ありがたや 七草粥に 手を合わせ Grateful, hands together I have the seven-herb kporridge Feeling its warmth

Today is the Day of Seven Herbs in spring. It is said to be a day to pray for a year of good health, and to give rest to the weakened stomach from New Year’s celebratory meals and drinks by consuming seven herb porridge.
However, what remains a concern is the Noto Earthquake. Prime Minister Kishida has announced a policy to allocate 47.4 billion yen from this fiscal year’s reserve fund, and on the evening of the 5th, explained the plan to gradually use the remaining 460 billion yen in this fiscal year’s reserve fund for earthquake response. This means exhausting the reserve fund for the fiscal year 2023. The estimated total damage from the Noto earthquake at this point is approximately 800 billion yen, but the reconstruction cost is expected to exceed 1 trillion yen.
The national budget for the new fiscal year 2024 is 112 trillion 71.7 billion yen, which is lower than the original budget for fiscal 2023, which was the largest ever, but exceeds 110 trillion yen for the second consecutive year, with more than 30% of the financial resources coming from national bonds (debt). The difficult financial situation continues. The rigidity of national finances continues to progress. This year has only just begun, and we do not know what disasters may occur during this year. At a time like this, is it okay to hold an extremely slipshod “Osaka Expo”?
The Tokyo Olympics held in 2021 initially had a budget of 734 billion yen, but eventually swelled to 1,698.9 billion yen, and when including related expenses such as road construction, the total amount soared to 3,684.5 billion yen. The Osaka Expo is trying to follow this bad precedent.
“In the first place, Yumeshima, which will be the site of the Expo, does not have electricity, water, or sewage systems, and the construction is yet to be done.” It is said that the total cost of the Osaka Expo is likely to easily exceed 1 trillion yen. If we want to avoid a repeat of the Tokyo Olympics, I think we should cancel the Osaka Expo and use the 1 trillion yen for reconstruction costs for the Noto earthquake.


万博は 太陽の塔も 赤信号 The Osaka expo – Even the Tower of the Sun,  Red traffic light.

On the 5th, Tsuyoshi Shinjo, the representative secretary-general of the Keizai Doyukai, spoke at a joint press conference of three economic organizations, addressing the serious labor shortage in the construction of the Osaka-Kansai Expo venue amidst the aftermath of the Noto Peninsula earthquake. He stated, “The damage from the earthquake is in a very difficult situation. The world should understand the prioritization of human lives,” and mentioned the possibility of postponing the Expo. Among the three economic organizations, Masakazu Tokura, Chairman of Keidanren, and Ken Kobayashi, Vice Chairman of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, argue that the Expo should proceed as planned. Five years ago, on November 23, 2018, in a General Assembly of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) held in Paris, Japan (Osaka) was chosen as the host country for the 2025 Expo. At that time, the “Tower of the Sun” in the photo was brightly lit in red. On December 3, 2020, two years later, the illuminated “Tower of the Sun” no longer displayed the message ‘Celebration 2025 Expo Decision’ as it had disappeared. This was due to the declaration of a state of emergency following the rapid increase in severe COVID-19 patients. With the occurrence of the “Reiwa 6 Noto Peninsula Earthquake” today, it is indeed an “emergency.” The Tower of the Sun continues to shine in red. The situation is critical, with the budget already exceeding twice the initial estimate, participating countries hesitating, and the construction industry showing 80% indifference. Is there truly significance in proceeding with the Osaka Expo, ignoring this “emergency,” when the majority of the population and the construction industry remain indifferent?

経済同友会の新浪剛史代表幹事は5日、経済3団体の共同記者会見で、大阪・関西万博の会場建設の人手不足が深刻になる中、能登半島地震が起きたことに絡み「震災の被害は大変厳しい状況にある。人命第一という考えを世界は理解してくれるはずだ」と述べ、万博延期の可能性に言及しました。経済3団体の内、経団連の十倉雅和会長と日本商工会議所の小林健会頭は予定通り開催すべきだと主張しています。5年前の2018年11月23日、パリで行われた博覧会国際事務局(BIE)総会で、25年万博開催国に日本(大阪)が選ばれました。その時真っ赤に灯ったのが写真の「太陽の塔」です。2年後の20年12月3日、再び赤くライトアップされた「太陽の塔」には『祝 2025万博決定』が消えていました。新型コロナウイルスの重症患者の急増で「非常事態」が宣言されたからです。「令和6年能登半島地震」が起きた今、まさに「非常事態」です。太陽の塔も赤く灯ったままです。すでに、予算が当初の2倍を超え、参加各国も尻込み状態など、万博開催を危ぶむ状況です。国民の多数も無関心、建設業界も8割が無関心で、果たしてこの「非常事態」を無視して大阪万博を強行開催する意義はあるのでしょうか。

年始め 心が痛む 能登地震 At the year’s start, Heart aches deeply— Noto earthquake.

