吊るし柿 甘くなる頃 もう師走 Hanging persimmons, By the time they sweeten, December is here.

I turned harvested astringent persimmons into dried persimmons. It’s ideal to start hanging them around the time when the outside temperature drops below 10 degrees, but in a year like this one, where the heat persists, it’s challenging to find the right timing. I need to consider measures against mold and birds, and while dealing with birds is manageable, it’s difficult to address mold issues during such hot weather. When the daytime temperature exceeds 10 degrees, mold becomes more likely to develop, so I have to spray them with alcohol or something similar. I found various remedies online, but it seems like we didn’t used to worry about this so much in the past. This is yet another example of the impact of global warming close to home. In any case, in just one more month, we’ll be able to enjoy sweet dried persimmons. It’s something to look forward to, but by then, December will be here. Time flies; it’s already the end of another year.


荷車に 花を飾って 米俵 Decorating the cart, With flowers on the rice bags, Harvest’s vibrant art.

Autumn is the season of harvest, and among them, rice is the most essential harvest for the Japanese. The cultivation of rice, estimated to have begun around 10,000 years ago in the Yangtze River region of China, was transmitted to Japan through the Chinese mainland or the Korean Peninsula, but the exact timing of this transmission remains unclear. Rice cultivation mainly involves field cultivation and paddy cultivation, but the commonly practiced paddy rice cultivation in present-day Japan is believed to have been first introduced in northern Kyushu around 3,000 years ago (10th century BC). Paddy rice cultivation spread to the Kinki region approximately 300 years later (7th century BC) and reached the northern tip of Honshu about 600 years after that (4th century BC). Since then, it has been an integral part of the lives of the Japanese, continuing to this day.
The couple, having completed the rice harvest, loads rice bags onto a large cart and carries a basket of flowers they cultivated by the side of the field on their way back home. Across the river, you can see modern houses, but it’s unclear if they are aware of such a scene or not as they leisurely take a break.


咲かぬなら 咲くまで待とう ホトトギス If it doesn’t bloom,  Let’s wait until it does –  A hototogisu’s flower.

Oh? Some of you might be wondering. That’s right, the bird called “hototogisu” is famous for the three haiku by Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu that start with “Nakanunara, ~ (If you don’t sing, ~)”. I never knew there was a flower with the same name. When I visited a nearby art museum, I noticed an interesting flower blooming by the garden pond, so I approached it and saw a name tag that said “Hototogisu.” Upon investigation, I learned that the name “Hototogisu” was given to the flower because its spots resemble the feather patterns of the Hototogisu bird. Hototogisu is a cold-resistant perennial plant in the lily family that is native to Japan, Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, and more. It has been cherished by people for a long time and has also been used as a tea flower in autumn.
By the way, the English name for Hototogisu is “Toad Lily,” and it seems that to Westerners, the beautiful spots look sadly like the patterns of a toad.
As a side note, the haiku that mentioned Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu’s Hototogisu is famous for capturing the personalities of these three Sengoku warlords. But Konosuke Matsushita, the founder of Matsushita Electric (now Panasonic), wrote a haiku that goes, ‘If it doesn’t sing, that’s fine too, the Hototogisu.’ It’s a verse that reflects Mr. Konosuke’s unique and seasoned character.

ちなみにホトトギスの英名はToad Lilyだそうで、欧米人には美しい斑点は悲しいかなヒキガエルの模様に見えるらしいです。
余談になりますが、先ほどの信長、秀吉、家康のホトトギスを詠んだ句は、戦国武将三人の人柄をよく表している事で有名ですが、松下電器(現:パナソニック)の創業者である松下幸之助氏は「鳴かぬなら それもまた良し ホトトギス」と詠んだそうです。幸之助さんらしくて味わいのある句です。

切り株の ハロウィンお化けが 勢揃い At the tree stump, Halloween ghosts gather, As if Pumpkins.

In the Kuhoji Green Park in Yao City, Osaka, Halloween ghosts made from tree stumps always line up around this time. Halloween is an annual Christian festival held on October 31st, with its origins dating back to the ancient Celtic people. In ancient Celtic culture, November 1st marked the new year, and a grand festival celebrating the gathering of autumn harvests was held on the preceding night of October 31st. Later, as the Celtic people converted to Christianity, the customs of the celebration persisted, and the evening before the Church’s designated “All Hallows’ Day” on November 1st was shortened to become known as Halloween. Halloween was believed to be a time when not only ancestral spirits but also demons, witches, and wandering souls would come from the afterlife. As a result, people disguised themselves to look like these entities, believing that this would help protect them. This is why dressing up as witches, evil spirits, or monsters has become a classic style even in modern times.
In Japan, Halloween is primarily associated with the enjoyment of dressing up. Along with the classic costumes of witches, demons, and monsters, people often have fun by cosplaying as anime, manga, movie characters, or celebrities.

