アジとフキ 今日の収穫  春の旬 Saba and Huki— / Today’s benefits / Seasonal flavors of spring

I received the horse mackerel from a fisherman for 500 yen. At first, they said they didn’t need money and offered it to me for free, but I felt bad about that, so I insisted on leaving 500 yen even though they refused. The horse mackerel looks delicious with its fresh, fatty appearance right after being caught. There are plenty of butterburs growing on the nearby mountain, still a bit slender but soft and with a good butterbur flavor, so I picked only as much as I could eat for now. While they say ‘dumplings over flowers,’ both cherry blossoms and wisteria are delightful, yet nothing beats the freshness of spring food. They often say appetite peaks in autumn, but I think it’s not a bad idea to call it ‘appetite of spring.’ I’m contemplating how to cook the horse mackerel and butterburs today, but I’m also worried about not gaining weight.


秋田から タチツボスミレ 春便り From Akita / News of spring arrives / with tachitsubo violets

I received a photo of Tachitsubo violets from Akita. Unlike common violets, which have leaves directly from the roots, Tachitsubo violets grow stems that rise above the ground, and when the stems elongate, leaves sprout there, which is their characteristic feature. Additionally, their flowers are a light purple color. Tachitsubo violets are widely distributed from Hokkaido to the Ryukyu Islands, and outside Japan, from southern Korea to southern China. They can be found in various places such as fields, mountain forests, roadside in urban areas, parks, suburban groves, and even along irrigation channels. Although common violets are more dominant in urban areas, Tachitsubo violets are considered the largest among Japanese violets in terms of population. Even in Tokyo’s well-known Mount Takao, where many types of violets are found, Tachitsubo violets are overwhelmingly abundant. Near my home, I often see Akane violets, which have a reddish-dark purple color. It’s quite endearing to see them bravely blooming in small gaps between concrete along roadsides or in tiny crevices in sidewalks made of bricks.

秋田からタチツボスミレの写真がとどきました。タチツボスミレは、葉が根から直接でる普通のスミレと違って、成長すると茎は地表に伸びて立ち上がり、茎が伸びると葉もそこにつくようになるのが特徴です。また花の色も薄紫色をしています。タチツボスミレは、 北海道から琉球列島、国外では朝鮮南部、中国南部まで広く分布し、野原から山林内、市街地の道端、公園、郊外の雑木林、畦道まで広い範囲で見られるます。都会ではタチツボスミレよりスミレの方が優勢とされますが、個体数では本種が日本産スミレ中最大との評もあります。スミレの種類が多いので知られる東京の高尾山でも圧倒的にタチツボスミレが多いそうです。我が家の近くでよく目にするのはアカネスミレで、赤みがかった濃い紫色をしています。道路脇のコンクリートの隙間とか、歩道のレンガのちょっとした隙間に、健気に咲いているのが何ともいじらしいです。

咲き乱れ 桜の後は 藤の花 Blossoming wildly / After the cherry blossoms /  Wisteria blooms

The cherry blossom represents spring, but the wisteria, too, blooms abundantly across Japan, rivaling the cherry blossom. The history of wisteria cultivation is ancient, and expressions admiring garden wisteria can be found even in the Manyoshu anthology. There are two main types of wisteria: Yamafuji and Nodafuji. Yamafuji is native to Japan, and at some point in history, Nodafuji likely originated from Yamafuji. The way their vines twist differs: Yamafuji vines twist counterclockwise, while Nodafuji vines twist clockwise. Most wisteria seen today are Nodafuji, so when people refer to wisteria, they usually mean Nodafuji. The name was given by Dr. Tomitaro Makino, who named it after seeing wisteria in Nishi Ward, Osaka City. Wisteria attractions are now found throughout Japan, attracting foreign tourists just like cherry blossoms. The great wisteria tree at Ashikaga Flower Park in Tochigi Prefecture, often likened to the “Tree of Souls” from the movie “Avatar,” was selected as one of CNN’s “10 Dream Destinations for 2014” from Japan in January 2014. The popularity of wisteria among foreigners surged with the spread of images of the wisteria tunnel at Kawachi Fujien in Kitakyushu City on the web. Other famous wisteria attractions include the “Ushijima Wisteria” in Saitama Prefecture known for its nine-meter-long wisteria, the “Wisteria Shelf Road” in Hidakagawa Town, Wakayama Prefecture, which boasts the longest wisteria shelf in Japan and Fuji in Wake Town, Okayama Prefecture, which has the largest variety in Japan. There are countless other famous wisteria spots throughout Japan.