The Noto earthquake that occurred at 16:10 on January 1, 2024, now five days past, reveals the extent of the damage more clearly as the full picture emerges. This earthquake, named the ‘Reiwa 6 Noto Peninsula Earthquake,’ had a magnitude of 7.6 and a maximum seismic intensity of 7. However, it has been revealed that the ‘maximum acceleration,’ an indicator of the strength of the tremors, reached 2828 gal (gal is the unit of acceleration), comparable to the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Over 1000 gal, a benchmark for a ‘major earthquake,’ was confirmed at seven locations throughout the Noto Peninsula. The Great East Japan Earthquake had a magnitude of 9.0, a maximum seismic intensity of 7 on the surface, and a maximum acceleration of 2933 gal, highlighting the significant scale of the Noto earthquake. For reference, magnitude (commonly denoted as M) indicates the scale of an earthquake, while seismic intensity reflects the strength of the tremors at various locations during the earthquake. Comparatively, the Great East Japan Earthquake’s magnitude of 9.0 ranks fourth globally, emphasizing its extraordinary size. The Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake had a magnitude of 7.3, making the Noto earthquake surpass it and become the second-largest earthquake after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Earthquake intensity is rated on a scale of 7 as the maximum, with six occurrences recorded since the establishment of the intensity scale in 1949, including the recent Noto earthquake.


年明けは 梅を飛ばして 桜咲く At the dawn of the year, Even though the plums haven’t bloomed yet, Cherry blossoms bloom.

The Kawazu cherry blossoms, known for their early flowering, are already in full bloom. Kawazu cherry blossoms typically begin to bloom in late January to early February each year. The Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival, held annually from February 10th to March 10th since 2015, has adjusted its schedule due to the trend of earlier blooming in recent years. Starting from 2022, the festival has been rescheduled to begin on February 1st.
However, in recent years, irregular blooming of the Kawazu cherry blossoms has been reported from various areas, with some instances of blooming as early as October the previous year. It seems that, based on this trend, the festival may need to be rescheduled even earlier than February 1st.
Professor Kunitoku Ito, a distinguished professor emeritus at Kyushu University, has conducted computer simulations to predict the cherry blossoms’ blooming patterns until the year 2100. According to the simulation results, with an average temperature increase of about 2-3 degrees Celsius around Japan, the estimated “blooming forecast” for the 19-year average from 2082 to 2100 is expected to be 2-3 weeks earlier in the Tohoku region compared to the 19-year average from 1982 to 2000. Conversely, some warmer areas, such as parts of Kyushu, are projected to be 1-2 weeks later.
Furthermore, the simulation results indicate that not only will the blooming date of cherry blossoms fluctuate, but there will also be regions where cherry blossoms may not bloom at all or where even when flowers bloom, they bloom lazily and never reach full bloom.


初春に 只々祈る ご来光 In the early spring  I pray with all my heart  For the first sunrise

A harsh Nature that it seems like there are no gods or Buddhas. A nature that is rich in seafood, mountains, and the twilight of the four seasons that nurtures the soul. There are perhaps no people as deeply connected to nature as we Japanese. This can be seen by looking at the religious views of Japanese people. Japanese spirituality tends to emphasize harmony with nature. In Shinto, it is believed that gods reside in all aspects of nature, emphasizing the importance of respecting and cherishing it. Similarly, in Buddhism, nature is seen as a place to cultivate the path to enlightenment, highlighting the importance of coexisting with nature. Such beliefs can also be found in ancient Greece, among Native Americans, in Hinduism, and among the Maori people in Australia. This tendency contrasts with the dominant monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) and reflects the religious diversity in Japan, where Buddhism, Shinto, Christianity, and new religions coexist. It is common for individuals to simultaneously practice multiple religions. This religious tolerance is believed to stem from a reverence for nature.


