雛祭り ブーゲンビリアで 飾ろうか Doll festival— Adorned with bougainvillea, Let’s decorate.

Today, the day after ‘Usui’ (Rainwater), the temperature exceeded 25°C in Isesaki City, Gunma Prefecture, reaching 25.4°C, and in Kamisatomimachi, Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture, it reached 25.1°C. This marks the first time this year that the temperature has exceeded 25°C in the Kanto region, making it the first summer day in Honshu as well. In a nearby park, bougainvillea is in full bloom. Speaking of ‘Usui,’ it is a period considered a prelude to the arrival of spring, as we pass the beginning of spring, and it is the time when snow turns to rain, melted snow and ice transform into water. It is also a suitable time for decorating hina dolls in preparation for the Doll Festival on March 3. There is a verse in a Hina Matsuri song that goes, ‘Let’s offer flowers, peach blossoms,’ but since peach blossoms bloom around the time cherry blossoms fall, plum blossoms are often used to decorate hina dolls. However, with the plum blossoms also finishing blooming due to this heat, cherry blossoms must be used instead. Many foreign tourists appearing on television are dressed in summer attire with short sleeves and shorts. The ‘Vernal Equinox,’ which marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring, is still a month away, making it completely confusing to understand the seasonal sequence.


山焼きも 春呼ぶもない 風物詩 Burning the mountain No sign of spring calling A seasonal poem in the wind

Yesterday, the 18th, was bustling with news of mountain burning. The controlled burns took place in Akiyoshidai National Park, known for its representative karst plateau in Mine City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, and at the nationally designated natural monument, “Oomuroyama,” in Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture. In the past, the practice of burning grass for livestock feed and thatching materials for roofs was widespread across the country. However, such activities have significantly decreased over time. Nevertheless, the tradition of grassland burning is still preserved in various regions throughout the country.
Recently, these controlled burns are conducted not with the primary purpose of livelihood but rather to maintain landscapes and ensure biodiversity. The spectacle of vast grasslands and mountains engulfed in flames serves as a poetic harbinger of spring, attracting numerous tourists.
New buds and insects emerge from the earth that has been warmed by mountain burning, but when it’s as warm as it has been these days, there may be no need to wait for mountain burning.


春告げる メバルは美味し 舌鼓 The spring heralds, the tasty rockfish savored— a feast for the palate.

The ‘Mebaru,’ characterized by its round, large eyes, is a coastal fish caught in a wide range of sea areas from Hokkaido to Kyushu in Japan. Due to its distinctive appearance, it is written in kanji as ‘眼張’ or ‘目張,’ and depending on the variety, it is also referred to as ‘目春’ or ‘Harutsugeuo,’ meaning ‘spring-telling fish,’ due to being frequently caught in early spring. The Mebaru belongs to the Mebaru family, with a wide variety of species—over 120 worldwide, and more than 35 in Japan alone. Although traditionally all referred to as ‘Mebaru’ in Japan, they are now categorized as ‘Akamebaru’ (red-eyed rockfish), ‘Kuromebaru’ (black-eyed rockfish), and ‘Shiromebaru’ (white-eyed rockfish) based on their body color characteristics.
Being a translucent white-fleshed fish with a mild taste, Mebaru is delicious even when consumed raw. However, a recommended Mebaru dish is simmering. Despite its firm texture when raw, simmering causes the flesh to loosen, with a slightly sweet seasoning that, when paired with white rice, evokes a sense of spring. Mebaru is relatively easy to catch, leading some to perceive it as a common fish similar to horse mackerel or sardines; however, it is, in fact, a high-value premium fish in the market due to its scarcity compared to fish like horse mackerel or sardines, which can be caught in large quantities at once.


梅の蜜 ただ満足気に メジロかな A white-eye, Contentedly sips The plum blossom’s nectar.