桜散る 池に朧(おぼろ)の 聖天堂 Cherry blossoms fall / Shotendo is faintly reflected in the pond / Covered with the petals 

During the late Muromachi period, at its peak, Negoro-ji Temple, located in Iwade City, Wakayama Prefecture, formed a major religious center with as many as 450 (some sources claim 2,700) priests’ residences. It held a vast temple estate of 720,000 koku and boasted a military force of over 10,000 warrior monks known as the Negoro Warriors. The sacred precinct of Negoro-ji, including the picturesque Seiten Pond, reflects the fallen cherry blossoms this year. Negoro-ji was founded by Kakuban, a monk from Mount Koya in the late Heian period. Kakuban, considered a learned monk following in the footsteps of Kukai, attempted to revive the faith at Mount Koya, which had declined at the time, and restore the teachings of the founder, Kukai. However, he was unable to achieve this and was driven out by the followers at Mount Koya, leading him to establish Negoro-ji at its current location. Subsequently, Negoro-ji grew into a major religious center as described earlier. In the era of the Warring States, not only warrior clans but also temples possessed numerous warrior monks. At that time, it was a monk of Negoro-ji who noticed the newly arrived matchlock gun on Tanegashima Island. They brought back the matchlock gun from Tanegashima and, using it as a model, had Sakai craftsmen produce the first matchlock gun in Japan. The matchlock gun quickly spread among the Warring States warlords, ultimately changing the course of Japanese history.


石楠花に 優しさ偲ぶ 廃屋や Shakunage blooms / I sense an owner’s gentle spirit / Of the ruined house

In the garden of an abandoned house in what is known as a marginally viable community, Shakunage (the rhododendrons) bloom gracefully. Carefully tended, their blossoms evoke memories of the kindness of the owner. The buzzing of bees breaks the silence of the surroundings. Shakunage is plant native not only to Nepal and Bhutan in the Asian continent but also to Japan. Introduced to the Western world from China by plant hunters in the mid-19th century, their beauty and grandeur astounded people of that time, leading to numerous hybridizations. Over 5000 horticultural varieties have been developed worldwide, becoming an indispensable part of Western gardens as flowering trees that adorn spring. Some of these varieties have been reintroduced to Asia and Japan, sometimes referred to as ‘Western Shakunage’ Compared to the native Japanese species, they grow faster and are easier to cultivate. Moreover, they boast vibrant colors and lavishness, earning them titles like the ‘Queen of Flowers’ or the ‘Queen of the Mountains.’


菊桃に 日本の雅を 偲ばるる Kikumomo bloom / Reminding me of the elegance of Japan / When staring at the flower