能登地震 箱根駅伝の 年明けに The Noto earthquake, And the Hakone Ekiden, The new year begins.

In the year 2024, the sixth year of Reiwa, the new year began with the Noto earthquake. As usual, struggling with constipation, I was constipated as usual and couldn’t relieve myself in the morning, so I went to the bathroom near evening. My body felt shaky, so I thought maybe it was due to dizziness, so I exited the bathroom, only to hear reports of a significant earthquake in the Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa Prefecture. Without delay, news warned of a seismic intensity of over 7, with a potential for a tsunami exceeding 5 meters. Urgently, the female announcer shouted to evacuate immediately, leaving the television on. And then today,  the details of the earthquake have emerged. With a magnitude of 7.6, the cause appears to be the movement of a fault extending about 100 km along the sea. Comparatively, the Hanshin-Awaji earthquake had a magnitude of 7.3 with a fault displacement of 40 km. Thus, the Noto earthquake far surpasses it in scale. The anticipated Tokai earthquake, with a probability of over 70% within the next 30 years, is becoming an even more imminent reality.
Despite the unexpected start to the new year, the annual Hakone Ekiden, which I had been worried about, successfully took place. The 100th commemorative race saw Aoyama Gakuin University making a surprising comeback to win the first leg. It feels like a slightly revived New Year’s spirit.


ウクライナ ガザに平和を 辰よ征け Settle the conflict, Dragon Bring peace to Ukraine and Gaza, A bright 21st century

Happy New Year!
May this year be filled with happiness for everyone. In the Year of the Dragon, considered the most auspicious among the twelve zodiac signs, I pray for your prosperity.
The twelve zodiac signs, known as Juunishi, include the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Boar. In Japan, these are associated with animals, but in ancient Chinese oracle bone inscriptions, they were used to record dates, combining with the Ten Heavenly Stems. Over time, they expanded to include years, months, times, and directions. Outside Japan, particularly in China and Southeast Asia, they symbolize the cycles of life. Among them, the Dragon represents well-ordered conditions of plants and trees, unrelated to the dragon in today’s Japanese context. Due to the similar sound with the Japanese words for dragon, it eventually came to symbolize the mythical creature.
The Dragon is the only imaginary being among the twelve zodiac signs and has long been considered a symbol of success and development due to its ascent into the heavens. In Japan, there are many shrines dedicated to dragon gods.
As we welcome the New Year, cruel violence continues in Ukraine and the Gaza region. I hope for a swift return to peace and unity worldwide to address the global challenge of CO2 reduction.


コンビニの 年越しそばで 年を越し At the convenience store, Crossing into the new year  With New Year’s Eve soba 

New Year’s Eve soba, said to be eaten by 80% of the population. There are various theories about its origin, but during the mid-Edo period, there was a custom among Edo merchants to eat soba on the last day of every month, and only that tradition survived into the grand New Year’s Eve, becoming what we now know as ‘Toshikoshi Soba.’ December is so busy, it’s called ‘Shiwasu’ (teacher runs), and especially the last week of the year is hectic. Unlike today, stores used to be closed for the first three days of the New Year, so not only did you have to prepare Osechi dishes, but you also had to stock up on food for the three days. On the 31st, stores were open all night, and you had to go and buy any forgotten groceries. There was no time to sit down and have a leisurely meal. That’s why the tradition of quickly eating soba might have been born. In addition, there is a symbolic aspect of breaking away from the misfortunes of the past year and praying for longevity, contributing to making it a customary event on New Year’s Eve. Even now, more than 50% of people still make soba at home, but it seems that the number of people who opt for convenience store New Year’s Eve soba is increasing. With the increase in people living alone and the decline in the tradition of families gathering for meals, this shift may be attributed. However, the convenience store New Year’s Eve soba is surprisingly delicious. The tradition of Toshikoshi Soba is unlikely to disappear, but its form seems to be continually evolving.