Whether it’s a bush warbler (Uguisu) or a white-eye (Mejiro) on the plum tree has been a subject of debate since ancient times. In reality, it is the white-eye that perches on the plum tree, but it is a fact that many people believe it to be the bush warbler. When we talk about Uguisu mochi (a type of rice cake) or Uguisu-iro (bush warbler color), it evokes the image of the white-eye perched on the plum tree. The bush warbler is brown and does not have the typical Uguisu-iro (yellow-green color). Japanese people have always loved the combination of plums and bush warblers. The earliest collection of Chinese poetry in Japan, Kaifuso (around 751 AD in the Nara period), features plums and bush warblers for the first time. The Man-yoshu (Nara period, around 783 AD) contains as many as 13 poems depicting plums and bush warblers. However, people from this era, and likely even up to the Edo period, were well aware that it was the white-eye, not the bush warbler, that perched on plum trees. In the Edo period, it became popular even among the common people in towns to keep bush warblers and white-eyes as pets, and this was because people had much more exposure to such birds compared to modern times. They were familiar with the ecology of bush warblers and white-eyes. Bush warblers are cautious and do not appear in places where there are unfamiliar people, and their diet consists of insects. White-eyes are attracted to sweet things and visit sasanqua flowers in winter and camellia and plum blossoms in spring. Due to the limited exposure to nature and the lack of knowledge about the ecology of bush warblers and white-eyes, the confusion arose from the modern misconception of the phrase ‘plum tree with a bush warbler,’ a seasonal expression, without understanding the true nature of these birds.


カメリアと 呼べば世界の 椿かな If they call it ”camellia”, It is Tsubaki in Japan.

When it comes to the iconic symbol of the world-renowned brand Chanel, it is the ‘CC mark’ or ‘Coco Mark,’ representing the initials of Coco Chanel. Another motif equally popular as the CC mark in Chanel’s designs is the camellia. The scientific name for camellia is ‘Camellia japonica,’ referring to the Japanese-origin flower known as ‘tsubaki.’ During the Edo period, camellias gained popularity among missionaries, and the botanist Georg Kamel, who was also in the Philippines at the time, brought them to Europe for the first time.
The camellia became known as ‘camellia’ in Europe, named after Kamel. It quickly gained popularity across Europe, even inspiring an opera called ‘La Dame aux Camélias’ (The Lady of the Camellias). The founder of Chanel, Coco Chanel, was deeply moved when she saw this opera at the age of 13. Influenced by the opera, she developed a love for camellias. Arthur Capel, Coco Chanel’s lover and a key figure in the early days of Chanel, is said to have gifted her a pure white camellia. Coco later expressed, ‘The Lady of the Camellias was my life,’ indicating the profound impact it had on her. The apartment where Coco Chanel lived still bears numerous camellia decorations, reflecting her enduring affection for this flower.

世界のブランド、シャネルのアイコンといえば、ココ・シャネルのイニシャルである「CCマーク(ココマーク)」です。そのCCマークと同じぐらい人気のあるシャネルのモチーフになっているのがカメリアです。カメリアの学名は「Camellia japonica(カメリア・ジャポニカ)」といい、日本原産の花である「椿」のことです。この椿が江戸時代に宣教師たちの間で人気になり、当時フィリピンにいた植物学者でもあるゲオルク・ヨーゼフ・カメルが初めてヨーロッパに持ち帰りました。

春一番 漁に備えて 網直し First spring gust –  Preparing for the fishing,  Mending the nets

Today, on the 15th, it seems that the first spring gust blew in the Kanto and Hokuriku regions. Last year, the first spring gust in the Kanto region occurred on March 1, making it 14 days earlier than last year. The term ‘first spring gust’ refers to the warm and strong south wind that blows for the first time over a wide area between around February 4, the beginning of spring, and around March 20, the vernal equinox, according to the definition of the Japan Meteorological Agency.
The name originated from an incident on February 13, 1859, when a fishing boat in Gonoura Town, Iki District, Nagasaki Prefecture, capsized due to a strong wind from the south, resulting in 53 deaths. Since then, the strong south wind known among fishermen as ‘Haruichi’ came to be called ‘Haruichiban’ (first spring gust). It is said that this wind was traditionally associated with the Hina dolls festival, and although this year’s ‘Usui’ (rainwater) is on the 19th, usually, the first spring gust often blows around this time.
Whether in the mountains or by the sea, the signs of spring seem unusually early this year. I sincerely hope that everyone in Noto can recover as soon as possible, and pray from the bottom of my heart that there will be no further disasters this year.


バレンタイン 頂けるなら ダークチョコ Valentine’s Day –  If I could receive,  Dark chocolate.

