dietary fiber, and the contained component called “saponin” suppresses the rise in blood sugar level, so it is said that it can be expected to be effective in preventing diabetes.  The raw material for this “Tonburi” is actually Houkigi(a broom tree).  By the time it is planted in early summer, it is small, round, yellowish green, and grows as it is, but it begins to become reddish in autumn and turns bright red by this time.  It got this name because it could be used as a broom when it withered.
