里山に 期待に違わず 烏瓜

Every year around this time, I’m curious about Karasuuri(crow squirrels).  The mysterious flowers were in bloom this summer as well, so when I tried to enter the bushes where must have been fruiting, I found that the fruits bore as well as I expected.  Just then, the crimson color was even more vivid due to the setting sun. The fruit of Karasuuri is an egg shape with a length of about 5 to 7 cm, and before it is colored, it has a thin vertical stripe pattern on the green and looks just like a melon.  As it ripens, the striped pattern disappears, gradually turning orange, and finally turning red like a mixture of vermilion.  Although it is named crow, it has nothing to do with crows’ favorite food.  The fruit is so big that if it could be eaten,  it would be a crow.


そぞろ寒 明けて戸惑う 仏桑華

The sudden arrival of chills made Bussoge’s  expression look astonishing.  Originally born in a tropical country, Bussoge is a comfortable place to live in Japan, which is becoming subtropical.  The flowering season is long and continues to bloom from June to October.  But it’ll be amazed at the sudden changes in this season.  Bussoge is an evergreen shrub belonging to the genus Confederate rose in the Malvaceae family, and is the original species of hibiscus, which is widely cultivated worldwide. Hibiscus is a very modern name, but Bussoge has the image of smell like incense, so it is not well known to people.  However, there are records that Buddha Kuwaka has captivated people all over the world since ancient times.


夕照に コスモス光る 鷲ヶ峰

There is a large panoramic park of cosmos in Arida City, Wakayama Prefecture, which is the best in Kansai.  One million cosmos flowers are in full bloom on the summit of Washigamine at an altitude of 586m, and the winding Arita River and the sea surface of the Kii Suido beyond it bounce off the setting sun.  The temperature is quite low, and even wearing a long-sleeved shirt is cold.  There were a lot of people in the daytime, but now the number of people is getting smaller, and the big panorama that is approaching the evening sun is about to end.  The lower world seems to be pretty cool from today.  I have to hurry home.


カンナ咲き 今日が最後の 夏日かな

The temperature on the 16th in Osaka is 28 degrees Celsius, which is a “summer day”.  The expected maximum temperature on the following day, 27th, is 19 degrees Celsius, so yesterday was summer, today is autumn, or rather is late autumn.  News from the first snow from Hokkaido.  When I listen to the radio, I hear from listeners all over the country that they are preparing for the kotatsu.  For the last few years, I feel that everyone has been at the mercy of the turbulence of the weather.  The 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) will be held in Glasgow, UK, from November 1st to 12th this year.  At COP26, Parties will come together to discuss to accelerate action towards achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which were signed in 2015.  I can’t help feeling that I lost it late, but we also want to be actively involved.


秋の色 映して美(うま)しや 金目鯛

Kinmedai is in season from now on until December.  Kinmedai is named Tai, but it is not.  It is a deep-sea fish that lives near the bottom of reefs shallower than 200 m in water, such as the Sea of ​​Japan and the East China Sea, all over Japan except Hokkaido and Okinawa.  Larger ones exceed 50 cm.  Shimoda Port in Shizuoka Prefecture, where the fish caught around the Izu Peninsula and the Izu Islands are landed, is the number one landing in Japan, and it is traded at high prices such as “Inatori Kinmedai”, “Suzaki’s Day Return Kinmedai” and “Toro Kinme”.   In addition, Chiba’s “Choshi Tsurikinme”, Kochi’s “Muroto Okitori Kinmedai”, and “Matsuwa’s Jinkinmedai” are all branded high-class fish.  The eyes of Kinmedai are large, and the one with a clear eyeball and a beautiful crystalline lens inside is fresh.  In addition, the one that has a glossy whole body surface and the color is bright red, and the one that is hard to the touch is a fresh Kinmedai.