大阪八尾市にある久宝寺緑地公園には、いつも今頃になると、切り株で作ったハロウィンのお化けが並んでいます。ハロウィンは、毎年10月31日に行われるキリスト教のお祭りで、その起源は、紀元前のケルト民族にまでさかのぼります。古代ケルトでは11月1日が新年で、前夜の10月31日から秋の収穫物を集めた盛大なお祭りが開かれました。その後、ケルト民族はキリスト教化していきますが、祝祭の習慣は残って、キリスト教会が定めた11月1日の「諸聖人の日(All Hallows’ Day)」の前夜(All Hallows’ Evening)が短縮されてハロウィンと呼ばれるようになったと考えられています。ハロウィンには、先祖の霊だけでなく、悪魔や魔女、さまよえる魂なども死後の世界からやってくると考えられていました。 そのため、人々はそれらと同じ格好に扮装して仲間だと思わせることで身を守ったのです。 そのため、魔女や悪霊の仮装やメイクは現代でも定番のスタイルとなりました。

野に立てば 秋の景色は 万華鏡 Standing in the field, The autumn scenery is a kaleidoscope.

Standing in the field, I look around and see a riot of colorful flowers. There are no flowers that dominate the scene like the cherry blossoms of spring. Instead, the flowers come together to create a landscape of autumn. Soft clouds float in the clear blue sky, and they are reflected in the water of the pond below, sparkling in the ripples. As I stand in my designated spot and take a full turn, I become entranced as if I were gazing into a kaleidoscope. It is a quiet, solitary world. I wonder if I will wither away like the flowers that will eventually die, or if I will have a life that will return like these flowers after the winter. Such musings blend with the earlier kaleidoscope, circling in my mind.


朝一番 銀杏の実は 落ちたまま  First thing in the morning, The ginkgo nuts remain fallen,  Soon they’re gone.

When I go to the park early in the morning, I find many ginkgo nuts have fallen due to last night’s wind. People can be seen here and there picking them up, but there are still untouched areas. A little later, a crowd of people arrives, and in no time, the fallen ginkgo nuts disappear. By that time, some people come with long bamboo poles and fishing gear to knock down the remaining ginkgo nuts. The jade-like color of the nuts when you crack open their shells is truly reminiscent of ancient fossils. Ginkgo trees are survivors from over 100 million years ago, thriving in the era when a diverse range of large dinosaurs like Brachiosaurus, Stegosaurus, and Apatosaurus evolved and flourished. They are believed to have escaped extinction during the Ice Age when most other plants and animals perished due to their relatively warm habitat in the China region, where they are originally from. Ginkgo nuts are roasted and eaten or used in dishes like chawanmushi, despite their slightly bitter and chewy texture, which has its own unique appeal. However, it’s advised to limit ginkgo nut consumption to 1-2 nuts a day for children and to avoid giving them to those under 5 years of age. For adults, it’s recommended to consume about 6-7 nuts a day as a guideline, emphasizing the importance of not overindulging.

朝早く公園に行くと、昨夜の風で沢山の銀杏が落ちていました。あちらこちらで銀杏拾いをしている人がいますが、まだ手付かずの所もあります。もう少しすると大勢の人達がやって来て、瞬く間に落ちた銀杏は無くなります。その頃になると長い竹竿や釣具を持って銀杏を落としに来る人もいます。殻を割った時の翡翠色をした実はまさしく行きた化石を彷彿とさせるものがあります。銀杏は、ブラキオサウルス、サイスモサウルス、アパトサウルスなど多様な種類の大型恐竜が進化し繁栄した時代に最も繁栄した植物で、1億年以上も前から生き続けている植物です。ほとんどの動植物が絶滅した氷河期に、比較的に暖かかった中国地方で絶滅を免れたと考えられており原産は中国と言われます。炒って食べたり、茶碗蒸しに入れて食べたりしますが、ほろ苦くてもっちりした食感がなんとも言えません。ただ、小児は、1日に1~2個に抑え、5歳未満には控えるようにと言われています。 大人でも1日6~7個程度を目安に、“食べ過ぎない”ことが重要です。