At the northern tip of Osaka Castle, along the northern outer moat, lies the ‘Osaka Castle Peach Orchard.’ It opened in March 1999 and currently boasts approximately 200 peach trees of about 12 varieties. Among these peaches, there are fruit-bearing ones and flowering ones, but all the peaches here are of the frower-bearing variety. Early-blooming varieties like Yaguchi and Kanpaku start flowering from early to mid-March. Following them, varieties like Genpei, Terute, and Kikumomo bloom, allowing visitors to enjoy until mid-April, including late-blooming ones.
The Kikumomo currently in bloom here have a tree height ranging from 2m to 3m, with branches thinner than ordinary peaches, and the trees are compactly clustered. Leaves do not appear when the flowers bloom; they emerge after the flowers have faded, similar to cherry blossoms. Another name for them is ‘Genjiguruma’ (Genji’s carriage). Genjiguruma, also called Goshoguruma, originated as a pattern on kimonos, depicting carriage wheels. It evokes the refined world of The Tale of Genji and was used as a family crest for its aesthetic significance. Kikumomo is a flowering peach imbued with such an elegant atmosphere.
Peaches are said to have been introduced to Japan during the Yayoi period, and in the Heian period, the Peach Festival on March 3 became a tradition, and peach blossoms began to be admired. During the Edo period, there was active breeding for ornamental peach blossoms, and most of today’s horticultural varieties were developed during that time. Currently, there is not much new breeding being done. In this sense as well, the Edo period was quite prosperous and laid the foundation for subsequent Japan.


いつ見ても しっとり落ち着く 花水木 No matter when you look at it / Hanamizuki flowers are calming and soothing

The name Hanamizuki is fitting. While cherry blossoms bloom in splendid arrays, attracting crowds for festive gatherings, Hanamizuki is a flower suited for quiet appreciation, alone or perhaps with a lover. Nowadays, it’s commonly seen as street trees, lending a serene ambiance to the surroundings. The tradition of planting them in Japan dates back to 1915, when Washington D.C. gifted them to Tokyo in return for cherry blossoms. In America, they’re known as dogwood, and just as Japan tracks the cherry blossom front, America tracks the Hanamizuki front. This underscores their popularity. The song ‘Hanamizuki’ by Hitoto Yo is often associated with them, created as a wish for the happiness of friends and their lovers residing in America after witnessing the tragic events of the 9/11 attacks. This song catapulted Hanamizuki to fame.

花水木と言う名前がいい。桜は一斉に咲くと豪華絢爛で、多くの人が群れ集まり、花見しながらの宴会がよく似合う。花水木は一人、せいぜい恋人とかと二人で密やかに見るのが似合う花だ。最近は街路樹になり、花水木の並木道もよく見かけるようになったが、しっとりと落ち着いた感じだ。日本における植栽は、明治時代末期の1912年に当時の東京市長の尾崎行雄が、アメリカのワシントンD.C.へサクラ(ソメイヨシノ)を贈った際、その返礼として、大正初期の1915年にワシントン市から東京市の贈呈されたのが始まりである。アメリカでは花水木はdogwood と呼ぶそうだが、日本に「桜前線」と言う言い方がある様に、アメリカでは「ハナミズキ前線」と言う言い方があるそうだ。それだけ花水木はアメリカでは親しまれている。花水木と言えば、一青 窈(ひとと よう)が歌った『ハナミズキ』と言ういい歌がある。2001年のアメリカ同時多発テロの衝撃的かつ悲劇的な光景を見て、アメリカに住む友人と、その恋人の幸せを願ってつくられたそうだが、この歌がきっかけで花水木は一躍有名になった。

街道を 香りが興す 藤の花 Wisteria blossoms / The once prosperous highway / Revives by the scent

In ancient times, there was a highway used for pilgrimage from the vicinity of Temma in Chuo Ward, Osaka City, to the Kumano Sanzan (Kumano Hongu Taisha, Kumano Hayatama Taisha, Kumano Nachi Taisha). From ancient times to the Middle Ages, many imperial family members, nobles, and samurai began to pilgrimage to Kumano Taisha along this highway. This highway, which had been called the “Nankaido” until then, eventually came to be called the “Kumano Kaido.” And “Shindachi-shuku” was the most prosperous post town along the Kumano Kaido in the southern part of Izumi. Even after entering the Edo period, it was called the “Kishu Kaido,” and it prospered as the first post town when the Kishu domain lord traveled to Edo for Sankin-kotai (alternate attendance). Eventually, with the advent of the Meiji era, Sankin-kotai declined, and even pilgrimages to Kumano fell out of favor due to the anti-Buddhist movements. Few people knew about “Shindachi-shuku” anymore. About 40 years ago, Masahiro Kajimoto, the head of the Kajimoto family who ran an inn in Shindachi during the Edo period while trading oils, planted a single wisteria in his garden. The wisteria, nurtured with great care, spread its vines in all directions over the course of 40 years, growing into a large tree with over 40,000 flower clusters. When the wisteria flowers begin to bloom, the fragrant scent of wisteria fills the air, and honeybees buzz around collecting nectar. During the peak wisteria viewing season in mid to late April, the “Kumano Kaido Shindachi-shuku Wisteria Festival” is held for about a week, bustling with more flower viewers than honeybees.