赤とんぼ 歌えばにじむ 里の秋

I feel so sad.  “Akatonbo(Red dragonfly)” makes me want to hum when I look at the autumn scenery.  The older I get, the more it oozes in my heart.  Gently hum alone.  The scenery around me becomes blurry as soon as I see it.  By the time I finish singing, my tears won’t stop.  His parents divorced when he was young. He could hear from her mother by the 15-year-old “Sister(a baby sitter) “ who his mother sent after she returned to her parents’ house, but he became not to be able to hear from his mother because “Sisters” married.  “Akatombo” was written by Rofu Miki, who worked as a therapist in Hokkaido, where his mother had lived, with such lonely memories.  The memories of the past are all different.  However, it is the “red dragonfly” that everyone wants to hum.


コロナ禍も 暮れ行く秋に 乾杯!

In Tokyo, it was confirmed on the 13th that 72 new people were infected with the new coronavirus, and it seems that the number has fallen below 100 for 5 consecutive days.  It’s an incredibly low number, given that the number of people infected each day was close to 6,000 at peak times.  I just pray that it will be settled as it is, but it seems that the third vaccination is being prepared, so I can’t let my guard down.  The temperature is still “summer day”, but next week it will drop by 5 or 6 degrees Celsius, so it’s finally late autumn.  It’s a very reminiscent autumn.


門前の 脇道にそっと ネリネかな

On the way back from visiting the historic old temple, Taima-dera Temple,  in Katsuragi City, Nara Prefecture, walking along the winding old road, flowers like cluster amaryllis are shining and blooming in front of the gate of the old house.  If I look it up on Google Lens immediately, it says Nerine Bowdeny.  After all it is a flower of the cluster amaryllis.  It blooms from mid-October to mid-November, one month later than Higanbana(cluster amaryllis), and is characterized by a long flowering period.  The flower name “Nerine” comes from the sea goddess “Nereids”, which is famous for the beauty of Greek mythology.  Also, it shines beautifully when exposed to the sun, so it is called “diamond lily” in English. Nerine was introduced to England in 1904 and was raised to an unexpected beauty from its original species by the hands of Lionel Rothschild, the owner of the Rothschild Bank.  That is Nerine Guernsey.  It came to Japan in 1912.

奈良県葛城市にある古刹當麻寺を訪ねての帰り、曲がりくねった古道を歩いていると、旧家の門前に彼岸花の様な花がラメを施した様にキラキラ光って咲いています。早速Google Lensで調べると、ネリネ・ボウデニーとあります。やはりヒガンバナ族の花です。彼岸花より1か月遅れの10月中旬~11月中旬に開花し花期が長いのが特徴です。「ネリネ」という花名はギリシャ神話の美しさで有名な海の女神「ネレイデス」からきています。また、太陽の光が当たると綺麗に光るので英名では「diamond lily」と呼ばれます。ネリネは1904年にイギリスに紹介され、ロスチャイルド銀行のオーナーであったライオネル・ロスチャイルドらの手によって、原種からは予想もしなかった美しさにまで引き上げられました。それがネリネ・ボウデニーです。日本には1912年に渡来しました。

祇王寺の 板戸を叩く 紅葉かな

Giou (21 years old), who was robbed of her position by the young Hotoke Gozen and was chased from Kiyomori’s residence, became a nun with his sister Ginyo (19 years old) and his mother Toji (45 years old) , and they lived in the Ojoin.  One night in late autumn, when she opened the door terrifyingly with the sound of hitting the board door, there was Hotoke Gozen (17 years old) who escaped from Kiyomori, realizing that “someday I would have the same fate.”  And then, Giou’s mother and children who abandoned the old grudge and the four people in front of the Buddha lived the rest of their lives in the narrow Ojoin.  It is said that the Ojoin, which occupied a large temple area over whole mountain, was devastated in later years and remained as a small Nunji Temple, which was later called Giouji Temple.


見るほどに 心は清(すが)し コスモスよ

Is it okay to call it lingering heat of the summer?  But the summer days are still going on.  The peak of the cosmos in the park is over, but it is blooming one after another.  The outline of the flower  is cleare than in its best, and the thread-like leaves are bright green.  Cosmos means beautiful in Greek, and from this meaning, the universe where stars twinkle beautifully has come to be called “cosmos”.  In Japan, it is originally written “秋桜” and read it as “Akizakura”, but after Masashi Sada wrote and composed the lyrics and Momoe Yamaguchi sang and made a big hit “Akisakura”, “秋桜” has become to be called Cosmos.