Today is Valentine’s Day. Recently, I’ve completely lost touch with it, but it unavoidably catches my eye whenever I open the internet. In Japan, there’s an awareness that women give gifts, especially chocolates, to men on this day. However, overseas, it seems more common for men to give presents to women. Also, the tradition of giving chocolates is unique to Japan; there isn’t such a custom abroad. The prevailing theory is that it’s a trap set by chocolate companies eager for profit. When I open the internet, it’s a parade of various chocolates everywhere. They may be sweet and delicious, but the chocolate that currently captures my interest is exclusively dark chocolate, also known as bitter or black chocolate.
Dark chocolate refers to chocolate with a cocoa content of 40 percent or more. It’s a mixture of cocoa mass, sugar, and a small amount of milk ingredients, with some variations excluding any milk ingredients. The commonly known chocolate is called ‘milk chocolate,’ which contains more milk ingredients than dark chocolate, resulting in a lower cocoa mass content. Dark chocolate is rich in a component called ‘cocoa polyphenols.’ The intake of cocoa polyphenols is believed to have various benefits, such as lowering blood pressure, preventing aging, preventing arteriosclerosis, addressing constipation, and preventing cavities. Additionally, it is said to promote mental and physical activity and prevent weight and BMI increase.
Particularly noteworthy recently is its reported effectiveness in preventing dementia. That’s what aging entails, isn’t it? On Valentine’s Day, and with chocolate, my interest lies primarily in anti-aging measures.


山海の 幸も豊かに 春日和 Abundant blessings from mountains and seas, On a warm spring day.

This morning was freezing at 1°C, true winter cold, but later the temperature steadily rose, and now it’s a warm 15°C. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, the temperature is expected to rise even further, reaching around 20°C on the 15th. The temperature will feel like early April, and in some areas it may even be record-breaking. Plum blossoms, cherry blossoms, and rapeseed flowers are blooming everywhere. The seasonal cycle seems to be progressing about half a month earlier than usual.
Yesterday, I had a meal with my grandchildren returning from Shanghai at a hotel in Nara. In the souvenir section, there were various colorful chocolates. When I thought about it, I realized that the 14th was Valentine’s Day. It’s the first time experiencing such a warm Valentine’s Day. I hope the chocolates don’t melt unnecessarily. On the dining table, there’s fresh winter yellowtail, firefly squid, and budding fuki (butterbur). The air is filled with the fragrance of spring, but the sherbet for dessert was the most delicious.


火祭りの 炎が見せる 心模様 The flames dance  Reveal the patterns of the heart  A burning mirror for the soul

On this National Foundation Day, the “Agon no Hoshi Matsuri” was held within the precincts of the main hall of the Agon Shu in Yamashina Ward, Kyoto City. Amidst the resounding echoes of the conch shell horns played by Yamabushi (mountain ascetics), and the resonating chants and drum beats, approximately 600 practitioners clad in the attire of Yamabushi threw around 30 million Goma sticks into two Goma platforms. Instantly, towering columns of flames rose. At times resembling the figure of Dainichi Nyorai, and at other times taking on the appearance of Deva kings or demons, the flames assumed various expressions. The “Agon no Hoshi Matsuri” is the largest annual event in the Agon Shu and is renowned in the Kansai region as a prominent fire festival. The now 50,000 visitors pray for good health, prosperity in business, and other blessings while witnessing the towering flames representing the culmination of their year. Founded by Seiyu Kiriyama in 1978 (Showa 53), Agon Shu is one of the few new religious movements based on Hinayana Buddhism in Japan. The estimated number of believers is around 30,000 to 40,000, with an additional 200,000 estimated as members.


初春や 襟を正して 富士の嶺 On first day of early spring, I straighten my collar And gaze at Mt. Fuji.

Today is the New Year’s Day of the Lunar New Year. A friend heading to Tokyo sent me a photo of Mount Fuji along with a famous verse. It’s a verse that purely describes the dignified and beautiful appearance of Mount Fuji. I tried to compose a verse inspired by the same photo of Mount Fuji, but somehow, my attempt was overshadowed by rationality, and I couldn’t create a clever verse. I find myself getting entangled in the current state of affairs; it’s challenging to separate my thoughts from the Gaza Strip, Ukraine, the U.S. presidential election, and the political situation in Japan. The upcoming U.S. presidential election, with the lacking integrity Trump and the dementia-affected Biden, seems like a choice between two undesirable options, deepening the world’s confusion. On the other hand, Japan is governed by a ruling party dominated by lawmakers engrossed in creating backdoor funds, alongside a dysfunctional opposition. It appears there is no hope for the future. The situation on the Noto Peninsula, combined with the Osaka Expo amid these circumstances, is also a matter of concern.