富士の嶺に 思いを馳せる 年の暮れ   The end of the year, I gaze the peak of Mount Fuji, thinking of the future 

Amidst the abundance of entertainment programs on year-end television shows, there are scattered programs reflecting not only on the past year but also on the post-war era. Looking back on this year, domestically, the three-year-long COVID-19 pandemic seems to be finally waning. Many events that were previously canceled or scaled down have almost fully revived, and the influx of tourists from overseas has recovered to around 80% of pre-pandemic levels.
Starting with the 14-year-awaited victory in the World Baseball Classic in March, followed by the Hanshin Tigers’ first Japan Series championship in 38 years, and most notably, the astonishing performance of Ohtani-kun that captivated Japan until the year-end, the sports world has been buzzing with big news. Amidst such bright news, the political turmoil in Japan continues as usual. We must somehow exterminate the maggots that are springing up in the Nagatacho area.
Presently, Japan finds itself in a state where it significantly trails the United States and China in nominal GDP, possibly slipping to fourth place, surpassed even by Germany. Per capita GDP, standing at $34,000 in 2022, ranks 32nd globally and is the lowest among the G7 nations. The working-age population is the lowest among the G7. The prominence of “Made in Japan” is fading, and the world export share, which exceeded 10% in the peak year of 1986, has dropped to 3% in 2022. The competitiveness of major export items such as electronics and semiconductors has remained low. Beyond that, 78 years after the remarkable post-war recovery, Japan shows signs of systemic fatigue in various aspects.
Amidst this, signs of Japan’s resilience are beginning to emerge. According to Google, the most searched topics worldwide from 2004 to 2023 were related to Japan, and there are signs of a revival in the “semiconductor” sector, where Japan has maintained a high share in manufacturing equipment and materials. Above all, Japan, with its unparalleled traditions, culinary culture, and rich nature, continues to possess unique charm. It remains a popular tourist destination, securing the top spot in the “Countries Readers Want to Visit Again” category in a reader poll by the major U.S. travel magazine Condé Nast Traveler.
There is much more to discuss, but Japan seems prepared to make a leap. In the fields of economy, society, and culture, Japan may well dominate the world by the end of the 21st century. At that time, the world may truly find peace.


正月も 用意万端 百円ショップ New Year’s ready, All set with a hundred yen shop, Preparedness on point.

There’s a 100-yen shop on the second floor of the nearby supermarket. After getting a haircut, I casually dropped by, and at the entrance of the store, New Year’s goods are lined up in a cramped space. It looks just like toys, but they are practical items. It’s impressive that such products can be made for 100 yen. The market size of 100-yen shops is approximately 996.9 billion yen in sales and 9,000 stores. By the way, the market size of convenience stores is about 11.76 trillion yen in sales, with 57,000 stores. In terms of sales, it’s 1/12 of convenience stores, and in terms of the number of stores, it’s 1/6. Convenience stores and 100 yen shops have one thing in common: they have grown rapidly over the past 40 years, and they have recently been active in expanding overseas. It seems that there are one coin shops in each country, but major Japanese 100-yen shops like “Daiso,” with the signboard proudly stating “DAISO JAPAN,” make it clear that they are a Japanese brand, expressing reliability and a sense of high quality as they increase the number of stores overseas. Both convenience stores and 100-yen shops have become formidable competitors to department stores and major supermarkets. It will be interesting to watch what strategies they will adopt for their new overseas expansion.

近くのスーパーの2階に100円ショップがあります。散髪の帰り、何の気なしに立ち寄ったら、店の入口にお正月用品が所狭しと並んでいます。まるでおもちゃの様です。しかし、おもちゃではなく、れっきとした実用品です。よくこんな商品が100円でできたものだと感心します。100円ショップの市場規模は、売上高で約9969億円、店舗数で9000店舗です。因みに、コンビニの市場規模は、売上高で約11兆7,600億円、店舗数は5万7000です。 売上高はコンビニの12分の1、店舗数は6分の1と言う事になります。 コンビニも100円ショップもここ40年の間に急成長したこと、最近は海外展開に積極的な事も共通項です。各国ともワンコインショップはある様ですが、日本の100円ショップ最大手の「ダイソー」 などは、看板に「DAISO JAPAN」と日本のブランドであることを明確にし、信頼性や高品質感を表現して海外でも店舗数を増加させています。コンビニも百円ショップも今や、百貨店や大手スーパーを脅かす存在になっています。新たな海外展開に向けてどんな戦略を打ち出していくか見守っていきたいです。