干し柿が 甘くなる頃 もう師走  Dried persimmons,  Sweetening more and more by the time,  Then December arrives

I harvested a lot of astringent persimmons. It’s going to be a lot of work to peel them, string them up, and dry them. But the sweetness when I tried it when the surface of the dried persimmon turns white is exceptional. I’m even moved by the wonder that astringent persimmons can become so sweet. It’s also unrefined to think about tannins and everything in terms of reason. I guess people in the old days knew from experience that astringent persimmons would eventually become sweet if left on the tree. However, if you leave it alone, the birds will eat it sooner or later. So, the idea of skewering astringent persimmons was born. If you dry it in a place where birds don’t come, you can put it under a mirror cake on New Year’s Day and use it as a sword of the three sacred treasures. Around the Edo period, the current method of making dried persimmons became established because it was more efficient to hang astringent persimmons with strings than to skewer them. Since the sweetness of dried persimmons is 1.5 times that of sugar, it is said to be the king of sweetness among fruits.


うまし国 インバウンドが 寄せる秋 Beautiful Japan,  Autumn welcomes inbound tourists,  From all over the world

The word ‘inbound’ is currently very popular. ‘Inbound’ refers to the travel of foreign visitors to a country. In particular, in Japan, ‘inbound’ means ‘foreign tourists coming to Japan.’ According to a preliminary report from the Japan National Tourism Organization, the amount spent by inbound visitors in Japan from July to September this year reached a preliminary total of 1.39 trillion yen. The highest amount spent in a three-month period prior to this was 1.27 tr illion yen in April to June 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, and this has now been surpassed, reaching a new record high. This is attributed to the rapid recovery in the number of foreign visitors to Japan and the recent weakening of the yen.
Japan was ranked as the number one country to visit in a survey by a major American travel agency. The reasons for choosing Japan were cited as ‘unique cultural experiences’ (22.6%), ‘traditional cuisine’ (18.5%), and ‘abundance of tourist attractions’ (14.4%).
However, the current number of inbound visitors is just under 14 million, still 6 million short of the goal of 20 million. It remains to be seen whether this goal can be achieved in the next two months. I recall that before the COVID-19 pandemic, Japan had around 50 million inbound visitors and was aiming for 60 million.


すっぽりと 白いキャップは 今日の富士 A snug white cap、Caps the summit of Mount Fuji today、 Very nice figure.

I received news about today’s Mount Fuji. It’s been exactly two weeks since the first snowfall on October 5th. Back then, it was just a slight dusting on the summit, but today’s Mount Fuji is dressed in a casual white bucket hat. I’ve seen a young carpenter at my regular training gym always wearing this type of hat, and it’s quite stylish, so I learned the name of this hat. This year’s first snowfall on Mount Fuji is five days later than last year and three days later than the average year. Given the heat this year, I thought the first snow might come a bit later, so I was surprised by its early arrival.
From now on, the snow will gradually spread down the slopes, but I’ve never seen an all-white Mount Fuji. That’s because Mount Fuji is covered in forests below the 5th station, so even when there’s snow on the ground, it looks dark from a distance. A snowless Mount Fuji is beautiful in its own way, but a snow-covered Mount Fuji looks gentle and lovely, indeed.


手をかけず 畑に咲く花の 愛らしき Without human hands,  The charming flowers bloom in the field.  How lovely they are.

Finally, it feels like autumn. I picked some flowers from the corner of my fields and put them in a bowl. They are unexpectedly colorful, even though I didn’t take much care of them, just watering them occasionally.
This summer was really hot, and it lasted for a long time. Even though it’s already autumn according to the calendar, I don’t feel like it’s autumn yet. I’m sure the flowers are also confused. I’m not sure when the flowers I picked today will bloom or when they will be in full bloom, but the autumn’s representative flower, the higan-bana (the red spider lily), certainly bloomed in a different way than usual.The October cherry blossoms are also blooming later than usual, and I’m curious how it will affect the blooming of the cherry blossoms next year.
I said that it finally feels like autumn, but is it really? I guess I’ll know if I check the weather data, but considering this is the climate in mid-October, I guess my body will get used to it before I know it.