せせらぎに 揺れて漂う 花水盆 Flower water basin / Shaken by the stream / Floating and passing

It’s a sight I’ve never seen before. I don’t know whether the water basin came first or the flower arrangement called ‘hanachozu,’ but this way of arranging flowers has become a recent trend. ‘Hanachozu’ refers to the practice of arranging flowers in the basin used for rinsing one’s mouth and purifying oneself in front of gods or Buddhas, called a ‘chozubachi.’ Recently, the practice of arranging flowers in chozubachi, the so-called ‘hanachozu,’ has spread rapidly. The reason seems to be that many shrines and temples prohibited the use of chozubachi for infection prevention during the COVID-19 pandemic, but finding it dull, they attempted to float flowers instead, which became popular nationwide. Water basins are typically homemade, using wooden or ceramic trays to arrange flowers. Unlike fresh flowers, the characteristic is floating only the flowers in water. However, I’ve never seen water basins floated in a river like in the photo. Perhaps it was inspired by the tradition of releasing spirits on Obon or the idea of flower rafts. While flower rafts and spirit releases are facing prohibitions or regulations due to concerns about polluting rivers, floating water basins may not be favored either.


潮風に ネモフィラ揺れて 舞の洲 In the sea breeze / Nemophila swaying / Isle of Dance 

The Nemophila Festival is holding at Seaside Bark in Maishima, across the Yumemai Bridge from Yumeshima, which will be the site of the Osaka Expo. One million nemophila plants are planted on a vast site of approximately 44,000 square meters, overlooking the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge in the distance, and will be held for one month from April 6th to May 6th, when they are at their peak. The vast expanse of the Osaka Bay, scented with sea breeze, and the harmony of the clear blue sky make for a breathtaking view as the nemophila cover the hillside in blue. This festival has been held annually since 2019, with 240,000 visitors last year.
Nemophila, also known as baby blue eyes, is an annual plant native to North America and belongs to the Boraginaceae family. It blooms small blue flowers in spring and is often referred to as the fairy of the forest. It has a creeping growth habit, with a height of 10 to 20 cm and flower diameter of about 2 to 3 cm. Its Japanese name is “Rurikarakusa” (瑠璃唐草). Although nemophila has been in Japan for over a hundred years since its introduction in 1877 (Meiji 10), it was relatively unknown until about ten years ago. The current nemophila boom began in 2001 when nemophila planting began at Hitachi Seaside Park in Ibaraki Prefecture. In 2001, the annual number of visitors to the park was about 900,000, but in 2012 it was ranked among the world’s 11 most popular scenic spots in the world’s most famous scenic spots. As a result, Nemophila Parks spread throughout Japan.

大阪万博会場になる夢洲から夢舞大橋を渡った舞洲のシーサイド・バークで「ネモフィラ祭り」が開催されています。遠くには明石海峡大橋を望む約44,000 ㎡の広大な敷地には100万株のネモフィラが植えられていて、見頃を迎える 4 月6日から 5 月6日の1ヶ月間開催されます。丘一面を青く染め上げるネモフィラと潮風薫る大阪湾の広大な海、青く澄み渡った空のハーモニーは正に絶景です。2019年から毎年開催されていて、昨年は24万人が来場しました。